Is the scythe weapon always edgy?
If someone has a scythe, uses it as a weapon, but claims it is a crowbar and also uses it (poorly) for prying, are they edgy?
Is the scythe weapon always edgy?
If someone has a scythe, uses it as a weapon, but claims it is a crowbar and also uses it (poorly) for prying, are they edgy?
Well no, the weapon is edged, not the person wielding it.
Hey, do what you want, but know the only non-edgy reason to fight with a scythe is if you're literally a farmer with ten seconds to grab something and your family already called dibs on the pitchfork, rake and shovel next to it.
And don't even try to imply that a historically accurate war scythe is the same thing as what 99% of modern fantasy calls a scythe.
My character is a cleric of the goddess of the harvest. Still edgy?
there are three kinds of scythe users,
1. Edgy McEdgelords
2. People whose backstories involve them being a fresh farmer and this being, literally, the closest thing they had to a weapon.
3. Druids with a "whole earth" vibe.
The first are *really* easy to suss out. You can usually pick them out by their character's name.
The second and third are freely welcomed to play at the table.
>If someone has a scythe, uses it as a weapon, but claims it is a crowbar and also uses it (poorly) for prying, are they edgy?
I have no idea what you are getting at here.
Don't be edgy and no one will think you are edgy for having a scythe
>but know the only non-edgy reason to fight with a scythe is if you're literally a farmer with ten seconds to grab something and your family already called dibs on the pitchfork, rake and shovel next to it.
b-but fluffy tail
It's also quite pointy and hooky.
Basically, a barbarian or cyberpunk waste dweller pick up a rather short scythe, and feel the best thing to use it for would be smacking things with it and using it to wedge open small gaps.
I don't get how the small gaps thing matters. I can use my daggers to open small gaps too but if lick blood off of them then I'm an edgelord
If (player) uses (Weapon Stats) to represent (Completely different object), and then claim to use (Completely different object) in a way it was intended to be used, but with the weapon stats of (Original item), is that a problem.
Like, Say, I have... a Mallet.
It's a two-handed wooden hammer.
However, i want to use the stats of a Bastard Sword, which is a two handed sharp and pointy thing.
Is it acceptable for me to use the stats of a Bastard Sword, with it fluffed as a Cartoonishly Large Mallet, but still be able to use it to pound in tent stakes?
>I don't get how the small gaps thing matters.
They think it's some kind of weird crowbar because they don't know what a scythe is.
oh, no, not quite that.
It's a guy who thinks that rifle of yours is some kind of fancy wood mallet.
seems about right. I mean, he found a Commie sickle, basically, so he's using it as a way to hurt things and take stuff. Just as Stalin would have wanted.
actually, an even better example:
Thinking that bastard sword of yours is in fact some kind of metal hammer with a really sharp handle.
I don't know what to believe in and I don't care anymore. I have seen the biggest edgelords on paper, being the most interesting characters at the table and great thought out characters going full duel wield katana edgelord.
Build every character you want and you have one session to convince me, that he isn't shit.
reminds me of how I want to play the comically edgy DARKMOON BLOODSCYTHE.
Works best in a system that has some kind of clumsy flaw.
Why would anyone claim the shovel and or rake before the scythe?
I always pick shovel.
Shovel is devastating. High stats. Many attack.
>He's never heard of a war scythe
That's a sickle, pleb.
The biggest problem with edgy characters is for me, that they are often lone wolfs and people tend to play them like that. This makes interactions between the group often very tedious, because you as the GM has to force them somehow to work together as a team, with as little railroading as possible.
You want to do what with the orphanage? Fine, be ready for the consequences. But please, please stay with the group, so I have to run two different adventures.
The only thing worse are the social "lul, I'm so random"/Deadpool/Joker-wannabes, because you need to be very, very funny for them, so everyone at the table is enjoying your show or you're just a obnoxious, annoying faggot.
See, the proper way to play an edgelord lone wolf is to do your edgelord lone wolf thing, then when people leave, be like "hey, where are you guys going, what gives" while following them.
I really like shovel and I'm going to let it finish, but pitch fork is the best self defense farm tool of all time.
Just -dig- your foes.
I'd rather they not -pitch- a fit, and we all have a good -tine-.
stop -undercutting- me, man.
Naigama was used in the Genpei War
>This kama was used to mow down the enemy and cut his legs, hands, or neck, as well as the legs of horses. This weapon was also used in naval combat in order to pull enemy boats close in order to board them, to cut rigging, and so on.
