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Farsight Bomb edition

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Xenos players are not people.

What kind of Land Raider variant are you making when Chapter Approved brings back Vehicle Design Rules?.

The melted kind.

4th for the lion

The kind that is based on a lemon russ chassis, since the LR is the only vehicle getting creation rules.

Ist the Krieg list a balanced one ?

Probably one with high transport capacity but with meltas

Daily reminder that each sprue costs .05 to make and ship to burgerland. And yes, I'm aware of the costs of prototyping and tooling to make said sprue.

>t. NEET without understanding of economics

>We are also bringing a whole new feature to Open Play. Designing and building your own vehicles is a feature that hasn’t appeared in Warhammer 40,000 since 5th Edition. We are going to trial some new rules to allow you to design your very own Land Raider variants and field these behemoths on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium.

Whatever you say fleshboi

>tfw Codex soon

Blood Angels Second Company Representing.

Since 5th?
I recall make your own unit since 2nd

Need some ideas for a DG list, going to an event which has plenty of restrictions.

>1500 max points
>battalion only, must be from single faction
>each unit can only be taken once except troops. If you take 3 of the same troops you lose 1 command point.
>no lords of war or forgeworld

I could potentially drop some Plague Marines to go 2x5 man and get another character, like the flamer guy. But I'm not sure, I like my 7 man squads. But... he does benefit my army quite a bit too.


Pic related.

Hope I don't roll 1s.

You forgot your image, brother.

Land raider lemun russ, all your human vehicles look the same to me, you greater goodless heathen.

I miss Farsight and Farsight Bomb being good. Hope the Tau codex (or Farsight Enclaves, if we're real lucky) comes with some buffs for homeboy.

Just some regular classic WW2 vehicles for guard.

Jeeps, Half Tracks, buggies, motorcycles etc.

Also maybe some kind of guard skimmer with las weaponry.

I don't think you can shove any more bolters on there than the Crusader variant already has, so I dunno, make one with dual missile launcher sponsons or something?

>And yes, I'm aware of the costs of prototyping and tooling to make said sprue.
And plastic injection moulds can cost around ~12,000 burgerbucks.

>Unsure of the exact type of moulds GW uses.
>Not including the cost of the machines / machine maintenance.

> Hurricane Plasma
Holy shit I never know I want it 'til now.

Great restrictions as much as it will make WAAC fags cry salty tears. Tournament will be based on skill rather than list hammer.

Your list look solid as a result.

that means the last time it showed up not the first time

How can other Chapters even compete ?

how many people are going to show for this tourney, you think?

Primaris Get out of here. I play Manlet Second Company dammit.

Land Raider Boltstorm
>Two sets of side Hurricane Bolters
>Pintle Stormbolter
>Avenger Mega Bolter (if possibile)

>strapping a bunch of shit to the hatches so the view ports are blocked and you can't get in or out

>How can other Chapters even compete
By having an alive Primarch

yfw there are no profiles for normal marines in the codex. It's all primaris

It would be nice for the Dark Angels to finally field the Land Raider Ares again. Shame there are no longer pieplates though.


H-he's still with us.

Should be 30.

>implying that GW will not resurect Sanguinius or made him survive heresy

They got gobbled up, m8.

By not getting so BTFO by NPCs they need other NPCs to come save their ass.

Sonic Land Raider with Two Blastmasters in each of the sponsoons and the option to take up to two Sonic Blasters or another Blastmaster, and a Doom Siren. Give it a lower Transport capacity and more speed, maybe a few less wounds.

Guilliman is an NPC?

>I play Manlet

Definitely some room for improvement, but very solid overall. I can see several ways to spend points, both the 11 free and the additional you could free up by dropping stuff, like the extra plague marines. E.g. your Blightlords would love to be carrying a fancy gun somewhere in the party.

I'm pessimistic about the Plagueburst solving all of your anti-tank needs. You might want to think about that, although with everyone working with those restrictions, Guard might be the only faction capable of bringing a lot of super-tough stuff.

One that can fit 10 possessed (2x5 as insurance for their variable attacks) and a buffing melee character or two.

CSM will get variant land raider rules in chapter approved, r-right?

twin assault cannons on the front, twin plasma cannon sponsons, optional stormbolter/missile and you can replace the assault cannons for a quad plasma gun, transport capacity of 12

Khorne Daemons wrecked the Tyranids because some Bloodthrister made the Bangels his Waifu

Reminder that the T'au already killed Slaanesh

Post your projects anons, WIP or recently completed.

Don't use this tank at night-time or versus Alpha Legion!

You don't actually think shipping across the entire fucking ocean costs five cents, do you?

>nice and honorable martyrs. It would be such a shame if someone came to replace them

Thoughts on my first go at an Elysian List? Trying to fluff them as a recon company.

