I got a plush pepe from my mummy for christmas. AMA
I got a plush pepe from my mummy for christmas. AMA
why would you tell your mother you have any interest in pepe?
How big is his benis will momy be stifled
Where can I buy one with Ripple?
She is also on Veeky Forums
Normies are coming after us ha
you need dogecoin to purchase one
Which chink/gook country are you from
well that's just fuckin weird
epic post
Traveling taiwan
Nice here desu
nice bulge desu
well memed. here is my meme collection
>Actually buying a Pepe Plushie
plush pepes are the next xrp. get in on the next moon mission
>Not shelling out for an official pepe the frog plush paying in decentralized currency
Well now I wanna see it’s cock.
Veeky Forums is the new /pol/. I'm not joking. I might not be able to chase shitcoin pumps but I am an expert in Veeky Forums board pumps. I was there when /b/ was raiding Habbo Hotel, I was on /a/ for Haruhi and Gurren Lagann, I was on Veeky Forums and got ripped when we were all gonna make it, I was on /r9k/ for the rare Pepe/tendies explosion, I was on /pol/ for the Trump phenomena. Now I'm on Veeky Forums trading crypto. The fact that I am here is proof that this board has gone to shit, because I only chase the pump.
Think about it lads. Your board is fucked.
it'll cost you a pretty penny
I want a plush Pepe but I'm afraid people will think im some kind of alt right bitch.
I'm no Nazi virgin, I just like Pepe. Feels bad man.
>tfw /pol/ successfully took Pepe back from the normies
Get fucked
fuck you norman
where can i unironically buy one of these?
Oh Hi Nazi virgins.
You're literally giving money to the official creator who's trying to make it a not nazi meme, and a toy plush company
just do it faggot
You can buy it from the plush website with crypto
I did
I just bought 100k
I just bought one, thanks OP. Thanks.
I'm no Nazi Virgin and I love Pepe.
I'm just a fucking Nazi.
cheers m8
can you link that?
They use that one crypto payment processor everyone uses, forgot the name but I paid in BTC a couple months ago
I can't find the site with the option for crypto pls link
National Socialism will win!
this basically
Oh fuck they don't offer this anymore
crypto is dying fuckkkkk
Kill yourself normalfag
You can't like Pepe without associating with Nazis and poo poo pee pee. Sorry.
im a reddit 2011 newfag: the post
i couldnt justify the price + insane postage costs
still want one after it being spammed on here non stop over the last few months
Also copped me a plush Pepe for Christmas
Feels good man
Goddamn boy you got lucky there. We dont do presents anymore. Aint got time for that shit. Im a busy man. Time is money you know.
I'm a faggot please rape my face: the post
kill yourself gay nigger
merry christmas i want one too but it looks shopped
Guys I think I just had a great money making idea
Gonna go buy a sewing machine
it isnt shopped
i will start a pepe's travel shitcoin of the day, starting tomorrow
Oh shit, user is in China. Didn't even notice. Where are you going next
Sticking fleshflights to your penis sounds like a good way to have unlimited orgasms but it doesn't work in practice.
Close. I was gonna sew my dick to my balls and join a circus
>Board Pumper here too
>went to /r9k/
>got to become a wizard
>become a user of greentext
>getting some rare pepes of incest and stuff
>then I went to /pol/
>starting to get redpilled
>become a hater of jews, pajeets, niggers and all that non white people
>heard tales about this board Veeky Forums on /b/
>Trading cryptocurrencies
>Using Veeky Forums slang
Seriously, your board is fucked but btw when will I become a millionaire?
You're gonna make it. Missed some fun times on Veeky Forums though
did you boys (and your mommys) pay with btc on their site?
had bad experiences paying with btc on overstock, so very curious..