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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Fuck Heaven.
They don't even have sexy waifus
Im looking for some bottled people, where can I buy some bottled people? Im looking for ones that dont mind it though. Like pets.
Heavens fell? What, did he pick up bad eating habits from those dragons in his house and get fat?
This applies more than you know in the context of a couple dozen different worlds.
Heavens has a large number of waifus.
Evil Dead has the Mini-Jumpers item that gives you miniature versions of yourself with an upgrade that gives companions ones as well. Just get some bottles and you're set.
Anons and NEETs, What jumps are you looking forward too?
None. The two that I was looking forward to wound up being let down because of people who turned out to be salty, flakey bitches.
Legend of Zelda? At least, as long as you consider fairies people.
Bane, Clone Wars Update, Dark Empire, and any other Star Wars jumps/updates that are on the horizon.
Please fuck off to hell with your whining.
that sounds awesome, are they evil?
I feel like I've read this before. Is this a new bad meme?
Shitposting aside, I kinda wanna see what one of your Jumpers would do in Kajiri Kamui Kagura. You'd probably need an underdog type of build going into it, since you try to keep your powerlevel curves even, but I think you would write something interesting with the state of decay the world's in and the Tenmas. Hajun himself would probably be a glorified plot device though...
Nope. They're loyal, but not very smart/powerful.
they could work, I am trying to make a sort of sea monkey/beta fish version of people. A pet that is loving, smart, and lives a decent amount of time. Would prefer non sapient but if they are sapient I can also use them in my warehouse as a mini tribe/nation of worshippers to get divine prayer energy from.
Carry a tiny little country in my warehouse.
Ar Nosurge.
Hello, folks. I'm TikiTau, the chap who gave into the whispering bits of madness and wrote up a jump for being a Spess Mareen. From my understanding and some commentary in the previous thread, looks like that particular niche wasn't claimed, so...guess I'm claiming it, then?
Also, skipped the Chad Marines because, well, the Jump was getting a bit long, and I had to put a stop to writing eventually. Primaris Marines would need a new set of gear descriptions and possibly perks and what have you.
Maybe a later supplement or DLC or rewrite or whatnot will include the option to be a Primaris Marine.
>underdog build
>with multiverse-busters
So you want to see Yoro's chain die.
Hmm. Kind of a tough question. I'd say a few of the ones that aren't on this list, though likely not all of them (these are just the ones that I'm specifically not looking forward to):
>Chrono Cross
>Date A Live
>Dies Irae
>Dragon Ball Super
>Dragon Ball: XenoVerse
>Exalted: the Fair Folk
>Fate: All
>Generic [Setting] Fanfiction: All
>Granblue Fantasy
>Kingdom Come update
>Marvel Cosmic
>Pokemon Sun and Moon
>Princess: the Hopeful
>Re: Creators
>Saint Seiya Episode G
>SMT: Devil Children
>SMT: Nocturne
>The Simpsons
>Ulster Cycle
>UQ Holder
>Warhammer 40k: All
>The World God Only Knows
>Not sexy
Are you high?
What's coming out? Besides Cyberpunk, that I am SUPER looking forward to.
On a serious note though I really don't think having to roll for a chapter is the best. Everybody's got that one chapter they wanna roll with and just having the successors as just one possibility among ten is kinda strange.
>Ulster Cycle
>The World God Only Knows
>The Simpsons
You already explained mine, but why those?
You might want to look into Hellboy? With the supernatural creature customization you could have tiny people only a few inches tall. And have them be adapted to aquatic life, for bottling purposes.
If you want non-sapient, there's also a pet option. Considering it mentions Sammael/the Hound of Resurrection as an option you could probably have it breed rapidly, if you don't want to clone it or something?
List-user, I've got to ask- while I'm glad that you're still looking forward to Generic Kaiju and MK9&10, why aren't you looking forward to Fables?
Read again, homeslice. You can choose for free.
It's bait, shitposter. Shouldn't you know to recognize that?
Well he answered when he posted it a few threads ago. And I want to see the reason for those.
Oh shit what is reading comprehension. My bad.
Overall look really comprehensive. Appreciate the Deathwatch Veteran buy, too. And all the free squadmates.
Now just to figure out how to explain Jumpchain to these crazy bastards. Maybe I should just import them immediately so the new memories keep them from shooting everyone immediately.
But yeah, nah, I already did that. Recheck the bit above the roll for chapter: It says you can either choose whatever OR roll a chapter if you want some randomness in there.
...I think.
*doublechecks to make sure I didn't re-upload the wrong version back before revisions*
Yeah, put it in there.
'(Choose Freely or Roll 1d10 to entrust this choice to the Emperor.)'
The 1d10 is just there if you want RNGesus to decide what Chapter you're in. Otherwise, go nuts, as far as I'm concerned. Rites of Battle, Veeky Forums Chapter Creation, something canon, whatevers!
>All of mine.
...Are you somehow dissatisfied with my efforts? If you tell me how I'm failing I can try to correct my mistakes, user.
I know I have my flaws, but I'm doing this to have fun with everyone, because I like this place.
