ITT tell about when your character killed innocent people.
ITT tell about when your character killed innocent people
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All the time.
There's no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.
Shoot, bandage and pillage: the dancing steps of war.
Shot some security guards when stopping another group from robbing the place. They just saw another guy with a gun running around and assumed I broke in to steal things.
A reflex - I didn't mean to...
>Plays Fiend patron warlock
>By some dumb luck Warlock becomes king of an entire country
>Actually tries to be a good king
>Fiend patron comes to me
"Hey, there's this diplomat coming soon. Kill him."
>Doesn't get a reason but character is not smart and goes along with it.
>Big banquet to welcome diplomat
>BTW other party members do not know about what the fiend told me.
>Tries to use magic to see if the diplomat has evil motives
>Turns out to just be good guy who wants both countries to prosper
>Consider that I don't want to piss off my patron so I kill the diplomat in front of everyone anyway.
>Other party members are shocked and NPC adviser nearly shits himself
>Warlock spends the next year in house arrest
But my Warlocks patron gave me a boon that let me use level 1 spells for free after that so I consider it a net gain
I programmed BTL chips, so that's a kind of killing
Not me, but one of my players has a track record of 'accidentally' killing civilians/non-combatants with his goddamn Mentalist because he never checks his goddamn line of sight on his 3000ft-long line of death Psychic Railgun.
I gave him a ring that lets him see through obstacles in combat, I hope he remembers to fucking use it...
If not, the next time might lead to TPK.
Biggest bullshit copout ever invented for gaming.
Vampire: The Masquerade. I failed a roll to not go into a frenzy. A good friend of my character's died.
Innocents die so that humanity may live. I ended their suffering, as I will end yours.
Rolled a critical failure on 'attempt to seduce barmaid', and the DM decided to be an ass about it.
I once mind bullet'd a druggie in Dark Heresy for 1k damage. He was mostly innocent, just attacked us unarmed and alone in desperation. No idea why I decided to go full Emperor on him.
>Good friend
Whatever you say, lick.
Mercykilled an innocent bystander bitten and infected by a shadowland demon in L5R. Completely forgot that another group member had sworn to try and save her.
not me but another player in my game that was a halfling
>running from underdark cops
>flee down alley
>women with basket walking towards him
>he climbs the women using his daggers shadow of the colossus style
>turns out she was preggo and he climbed baby first
we still make fun of him to this day
Man, a while back some friends and I ran a sci-fi mecha campaign that I can barely remember the system for, only that it managed to somehow perfectly replicate the soul-grinding banal evil of being a special forces operator perfectly. I never set out to make my character soulless, depressed scalpel of a human being, it just sort of happened.
There was a part where we were sabotaging the shit out of this PMC because they were double-dealing both sides of the war. Our mission was to infiltrate and mess with the incoming flight routes of spacecraft landing at one of their big spaceports, so that it would cause enough damage coming in to destroy all cargo and fuck up the station's operations for ages. My character had the highest computer related skills so he ended up being the one doing the fucking, and the GM gave me a few options on a highly successful roll regarding which incoming vessel I wanted to redirect and where I wanted to guide it. Naturally, I went for whatever would cause the most damage. On the way out it occurred to me that, wait a sec, this is a civilian station technically, isn't it? But by then it was too late, and something like 6,000 staff, civilians, and personnel pretty much unaware of the company's ill deeds died in the collision.
Sometime after that there was a bit where we had the option of venting the atmosphere in a smaller facility, and Control gave the order. One of my fellow players actually had his character be like
>shit, you know what, I can't do this no more
At which point Control told them it's fine, they can fall back to the ship. Now, user (me), complete your mission. And I didn't really want to gunfight my way through an entire hangar, so I did it.
By the end of the campaign both I and my character were desperate to save a few lives at least. My character and control were the only members of the team to survive the final encounter.
There turned out to be some magical fuckery going on one time I cast detect evil and my paladin saw an entire village of people glow evilly. After the party finished up the slaughter the DM laughed like an asshole. He wouldn't tell us why. Then I couldn't use any of my paladin abilities. Bahamut spoke to me in a dream and told me what had happened and that I'd fallen. The whole group was super pissed as the DM told us to change our alignments.
Shot someone in the face because they wouldn't drink antifreeze, no regrets. It was my life or theirs.
I kill where I wish, when I wish!