Am I the only one now looking at historically accurate war scythes, think they look pretty cool? I'm pretty sure if people knew about them they'd be in media more often considering that they're pretty aesthetically pleasing
I see it the complete opposite way. They are probably know-it-alls and everything needs to be done their way, because it's for them it's objectively the best way. So they try to seize the control over the group and try to lead them. If they get the group to do what they what them to do and succeed: Congratulations, you're right and everyone else is wrong, your way is the best and so are you. But if they fail we reach a breaking point for our edgy fellow, where he has to reflect, if his actions and his way of seeing things are right. BOOM! Potential for character growth, outside of any stats and numbers.
That's nothing like a fantasy "scythe" weapon as portrayed in fantasy. It has edges in directions other than toward the user.
War scythes exist. Grain scythes really aren't very good weapons.
A sickle seems like a perfectly appropriate weapon for a druid or cleric of a deity related to harvests.
So why isn't her favored weapon a foreign workforce?
Checkmate, harvest clerics.
so, like... the wonderful 101?
The image on the right and most fantasy scythes aren't actually scythes, they're OPs thing blown up to the size of a polearm and could be used as a piercing weapon.
Wouldn't the cleric be the god's favored weapon since she's the foreign workforce?
Ring ring, it's the spear and haldbred calling from two phones on the same old landline, we do exactly what war scythe did but better
clerics with monk unarmed progression when?
>not using the shovel
Hopefully never. That would be a huge middle finger to monks
>war scythe
This image is NOT a suggestion of what you should do, but a simple analogy for why a war scythe is not the same thing as a grain scythe (i.e. the edgelord scythe OP was referring to), even when they're made of the same parts.
If a scythe had it's edge on the other side of the blade, would it be more useful in combat? Would it be actually useful?
if a wheat farmer uses a scythe as a weapon is it edgy?
any way... khopesh
Certainly acceptable if it's kusarigama like pic related.
using a grim reaper scythe is gay shit for edgelords.
>those people that care about realism when it's a thing they dislike, but don't care when it's a thing they like
It'd be more useful on a charge.
>not scything your enemy's feet out from under them like it's harvest season
There used to be a time when we knew why shovels were viable weapons.
Only if they're being swung around as a weapon by the paladin
Motion carries fluffy tail is exempt *gavelsound.mp3*
>post Kusarigama
Don't be confusing bad ass samurai/ninja weapon with edgy anime Scythes.
>If someone has a scythe, uses it as a weapon, but claims it is a crowbar and also uses it (poorly) for prying, are they edgy?
If they're trying to be edgy, using it like a crowbar just makes them look stupid.
That said Scythes are forgivable if there's a reason it's being used. As others have stated if the character is a peasant or farmer or something and has no better options, or is simply "new" to the idea of adventuring/fighting/whatever that they've not yet learned how dumb their chosen weapon is.
pathfinder warpriest sacred fist
I had a hard time finding a picture of a short scythe, and the image I saw of one that looked like a crowbar was a thing I don't have digitally.
Im about to play a character thats haunted by a phantom scythe that gets jealous of other weapons, so I dont have much say in the matter
is that still edgy? I really only picked it for mechanical reasons
really all depends on the tone of the game. If this character is in some serious/realistic setting it's kinda edgy. If this is a light hearted fantasy and or anime inspired setting, I wouldn't see it as being edgy.
And apparently people have forgotten rakes make viable weapons as well.
>Second and third sound like they would turn the campaign into magical realm
First and fifth are the right choice
>rogue wields sickle and hammer
>a communinja
Don't worry, HEMA Jesus also featured actual scythes.
Besides, the thread started with the kusarigama which is a sickle so...
Yes, edgy and impractical. Use a flail.
Idk, the kusarai-gama-wielding bandit in Vagabond was pretty cool.
Historically, war scythes were farming tools modified into polearms for war use. Because, you know, economy.
This user knows what's up.
or a billhook, which is essentially a farming tool already
>You got some dirt on you, HERE'S SOME MORE
The rake sounds a bit hyperbolic, but shovels would be infinitley more useful than a scythe, as it has an edge both along the haft and perpendicular to it, at the top, meaning you can swing it to get a nice line of momentum going and when it hits, you hit with the blade.
What I'm saying is that the shovel fits the basic design of most polarms. Now, how the fuck do you attack someone with a scythe? The blade's on the inside, you'd need to walk up to someone, hook it around them, and then PULL it across them. It'd be ridiculously short-ranged, leave you highly vulnerable, and it'd require extreme strength and speed to get any momentum with it. It's a retarded weapon, even a blunt shovel would be a thousand times more effective.