>>Not sexy
>Are you high?
look at this sexy angelic beast.
Wasn't this claimed though?
Nice work, I love it so far.
Seraphim, Thrones, and Cherubim are not the only kinds of angel.
>implying I wouldn't
Try to stop me Ion.
There's tiny people you can buy in Adventure Time that may or may not be partially sentient. But they don't really care what you do to them. So they'll probably be fine with you putting them in jars.
I'm looking forward to the Princess Rescue Gauntlet. It has some good ideas.
So, initial thoughts.
>Eating brains to gain knowledge?
Is this really a thing? And if it isn't, there's a line you're going to want to change.
Giving each imported Companion 800 CP plus another 300 for Gear is a little too much, especially considering you're giving everyone four imports for free. I'd suggest dialing it back to 400 or 500 CP. I do like how you ensured we can get a full squad though.
Those are the two things that jumped out at me. Otherwise this is a pretty solid Jump that sticks to what I know of the source material without hanging out too much power. Nicely done. I could have sworn someone else had claimed this, but I'm glad to see this wasn't the case.
If I ever went to those settings, which I doubt I will, it would be after Isekai Shokudou and just run a restaurant. And when those multiverse-busters came in and started raising heck, I'd bop them with a newspaper and tell them to settle down. And with that one Chef perk, they would /have/ to listen to me. It would be glorious. Multiverse-busters forced to sit down by a chef if they wanted to eat my cooking. Which would be mind blowing even to them.
...annnd ninja-answered within 30 seconds of hitting button. WELP. xD
You said angels are all sexy.
>Princess Rescue Gauntlet
It's my most expected thing too.
>Requires 1st Company Veteran
>Requires 1st Company or Deathwatch Veteran
>Requires Veteran (Deathwatch or 1st Company)
There is no reason for any of the wargear to require these things, while such marines are more likely to have this stuff they aren't exclusive to them.
>So, initial thoughts.
>>Eating brains to gain knowledge?
>Is this really a thing? And if it isn't, there's a line you're going to want to change.
>Giving each imported Companion 800 CP plus another 300 for Gear is a little too much, especially considering you're giving everyone four imports for free. I'd suggest dialing it back to 400 or 500 CP. I do like how you ensured we can get a full squad though.
>Those are the two things that jumped out at me. Otherwise this is a pretty solid Jump that sticks to what I know of the source material without hanging out too much power. Nicely done. I could have sworn someone else had claimed this, but I'm glad to see this wasn't the case.
Thank you for the feedback. I can definitely use it for companion tinkering. Only other jump I've written is a GaoGaiGar one, which I've got floating around my hard drive somewhere.
as for the 'brain eating' thing, it's something they can do, yes. Specifically, due to the: "Omophagea (The Remembrancer) - Implanted into the upper spinal cord so that it becomes a component of the central nervous system, this organ is designed to absorb information and any DNA, RNA or protein sequences related to experience or memory. This enables the Space Marine to gain information, in a survival or tactical sense, simply by eating an animal indigenous to an alien world and then experiencing some of what that creature did before its death."
Snagged the description off of Warhammer 40k Wiki, which I think they pulled from one of the Codex Astartes bits.
Kinda like them being able to spit acid. Sure, they -can- do it, but they don't do it that often.
>Is this really a thing? And if it isn't, there's a line you're going to want to change.
It's definitely a thing, Yoro.
Just one of those bizzarre abilities that everyone forgets SMs have. Like acid spit.
I don't recall eating brains, but Blood Angels can get memories from people by drinking their blood.
Ulster Cycle. Meh, it's alright, I guess.
TWGOK is yet another generic fantasy setting which exists only as the backdrop for more harem trash.
The Simpsons is just one of those worlds that never changes and where half of the events that occur in it are to satisfy a quick joke. There's no overarching narrative, and most of the main cast are idiots (a pet peeve). Also, people would always play reruns when I went to visit.
Muh conceptuals, muh meta storytelling. It's not low-quality or anything, it's just not my cup of tea.
Your jumps are fine for what they are, but your taste is questionable.
>Skipped Chad Marines
So long they'll come back as a DLC/Supplement that's fine. Shoot they're different enough that they could even be their own jump.
Army builder? Scenario that lets us build our own chapter?
Reminder to destroy the Space Furries first thing.
The gene-seed implants have a lot of weirdness going on.
Best boomerangs in Jumpchain?
>They totally can.
Huh. You learn something new everyday. Okay then. Withdrawn.
Why Invincible and Irredeemable?
Neckbeard on the inside.
Yeah that shit was so fast I just assumed it was you. Either way, thanks a bunch.
Do people actually like Primaris Marines now?
>your taste is questionable.
That looks pretty sexy to me, just look at those sexy feathers.
If I choose Librarian as a Space Corgi, do I draw my magic from friendly woodland creatures instead of the Warp?
Eh, I may tweak it for the Deathwatch Veteran items, but since the way I wrote it (...I think. There's a downside to doing most of your writing at Late O' Clock), 1st Company Veteran perk makes you, well, an actual member of your Company's veterans as well as being a general low-key booster. They just don't issue Termie Armor to non-Veterans at all.
