Its the future. What's your character's kit?
Its the future. What's your character's kit?
Bow, arrows and a sharp stick
A Webley and a mankini.
Hardcore recreational drugs.
>Dyke cut
>Military girl
She could've saved it by being kinda buff in a feminine way but instead she's just traditionally pretty and slender with pencil thin arms.
0/10, my only kit is my eternal disgust.
Trench shovel, woolen trenchcoat, an e-cig.
Well its not that big a deal when you're a milspec cyborg.
Fuck you. The waifu you posted is even more shit.
you pussy
That's not a waifu, that's a reaction pic. This is both.
If you can customize everything, why not make her muscular? Or not make her look like a dyke? Why walk that awkward middle road that arouses nobody?
THAT waifu is even MORE shit than the reaction pic!!
not seeing any of the symptoms, unless the hair is the issue. Short hair girls are awesome.
>arouses nobody
My dick wants you to know that you're retarded.
You must be talking to a lesbian or a tranny.
A wrench, a fast car, a tool kit, a sawed off, and a faithful cat[\spoiler].
The worst part about taking soil sciences is this shit actually means shit to me. I hate it.
Enlighten me user.
Delet this
Aye shee what you did therr.
A fancy business suit, protein shakes, a briefcase somehow filled will some sort of crypto-gold, a giant plasma/laser axe, and some sort of future shield.
Meatbags are for fags. My character only exists inside a mainframe computer and interacts with the outside world through teleoperated drones and internet memes.
>A fancy business suit
>Cyborg fembot bodyguard armed with plasma-implants who also happens to be surprisingly swole has to escort a mildmannered salaryman who may or may not be an ex-mercenary and his questionable stash of gold to one of her shady Megacorps' firms on the other side of the world while fending off fembots from other megacorps' trying to steal their Swiss Jewgold
>It's a lighthearted "epic fantasy journey meets cyberpunk meets romantic comedy" adventure
Be careful what you delete user
>plasma implants
Like, plasma-titties? This could be some fun weaponry.
Near-frictionless rollerskates
>faithful cat
Does such a thing exist
Not what I originally had in mind, but it's a lighthearted campaign so why the hell not? I'm feeling bad for the salaryman though, her nipples must glow redhot if they ever decide to get intimate.
Most people are turned off by muscular women myself not included. To be strong yet not look it is ideal for a cyborg chick.
beam rifle funnels
Rubber shoes
The Penis is evil!