Why are girls such awful terrible roleplayers?
I don't dislike women at all, and while I generally welcome the idea of games being less of a sausage party, it's just jees they're so bad. Every game I've ever been to with a girl has been a raging garbage fire. Have I just had shit luck 4 times in a row?
Why are girls such awful terrible roleplayers?
Yes, you have.
I’ve played with quite a few women but not one has come to the game on their own volition. Every single one is there because a man brought them. That is the core issue.
Women have no real interest in nerd shit, if they're playing RPGs it's because a man in their life got them into it.
Yes it's kinda like dateing in a way, you have to dig
Yup. You've got shit luck.
My best roleplayer is female, she's the only one who actively tries to get better at roleplaying instead of plateauing like the rest of them
Were they seasoned roleplayers or newbies? If they were newbies, they're probably just not comfortable around you to open up and have fun.
I think you just are unlucky
Or maybe I was lucky because one of the best GM I had was a woman, she really nailed the atmosphere of the game and the interaction with her npc's where great
Regarding woman player's, the few women I played with weren't bad, just perfectly normal if not a bit bland and that's ok in my book I think they were getting started with ttrpg How where yours bad OP?
1. DMs girl friend. Was mousy, quiet pretty reserved and forgettable.
2. Husband is very meek she is constantly confrontational gender warrior. Arguemenativevabout everything.
3. There because she can’t be seperated from her husband. Is decent role player but no knowledge of ANY rules. Has to be reminded of most basic rules. And I quote: Iam very intelligent and these rules are impossible to understand (D&D 5E)
4. Doesn’t say anything. Boyfriend is borderline verbally abusive in tone when he constantly disagrees with her constant sub optimial tactical decisions.
gr8 b8 m8
The two grills in my group got into dnd by a one shot for the game society at my uni. They're both okay roleplayers. They talk to characters, they get shit done. They know their modifiers, spells, normally know actions before their turn.
I guess if they're there through their boyfriend or something you can complain. But if they're just new it's not really their fault.
>Having women at the table
There's LITERALLY no reason to do this, only bad can come from this. All-male groups or bust, unless it's shit like a one time event where I never see anyone involved again anyway. Fucking hell I can't stand women.
I’ve been playing RPGs since 1983 it has always been overwhelmingly male. The ordered, logical wargaming roots of RPGs don’t appeal to women. Most are at the table for social reason rather then out of any love of the games mechanics or setting. I have met passionate female larpers however but they were there for the social, thespian and costuming aspects over the game itself.
My boys at a young age LOVED HeroQuest and D&D. My daughter only a passing interest would rather read a fantasy novel then play in a fantasy game.
>Why are girls such awful terrible roleplayers?
Women have trouble establishing their own actual personalities. So it's nearly impossible for them to roleplay as somebody else.
They're not.
The problem has likely been that they either didn't want to come in the first place, they feel awkward and out of place, or they're just not that interested.
Some of the best and most passionate roleplayers I've been with were women. I think OP just has bad luck, or lives in a shit area.
The proof is in the persuit. If you want to play rpgs bad enough you’ll find a way. I’ve joined more groups then I can remember because I love this hobby and love to play. If you can’t be bothered to play you don’t have much interest in grneral.
You sure its a vagina thing and not a newbie thing?
What I'm curious about is why more men are better roleplayers. Doesn't roleplaying require the person to be socially aware and sensitive to human interaction to play interesting characters, which aren't traditionally the characteristics of males, especially nerdy males?
Have a grill in my group. She's a good roleplayer, but her problem is she can't get into the mechanics at all. We've been playing for five months now and she still can't remember basic shit like what die to roll for an attack or which stat governs what skill.
I've had the same experiences
Nearly all of them played lolrandumb PCs
None of them bothered to read up on the game systems
As with all players you have to sort the wheat from the chaff. I have had great female player that i have played with for years, and i have had female players that i could not get out of the group fast enough.
I can recommend playing with an all female player group. They really take some different turns.
Dude, most nerds are a raging garbage fire, male or female. Women are, on average, less likely to put up with people who piss them off and will bail right the fuck out of a group if that person persists. Shitty women will do a "Them or me" ultimatum, fembros will just apologize that they don't have time for it right now and fade out.
Further, women are as put off with guys making dick/sex jokes as we are with chicks who do pull 'muh vagina' shit. Which is to say: If it's actually funny, they laugh. But most people who make dick/sex jokes are about as funny as a halfling dying of emphysema.
