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I guess I should have mentioned that OP is OC and I guess this counts as OC too still.


i didn't even read it

>preform x one billion

god why.

Make your choice, then open the box


Hot, fresh OC coming through! First one I've made, decided to go for a classic, I'm the guy from in case anyone wondered what the cheese was about.

Will reveal effects of Mystery Potion in a bit.

waifu option

went better than expected

Export it to jpg and lower the quality to make it weigh at least less than 5 mb


So much for quitting you fucking drama queen

Also where's the uncensored

On his google drive, or trash.

Mystery Potion.

I'm boring so I want my current life, but made easier. Luck is usually a go-to power for real life stuff but Fortune just makes me win at chance games, not, say, find a lottery ticket that was a winner.
>4x Intelligence (80)
Both love potions are toptier fetish material
>Diligence (75)
I don't like the idea of Mental Health mostly because who knows what will happen. Who knows how much of my personality would be removed?

I really like the lore added to the options.
It's very lenient with points, or I'm a silly goose that goes for the bare essentials and doesn't want to be immortal.
>user knows that a super high metabolism equals high heat
Thank you. Now if people could start using "ectotherm" instead of "cold-blooded" that would be grand.

The “Almost Sci-Fi” one is possibly the most clever single choice I’ve seen in a CYOA.

Fair enough. Note that the Fortune potion is stated to help you avoid danger, find opportunities, and have lucky coincidences, so its effects are not only restricted to games of chance.

Thanks for the Love potions' feedback as well.

The Mental Health is intended not to affect the personality's particulars as much, but I see your point.

The lore was important in crafting it, I like CYOAs that have a little bit of that.

Yeah, I think it may be a little bit high in points, but I also thought that the ability to give potions to others added some interesting possibilities with that.

Yeah, on the metabolism stuff, it's important to my field to note that metabolic reactions create heat.

Oh, I saw the Fortunate potion talking mostly about winning game of chances so that must have been at the beginning of the option maybe?


Yeah, you have to be a little careful reading these. It says, "I always wondered how my mentor Bernoulli was so lucky, and it turns out, it was no accident. This potion makes it seem like the universe just wants things to go well for you. You will win more often in games of chance, from poker to scratchcards to slot machines, your winnings will almost always outstrip what you paid in by a significant margin. The more chance-based it is, the more pronounced your luck will be. This will not prevent casinos from kicking you out, but it will also affect your daily life; you will avoid danger, become a magnet for opportunity, and just have fortunate coincidences. You can easily live off of your winnings."

Fortune x2 (-50)
Intelligence x6 (-30)
True Love (-20)
Diligence x2 (-10)
Mental Health x3 (-15)

Blood Donation x2 (+10)
Mystery Potion (+10)
Write It Out (+5)

First I'll drink a Fortune potion and a Diligence potion. Then I'll drink the Mystery potion and hope that there is some random chance to what will happen and a possible result can be possitive for me. After that I'll use the True Love potion and give them the other Fortune Potion and split the Intelligence potions with them and offer the other Diligence potion aswell. As for the Mental Health potions I have a few friends who could certainly use them. As for my life after that I'll take my newly gained fortune, drive and intelligence to try and make awesome sci-fi tech real or learn magic while living happily with my new waifu. And I'll probably be looking to earn enough to get some Regeneration and Mental Health potions for my waifu and I so we can live happily forever-after.

Damn it, this is what I get for going a little further to be altruistic.

Sounds like a plan!

Well, unfortunately you are now made of cheese, but on the bright side, your waifu will accept you for what you are now made of!

Generic super immortal build
Mental Health
4x Intelligence
All of the above costs 75 points. Diligence's wording may imply it doesn't stack, but one is probably enough anyway.

That leaves 40 possible points (5 from advertising, 10 from blood) which works out to 10 for metabolism and then user choice between invisibility and 1x of Strength, Speed, and Toughness or 2x of the latter. Personally, I'd pick up invisibility.

