DeepBrain Chain is only available on KuCoin right now, which means the Chinese are unable to buy it (kucoin is a chinese exchange that is only available to foreigners)

It's hitting Huobi on January 1st, which is Monday. It will go crazy. I really suggest people look into this coin. I'm really trying not to sound like a pajeet right now, I am simply suggesting you look into it. Good luck biz.

Other urls found in this thread:


Ready for this

Easy 10x-20x

It may go up to $0,15 - 0,20. But there will probably be a huge dump after that.

It's already in lbank.info/
That looks pretty chinky to me. If they wanted this token they would already have it.

This guy has predicted several coins to the exact cent, he knows what he talking about.

0,21 AND ABOVE is impossible according to him ;)

did u fall for the kucoin meme?

What guy?
You Pajeets are making less sense by the way.

Probably, but this will follow Vechains path except become larger. It's a cutting edge AI/blockchain fusion and the team is very Chinese-ey but extremely experienced in business relationships.

There are always huge dumps when coins rise hence why we see wave patterns. Many people day trade. I just buy in heavy and wait for 15x's. I don't like sitting in front of charts all day.

It's already in?? In what? Kill yourself, down syndrome.

It's on Lbank you dumb fuck, it's a chink site.


Could we not use that language?

Fuck off faggot

found the gook ape, ching chong my slit-eyed friend! :)

You know many of us come here to get away from censorship, right?

If you don't like it, go organise a flash sensitivity mob and protest at your local town hall.

Fucking cunt.

this is the wrong place for you. please leave immediately

Fuck you, you chinky kike nigger faggot

>to smart of gains

not for china you retarded faggot. literally learn to read then kys

I hope you are right op, else I fell for the meme

Sign up to kucoin with ref: 1gry1

What's that flag then, pajeet? What's that currency? I showed you DBC being on a chink site. You're a dumb piece of shit.

Chinks can't buy DBC until new year.

T. Some sources

Ching chong bing bong

try buying it from china, faggot. Can you? No. KYS.

>chinese exchange only available to foreigners
If you know anything about chinese business, that is an extremely scary prospect.

already in this, you fucks better be right about something for once

lbank is tiny compared to huobi, it'll definitely go up

I'm very sure.

You got joosted, enjoy holding for several months of sideways/gradual downward action before you realize you'll never get your recovery.

This guy doesn't understand if whales hold price is guaranteed to go up.

No. Never. I'm not a tarded pajeet like you. My high IQ protects me from JOOSTing.

This is the second ICO launch on the NEO platform.

Listen to this interview- youtube.com/watch?v=eYm4kF31OIc

It's really annoying when I actually try to help out my fellow biz bros and get accused of JOOST and pajeetery. Biz had provided me so much entertainment in the past 8 months and I've made so much money that I actually like this place.

The choice is yours, faggots. The next 15x is literally being placed in front of you.

All in

With Singularitynet being rolled out, with the most renowned AI scientists aboard and some real blockchain specialists developing the blockchain side of it, written in a specialized AI language that makes it easy to switch over to new, more compatible blockchain technologies in the future, in the long term this project will be worthless.

A quick x10 might be on the table short term, but I wouldn't hodl this for more than a year, it'll be worthless. Keep that in mind brethren.

Marketing wise Singularitynet also beats this chink project. I would choose an existing, very famous business jumping on the blockchain more than a brand new team that will 'do something' with the blockchain and ...x...

lol. no.

Singularitynet is an example of a white skinned pajeet project. It is lead by some retarded weird al Yankovich looking asshole with a PHD from temple. Temple is a shit university incase you aren't from America.

I'm not saying it's a horrible project, but it's more of a personal pet project, and everyone else on the team is inexperienced.

DeepBrain focuses more on the b2b aspect of AI blockchain. Look at their previous partnerships listed on the website. They're actually a company, not some glorified kick started with a vimeo vid with dramatic music underlayed.

Deepbrain will hit 500MM within weeks.

>no asians involved
Yeah, no.

this shit coin already mooned LOL

Can chinks use huobi.pro? I thiink not

In fact, they have a lot of Italians on their team.

Really? ITALIANS? Not the aryan looking Italians either, the dark skin, moor infected pizza shop working hairy middle eastern looking souther italians. Do they mix well with AI blockchain fusion in your perspective? They can barely operate a register and calculate how much change you get back at the same time when you buy your slice of pizza

Fuck this shit! Sent bitcoin to Kucoin address - lost everything, be fuckin careful on this site

Ikr. They have to be chinese, japanese or koreans to be successful. Or ancient egyptians. I only trust italians when they make me a pizza.

