I'll start
>The deities of this world are giants that have been lowered to slumber for eons after a war between them that almost destroyed the world
I'll start
>The deities of this world are giants that have been lowered to slumber for eons after a war between them that almost destroyed the world
Whales are still bastards, far inferior to squids.
>elves mine their bodies for a special magical dust that is their dead skin cells, and for other materials, like their hair and fabrics of their clothing
>One of the gods still had a big wound leaking blood before he went to sleep. It has leaked out all over the place and formed a big, crazy murder-jungle filled with magical wildlife and cray shit.
>It's located right in the middle of the former elven capital
From this I deduce
>since their capital and some of their homeland has been invaded by god induced magic jungle, elves are mostly nomads and merchants
>they 'mine' the gods because they dont revere them as much (because magic jungle)
>a special caste of mages are mentally and spiritually trained to become priest-like oracles that can read the dreams of the god and interpret them
>Some crazy fucker jerked off into barrels and preserved it with ice magic for near his entire life so that he could attempt to impregnate the goddess of slaughter.
>Nobody knows whether or not he succeeded and he was never seen again after setting off to do the deed, but occasionally someone fairly tall and really good at killing shit will show up claiming to be a demigod.
>one of the biggest cities of the world is on an isolated island
>on this island, a goddess fell asleep and took up most of the space
>pirates and outlaws were the only ones to still come to the island so nodoby tried to conquer it
>gradually the island becomes a sort of Tortuga when the richest and least trust-worthy outlaws actually became god slayers, killing the giantess
>her blood was poured into the ocean
>the water around the island is permanentely red and full of terrifying creatures
>a city was built in the goddess' skeleton, the townhall being in her skull
>it is ruled by the god slayers who were cursed to an immortal life of suffering and horrifyind difformity
3 posts to veto something right.
yep, veto that
>although they can actually see what is in the dreams and nightmares of the gods, their interpretation is mostly dictated by what the guy who pays them the most wants them to say
>they are very important elements in politics and getting trained to be one is along the most envied futures in all the world
>another create a setting thread dies
It brings a warmth to my heart
What, are you saying systematic efforts to remove all off-topic elements from the board has led to a decline in original creations?
Pretty far-fetched if you ask me.
>they connect with the gods by drinking very tiny amounts of their blood
There is a growing cult trying to wake the giants back up... The verdict is out on if that is really a good idea
>A bear one day drank the blood of a god and became a bearfolk, the rise of the incredibly strong bearfolk and their new monotheistic religion is causing vast implications for the realms
The magical qualities of the land allow for especially nutritious dog turds, rations give a boost to vitality.
Okay no veto that
I like the idea of 'animal' races being created byt their blood but I think it's not very logical for them to create a monotheist religion if they were literally born out of the magic of the giants.
I'd say keep the animal races and put the monotheist idea somewhere else.
>from the deep jungle that was the country of the elves emerged intelligent creatures bearing similarities to animals and who are trying to obtain rights
>in one city in particular, one very powerful mage-priest claims he had visions of dreams without making connection with them and has founded a monotheist cult to the one true god,, supposedly the one that put the threatening giants to sleep in the first place
Fuck no
>The sun is an eternal prison built for the mortal who stole fire from the gods
nice I like that
The greatest shield in all the realms is actually a giant's toenail
>the moon is home to strange creatures known as Watchers, who build grand observatories to keep an eye on Earth. No-one knows what they do on the dark side.
>the god of trickery once seduced the god of wealth to try to steal all that is valuable
>however, they fell in love and were eventually wed
>when one died in the war, the other laid them to rest deep within the earth alongside half of their possessions
>over time, the corpse decomposed and became a fearsome dungeon riddled with monsters as well as riches, magic, and knowledge beyond mortal understanding
>no one knows which god it was that died, or if dead gods could still live
I like that too
The first dwarf was born (more accurately grown) from the mixing blood of the gods and wealth and trickery seeping into the earth.
The dwarf are a really young race then, less than the animalfolks but still building a civilisation
Their folklore and religion is loosely based on the the god of trickery and wealth story and most are divided in two castes : the builders and the thieves. (the ones that aren't sculpt children from stone and gold)
Stealing, lying, cheating and smugling are not forbidden in their lair because it is considered part of their way of life, skills that deserve to be developped.
So the builders protect their wealth with zeal and they have all the rights to defend themsleves from thieves.
>basically anarcho-capitalism
The other races trade with and respect the builders but loathe the thieves and avoid them at all cost (mostly because they don't have the 'protect everything you own' culture and those are very good thieves)
Some images that could be used for this setting
thirding veto just because.
>There is a sea beneath the sea, which is only accessible by literally lifting the shadow of the 'topmost' sea. This can only be done with great magic, and with good reason.
>under this very shadow is trapped the very god that started the war, boiling with rage and waiting for revenge