I burned down the tower of the local big bad with him inside. The GM gave us points for originality and execution of a well-laid plan. That said, we managed to evacuate, or steal, most of the servants of the tower including soldiers and the his family under his nose.
Party was taken by slavers and forced to work on a slaveship. My character worked his charms on the ugly orc quartermaster and got her to give up some gear. He started a fire on the ship and then hopped in the lifeboat with his crew.
I can only assume everyone died as the DM mentioned that we watched it burn all night.
He still had a "normal" amount of Humanity left in him before he frenzied that night. So yes, I would say it was accurate to say he still had genuine human 'friends'
First time playing d&d 3.5e
I was a dragonborn fighter and rolled really well
anyway my party kills it's way through a small dungeon of goblins and finds the end room full of goblin women, children and elderly.
we start discussing the best way to handle them,
nobody suggests anything realistic so I just said fuck it
I used my frost breath on the whole group of goblins
poor bastards
I had to retire that character as it felt odd to play a war criminal
As a Wizard, my party was attacked by a bunch of ragtag kids throwing rocks. The paladin froze in place so to warm things up I fireball all the children.
>hire a male bard to go annoy two female players
>at like 12:00 AM in game while they're in their inn room
>they start screaming stranger danger and kill the poor bard
>I sent an innocent bard to his death
Keep them coming.
>need corpses to revive pact master
>why spend gold on buying corpses when people literally bury them?
>some fucker with a shovel tries to stop me
>scythe to the neck
>one more corpse for the fleshy hate machine
They aren't innocent then. :^)
My character wiped out all neutral races in the world, which must include a lot of innocent people.
Doing god's work.
He lead an army against the Dark Lord, and his "Allies" cut his supply train, so he ended up having to make his army forage, which slowed his advance and created a famine. Despite shifting his army to disaster relief instead of immediately moving to punish the betrayers, thousands died, mostly children and the elderly.
The delay meant that the dark lord managed to unleash some secondary extraplanar evil beings, but they did stop him in time to prevent the apocalypse.
Needless to say he learned that lesson, and dealt with his betrayers and thone the unleashed evils bound themselves to on a more personal level than a clash of armies, even if he disliked skulking around like some sort of assassin in order to avoid the armies that his enemies raised in order to keep him from reaching them.
What would even be the point of that? Halflings are only like half as short as regular people, aren't they? It seems like it would be easier and faster just to run past/jump over them.
Not only is your DM a fag for doing that in the first place, but in the PHB I think it explicitly says a paladin must knowingly commit an act of evil in order to fall.
In a way... he didn't like it, but that was literally the only way to solve the problem of evil.
The choice was tough, but it was a setting where legit good races existed. At least those would survive and now be able to live in peace.
Some delicious copypasta relevant to the topic.
Technically, a noble's armed guards are innocent people even if said noble is a corrupt cunt. In that (and several similar) regard he's killed several, and that's not including "we're on opposite ends of a political conflict and just following orders/getting paid" kills.
He's only killed innocent noncombatants once, but managed to kill a whole lot of them in a very unpleasant manner through carelessness.
>invented for gaming
Original sin
Like i see your point but why not just kill him on the downlow
I mean there was that one time the party decided "Fuck it" and started offing people in a warehouse that we knew was *connected* to an evil gang in the city, but we didn't know whether it was *only* this evil gang using the warehouse.
Maybe it was DM retroactively letting us remain goodguys. But still felt weird as fuck when we picked over the bodies like "No yeah, it's cool, they've all got the spooky Tattoos, good riddance"
Was playing a Norscan Mercenary in WFRP.
Some corrupted guards showed up and tried to catch me for bs reasons in order to bring me to the big boss.
I go into a frenzy and end up messily slaughtering 3 of them in a few rounds of combat, spraying the onlookers with blood (I did some amazing rolls on critical hits).
One of the guards shits his pants and runs away into a crowd. I'm in a frenzy so of course I follow him. Some "brave" men try to catch me and hold me down... long story short, I killed 12 people before one of my team mates eventually cast a Sleeping spell on me to stop my rampage. By the time I was done, there was so much blood in the street that some people even slipped on it.
That's fucking retarded. You didn't become evil, you were tricked into committing an evil act under the pretense of doing good. I hope you stopped playing with that GM.
