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>buy multiple boxes of new minis just to make a kitbash
>it looks worse than if I had just bought the actual model I'm bashing and added some green stuff

1st for Tyranid Superiority

my dudes > your dudes

I want to make a pure primaris force, what do I need to get to have a decent go?

Is it worth kitbashing together a Big Mek on warbike right now?

KFF with a 14" move is sweet as hell, but I'm 99% sure it won't be in the codex.

>tfw i want to kitbash a captain from my army who is from the fluff
>Tfw he probably got squatted in the tyranid attack
Blood Angels life is pain.

Why are the Night Lords so much better than other legions?

You've failed the Hive Mind. Jump into a digestion pool immediately.

Jesus Christ, GW shill. Don't you guys have nothing else to do?

Non-monopose cultist when?

>kitbashing a unit that already has a model


What were you trying to do ?

Outdated or OOP, or just shit looking maybe.

They don't have much at the moment, but they will have stuff in the future no doubt. I'm fairly confident that the older generation of Space Marines will be 'soft squatted', as in they won't receive any support and all we'll get is Primaris in the future. Probably even get some characters who've been 'primarised'.

For now though I'd get bits of everything. Its all decent. Not amazing, but decent. Just pick a chapter you like, sit back and shoot.

>Being this fucking shit at the hobby

Gotta spend my autismbux somehow

Post your amazing kitbashes

Biggest weakness is anti tank. Make sure you have enough hellblasters and repulsors.

To make it look different, I suppose.

I mean, regular guardsmen have their kits, but that doesn't stop people from buying, say, Empire hand gunners and great swords, and making some dudes with muskets and cuirasses.

Lots of hellblasters and aggressors, skip out on inceptors and redemptors, 1-2 repulsors arent the WORST, MSU inceptor squads to grt that sweet sweet battalion

>MFW my homebrew chapter is mostly primaris because they were nearly wiped to the man
Life as a primaris apologist is pain

Run it from the Index, mate? Unless they change the way KFF inside vehicles work, it’ll be the only way to get a quick-moving KFF in your list.

This destroys the nightfags.

I currently have Captain, apothecary, hellblasters and a Repulsor. Trading my old blood angels for them.

Eh, I like them monopose. Makes it easy to put a million troops together.

>literally entire legion reduced to crying wrecks
>better than other legions

No sweety, it doesn't work that way.

How would you even get them looking good at that scale if they're multipart?

Why? I wasn't criticising the lack of kitbashing. I was criticising that the concept of kitbashing something with a model was alien to them/you.

Running it from the index makes me nervous because index stuff will get squatted eventually.

Not to mention it won't get benefits from point adjustments.

So basically I'll be making a model that will be invalid at some point.

Yeah but multipart would be better for kitbashing.

Was thinking of doing raven guard for surprise hellblasters.

Does anyone happen to have a copy of the November White Dwarf?


How is it?

They can do it with GSC.

Sigh. A copy that someone would be nice enough to be post.


Whoever is editing the 1d4 chan tactica for space marines can you please hide your boner for company veterans

Good to know

pretty good. Nid stuff would be more interesting if it all wasn't already leaked

Buy Necromunda Gangers

Maybe, but there’ll also be no Warboss on a Bike in that case. I’m hoping for bike-character sprue, no matter how unlikely. Hell, no Mek other than Mega-Armoured will be able to have a KFF, because none of them have models.

Oh, then no.

Can the Custodian Vexilla take a power knife AND storm shield? The index specifically states that you can take a storm shield if you don't have a Guardian Spear.

Any Salamander players out there run Vulkan Hestan?

Is it better to go wall of flamers and cheap out a bit or better to go all in with melta?

Already on the list along with GSC so that

Who else is happy shitcrons AkA nu crons AKA REDDIT clowns are about to be thrown into the trashfir thanks to glorious GW cucking and killing all shitty poppy crap crawl """""fluff"""" (more like turdfs lol!!) and shit crunch??

Well boys, I decided to pull the trigger on getting a Thunderhawk. I just love the new model so much.

Would you personally mind playing against a thunderhawk + marines in a 2000 point game? It doesn’t seem like the killiest superheavy at 900 points but at least it looks tanky.

I just really like the idea of a small, elite marine force plus the horse they rode in on fighting off a way bigger force.

Also thankfully, I noticed that since the thunderhawk is a LoW and not a Flyer in the force org, it does count towards sudden death. Meaning that I’m genuinely curious if I could make a list consisting of stuff that either A) arrives in the thunderhawk or B) deep strikes on its own

Anyway I’ll post pics of it in 1-2 months when it arrives and I get it painted.

>Who else is happy shitcrons AkA nu crons AKA REDDIT clowns are about to be thrown into the trashfir thanks to glorious GW cucking and killing all shitty poppy crap crawl """""fluff"""" (more like turdfs lol!!) and shit crunch??
Can you repeat that in english you git.

Dunno, weird.

When I'm at a computer and phoneposting, I want to start writing for 2nd Edition.

Just wish 1d4chan supported tabs.