If you want quality women in your group I recommend the following:
If you live near any kind of university, recruit out of their theater department. Note: Stay away from the type who only do musicals. They are attention whores.
If you have a regional Shakespeare company, recruit there. As a general rule, don't bother with 'community theater' groups unless they've done something more ballsy than "The Fantasticks" or "Sever Brides".
FLGS aren't a good place to find fem-players (or ANY players in my experience). You might find some gold there, but it's not worth the parasitic dross that will inevitably show up the instant you mention you have a free seat.
I've had great success starting with girls I know who haven't RPed before and introducing them to the "rules" part slowly. There aren't a lot of chick rules lawyers, so don't infodump them. It can help to break the rules down into tutorials you play through during the first game of the campaign.
Most importantly:
1. If you include a girl in your gaming group, go out of your way to include them in group activities they'd be interested in outside game as well. Camaraderie takes trust and time. Invest it.
2. Don't put an upper age limit on who you're willing to allow at the table. Some of my best players have been 40+. Hell, my Mum sat in on a one shot I did, and she was brilliant.
Good luck.
I think my favorite thing about this pic is how her feet have been so deformed by high heels that they maintain that shape even when barefoot.
I totally feel this gal can run 20 miles just to fight a battle.
I D.M for an all girl exclusive group, best group of roleplayers I've ever met. YMMV
>Doesn't roleplaying require the person to be socially aware and sensitive to human interaction to play interesting characters
No, it takes the knowledge of what makes a character interesting to play interesting characters.
In fact, playing RPGs requires none of the social skills typically associated with girls, as the requirements are more in line with writing and gaming skillsets.
Best post
Lads only
from what i've seen generally, 99.99% of the female population has no interest in dnd but there's 0.01% that are fucking hardcore as shit
Totes. Gotta respect biological differences, even if some dipshits insist there aren't any.
Keep an open mind, though. One of my favorite DMs ever was a chick who would only ever postpone game if the Hawks were playing.
So inviting women to your group is basically:
>99.99% chance of ruining your night
>00.01% chance of having the exact same experience you'd have in an all-male group
you forget that if you hit that .01% chance, you win the prize of bragging on the internet about not having your game ruined by a girl at the table.
how dare u. women are just as smart and funny as men!! Get over it!!!!
You need some social intelligence to understand what's "interesting" or "cool", though. One of my weirder, semi-autistic friends named all the characters in his campaign "Dark" "Light" "Rain" "Air" etc because he thinks that's the pinnacle of coolness, allows only elemental magic because he thinks anything else is "weird", and forces people to meet their future selves and surpass them or some shit even though it makes absolutely no sense.
The only times I've had issues with women at the table was when they weren't married. Doesn't matter if their spouse was in the game or not.
Unmarried women have consistently caused trouble, though. Something about them being off the market improves things, though I haven't been able to determine whether the improvement was due to the ladies themselves, or the gents not being such tryhards around them.
Fucking bullshit
I have GMed of in several groups with different ratio of vaginas and penises, males do tend to be more task oriented and focused on getting things done, girls are better for deep role play and character development, it's also more common for girls to search for non violent ways to resolve encounters, that's in general anyway.
Both genders tend to suck when the quest it's not going the way the want which it's the interesting part, when faced with a part they don't find interesting males tend to focus and change it into what they like, girls tend to lose interest if things get boring.
Both can proactive
Good roleplaying takes creativity. Most people think 'creativity' is a thinly-veiled self-insert version of their favorite fictional character or an archetype that fell out of the cliche tree and climbed back up again because they missed a few branches.
And then there's edgelords.
Yeah you've had shit luck. If I went with my experience alone I'd say the ratio of good to bad players has always been in favor of girls.
Mostly because there have been so few, but so many guys who are so fucking annoying/terrible to play with even though they have played games before. They're just bad are roleplaying.
I haven't had any bad female players of the few I've played tabletop games with, so that puts them ahead of the guys who are about 60% good to 40% bad.
That's just pattern recognition, everyone has that, especially if they have any skills associated with playing games.
Too bad i didn't-
I have also noticed that when there are girls on the table some men turn to complete idiots, always telling them what to do, "reminding" them what's the right spell or weapon to use, correcting their actions...man it's just a fucking game let them play and ruin stuff, they will never learn otherwise.