Half Goliath barbarian. We'd freed some peasants, a few soldier, and a few misc. people from a fort that had been taken over by I wanna say gnolls and a few undead. One of the people was a knight of the nearby city, he told us what was happening, that there was this, I wanna say necromancer in the fort preparing a ritual to create an undead horror or some shit. We go in with the knight, who agrees to help us kill the bastard. Well, he's putting on the finishing touches on his undead monstrosity, this giant mass of leeches feeding on and inhabiting a corpse, acting like limbs, weapons. It cast a spell on my barbarian, crown of madness. Barbarian goes in to cleave the monster and succeeds. Except the crown fades and its the knight cut in half vertically. It was the first time he'd killed an ally, and the first time he'd killed something he didn't mean to. It messed him up in the head a bit.
He carried the corpse back to town, turned it over to the local guards. When they asked what happened, he told them it was him, and was willing to accept punishment. They forgave him once they learned magic bullshit was involved, but he never forgave himself. He's gone out of his way to kill every one of the giant leech monsters he finds as quickly as possible, and has contemplated finding a better way to resist mind control, but we've been preoccupied with a city falling to an undead horde and freeing a banshee so it can protect a town so an angel can go back to burning the undead ruining the kingdom.
>Being tricked = being evil
At the very worst you could make a case of being too bull headed to investigate and spot inconsistencies, but I'm guessing the type of faggot that pulls this shit would never let someone actually find a way out of it.
so do you just kill everyone you see if you go to a lawful evil nation or...?
>evil detected
>slaughter everyone that pings evil without investigating
i know the gm was a fag and everything, nto defending him. But how is this a good way to play? Do peopel actually play like that?
I killed a child. In retrospect it was super out of character and the only reason it happened is because we were all new and were kinda riding the "wacky rpg" wave.
He called me and another elf knife-ears, so we murdered him late at night and framed a goblin, really took the campaign in a unique direction
As life ebbs, terrible vistas of emptiness reveal themselves
I wouldn't have killed him but just tortured him a bit. Maybe cut off his ears or something... that should have done the trick.
ahh, the old "bald-head and the bear" method.
Yeah, like i said it was pretty out of place. I gotta give HUGE props to my DM, since it led to a really memorable twist on LMoP. There were courtroom scenes, a whole town assaulting a castle and shit like that. I just really regret that it all came from me going "hurr bdurr wouldn't it be funny if I killed a kid for no reason"
>But how is this a good way to play?
If you ping evil you are a demon or a evil cleric lv5.
Yeah my campaign was a bit like that at the start too, it was probably because it was our first experience with RPGs though.
We raped a guy who had been trying to assassinate one of our party, shit was cash. Oh we also randomly killed some girl who was attempting to get us in trouble. Someone punched her so hard he fractured her skull and she died short later, forcing us to run away once again.
>bar fight starts
>not really paying attention
>attack someone sitting by the bar
>skewer some old drunk through the back with my long sword
I don't know why I decided to kill him, I had been knocking people out prior to this fight
I forgot to mention it in the green text but The Fiend patron wanted my warlock to kill the guy in public for everyone to see.
>beginning of campaign
>rebel prison camp
>gotta escape
>need weapon
>ask shifty halfling for a shank
>"what's in it for me?"
>"You get to keep your fucking kneecaps."
>rolled well, it works.
>go to pickup location
>there's a pissed off snake wrapped around it
>Firbolg, so tell him to slither elsewhere
>take shank and begin escape plan
>cast disguise self to become a guard before scheduled formation
>grab halfling and carry him to guard formation
>animated armour so just point at the struggling halfling
>real guards cart him off outside big prison gates
Turns out that those gates led to an arena with a Guardian Naga waiting in the middle of it. The halfling wasn't entirely innocent, but I didn't want to kill him. Little fucked never had a chance.
>Still in prison
>Escape Plan A didn't work, but got information for plan B to work
>taking as many useful people as I can with me
>trying to convince insane dude to come with me
>tin foil hat lunatic always talking about "them"
>try persuading
>roll a 1
>he starts screaming and immediately slits his own throat
>take his dagger and map he somehow had
The dagger was magic and caused his insanity. Inadvertantly killed him, but he was dead as fuck.
It was actually how my Paladin fell. We'd tracked down a large group of cultists trying to turn this from D&D to Call of Cthulhu. They had prisoners they were preaching to, searching for converts before they sacrificed them.
I knew how this was going to play out. We'd kill the cultists, free the prisoners, and one or more of them would have drank the kool aid, and restart the cult. I could see it in the DM's face; he couldn't quite hide his smirk that told me he was getting one over on us.