This is way too many choices. True love is a bad option for the waifu crowd since you have to pick up a Regeneration for her as well and some other duplicated potions. But if you just assume you'll pick up a new waifu every 2-3 decades you can easily become an immortal low power superhuman. Which is my plan for the purpose of advertising.

Couple of other things:

Is the stacking for Strength/Speed/Toughness additive or multiplication, ie If I have 2 strength potions and base strength = s, do I have total strength = 2.5s or (49/16)s?

I would like an option to learn alchemy. Even if it were 50 or more points, I'd take it.

>Mystery potion

You could have made it cost money and I still would have taken it

Fortune (85)
Intelligence x4 (65)
Regeneration x2 (25)
Diligence (20)
Mental Health (15)
Toughness x2 (5)
Wealth x5 (0)

Looks like I'm all set up with the will, means and ability to improve myself unto eternity.

Kind of a silly in an unfun way mystery box option in my opinion. But maybe I'm just butthurt.

An apprenticeship option could actually be a pretty decent idea.

Yeah, the double-regeneration with True Love waifu build is a problem. Since he's a softie for both of them, I may have him slash the price on a second Regenration if you take True Love.

Stacking is multiplicative, so it would be 49/16. I'll make sure to include that in the next iteration.

Limiting the points more seems to be a decent idea, I'll take it under consideration.

Thanks for the feedback.
Maybe I'll make it reversible in some way.

I mean it's not THAT bad. If you have Regeneration it pretty much means infinite food.

Slave dollar, lolipop, guitars

>no "become a cute girl" potion

I guess I'll just take the immortality and love then. The CYOA gives you way too many points so I'll just dump the rest in wealth I guess.

>>no "become a cute girl" potion

Write it Out +5
Blood Donation +5
Vouchers 110

Regeneration -20 : 90
Mental Health -5 : 85
Metabolism -10 : 75
Strength -5 : 70
Speed -5 : 65
Toughness -5 : 60
Intelligence x4 -20 : 40
Fortune -25 : 15
Wealth x10 -10 : 5
Diligence -5 : 0

I chugged all the potions down immediately, unwilling to let such an opportunity pass me by. Already my thoughts race at the untold possibilities that now lie ahead of me. I have all the time in the world now and money to travel the world, try everything, use my genius intellect to advance technology. Yes, that's it! Use my genius and luck to turn my $100,000 into millions to fund my scientific research into space travel! It may take years or decades but I am sure that I can help create the technology to help mankind leave this world.

Too compressed for my tastes in the text. Please upload a png version of this one if you don't mind.

You have plenty of room here. Veeky Forums has an 8 meg file size limit.

Is there anymore stuff like The Village and Urban Unease? Those are my favorites.

I'm amending this right now, but here' you go.


I made plenty. It's up to you to post them, user.

Here you go! Best waifu CYOA there is!

>Blood Donation x2
>Intelligence x4
>Mental Health
>Strength x4
>Speed x4
>Toughness x4
I don't even need the mystery potion's points, as it was I just dumped my excess points in strength speed and toughness. Anyway I'll use the boost to intelligence and diligence to finally bother learning japanese, it's stupid to understand a quarter of what people are saying in a language but not a bit of what they write. Mental health should help with that too, if it cures dyslexia. Diligence would likely be the most useful though as I'll be able to force myself to study things even after I learn japanese. I may take up art too, if the regeneration and the speed strength and toughness effects would help keep my hands from cramping, as that's what stopped me in the first place there diligence should help on that too. I would have liked a shapeshifting potion though, but I'd always like a shapeshifting option. Oh if this little bit counts for Write it out, I guess I spend those 5 on Cheese.

Reverse trap, obviously

Zilly cyoa when?

Update, version 1.1.

Points reduced, since it was generally considered that there were too many.

If you buy True Love, you can get a second Regeneration for only 5.

Some effects made a bit clearer.

Can give more blood.