It's also straight up large and unwieldy and would require wide, sweeping strikes, making it even _more_ useless in a formation.
Whilst I agree with you from a historical perspective, I think a scythe works narratively too. But a flail is better.
He's talking about the scythe-user archetypes, not the edgelord names.
>bad ass samurai/ninja weapon
said every edgelord ever
Eh, the question is are you using a scythe in lieu of a better option for anything other than backstory reasons?
A grain scythe is a makeshift weapon with history you keep using for history's sake. A war scythe is a a long sword attached to a staff, best used like people use spears in fantasy.
Fantasy scythes are best used as the subject of enchantments done by out of touch Wizards and used because the enchantment is cool.
Scythes aren't inherently edgy, but you are probably edgy if your gaming the system this hard to make a exotic weapon choice.
it only makes sense if it's magical, in which case the form doesn't really matter
even your average peasant, should have better improvised weapon choices, i.e. a pitchfork or an axe
That's a sickle.
There is literally nothing wrong with edgy characters, as long as they are not a direct rip-off of shitty characters.
Every edgy character is a shitty character.
t. brainlet paladin player
Still beats being an edgelord.
Give me a definition of edgelord, then.
Just look in the mirror.
Thanks for proving my point, brainlet :)
Come back when you have a definition
That happened tho. “Ending him rightly” with the pommel or handle of a sword is basically a meme that actually appeared in treatises.
See also: Mortschlag.
Could be using it more as a badge of office rather than a practical weapon. Like a wizard staff. Alternatively, it could be like 's war scythe which is just the converted farming tool made into a polearm to serve as a practical weapon, demonstrating that the harvest god arms its clerics for whatever reason.
Sickle is that you're looking for, a small 1-hand scythe.
Shovels were used in combat extensively during WW1.
I think we've proven that anyone who still uses the word edgy is a retard
>not running people over with a tractor
>Sealed away in another world by the gods
>Not edgy
>caring if your choice of weapon is edgy
Insecure nerd obsessed with meme buzzwords
the amount edge is proportionnal to the size of the scythe, in more ways than one.
Yes, mostly because 90% of people who use them are not aware that the cutting edge is the INSIDE OF THE BLADE.
>The rake sounds a bit hyperbolic
Rakes were used as improvised weapons and eventually were developed into weaponized versions just like other farm tools.
As someone who owns and uses scythes for cutting hay and various tall grass and such I would much rather use a hoe, a pike hook or anything like that than a farming scythe.
If it is a standard farming scythe instead of an actual weapon then it will either lack the handles and be too unwieldy to swing fluidly or have handles and be far too limited in motion and reach and be "one-sided". Either way it's hard to swing except in particular angles and using shaft would be limited by the long blade. It would be hard to fluidly move it in the same way as most straight weapons with long shafts.
You would have to let the enemy get inside your reach but then they will be able to just grab the shaft or get a bit closer and be to close to be swung at. Your swings will always come from the same side and you will be unable to use the scythe to protect yourself from most angles. If the enemy has any idea of how scythes are swung then you will just get stabbed or circled around.
pic obviously unrelated
Anyway, a farming scythe could possibly be altered into a weapon by reattaching the blade but then might just break off from the shaft too easily.
It depends almost entirely on context. Yes, a person who wants to use a scythe has a higher chance of being an edgelord wanker, but one should not confuse correlation with causation.
When used by Ninja Kusarigama are edgy as fuck yes.
Now when used by Yoriki or Dōshin kusarigama are awsome (Since they're use can help capture an enemy alive instead of just hacking them up with the scythe like some psycho naurto reject how most people play their ninja)
>is docile and non combative
>has sincere affection for the twisted denizens of her domain
>cut off fluffy tail and make a fluffy dragon charm
She really is best girl.
Khpesh is not a scythe
Paulus Hector Mair wrote a peasant weapon treatise that included a number of techniques for fighting with a common scythe, and against the same.
It's not the best weapon, but as fantasy goes it hardly stretches credulity compared to other, worse offenders.
Nobody mind me, just passing through.
This indeed, a standard farming scythe is pretty much impossible to use as a weapon, anybody who's ever cut grass with one would understand. Sure, you can quickly reforge one so that the blade points upwards, and stick it on a straight pole, but then it would be useless for cutting grass and the wafer thin blade would break the first time you hit anything tougher than blancmange.
16th century equivalent of a book of weaboo fighting magic, pure fantasy.