So my Paladin- beloved by most of the party for defying the "lawful stupid" and "fun police" tropes while still leading the party to saving towns, doing good, and generally being heroes, he gathers the party together, explained his plan, and assured them he would not think them any lesser if they had to stay out of the fight. None did.
So together, we defeated the cultists and their demons, rounded up the prisoners, and slaughtered them all, men, women, and children. The DM was frantic, trying to convince me not to; that I'd fall, that my god specifically would not want me to do this. I told him I knew, and I was doing it anyway.
The DM ripped up his notes and ended the session there, with his plans completely shot. My character never regained his Paladinhood; he refused to repent his actions. He turned himself in to his church, and after refusing to repent what he viewed as necessary, he was executed for his war crimes.
>But my Warlocks patron gave me a boon that let me use level 1 spells for free after that so I consider it a net gain
And this is why you're going to hell.
>murder mystery session, D&D 3.5 circa 2012
>someone is killing guests in this remote manor house
>"I bet it's a wild animal!" says the lord of the manor
>"why would it be that?" says party bard
>"I bet it is a fucking wild animal" says me
>split up
>bard confronts the "lord of the manor" and this shadowy wizard character lurking around with him
>meanwhile I find, what looks to me, to be a wild animal hiding in the basement
>bard declares that the wizard has clearly made an illusory copy of the manor lord, that he is the real killer
>I declare this weirdly bipedal man-like wild animal to be dead as I skewer it with my spear
>bard swings at the "manor lord" to prove his illusion theory, but instead crits and kills him in one hit
>bard is shocked to find this wasn't an illusion at all
>wizard rushes to fallen companion, distraught and in tears, teleports both of them away in a puff of smoke
>meanwhile downstairs everyone is complimenting me and what a great job I did finding the killer
>party wizard comments that this is an imp, not really an animal
>bard, alone in the room, cleans his weapon and slips away to rejoin us downstairs
>crushed he killed an innocent man
>I'm crushed that the lord of the manor disappeared before paying me for my good deed
OOC the DM told us that what actually happened was that the real lord of the manor had been turned into an imp by the antagonist wizard, who had also polymorphed his friend to look like the lord, as he appeared before he was an imp that is. There was a bunch of clues we hadn't found yet. So really, I killed the nobleman and the bard stopped the villains, but our characters never had any clue about what really happened.
Well, he was an Exalt and they just weren't.
We had been arrested in the strange country of nonhuman weirdos. Every 6 months they throw every criminal into an arena to fight to the death. Thankfully, the night before the big fight, the super important dmpc lady saved us!
Except Votig. Votig was a dwarven punchman. And he refused to flee. He stayed in the arena, determined to win the Judgment. So we bailed, got our stuff, and made a plan to save him if it went badly. See, the arena was right up against a river, and each of us had an element we were attuned to. We were the fuckin chosen ones, and my element was water. I was about to drown some bitches.
So the next day we're at the arena waiting to see how Votig does. He kills about 8 guys but he throws a knife at The Patriarch, who then offers freedom to whoever kills Votig. Things start going worse for him. Meanwhile, outside, dmpc lady was carving into the stone wall with her flamedaggers. You see, she is always awesome and never fails- so I asked her to do this. She easily weakens the wall. Once the guys inside tell me Votig is losing, I start to move the river. I had been sitting by it all day meditating and getting to know it. So the dm gives me a series of rolls. Good roll raises the water inside, bad rolls will eventually cause me to pass out and the water to recede. I rolled well every time, until the arena was full. Did I mention Votig died? It's the evil Patriarch's fault. Also who knew he couldn't swim? Not me..
The entire arena fills up with water and ice, crushing and drowning everyone inside. We estimated 30,000 people. DM allowed this. He was obviously a little inexperienced and things got out of control and then it was too late to tell me I couldn't.
Oh and then the water rushed out and he had me roll to prevent it from washing us all away and I rolled really well, and the bard rolled really well on his 'make me better at that' check.
oh anyway so probably 90% of the people inside were innocent
>mfw he kill the crusaders family
>Be a sneaky sorcerer guy,
>neutral evil but trying to be low key
>see two stone giants hiding around a corner, using a house as cover.