I have awoken from my slumber to address questions and such from last thread.
Also thanks for starting the thread with my lasted OC, OP. Regardless of what anyone might say, you are not a faggot in my eyes.
>how does remaining life expectancy work. Are we guaranteed to live that long taking everything we do with the items into account?
Correct basically, you'll just "die of old age" once you hit how many years you have left.
Think of it this way.
>X=your age
>Y=the age will die
>Z=the combined price of everything you buy
Make sense?
>kinda feels like cheating to pick the Slave Dollar after Elphaba's name is revealed
You could always just pretend you don't know it and play it regardless.
I mean, if you didn't actually figure it out, in the scenario you wouldn't know it to begin with.
>Where did you get that morrigan and merlin crap though?
Margana was just a hint because it was supposed to be an anagram of the word anagram, but I misplead it.
Merlin was the hint to confirm that the name itself was an anagram.
>useless trinkets.
I think they're fairly useful.
Plus, I try to avoid the common tropes except for waifus obviously in my CYOAs. I actually included a "be the little girl" option, so including an immortality option was too far for me and also kinda goes against the point of the CYOA.
Honestly, I'm surprised just how attached you all are to living for so long.
I'd gladly die sooner if it meant I could have some of these.
>Dieing of old age just means the accumulation of those kind of ailments until your body can't take it anymore.
Actually, in this scenario, you just kinda get weaker for a week then drop dead.
You don't have the chance to develop those illnesses.
>you accept that all people have a preset lifespan
Your whole summary is basically the mindset I made this thing with.

Mystery Potion updated to last only a year. Still have to deal with a year of its effects, though.

>Make sense?

to an extent. But I was more thinking of, are we *guaranteed* to get that much - is it impossible for us to be murdered or die through any series of unusual circumstances?

From your answer I guess so, though.

>elphabas name
whats special about it? is there some deeper meaning?

Changed the effects of Mystery Potion to last just a year instead of forever. Still have to deal with a year of its effects, though.

>But 93 isn't a prime
Fuck! You're right.
May need to go back and Eraseball Bat along with a few other things.
>Also what's a "scareble pun"?
...A terrible pun?
That is awful
>pic related
>Ugh, That Hobo Is Back edition
When did I become a hobo?
>is it impossible for us to be murdered or die through any series of unusual circumstances?
No, that's still a possibility.
Otherwise what would be the point of things like Wicker Bear, Wrath Towel, and Deus Ex Moccasins?
>whats special about it? is there some deeper meaning?
Not really, the entire CYOA is just built around stupid puns and wordplay so I figured "Why the hell not have the Wicked Witch literally be the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz with just her name being an anagram of her actual name?"

Overall, I think I'll go back and clarify/reword/fix a few things and post an update for you guys.
Thanks for all the feedback, I love reading what you guy's have to say.

Alright, so I'm giving two liters of blood and immediately drinking my regen potion. Otherwise the build is the same as the first part of . Maybe I'll make enough money to buy the other stuff one day, what with my fortunate genius investing strategy.

Speaking of that, I would like to know roughly what the price of a voucher would be when this guy sets up his business for real. Even if its the kind of shop where you don't pay with money, it would still be nice to know.

The point total is a little low now as well, but I think its a good base. Maybe add some more drawbacks or something? Still greatly improved, since I wasn't left with 20 some points and trying to figure out if I wanted something else.

In the future, I will only repost the original with more points.

>I think they're fairly useful.
Nothing is worth as much as your life.

Yeah, the immediately drink Healing or Regeneration potion thing after giving blood is intended meta, but at the same time, fits with his desire for blood not affected by alchemy.

Glad you like the changes. Could do more drawback-type things, I suppose.

The closest thing to a price once his business to this universe sets up that can be understood is through the Wealth Potion's 1 Voucher = $10,000, give or take. Of course, demand could well prompt price changes per item.

>Not really, the entire CYOA is just built around stupid puns and wordplay so I figured "Why the hell not have the Wicked Witch literally be the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz with just her name being an anagram of her actual name?"
It's funny how things work out. I had something on the backburner that had lots of Oz references that also had the mechanic of trading life for something. Might have to tweak it a little.

Well, you are free to do that.

>I'm surprised just how attached you all are to living for so long.
Not everyone is suicidal.