Ah. Hm. I may need to tweak it to mention that Terminator suits get a Teleport Homer, then.
The 300 CP one was intended (and, granted, my writing may have not done what I intended! I freely admit such!) to be a 'summon sudden termie beatdown squad'. *shrug* I'm easy going.
Mind, I was under the impression that they weren't necessarily standard, just most commonly used by Terminators.
Steal Hiraikotsu from Sango while visiting Inuyasha.
Honestly I never disliked them. The armor looks cool and their bolters do too. I'd like more fluff to come out so that we can explore the consequences of their introduction.
Plus my Blood Angels need all the help they can get. Cure for the fucking Flaw when?
That's fair I guess; most of my issues with Fables come from the last story arc where things escalate to ridiculous levels out of nowhere, and the death of some on my favorite characters, only to end with one of the worst anticlimaxes I've ever seen. So I can see where you're coming from. The first half is pretty alright throughout IMO though. Spin-offs are hit and miss.
>Going to be that guy.
Can we have a female space marine chapter or more accurately a mixed gender chapter
t. Mutant Nerds
What can that actually do other than be large?
I wish there was a bulk purchase option to get one of each of the Power Armors, Mark I to VIII for a nicer price than 350/400. Gotta collect 'em all.
Can you get all three of Master Crafter, Artificer, and Archeotech on one thing? Also, could one get Artificer Tactical Dreadnaught Armor?
Also kinda sad I cannot be a Techmarine-Psyker. Guess I can just buy into tech as a Librarian though.
It's less that people dislike the Primaris specifically, and more they hate what story is being used to introduce them on.
fucking eldar waifu bullshit.
>The 300 CP one was intended (and, granted, my writing may have not done what I intended! I freely admit such!) to be a 'summon sudden termie beatdown squad'. *shrug* I'm easy going.
I was skimming though it pretty fast and didn't see that part at first.
Pretty sure they are standard, granted they are often just not used because imperial teleportation technology is a bit to dangerous for the ever so valuable terminator suits but they are there for those who want or need to use them.
Space Marines are ascetic super soldier monks of the Emperor. The nuns are the Sisters of Battle.
Eldar Waifu is best waifu.
Mainly asking for female imports I have.
From what I've seen of his jumps and on SB, Lord Statera's sense of balance and what's actually appropriate to offer... mmm... leave something to be desired.
Irredeemable just didn't grab me as a setting.
Well, it's pretty tough to begin with, but post reforging/dissolving&reconstituting it can absorb/dissipate demonic miasma and emit its own demonic aura.
Go for it, as far as I'm concerned.
I tried to keep the Jump a little bit open, so as not to have anyone going 'But I can't make that thing I like with it!' for all the fancier or chapter specific stuff.
Want to be a Space Corgi Rune Priest? Go for it.
*scribbles note down* Well, guess I've got an idea for DLC/Supplement 2, when I recover sufficient brainpower/attention span!
Pretttty much my reasoning.
'Well, we're Space Marines!'
'Except we all have unique armor.'
'And weapons.'
'And new gene-organs.'
'And shiny new organization and tactics!'
'...I'll...call you back...'
You could totally make a better one, it's just demon bone shaped into a boomerang.
>Space Wolves
>Accusing others of being mutants
Literally part wolves who have sex with formerly human wolves, who can just wig out and turn into wolves sometimes, and who openly accepted warp-tainted space marines back into the fold who are all wolfmen.
Reminder that the Ultramarines are the most effective and loyal of all the Chapters and this fact cannot be disputed. The Codex Astartes is the perfect document and to defy it is heresy.
t. Matt Ward
Can't you just buy your own in the jump?
If you are a girl or importing a girl into the adeptus astartes jump can you be in the chapter and just nobody cares like the adeptus soriritas jump or must you be a man?
Neat. Now I just need a convoluted and weird plan to get her to give it to me to fit my jumpers motifs.
t. Tzeentch's Personal Cocksock
Well, it's not really something I'd generally go for, but-
*hides from scary Lord of Death*
Joking aside, eh...I suppose that one might be left up to the ol' Jumpchain standby of 'I unno, fanwank somethin'.
Or have them be the Chapter Serf/Support staff imports. *shrug*
>implying they don't still draw from the Warp
That shit was just more lies from Glass Jaw Russ as usual.
Don't have to be Thousand Sons to hate Space Yiffs, just ask the Ecclesiarchy or most other Space Marines.
Are you going to make a Chaos Marines jump?
Just get Tiki to pick up Black Crusade.
Access to marines is a little tight for a military focused jump, especially one in 40k. The most marines we can get is 39 (40 including ourselves) and it costs 850?
It was confirmed as true, actually.
I know.
Lies. The Thousand Sons is the most effective and traitorousloyal of them all.
How do I make Capcomians with this?
Ahh thanks. With that out of the way, now... to get that Thunder Hammer and crush Daemons and Xenos beneath my boot.
Proof. Please.
Utena when?
No I'm not.