>I'm behind them
>team is around the corner they are camping
>they can probably kill one of my team mates with a full round attack in one turn
>no way to communicate this to team with out meta gaming
>cast explody spell of massive collateral damage
>the building full of "an untold number" of innocent civilians is annihilated in the attack that damaged and blew the cover of 2 stone giants
>relationship with mostly good and nuetral party suffers.
>"ends justified the means tho"
>Merchant and his partner are trying to get away on their wagon
>Cast sleep on the horse
>Horse falls to ground
>Wagon runs over horse, killing it
>Partner falls off wagon and gets crushed by wagon, dies
>Merchant barely has any life left
And then there was the time to I started a riot in the city just so I could appear to be a noble pacifist by stopping a riot.
or affected by certain spells, or possessed, or you rag on your team mates for using spells and abilities to do something moderately creative and demand a rule check on every thing and then complain combat is taking too long.
I've killed at least twenty innocent people in Delta Green alone.
My character has realized a long time ago that the only way to guarantee that there isn't some lingering horror is to sterilize the entire crime scene and investigation.
Sometimes he talks to his gun.
Sometimes doing the right thing isn't what's good, but is the only way to survival.
That paladin did the right thing.
>Entire party either unconscious or mind controlled
>DM has MC players bandage the unconscious (me) but says not to all roll new characters
>3 MC players told to go murder 3 people while I'm to be fed to a pet
>Player who wasn't there sees MC'd players run by, ignore her, then follows their tracks down to the dungeon
>DM comments this is odd (shes metagaming to save me p sure)
>1 person killed 2 never touched due to outside.. help... I had to revivify a guard and spare the dying another.
>the CN player still feels guilty to this day.
Goddamnit why do Good DMs suddenly go full retardo when there's a paladin in the group?
The Fucking GM is shit.
I would have had someone survive the massacre, by being seriously injured and playing dead, no detect for you guys, just a straight out GM fiat. I'd then use this character as someone who was good but turned to the evil gods over your betrayal and we now have a BBEG with character. I'd have your character fall obviously, and roleplay out the trial, including some "religious tests" to keep shit interesting, both as an adventure hook and a way to take your focus off the current plot to allow the BBEG to grow in power and regroup. In the meantime, even though you as a player might not acknowledge it, I'd give your character PTSD where I'd make you role a difficult wisdom check everytime you sleep or be fatigued for the next day. I'd give you back your powers, but you're keeping the PTSD. That way you've been punished for being a bit of a dick, you now have something to add to your character, we have a BBEG that has a reason to hate you and the players and the campaign continues on along the vein I want it to. And I pulled this out of my arse in the time it took me to finish reading your paragraph. Players will always do things you as a GM don't want them to, be creative and give an option which allows the game to continue, which punishes the play in character and ooc character, which also allows the character the option to grow and actually develop as a character. There should be a how to GM class taught for some of these people, I know guys that have GMed longer than me who are completely shit, and I was lucky to learn enough from a decent GM to start to copy a little of what made him good. Improvisation is probably one of the best skills a GM can have.
>just a straight out GM fiat
Cool that you were able to admit you're a shitty GM right off the bat so I could ignore the rest of your tl;dr
GM fiat is rule 0, my job is to keep the story moving, not to let a player crash what I've prepared to a halt. Fiat is shit when it stops players from doing what they want, but its perfectly fine in allowing a badguy or character survive an encounter you wanted them to survive, either they got resurrected or it was near death, my plans still go on, players still get their experience, everybody wins.
A pair of werewolves burst into a tavern my Half-Orc was chilling in. My guy tends to go into blind battle rages. I don’t carry ranged weapons since I prefer rocks aesthetically, so I was grabbing a ton of stuff like chairs and cups and just throwing them. Turns out I grabbed a woman we were protecting cowering behind me because I never specified what I wanted to be throwing.
Party wasn’t happy
>Geez, Krubb, you’re such an asshole. Calm down.
>pic related
Is a police officer really an 'innocent'? Is a bank teller truly free of the crimes committed by their organisation? Perhaps that mother and her three children were a gang of future serial rapists?
Like, intentionally? Because the time with the burning orphanage was collateral damage.
we tell him that and ask why everytime too, he just says he didnt think about it
Here’s one for you guys
> Be me, playing in group as a Bard in 5e.
