MTG Standard General

What are you currently brewing?

Just picked up standard again yesterday via a draft - and I noticed there was potential for a lot of tribal decks via the set. Which of these would you argue is the most fun to play while still being efficient?

I have a B/R vampire deck from SOI but i'm not sure how much work i'd have to do to it to make it decent. Suggestions appreciated.

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bump of desperation

(+ 1 dex
- 2 will )


U/G merfolk, only control is essence scatter and spell pierce, so not really skimming the top of control scum.
Was able to beat U/W approach and grixas control
Rush any one merfolk over 4 toughness and sit on a hexproof combat trick and giggle yourself to first.
i have been wanting to have a deck that actually messes up the smug control players that litter my lgs

Can you explain how you pick up standard via draft?

Also, SOI is not standard anymore my friend. If you want to stay on vampire tribe, go mono-white or B/W.

Dinos and pirates are fun to play, but are still missing some pieces, we need to w8 for rivals. But meanwhile you can go mono-red, or red-green dinos, depends on your budget. Zombies might be still semi-relevant, but dont expect tier 1. Some pieces are there tho.
If you want to fun ixalan standard challenge, try brewing with Grim Captain's Call, 10/10 deckbuilding fun

Imo dinosaurs are the most fun (I play gruul dinos). That being said, tribal decks aren't too good rn, but will probably get better with the next ixalan set.
Vampires in this set are black white, so you'd probably have to change a lot.

>"SOI is not standard anymore"
put me into shock, its really been awhile

and simple, I played a little bit of standard back in SOI but it was mostly drafts (which in turn got me invested in Standard)

Whats the most fun top budget tribal deck ?


Whats the budget?

Build dinos for fun, vampires for power.

up to 300

No stop it
Fuck you and fuck energy. Im fine losing against abzan token and aggro decks, but fuck energy. Not even solemnity on T3 was enought to stop you.

And temur isn't tribal

Look at the cards yourself and decide, they all play differently and have different builds. Look up UB flying

I dont think thats budget, that will get you 95% of decks in standard. I would use some of that on competitive list (other than energy pls) and than put together 30 bucks brew just for fun.

RG pummeler is a fun budget deck. Try to amass enough energy and a pump spell to do 20 on turn 4.

Actually, in the Pro Tour Ixalan, a mono white vampire deck did extremely well, getting all 5 people playing it into day 2. Might want to check it out:


Good luck with standard OP and enjoy. Energy is a pain in the butt, but standard isn't terrible at the moment.

I'm running Jund fatties + removal. God I hate the energy + scarab god meta but hey 20+ turn games are fun.

is it broken? energy

it's the top deck and holds like 50% of the meta by itself, so yes

it's energy tribal bro

but its not like collected company broken, right?

I wasn't playing standard at that time, take a look at some pro tour footage if you want an idea of it's power level.

Energy isn't "broken" it's just strong and there's no good hate. Solemnity is a fucking joke.


How does fragmentize remove energy counters from a player?

>What are you currently brewing?
R/G enrage. Messing around with the deck to see what happens. Its pretty fun and PW Samut is actually kinda useful

why brew convoluted ways to play elder dinos when you could have memes?

casually, the tribes of ixalan are all fun and well made. each tribe wants to play and win differently from each other without being too restrictive.

Vampires are go wide and then use your mass to ping for reach. Merfolk are evasion+ +1/+1counters OR tempo based. both have crazy fun nut draws if u hit key 2 and 3 drops and usually into your top end 4 and 5 drops.

Dinos will probably cost you the most. both dino and pirates are playable whichever color combo you choose and will play and want to win differently as well.

You will still have to dip into the rest of standard if you want to be competitive enough to winmore.jpeg

Currently running RB aggro. Hazoret is a good card

Costs {3}{U}{B}.

Each of its three abilities would be fine alone.

Is a 5/5. Because blue creatures with that good abilities need to have a good P/T ratio, right? Also, no downsides or drawbacks, because black is in the mix.

Has no weakness, can win games on its own. All while being a BLUE. CREATURE.

It's also really easy to underestimate how good that ability is until you're under the gun against it. If your opponent untaps with him, he's getting a 4/4 at the end of every other turn, minimum. You can't chump block or he steals your creatures, you can't attack into him or he'll kill it and steal your creatures, you can't kill their creatures or they'll bring it back as a 4/4, most likely with value.
He makes the board such a hassle. Even 1 or 2 power weenies just plinking away at you can be such a huge problem because if you block them, they're coming back as 4/4s.