Starting to get around to the Plague Marines I've been working on. Mind numbing to batch-paint 13 Marines but still, they're coming along.


Could you tell that the second guy from the left is using a Terminator Blight Launcher? I took his part from the Blightlords kit and just stuck it on him. I think it looks just fine honestly.

Don't give him a (you)

Huh, meant to post the first image but whatever.

Kind of crappy photos but they look 'aight. Like the conversion you did.

I get it. It's Nyan-cat.

If you purchase, assemble, and paint a fucking Thunderhawk you've earned the right to field it however you want

Your only transport option costs 80 bucks.

My only hope for a new Ork kit is a Nob Warbikes sprue with bits to make a Warboss, Big Mek, or Painboy.

Though it will probably never happen because no one other than flavors of Space Marines can get new models anymore.

Every time I see the guy with the hood it makes me want to use that head for an enginseer kitbash.

Necromunda confirmed for dead in the water
Quarterly gang releases lol.

Looks like Primaris point values(and thus recommendations) may change a lot in Chapter Approved. I'd either wait a month or just get the stuff you think looks cool regardless.

And, you know, rules for all the old models, on release day. For free.

Whats his name?

I'm getting more interested in AoS after the latest releases in 8th.

I like their Match Play point system and army composition method better than the detachment system. Detachments just don't encourage balance. The Supreme Command Detachment is bullshit.

Just let people know ahead of time you're bringing a super heavy so they can prepare accordingly.




The old models that aren't made any more

You can proxy. Or use old ones.

>The Supreme Command Detachment is bullshit.
Small forces on a budget are nice, though.

>Life as a primaris apologist is pain
Apologize for nothing user, I do the same with my Minotaurs, and I will keep doing the same.


Ok Veeky Forums, here's one:

If you were to write the core rules for your own edition from 40k from scratch, what would you do differently?

Why is it supreme command is bullshit but vanguard or spearhead isn't?
Are HQs just better?

Yes, they even put him on the box with the shield.

HQs generally have a lot of wounds and are untargetable unless they are closest.

At least for IG it allows your super-heavy to benefit from Doctrines where as a regular super-heavy detachment one doesn't.

What ever happened to most of the weapons used specifically by legions during horus heresy. Like the Salamanders couldnt of lost all their Flame Projectors and the Blood Angels couldn't have lost all of their... things that made them different from the other legions.

You think detachments are bad for balance but like aos formations?

You know most things we have from just 2,000 years ago are ruins or fragments. Now add another 8,000 years.

>You can play anything against anything!
>No wait you need three or four troop choices and most armies have troop units that work best in units of 20-30

Yeah no, AoS is worst of both worlds.

AOS Battalions have an extra cost tacked onto them. So yes, you get a bonus but it costs something and you have to also be locked into very specific units.

Invuln save don't exist, replace most of the rules giving invuln save by either FnP or +X to saving throw.

Baller, thanks

For me Supreme Command distorts the normal composition more. Spearhead, Vanguard, and Outrider at least look like AR my with an HQ and several units of "troops." They're even fluffy when representing forces that use Focus manipulation in the past such as Deathwing or White Scars biker armies. Supreme Command however is nothing like that and can lead to some very weird looking forces. That said its probably wouldn't be an issue if so many of the problem models weren't cheap spammable HQs (mainly psykers).

Well I play Stormcasts so that last thing you said just isn't true at all.


Yeah weird how ghb2 actually increased the incentive to take huge battlelines instead of adapting more of the wh40 8th rules. Its going to be another year before they look at it again too.

Maybe once FW has HH in a good place, they might port over the unique infantry units the legions have. Chaos is already getting a few of them in a corrupted fashion for what its worth

They exist purely to make 30k different from 40k. And to differentiate the legions more from another, since there's no aliens or such in 30k. They couldn't just have one generic list for all legions with slight variations in rules, nor could they give all chapters their own unique weapons and units in 40k.


What did the Blood Angels use outside of "lol lets charge them"? They had to have a special weapon right?

They do that and we should write a strongly worded letter to express our disapproval.

I was hoping we'd start to see different codex chapters get at least one chapter unique unit but I guess GW makes more money with units that have a broader appeal.


Their balancing metrics don't fix a flawed concept, they will always determine the meta game winners and losers. Armies with the good ones win, armies with the bad ones suck, armies with no codex are dogshit. Units that don't have good good formation bonuses or aren't part of the requirements sit on the shelf. To me they took a good idea, if we get the point cost right you can bring anything, and needlessly ruined it.


Probably push things out to D10s, or maybe D8s if D10s aren't suitable for parsing the results of lots of dice quickly. That would allow some extra differences in stats between different units/species, (and hopefully nullify the "everything plays the same in 8th" complaint,) and THAT would proper to-hit modifiers to come back into the game, rather than having a situation where an extra -1 to hit makes some armies literally useless.

I too believe anything I read in /40kg/, did you know chaos vehicles are going to be squatted as well?

Basically having 5 levels of accuracy really isn't good to describe everything ranging from vindicares to blind green dumbasses

yoke m8