Company Commander w/ Plasma Gun

Officer of the Fleet (JTAC)

Command Squad w/ 2x Plas, Medikit, Vox

2x Squads w/ Plasma and Vox

1x Missile Team

1x HB Team

1x Drop Sentinel

2x Tauros Venators w/Multilasers

Comes out to around 500pts and I think gives a basic level of play for them without busting into flyers. Thoughts?

>Sanguinius made the ultimate sacrifice, falling to Horus but leaving a chink in his armor so that his Father may slay the traitor son. However, in his dying moments, Sanguinius threw his soul into the warp, waiting for an adequate vessel to be created to house his dormant spirit. None other than Belisarius Cawl engineered the Primaris Primarch, the only living being capable of embodying Sanguinius' noble spirit.

Coming to a Black Library novel, ~2018


Nth for Death Guard getting NIDED

Rewards of loyalty, traitor filth

So the idea was that there is potentially no immediate life outside of the Milky Way other than the Tyranids, right?

If there was, wouldn't the Chaos Gods know?


>Primaris Primarch

That's a new one. Did you just pluck that idea out of thin air or did you base this on something?

Why are the night lords so much better than other legions?

I was just about to say come on

>what if this was true, after all ?

Trayzen has seen things out there. I don't think the Chaos Gods know shit.

I wouldn't say they're better really, they're cowards.

They are awesome though.

Dante or Mephiston only, who'll probably be upgraded into primaris...

>carnac doesn't know a piece of lore
New lows everyday

>There are people that prefer Batman over 007

Absolutely heretical.

How's that?

>mfw i work with mouldmakers and provide injection rigs for them
>mfw we sold a single unit for low output injection for over 100,000 burgers
>and that doesnt even include the mould or press

I tried posting the link but Veeky Forums thinks all russian sites are spam.
It's the Dynamic Expansion: Echoes of the Mont'au story from a White Dwarf.

Primarishits are for low IQ retards

Sadly nothing 40k related. I built about 1800 points of sgimar the past 5 days.

In some story Tau manages to banish a Keeper of Secrets and they though it was Slaanesh.

Nurgle won the planet, not actually sure who won the Plague Hulk, it just says the Gorgon fleet somehow managed to make a toxin that made Death Guard flesh slough off the bones also remember Death Guard aren't immune to disease, poison, toxin and plague, they just don't die, the toxin in question would obviously work on them if it just sloughed meat off the bone then it will slough meat off the bone

>Primarch died to a retarded banana

I mean i wouldnt mind them if i didnt have buy and use a separate squad to be able to deal with different threats. Like if Intercessors could take plasma or flamers i would be all on board. But as they are now they are way too restrictive.

The Tyranids will learn to fear Nurgle's Skeletons!

It was actually just a Noise Marine a cultist called Slaanesh to fuck with the Tau.

>the joke
>your head


That's a Keeper of Secrets and it didn't even die, Tau don't have the methods to actually kill Daemons.
That would be even funnier.

There are no cowards among the astartes.
Retreating after noticing that the battle is impossible to win is not cowardice.
Others legions misunderstand it, as most of them thinks that dying a pointless death agains't a much stronger foe is better than retreating to fight another day.
>Manlet primarch
Alphalets don't even have a ultra angry gladiator as primarch to compensate.


Dorn is not a retard.

Pretty much done, will make a few finishing touches when I get around to it.

They are cowards because they run from a fair fight, only taking unfair fights.

>Tau are waiting in ambush to fuck up some Berserkers
>The leader is not very well liked by the rest
>Two of the other berserkers get a fun idea and call out to the leader
>Blasts of plasma fire rain down on the leader, every Tau trying to be the one that kills a Chaos God
>The rest of the Berserkers just slaughter them all now that the positions are clear

This mini is part of the reason why I'm starting a Krieg army myself.
It's just so fucking good.

Always with the dumbass liars. The T'au commander, that was back before the Damocles Crusade aka when they met the Imperium, thought that the Chaos warband commander was called Slaanesh because the cultists kept screaming Slaanesh Slaanesh Slaanesh over and over.

The commander did not believe he was a god or anything just a guy who might have been called Slaanesh. The commander kill the warlord of the warband and wrote the event in his diary.

I hope you get hit by a truck on fire.

Primarch killed by another primarch > primarch who let some assassin kill him without a fight.

Forgot pic.


>because the cultists kept screaming Slaanesh Slaanesh Slaanesh
One cultist said he served Slaanesh and pointed out where his warband hangs out after enjoying some torture. That's strike two!

If Tyranids are worth nothing to the Blood God then are Tau worth anything at all either?

Tyranids are worthless, but Tau are overdraft charges

>I hope you get hit by a truck on fire.
My oh my, thank you for those kind words !

What happened at the Iron Cage already ?

Yeah just remembered that bit as I posted the post.

Tyranids skulls and ichor are accepted by Khorne according to the daemonkin codex.

T'au have also been attacked by Khornates numerous times.

So, I'm still interested in trying out 2nd edition 40k, if only to experience its more lunatic moments, Ork artillery, Cyclone Missiles and vehicles having crew that could actually leave their rides...

...wish me luck?