Your move, Veeky Forums

Your move, Veeky Forums.

Dick move starting in the center. The only winning move is to call you a faggot



but this isn't a quest.

Fuck you its a quest if he says it is


I chose inaction. You can no longer move and it stay my turn.

I think most would consider a spoken commitment to inaction a withdrawal. Like everyone for example


By the way, O is master race, OP. X is gay

Looks like I'm winning.

Never go on the inside when fighting O Masters like myself, Xfag

Strange game. Seems the only winning move is not to play.

But what does that do?

Draws two (you)s

Nice move. Seems like I'll have to up my game.


Going off the game board! Who can stop me ?!

Where do you think you're going at that speed?


Well played. I have to focus on the Eastern Front since the West is locked down by X forces.

That move will be your la...
Wait a second, who's that?


>a benis for ants


I place the antbenis and activate my Culter-Dei gym invasion squadron.
Your move, ratboy.

Brouzouf for dayz




Veeky Forums is bad at knots and crosses


I concede.

Does this mean that quest threads are allowed back on Veeky Forums again?

I have no idea what you're talking about. We're great at knots and crosses

We have mastered knots better than majority of the other boards.

>knots and crosses

It's tik tac toe you gourd-demned foreigner.

By the gods tell me that thread was archived.

I think we need to calm down and start fresh.


no one can win every battle but a man should fall without a struggle

I set a card in defense position. Your move, Kaibah.

>advanced wars units
I'm not crying you're crying

>not turned sideways

You were syaing?

It's tic-tac-toe, you uncultured swine.

>tfw you realize that if they made a new Advance Wars it would have heavy dating sim elements, a terrible localization, and tons of microtransactions

It's for the best user. Intelligent Systems is too far gone.