Just need a 1 mana white instant that says neither player may gain counters until the end of turn.
Bam energy is beatable.

This wouldn't make the deck that much worse honestly

Built a jund dinosaur / removal deck for FNM that's putting out pretty consistent result. Deathgore Scavanger has been pretty great in the local meta ( alot of graveyard shenanigans and torrential gearhulks). Ripjaw Raptor and Carnage Tyrant are decent as you would expect.

Glad I picked up Rampaging Ferocidons while they were cheap. Great sideboard card against go wide token and aggro decks .

>make order
> week later, forgot the glint-sleeves
>LGS don't have them
>nobody has them

Super spicy grixis control, has crushed non meta decks and has a fighting chance against actual meta decks.

>Rush any one merfolk over 4 toughness and sit on a hexproof combat trick and giggle yourself to first.
Lmao settle

If your deck is not ready to deal with SG by this point, you are doing it wrong. I wanted to look at the prices and all SG are sold out in my country, so i figured its time to go white.

Can you anons please post your sunbird invocation and primal amulet brews? I need some inspiration for these 2 particular decks. thx

How do you do it?

How do you justify spending so much money on painted cardboard?

>so much money

How do you justify being so poor?

Guarantee I make more money than you bro.

Doesn't mean I'm willing to spend it on cardboard.

How do you do it?

How do you justify spending so much time on posting this post each thread?

>thinks 5/5 is a good P/T for 5 mana
>doesn't know multicolour stuff gets to be a little stronger
>what is vraska's contemp or standard's poorman's scooze?
Pic related can counter spells while being a RED SPELL.

Even worse I pay for bytes because I play mtgo

if you have to bust a board wipe for 1 creature... that is fucking sad

Can everyone now finally admit that energy is a shitty, parasitic and unfun mechanic?

But user mindswipe is a fucking terrible card

Yes. It's free mana that can't be dealt with in anyway shape or form.

U/W flash at least took care of the Energy menace until Wizards decided that Energy shit was more important.

I would be okay with scarab god if it werent for that fucking 'when this asshole dies, return it to your hand at end step' bullshit. Like I'm forced to hold my vraskas contempt for this guy, and when i have to use it on a chandra/glory bringer from raping my bootyhole, then comes out the god, evertim, :(
That being said, i still dont think hes banworthy, only reason hes so strong is cause energy mana base literally lets you throw him in there without having to even mess with your mana base, so you just throw a strong win con into an already good deck.
Energy was a mistake.

>make free NOT-mana in "Energy"
>Saheeli Combo with Energy package is the best deck easily
>have to ban it
>Emrakul + Marvel with Energy package is the best deck easily
>have to ban it
>Now just Energy is the beck deck in the format easily
>and the energy package will stay in rotation until fucking Q4 of next year

Is the only way forward either to make ixalan tribes PUSHED in rivals or ban energy pieces few weeks after rivals release?

I hope they will push the tribes, so far energy is good matchup, but just so boring.

FUCK Protour... I wanted to buy playset of Angels of invention after the weekend. One fucking guy play it to the finals and now it costs 16 tix? Fuck that!

What do you guys think of MTG Arena coming out in closed beta later this month?

Also could someone give me a summary of the current Standard meta (in preparation for MTGA's release)? I haven't had a real life place I could play MTG in forever, but I'm pretty hype that this will be a legit way I can get into it again.

If you can't let go of 200 dollars to play standard every year then buy into a modern deck and stop whining.


>UGX 40% of the meta
>and 9/10 of those have scarab god

>have a flying deck
>throw in Serra Angels just fucking because
>5/5 flying vigilance with Favorable Winds
>proceeds to wreck everything in site


>angel of invention is 4/3
>gives +1+1 to everyone else

Serra Angel is 10 cents for a reason user.

broken by means that energy has everything, card draw, mana fixing, spot removal, and ways to make creatures impossible to kill in the case of hydra and tusk cub in others. Glorybringer and tyrant just exacerbates if they can get them out

That is where the exile grave artifact or land helps, if you can kill it trigger immediatly after it dies, or do it so they have a 5/5 on the field that has to attack for himself... I mean if you are white you can play gideon's intervention and make it so they can't play him in the first place... but blue is a thing...

The problem with it is that even if there are hate cards, they spend the mana on something immediately for it at instant speed cus energy has no downside or tradeoff except spend it on which one...

Can they change energy rules, that it can be only used at sorcery speed? I mean creature abilities ofc, not like harnessed lightning. Would it do the trick and push energy to tier 2?

Hahahahahhaa! STANDARD!