Removing years from someone's life should age as much, and Lolipop should just hold back the effects of aging until they accumulate to deadly proportions or something. Would make more sense than "stops aging but doesn't affect lifespan".

/cyoag/ CYOA:
1) You're immortal, but your waifu has felt physical attraction to at least one other male before you.
2) You're a cute little girl, but the process affected your brain the equivalent of one night of heavy drinking.

>When did I become a hobo?
I meant Tok.

Slave dollar, lolipop, guitars

I gotta say, that's really low. For starters, the 10,000 from the wealth potion is probably worth more than that. It keeps pace with inflation automatically and is immediately fungible. Drug lords would pay 20,000 easily for that kind of money laundering.

Two, that means the cost of your waifu is now $200,000. Everyone worth 1 million and up will pay that in a heartbeat, plus the 400,000 to live forever. For reference, there are 10.8 million Millionaires in the US. Expect bidding for the alchemist's time to promptly put that price through the roof.

Also it now costs a half million dollars to be nearly 270 times as strong as you are now.

>You're immortal, but your waifu has felt physical attraction to at least one other male before you.
what kind of immortal?

Correct. The guy doesn't know much about this world yet, so demand will drive prices *sharply* up, and fast. You're getting a good deal here.

Could you define how don juan decharcoal works a little more? and how susceptible is she to it?

>Donate 2L

>Mental Health
>2x Toughness

Fortune seems a bit expensive, but any extra vouchers probably would have gone into more Toughness anyway.
Just going to live a comfortable, worry-free life, looking for actual luck-based things to earn money off of, which probably means table games and video poker.

Your least favorite kind. You can get your favorite kind if your waifu felt physical attraction for the same non-you male twice.

>physical attraction
how is this different than regular attraction?


I'll consider the issue of Fortune's price. It is kind of silly for it to be higher than Regeneration, now that I think about it.

So, MECHFU is more or less delayed (again), not only because of real life stuff, but I started thinking of an idea for another CYOA I really liked.

Don't know when it's gonna be done, but it's definitely gonna be pretty damn lewd.

If the market is getting flooded with currency that automatically adjusts to inflation, wouldn't all prices become marked up way beyond their MSRP even accounting for inflation?

Let's get the bonuses out of the way first shall we?
500 ml of blood, and mystery potion
Point total 65
Regeneration 45
Mental Health 40
True Love 20
Second Regen for her, 15
Speed, Toughness, and Intelligence 1 0 points remaining.
So, that means I'm biologically immortal, smarter faster and tougher by a bit, not a huge amount but it'll do, and I also have a means of finding my perfect partner who is also biologically immortal. Plus curing that pesky mental illness which might be a bit of a problem. Can't complain, pretty decent deal all things considered. Let's take a look at that mystery potion. .... So I'm made of cheese for a year. Looks l'm holding off on drinking that true love potion right away, it'd be a BIT awkward if I introduce myself whilst made of cheese. Overall, pretty decent deal, allows for some interesting builds and I like the variety, good CYOA

I hope it involves bugs.

The implication in the CYOA is that the alchemist doesn't actually know how to make the Potion of Wealth, considering he got them from someone else and although he says he has a lot, that lot isn't in the thousands, maybe I should make that clear. So, the market wouldn't get flooded with inflation-adjusted currency.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked it.

You illiterate retards would literally die the moment you left the store.

>It's definitely gonna be pretty damn lewd.
The world could always use more lewd CYOAs.

Pretty sure that's the joke.

If the market is going to be flooded with currency that self adjusts to inflation then the market is going to experience the most horrendous case of hyper inflation in history, prices are literally going to increase by several digits every single day because what you have created is a positive feedback loop.

Eventually the economy is going to adjust towards a form of currency that retains a consistent value because it just becomes nonsensical to fork over several trillions of dollars for a loaf of bread and thus the alchemist vouchers will be the only currency people are willing to use.

