Can we get a ripple crash thread?

Can we get a ripple crash thread?

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Ripple won't crash, you will just have to watch us make the gainz. Eat shit faggot

*accumulates phlegm*

What price did you buy in?


this moon mission is just starting boys ready rocket engine.,


Oh just sit back and watch the magic princess, they're still just getting warmed up with this voyage to the stars. You have no idea.


I want non-crypto faggots to leave.

Why does Veeky Forums becomes /v/ tier at coins that become successful instead of profiting from it? Is all your money stuck in LINK or what?

0.8 aus dollarydoos

Gaining satoshis is a zero sum game, not sure how you expect everyone to profit from it, most of the people who fomo'd into this will get dumped on, like every other pump.

When are you planning to sell?

I bought in at .65 USD and sold at 2.58 right before it started dipping. Should I buy back in? If so, what's the lowest price this dip will hit in your opinions?

Because people are coming to our board telling us this is video games

Get it faggot?

I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if it pumps back to $5 but I wouldn't risk buying a centralised coin after it has pumped so much in a few weeks.

About to break 15k on binance

No idea yet, will just hodl and see how it goes. Don't really need the money I have in it, so if it goes to the moon I'm fucking set, if it drops I don't care.

It already went to the moon...

I have no remorse for a Ripple crash.

The only people that get hurt if Ripple crashes now are the people that bought this at $2+.

And to buy this coin at $2+ you must have at some point seriously thought it's going to be the next bitcoin or ethereum at $700+.

No pity. You don't deserve money.

Kek just wait my friend. It's starting to gain mainstream news traction. This brings in normies. Normies go crazy with fomo, price goes nuts. Seriously has noone figured out that normies are the key here? Look at btc, ltc, eth


[Press A to spin]

enjoy holding bags of $0.50 ripple for a week until the news gets out, you were too greedy

Guys, if XRP takes the number one spot does BTC become an altcoin?

Have an abstract pink wojak to ponder on

We can finally get back to business as usual? or am i dreaming.


As I said, even if it goes to $0.00001 I couldn't give a shit, so I will hodl until the end.


Not sure why you are investing if you're not trying to make money but ok

>consolidation = crash

The absolute state of ripple haters. hey how's dem crypto-kitties doin?

>breaking the hourly moving average with no breaks

Same shit we saw a week ago. same shit we saw a week before that.

Like... can you not even look at the charts?


moon mission crippled

lol just like the Bcash faggot. go ahead, crash the market. none of us will make anything.

hey look momi i just went 6x. Go 100000x and we'll talk cock suckers.

Currently I have made money. Made money on ltc buying at 70 and selling at 430 as well. Probably done better than most of Veeky Forums who are trying to flip shitcoins and just end up buying high and selling low.

That doesn't mean it's not crashing

You are using the house money fallacy

With the manipulation taking place, it's not crash time yet. These whales, or Mastadons is more like it, I've been watching come in and drive the price down, remove the sell walls and let it shoot back up. They're still doing this, they haven't pulled out yet, they're still hard at work which gives me comfort because I know they're still accumulating and staging for the grand finale which by the looks of it, isn't here just yet.

Not really. I don't need the money I've put into ripple, and it wasn't all my ltc gains. If it goes to $10 I'll buy a new boat, if not I don't give a shit.

You cannot be more wrong