> Be obsessed with jewels and gems
> Party consists of me, Druid, Barb, and Ranger. Pretty basic bitch group
> Zombies attack town we’re staying in, we kill them pretty easily and proceed to interview townsfolk to try and figure out their origin
> Before heading into noble district, I put on a disguise to appear as another noble to try and gain their trust
> Druid goes off to the church while Ranger and Barb come with me and pose as my bodyguards
> In the noble district, I strike up a conversation with a few and try and deduce if any of them know anything
> One mentions that he’s concerned about how the zombies are going to affect his business at his jewelry shop
> “Jewelry shop you say?..”
> Proceed to convince him to let me into his shop after hours so I can “Buy” some of his wares
> Send the Barb and the Ranger to go grab the Druid so we can meet up later
> Don’t want them to see me steal this guy’s shit, it’s all mine for the taking
> I proceed to the shop with the owner
> He starts showing me his wares, all of which are ridiculously expensive
> “Hmm, these are good and all… but I want to see the Good Stuff.”
> He goes to the back of the store for a minute
> Proceed to stuff my pockets with as much jewelry as I possibly can
> Owner comes back with a gem encrusted dragon egg
> Oh my shit that’s beautiful
> Try to convince the owner to give it to me cheap
> He’s not buying it and getting annoyed that I keep trying to haggle with such a priceless item
> Barb and Ranger show up
> See egg on the counter
> Barb looks at the shopkeep and says “We’re taking this now”
> Proceeds to knock out the shopkeep
> Try and grab egg and head out the back door before someone comes to inspect the ruckus
> mfw there’s no backdoor
> Here someone coming up
> Nah fuck this, I’m not going to jail
> Use my disguise kit to make the shopkeep look like another zombie
> Guard comes into the store
> “Oy, what the hell happened in here?”
> “Looks like the zombies got this shopkeep”
> Roll for persuasion
> Nat 20
> Guard leaves, we decide we need to get the fuck out now
> Put the egg in my satchel on the way out
> Druid sees us leaving the jewelry store
> “ Hey guys, what happened in there?”
> Druid is Lawful Good so we don’t want him to know
> “There was a zombie in the jewelry store, we took care of it though. We should get out of here before things get crazy. There might be more in there”
> Roll for persuasion
> Another nat 20
> “Well if there are more in there then we should take care of this. I shall set fire to the store and kill the rest of them so they don’t spread”
> Proceeds to set fire to the shop before we can say anything
> Jewelry store is up in flames with the shopkeeper in it
> Fire then proceeds to spread to the rest of the merchant district
> Fire then spreads to the chapel next to the merchant district
> Cityonfire.jpg
> We bail as people are rioting in the streets against the guards and the fire spreads to the rest of the city
> Totally worth it because I got muh gems
>play a mentally flawed wizard
>just a regular wizard if you like, but I digress
>team is based on a small hidden village on the plains, conducting small raids and trying to clear out bandit camps and witch covens
>by means of some strange shit going on, a gigantic Ooze swallowed the tavern's owner and a bunch of customers one night
>so we ended up becoming the de facto owners of the tavern
>one day we find an hidden trapdoor leading to a really really dark basement
>filled with traps and some doppelgangers, with some strange flasks hanging from the ceiling, connected to thin wires running at ground level
>I accidentally released 72 darktentacles onto the village by stepping on them
>our Paladin "solved" the matter by channeling Bahamut and making him angry
>a temple assploded, people got killed and an entire flight of friendly abeils were devoured by the tentacles
The means were questionable at best, but that's not the only time I royally fucked up. Cont?
She was infected and dying. Gave the character a good reason to stay with the group after getting rescued, though.
They took his mom, so he's going to take theirs.
If you're campaign is derailed that easily, it probably wasn't very well thought out in the first place.
>be pacifist
>Decide not to kill a dude
>Steal his weapons instead
>tie him up and subdue him
>hide him in closet
>other guards open closet the dude was in
>the dude alerts everyone
>not party wipe but the wizard and the barb died
>managed to sneak away
A guard's job is to get in the way of anyone who would threaten, harm, or kill their charge. They're innocent, yes, but they're beholden to their own rules of engagement and morality because they have knowingly stepped into an occupation of which death is an occupational hazard and a term of their service; to be willing to serve up to and including sacrificing their lives to save their charge. They, by duty, are knowingly on the terms of life and death when you go after their masters. So while they are technically innocent, they have their own rules of morality by which they play.
Similar to soldiers, which it's their job to put themselves against other soldiers in war to kill and try not to be killed to secure victory on the terms of their commanders.