I'd say it's heavily in favor of the tryhard gents. However, a woman who is single is usually so because they've chosen to be. The ones who have not chosen are A FUCKING TRAINWRECK.
Everyone has to be introduced at some point, user, you didn't wake up one day and meander to your lfgs seeking a group.
I've introduced a number of females to gaming, and the only thing they have all had in common is that, like most gamers, their first characters tended to be stereotypes or based on existing material.
After the first steps, they come into their own, or they leave because they find they aren't really interested, or have to be booted because they are a problem. I've seen all 3. However, I am also a tyrant when it comes to my group, and reserve the sole right to pass judgment when it comes to players.
>that said, I stealthily brought my gf into the group, and told no one she was my gf for 2 years in order to test my ability to remain neutral
>half of people I've seen fail this test, and often do not understand why, even if you point it out, it's hard to compartmentalize for some people
>1. If you include a girl in your gaming group, go out of your way to include them in group activities they'd be interested in outside game as well. Camaraderie takes trust and time. Invest it.
Most of this post, but absolutely this. Women are brought up to trust slowly, ESPECIALLY when it comes to men they are not familiar with or come across as intimidating (like myself, a 6'3" black dude who wears a scowl like some hipsters wear a manbun almost out of habit). Your experience markedly improves when baseline trust is established between all members of the group.
The obvious answer is your regular games are also trash and you've become numb to it or are too stupid to notice.
I note that in character shopping expeditions are worthy of a, in some cases, whole game session.
>Most are at the table for social reason rather then out of any love of the games mechanics or setting
That applies to a lot of male roleplayers too.
>My daughter only a passing interest would rather read a fantasy novel then play in a fantasy game.
This also applies to a lot of male roleplayers. How many times have you read the accusation that the DM is just writing a novel?
Women are excellent roleplayers.
They pretend they give a shit about stuff so they can shove themselves into it and ruin it with how much they don't give a fuck as they complain about literally everything and force beta soy boys to change the enviroment to appease them.
They pretend they are capable of feeling love long enough to be entitled to take all your shit.
They pretend to be competent at jobs they have not the least idea how to do and that everytime their incompetence is shown it's because of "institutionalized sexism".
They pretend they want to fuck you so when you get money or fame they can claim you raped them and take your shit while ruining your life.
And they pretend to say no while vocalizing maybe because even if the loser hitting on them is hideous they can't let go of any sort of attention, then complain when the abomination they led on won't leave them alone once they've found someone else to flutter around.
Women are the masters of role playing.
Considering you need a good balance of rp to gameplay having someone more into the rp and less into the gameplay is fine, and easily balanced by someone who is the opposite.
Though I have to say I'd much rather someone who is more into the rp than someone who is only there for the gameplay and refuses to rp or just can't if their life depended on it. Gameplay mechanics can sometimes click along without someone being into them, but if someone can't talk to NPCs at all, tries to power their way through and between fights like the xp is all they want, then I'll take the thespians.
You can, however, roleplay poorly if you do not have enough social acumen to interact with others.
Knowing when to speak and be silent, when "muh character" is not an excuse to shit on another person's fun, these are examples of social ability that are important in roleplay, but do not have much to do with character creation.
thanks /pol/.
That does not take an above-average amount of talent though, you just need to not be the sort of unbridled autist/faggot whose exploits are recounted in That Guy threads.
I've never run into this problem. Or rather, when I've run my games, I've noticed that women have roughly the same ratio of dickbags to golden players as men. It's just because women tend to express interest in the hobby less often than men, that the dumpster fires hold more weight in our memories than Those Guys.
That said, I HAVE noticed it tends to take female newbies longer to open up, but from chatting with them, that tends to be from fear of getting hit with that sweet, sweet elitist bullshit.
"Oh, you claim to be into tabletop? Bull, I bet you can't even recite the Vistani's prophecy about Strahd! I knew it, fucking fake nerd!"
That's right, I forgot InCel got banned off Reddit. Could you fuckers not shit up our boards, then? /pol/ or /r9k/ will gladly take you.
Problems is most nerds tend to socialize with only other nerds which cripple their already bad social skills, this go for both men and woman. Some people are good at interacting with others, the rest have to learn by crashing on the rocks over and over
Are you new? Do you really think Veeky Forums of all fucking boards isn't home to incels/neets? lmao
More like retarded post
This, overwhelmingly.