>Fortune, Regeneration, Mental Health
>Give 2L of blood
And chug the regen potion right after!
>Strength, Speed, Toughness x2
If my calculations are correct this will make me just shy of 10x strong and fast and of course twice as much tough. (1.75^4 for each potion)

It's the basic immortality package -- Regeneration with Mental Health -- plus some useful augments. Fortune is going to dramatically reduce my odds of dying over time, and make my life better overall. From there on, what do I do? Anything I want! That's the beauty of it. I may come back eventually to buy more (I have Fortune after all, and wouldn't say no to true love with a second regeneration and mental health, nor to Metabolism) but in the end I really have all I need.

...Except I just wrote it out, so with the five extra vouchers. I guess I'll take the potion of Cheese with those, since it closes another vector of mortality in the form of starvation.

Would fifty count as a 'flood'?

Thank you.

Sounds good!

Bugdom romance DLC is still on the backburner, sorry.

Regeneration -20
Mental health -5
Metabolism -10
Invisibility -15
Toughness -5
Strength (x2)
Speed (x2)

Mystery potion +10
Donate blood (1l) +10

There is not much to say about my choices as i am simply becoming the ubermench and actually enjoying it thanks to that mental health potion to get rid of my fucking depression the invisibility potion is there because invisibility is fun for many many reasons including less wholesome ones

Thank you made the mystery potion non-permanent because i locked myself to choosing it right at the start nice first CYOA by the way but some of the options in my opinion at least are kinda bland and i think it could do with some more interesting potions i am not saying that your CYOA is bad or anything but some more wild effects could be pretty neat

could it stay there too?

Shit taste.

That gif disturbs me

stop projecting on my moves
that's probably for the best desu

They should go to /d/ like you.

>Nothing is worth as much as your life.
Mozeltoph then.
I'd happily die in three years if I could enjoy the benefits of Slave Dollar or Don Juan Decharcoal.
>Not everyone is suicidal.
I didn't mean to imply being anyone would be. Personally, I just look back on the 26 years I lived and feel like there's not really any harm of dying younger than most unless my life makes a major 180 in the next couple years.
>Removing years from someone's life should age as much
True, but think of it as more of cutting off bits at the end of your life instead of actually aging you faster.
>Lolipop should just hold back the effects of aging until they accumulate to deadly proportions or something
Suppose you have a point, but personally, I like it the way it is.
1 hands down.
The fuck kind of set back is having my waifu being attracted to someone else before me so long as she loves me now?
The virgin-whore complex mentality around here never ceases to leave me speechless...
Oh. Nevermind then.
Well shit... For stealing the idea...
>Could you define how Don Juan DeCharcoal works a little more?
With pleasure!
The actual object is a clump of charcoal approximately the size of a baseball.
Rubbing it on your face increases your appeal to others by a factor of 100% per cm2 of skin covered.
The residue seeps into your skin after 7 seconds and can only be washed off when you choose to, at which point it will rise to the surface again and becoming as easily removable as ordinary charcoal.
The exact way your increased attractiveness works is controlled by your subconscious; it could simply make others find you more attractive regardless of your appearance or resculpt your body
into what you believe would make you otherworldly sexy in addition to the enchantment.
To be able to penetrate the Witch's natural magic resistance, you'd have to pretty much go full-on Jim Crow, like pic related.
Any questions?

>tok returned
>ZBG is posting fuckhuge replies again

we're back in the worst timeline boys

>ZBG is not kill
>worst timeline

Virgins have all kinds of charm points on their own that I think you're unfairly dismissing, but really, I don't see many people insist she has to be a virgin, they just don't like hearing about exes, just like most men don't.

Your assessment is fair.

Quick update on Atomic Odyssey:
I got the examinations schedule for the month. Between that, practices and the two more pages that still remain to be done Not to mention the BG issue, putting it out anytime soon is going to be somewhat complicated. Until chrismas, most likely, I'll move onto something comfier for me to work on as well as putting that 1.1 update on Obscura. Maybe even add an extra page to it as "DLC".
Note that "something comfier for me to work on" doesn't mean it's a comfy CYOA, just that it's simpler to make than Atomic Odyssey.

>The virgin-whore complex mentality around here never ceases to leave me speechless...