Innocent as in someone who was not directly antagonistic but may have had to die for a goal my character had or innocent as in completely irrelevant and killed only for the sake of killing/fun?
While the rest of the party were looking for other clues, me and another party member decided to be more direct and tried infiltrate one of the smaller gangs in the city to find out more. It worked and we got to meet one of the gang leaders, but for some reason they wanted to brand us with a branding iron. Both of our characters didn't want to be branded so they were trying to persuade them that it wasn't necessary, but the second they tried to talk themselves out of it the gang members said they were going to hold us down and brand us. Most of the gang members surrounding us were young teens, so I decided that I was going to knock out one that was close to me and hold him hostage but for some reason the GM made the roll really difficult and I ended up killing him by snapping his neck, even though my character was supposed to be a very talented martial artist. He felt pretty awful after the confrontation.
>be us
>humble lambskin condom salesmen
>everyone in the town we arrive in looks sad
>upon investigating we find that monsters are terrorizing them and adults and children seem really out of it all day
>make a deal with the mayor for them to buy our condoms if we rid them of the monstors
>At night the beasts attack
>swarms of rats and then eventually larger were-rats
>we track the rats into the forest around the town
>start going to town only to realize that after killing them they revert back to their original form
>all the children from the town were the were-rats
>the other ones kept coming at us
>we kill just about all of them
>including the mayor daughter
>He still holds up his end of the bargain
>TL;DR we killed all the kids in the village and forced them to buy a shit ton of condoms
Does the phrase "Just... two... more..." mean anything to you?
I don't know who's more retarded: you not thinking an ENTIRE VILLAGE pinging as evil was weird, your party members blindly slaughtering those people, or your dickass DM coming up with this shitty "trick" and then marking you all as evil instead of plain ol' gullible.
0/10 group, would not game with.
>Be my character
>Former healer in the army who became a cleric and trying to heal people. Follow a life goddess who wants to heal everyone and protect their smile.
>At military academy because got lost in city, got tour guide and shit happened.
>While meeting the general the city starts to get attacked by 3 air ships dropping bombs on it.
>Party is in different part of the city doing things and each one of us deal with the airship.
>My airship is heading for the military academy where I am at.
>No time to take the stairs back down. Go out to the court yard after jumping out the three story window.
>Land in the bushes with some damages
>Got to bring the airship down, as soldiers from the academy run out shooting crossbows with hooks on it to try and climb inside/are shooting arrows from ballistas at the thing
>Decide to use my goddess power to rain down lighting in order to blow a hole in the wing as the airship is heading towards the academy. I was trying to bring it down gently.
>Doesn't really work to my expectations, there is a hole, but it ain't coming down fast enough and the bombs are hitting the front of the academy
>Decide to hit the hull of the airship.
>Nat 20
>Bombs are no longer hinting the front of the academy.
>Start praying to my goddess and thanking her for letting me save the soldiers at the academy's life.
>The airship splits in half and starts descending.
>My face when I think I saved the day.
>It crashes into the poor ghetto part of the city.
>Large explosion that is a just a giant circle of death and fire as the bombs still on it went off.
>As I prayed. I could feel my goddess standing in front of me, staring me down, her hands out in anger and yelling "JUST".
I was a black cleric too.
>Makes comment on how not to get derailed on a story where GM got derailed
>Autist claims means I get derailed easily.
Wew lad, you sure like to draw long bows with those crayons you usually chew.
Our party got teleported into the middle of a harsh, isolated jungle. We had pissed off a God by accidentally aiding an evil on the rise, but instead of smiting us he made us do whatever he wanted.
Our task was to kill a zombie phoenix that had taken up residence in a temple deep in this jungle. As we explored, we came across a village. Due to their isolation and primitive technology, they were ignorant to the existence of magic. So my con artist sorcerer decided to use his magic to convince the village he was a god. This somehow worked.
So we get some of my new followers to lead us to the temple. Our ranger suggests we tell them to go back upon reaching the temple, but I decide we need the back up of these guys with no armour and only spears, and command them to enter the temple with us. Naturally, this ends with the Phoenix incinerating them all in the first round of combat.
A little orphan girl, it were a accident, I swear!
She wanted money, but I had none but a magic potion, gave it to her and sayed her clearly she should sold it to a alchemist, but not drink it, because I didn't know which effect it would have (Which I really hadn't). Later on some of the others characters heared a rumor about how a girl exploded on middle of the streets.
Arthas NO!