That concerns me, I hadn't noticed that before. Italians can't build anything that lasts. Since their empire collapsed and the capable ones fled north they have achieved absolutely nothing.

Does anyone on the group chat understand the real implications of having an AI on the blockchain? This shit is serious and could change the world as we know it forever. If DBC does not take this seriously on a philosophical level then the outcome could mean the end of humanity as we know it.


doesn't matter as long as I get my x100

nevermind that, the important question is WHEN WILL IT MOON?

Veeky Forumstrads with their shallow brains can't get it

That actually made me think - if any of you guys have watched Transcendence, isn't it incredibly likely for an AI to do exactly what it did in the movie with the stocks but with crypto instead since it's far easier to pump it? And wouldn't it pump exactly the currency it is formed on?


DBC are doing this purely for financial gain. This is going to create robots nearly as shallow and evil as the people in Veeky Forums
SingularityNET is taking a philosophical approach and has an extremely impressive team and end goal. DYOR Biz, I'm going to leave you with a little documentary made in 2010 in preparation for SingulairtyNET.
Honestly, im scared at of the amount of concern DBC has on the implications on AI technology. SingularityNET acknowledges this but also understands the benefits and is working to build a better future.


You do realise the only commonality with these projects is that they involve AI.

DeepBrain Chain is a distributed AI computing platform, think Golem but for AI.

Whereas SingularityNET is an AI package marketplace, and it also wants to set industry standards and interoperability so these packages can one day become a generalised AI.

All in on both, AI is going to be the next big tech industry (and hopefully not the last if we can control AI).

This. DBC is good because it has no Italians. Singularitynet is full of these dirty Wops.

Like, make me a pizza, not a fucking AI block chain.

are you watching this weird al yankovich looking faggot? the guy is a fucking joke. He sounds like he's drunk

"this quarter in my pocket manifests universal consciousness"


I'd definitely trust an Asian over an Italian when it comes to making a robot

Triples can't lie

I don't lie, ever.

What do you guys think of qlink?

Lambos are Italian. You know the car that every neet on Veeky Forums strives for?

Lamborghini is owned by Volkswagen lmao, go ahead look it up

Lambos are made in Germany, no?

SingularityNET literally sold out in 66 seconds... You cant argue that.

More like 4.5x before it dips, if you got in on the low yesterday, based on my TA.

Still not bad gains for a 10 day period. Going hard on this coin.



DBC sold out in 3 hours, but they had a 20 ETH cap or something very low like that.

Enjoy your weird al yankodump

Normalfag, die. You must leave now.

whale alert, 50k brains just got dumped at 502 sats

You're calling 50k a whale amount? Holy shit. How poor are you?

that wasn't the only transaction, and it's clearly a throwaway, nowhere near the current price


Picture for reference. I don't know why you'd do that other than market manipulation. Maybe someone fatfingered?

It's b/c BTC is dumping. Alts always shit the bed when BTC dumps...Look how fast it recovered to trend, though....very bullish.

Fact of the matter is $0.07 for this is a steal

what was the ICO price?


You need to end yourself immediately.

Like 1.5 -2 cents iirc.

It's not a "steal".

this pump is so fake
should have dumped to 501 and then gone up

I too fell for the DBC meme.


Cant stump the DBChain

lmao how quick it recovered..

lmao racists are retarded

imagine these aspies actually brokering a business deal with a Chinese person LMAO

run run little american dogs

>implying the Chinese aren't some of the most people


This desu

As someone who spent 4 years studying mandarin, I can personally tell you I would never conduct a single business deal with mainland chinese.

Long live 蔣介石, long live the Kuomingtang, and fuck your subversion of Taiwan.


Well my TA says you're a total faggot who doesn't not actually know what's going on.

Got 'em.

Oh totally, they are the most people.


literally every business in the world worth more than 50MM conducts business deals with mainland china.

Guess you and your $50 blockfolio know better than walmart and amazon.

I'm only going to post this once, then never again. Go on Kucoin and look at the DENT chart in 30 min time frame, starting from when it hit the market. Then, compare it to DBC, across the same length of time. Now, zoom out and look at DENT. DBC is going to 4x from here in about a week.



gif related must have bought icx ath


What do you think of bnty oh blessed one?

Can one of you faggots just sell me DBC at .0001 neo so I can have an even 10k? Also sorry for any of you idiots who fomo'd in at like 12 cents.

but last night you called it a pnd and told me to get out

bunch of teenage rebels

If you guys want to create an acount i would appreciate if you used my referal as i still have none :)

no u. this is the biz flippening

god im glad im not an uggly teen faggot anymore

I think the idea is you GTFO out, and when it drops you GTFO back in, accumulating more in the process. You might not be a whale but you can still ride the waves (if you know what you are doing)