I've known a handful of women who've come to RP for their own reasons. And they've all been pretty good.
The scores of girlfriends rotating in and out of various campaigns have all been fucking awful though.
They're people, like anyone else. There's a lot of cultural shit that makes girls uncomfortable or embarrassed to play TTRPG, so you have a smaller cross-section of the 'gentler sex' available. My luck has also varied.
Bad Luck: She smelled like BO and farts, she always played special snowflake 'dark and gritty' PCs, and she frequently insisted on 'cooking dinner' and fishing for compliments on the food. What she did to food shouldn't have been legal.
Good Luck: She's my sister-in-law. It was Shadowrun. She played a kill-happy party-girl with adrenal enhancements that turned her into a raging death-machine. She once brutally interrogated someone for information in a hotel penthouse and deadpan bluffed the worried staff that the horrible screams were because they were filming a porn. She remains a badass.
I didn't mean to imply that, I'm merely stating that it does require some social capacity to work WELL. Even then, many have problems knowing when to defuse coming conflict, guilt as charged myself.
The stumbling block I have encountered the most comes from how female "real politik" works in terms of social interaction. There is a palpable fear of doing the "wrong" thing, and this tends to be the root of indecisiveness and "deer in headlights" syndrome. Making sure the understanding that there is no wrong act (in most situations) and no one will begrudge them for their choice, the confidence is something I've had to nurture.
That said, I've done some cruel things to such players, because they WILL learn to deal, and you learn by doing, or they can fuck out of my group.
bitches don't have it
>If you don't think men and women are 100% exactly the same you've never talked to women
Did I just walk into the bizarro Berenstain universe?
Please take your retarded whining to /pol/ or /r9k/.
>retardedly whining about retarded whining
Barring someone for not knowing trivia is one thing, but it's a very different matter if they don't know basic shit like "STR generally makes your melee attacks better" and "checks are rolled on a d20 unless stated otherwise".
You still don't need a table of people with notable social skills to have a notably good game, they just need to reach a point where that shit doesn't jam up the writing and gameplay parts that are what make RPGs themselves.
That's not to say they have no bearing, a table of good friends is more fun to play an average game with than a table of people you half-know, but it is not as critical to the experience as writing and playing the game.
Women are literally shit at everything they do. Why would you even bother bringing them to a game?
Nigga, /r9k/ was born here.
Hell most new boards were, we talked way more about wrestling than /s/ and Veeky Forums is 100% our fault. /int/ is half us half /out/.
And yes we contributed to /pol/ almost as much as /v/ and /b/.
user says women are literally Hitler
Other user Disagrees
>XD if women aren't satan then you must think they're exactly the same as men!!!
dafuq? You mean wizardchan? the thing that's been around for years?
>le epik meymey women are too stuuuupid for arpeegee, only men are intelligent enough for it. no women allowed, women are guaranteed to ruin your fun and ruin life!
found the triggered femanon
Found a retarded /r9k/ faggot
I've GM'ed for just about 20 years or so. Started in D&D 3.0 and Cyberpunk 2020, and for the most part my players haven't changed to this day, though the games have. Here's two contrasts for you:
>all-male party
>write out main module story thread
>come up with alternate storylines in case the party does something else
>create props and clues
>create NPCs
>come up with a variety of "random encounters" in case the story stalls
>come up with additional table of random encounters in case team decides to abandon story arc module
>loot tables
>peripheral shit like towns, maps, forests, magic shops, et cetera
Overall the group has its own dynamic, and each person typically plays a certain type of character. There's a player that likes to think of himself as the next Wesley Snipes, and he exclusively plays dwarven fighters, but for the most part there's not a lot of meta or OOC or whatever.
>be me, writing up scenario
>little sister's friends come over (they're all aged 9-11)
>what're you doing?
>stuff and things.
>they keep bugging me, so I tell them what I'm doing
>oh cool can we play?!?!?!?!
>wait. Ehhh, cut em a break.
>roll up a bunch of L1 characters for them
>they all want to play elves
>most are rangers, there's like a sorceror or cleric or something.
>suffer the endless giggles and such
>they're asked to fight off some bandits by the town of townsville
>they go through the hastily-assembled story, giggling and yelling
>the adventure is coming to a close
>this is dungeons and dragons, right? LET'S FIGHT A DRAGON!
