Who is 'physically' the most Veeky Forums race/faction in 40k?
Who is 'physically' the most Veeky Forums race/faction in 40k?
>bunch of shitty, poorly proportioned xenos
>not the perfect human form that embodies Veeky Forums
Try again, cur
Dark Eldar
It is near suicide to be lazy and "relaxed" in Commoragh. You either do drugs that make you more fit while giving you a high, or train. And when you fight, you get high while fighting. So you are even more fit.
Naturally it's either Dark Eldar or Orks, depends on how you want to categorize "fit". There are certainly individual humans that can surpass them, but you can't really call them human anymore. The same goes for Chaos Space Marines.
Eat. Grow. Slaughter. Repeat.
They're the skwatz an oatz of spess
No one makes gains like tyranids.
They lack points in the homoerotic department.
>otter mode
>super strong
>take on properties of shit they eat
>ate all the orks on their planet
>ugos with a jacked body
Genestealers are literally traps
Upliftees aside, it's not like they spend their time brain-training
humans can’t get to the size of a walker
orks at peak performance are terrifying
They're pretty obese, they just throw their weight around for the most part.
Wasn't there fluff that specifically states orks only gain weight when they can't fight like in capitivity? Aren't they just pure muscle when they're healthy?
Yea, xenology
Most orks are jojo characters.
I'm imagining gaybait orks and I don't like it. Fuck you for putting this image in my head
>when they can't fight like in capitivity
or when they kick back too long drinking fungus brew
What do you think real life human peak strength-based athletes and fighters do?
Pic related is one of the strongest men on Earth at the moment.
>Veeky Forums
YOU’d think the Emperor would have fixed that fault in Space Marines.
Maybe Primaris can.
>being a giant retard =Veeky Forums
If you say so.
>being stronger and tougher != fit
Plus, don’t creatures have S or Str values? Shouldn’t we be able to tell which creature is the fittest by stats?
The Custodes.
>peak of Emperor's genecraft
>ripped, oiled abs
>functionally immortal
>peak alphas
>none of the psychological dysfunction of the Primarchs
>powerlifting meme
This is the ideal humanoid body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Pillarman.MP3 but with the mu’adhin just shouting “Waaaaaaaargh”
Literally this. Kroot are criminally underappreciated.
it's not that orks are humanoid, it's that we are orkoid
>Basically meat puppets
>Emperor still used primarchs rather than rely on walking weapons
The only answer
>walking weapons
That's astartes. Custodes are cultured men.
>literally called Squats
This. Dark Eldar have the best athleticism, but Orks can beat them in brute strength.
They don't even need armor. Just helmets and a shit ton of oil
Fuck I'm having an existential crisis now
Probably Tyranids, but they're literally animals. It'd be like someone on Veeky Forums comparing an athlete unfavorably to a Gorilla.
Space Wolves.
It's canon. Read the "A Thousand Sons" where the Thousand Sons are shocked by how the Space Wolves aren't affecting by anything physically.
Okay, are we talking fit or Veeky Forums?
Orks, that's not even a question.
Second place for Dark Eldar
>It'd be like someone on Veeky Forums comparing an athlete unfavorably to a Gorilla.
>Not aspiring to be the mightiest of apes
Necrons are a Veeky Forumstocracy
Necron Warriors are DYEL skelies.
Pariahs and lichguards have some gains and wide shoulders
Lords have big guns but luck some definition.
C'tans are literally 10/10
in fact it is the opposite, the bigger an ork is smarter it becomes
>le strong is fat meemee XD
Some of the best powerlifters and strongmen of all time have been pretty shredded.
C’tan have a 9/10 on both S and T.
The fittest.
Just fit, like the Custodes.
Veeky Forums will slag off Siege of Terra Horus for being a DYEL manlet with noob gains, and there's a bunch of much bigger guys where Veeky Forums works out.
Giant = fucking hueg
Retard = No brain, all brawl
Giant retard = huge brawler
>le GOMAD face
I love these beaky fucks
Retard = Slow
People on Veeky Forums could be runners.
Catachans, they dont need any genetic tampering or psychic field shenanigans to equal space marines and orks in strength, and arent total retards
That's a showroom body.
>aka i'm starving and dehydrated, i hope i don't pass out during the competition
They turn into this rather quickly
Considering the way tyranids evolve, I have my doubts if they're animals.
Btw, humans are animals too
If primarchs count, then it's the primarchs
Depends on how eldar biology is.
Considering that they don't have much sexual dimorphism, I expect they're fairly weak.
I don’t think anything less of a primarch has a 9 9 stat array and that’s only a shard.
A full c’tan is the star god of fitness.
Also, shards in the rpg can get 85 Str. If 9 S is 85 Str than a normal c’tan would likely have 99s in everything.
Prove it
The beast had diplomats and was capable of running a huge space empire.
The beast arises series.
Also, xenology probably says something about this.
The diplomats and space empire were in the Beast novels and also bigger = stronger & smarter is a pretty common theme for orks in all the fluff.
That's a cocaine body, actually. One of the few things actually tested for, and the reason Pudzianowaki's streak was broken. He looked like that for most of his career.
shouldnt it be the other way arround?
if they don't have much sexual dimorphism then everyone needs to be strong