>look up the weakest dragon
>okay, time to fight a white dragon. (wyrmling)
>group of 7-8 elven girls attack the white dragon. (wyrmling)
>they're yelling and shouting, totally all over the place
>they defeat the dragon and collect a modest treasure (golden tiaras or some shit) and then they leave
>It's a coincidence that the only culture to not "oppress" women is on a collission course with its own extermination ever since treating women as equals
They may not be literally Hitler, but they become absolutely shit people if you expect them to be equal to men. They probably have different strengths than men (though other than pooping out babies I can't even begin to imagine what they are), but women make absolutely horrible men. Don't expect them to do what men do.
If this triggers you so hard, why not start your own all-female group? Oh, because then you wouldn't get the undying attention of men because you're the only woman present? Have you ever considered that if you don't want to play the game with other women you may not like the game all that much? Or are you also the kind of cunt who invites friendzoned beta orbiters on shopping trips?
The contrast is that my usual group of players are subdued and can be SPR SRS and making sure they have fun takes a lot of work. A ridiculous amount of work, whereas that one party with a bunch of giggling pre-pubescent girls was high-energy, light-spirited, and buckets of fun played mostly off-cuff.
I've never actually run into the "terrible girlfriend" or female orbiter or SJW or whatever you guys are complaining about.
Man I envy you, at my store we always get the annoying sjw girls and terrible gfs
Depends on the girl.
I can't remember if it was just some user, or a pasta, but there was a story about a guy that let his very young niece/sister(I can't remember which) play and she was RPing as a Sister of Battle armed with a pair of hand flamers. Then told that basically there was a really, really cute boy in her class named Emprah, and that he would like her a whole lot if she set all the aliens and heretics on fire.
Most realistic RPing of a Sister of Battle ever performed.
Nigga, i've been in female RP groups as the only man. Nobody gave a shit about my attention.
I'm fat, the GM's fatter and uglier. One girl's dumb as hell and smells, the other one had a new mental illness every few months.
Like I get that you feel like you're oppressed by women or some shit but you need to get out more. Not every woman is some fucking Chad/golddigger out to juice you out for all your alimony. Like goddamn, half the people on the planet are too depressed or anxious to be that fucking creative. Fuck.
>I'm fat, the GM's fatter and uglier. One girl's dumb as hell and smells, the other one had a new mental illness every few months.
Sounds like a fun group. You sure told me.
So. I've run games for all varieties of genders and sexualities.
And what I've found is that no one gender has a monopoly on shitty or good players.
But this thread has a near total monopoly on shit posters.
why do you hang out with such freaks and geeks?
>at my store
Found the problem.
Of course that's what you get at the fucking store. I've never found good RP at even the coolest LGS. It just doesn't happen.
Weird I must have a penis hidden up my vagina I didn't know about.
Art school.
The worst thing about male players is their autism, stubbornness, and smell
the worst thing about women players is their cluelessness, stupidity and attention whoring.
I'm sorry user
>Weird I must have a penis hidden up my vagina I didn't know about.
It broke off inside of you prior to you discovering D&D, and has influenced you ever since.
Meanwhile, whoever's penis it originally was currently enjoys cooking, romance manga, and watching Twilight.
It sound better than being around /r9k/ faggots
I mean they're fine as an RP group. a little slow going sometimes but. Feels about par for the course in my experience. Really the only difficulty is scheduling conflicts mean game night keeps getting shunted around, which happens with everyone.
Unless you're apologizing that I'm in art school. In which case, yeah. RIP.
>Man I envy you, at my store we always get the annoying sjw girls and terrible gfs
Eh, my group of players have been friends since junior high, with a few that have joined and left as the years have gone by. we've got solid history. We're also pretty inclusive; we don't really "advertise" we play tabletops.
don't knock it till you try it
what if I enjoy D&D, Cooking, Romance manga but not Twilight?
Does that mean I have a pussy somewhere? Can I lose my virginity to myself or is that still just masturbation?
Hey, Twillight is shit but there are some pretty solid Josei out there.
Ma nigga
For real?
Anecdotal evidence tells me they're shitty rollplayers but great roleplayers
>you just need to not be the sort of unbridled autist/faggot whose exploits are recounted in That Guy threads.
Are you impying that isn't a very common thing with RPG groups? Because getting people with the level of social awareness of an average human being is a struggle on its own.
Typically it's written "jeez".
What's a soy boy.