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Khorne cause autism - edition

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Slaanesh causes HIV.

What Kharadron allies would you take in a Dispossessed army?

What's a competitive khorne army list? Are daemons of khorne viable?

i can deepstrike 600 pts of irondrakes, what do i need khazadrons for

Just played against Sylvaneth as Clan Skryre. I'll post list as a reply.

Mortal wound output was strong, but definitely wasn't super bad. I plan on adding a Bale wind Vortex and a warp grinder team to deepstrike the acolytes in an objective.

Arch warlock
Warlock engineer
Warlock engineer

3 poisonwind mortar teams
Warplightning cannon
15 skryre acolytes
25 skryre acolytes
3 Stormvermin
4 rat ogres

Forgot to add the clan skryre battalion and the arkhspark voltik and the gascloud chokelung

I just like the idea of a combined army.

Moving to objectives turn 2/3/4....

Sure your irondrakes pop up on turn 1 but then they're stuck there


Quick 1 hour paintjob on some shadspire guys for a buddy

Spicy as fuuuuck, good scheme

mmph, that quartered shield looks delicious.

I was thinking of doing an orange/yellow vertical stripes on the shoulderpads, like spanish heraldry

That shield is fucking excellent my dude




I got shit for my halved shield a few threads ago, though others said that the teal swords felt flat, which I can understand. Need some work on those

Autism does seem like more of a Tzeentch thing, fluffwise

Normally quartered and halved schemes look like ass but it looks pretty good here.

pissed that you can do a better paint job in an hour on three models than I can on one in three hours.


bcr vs nurgle demons this evening (on magma terrain for max not making sense with my snowy dudes). Duality of Death.

I'm on a battalion for once (eurlbad) so I got to choose who goes first! So he moved up, cast some spells, shot some guns and passed.
The Butcher gave stonehorn +1 to hit so it was go time, crashed him into 30 plaguebearers for 24 damage plus 10 mortal wounds, killing them all after battleshock, even through disgustingly resilient. The other stonehorn crashed into the other big unit and killed a bunch (then he got 6 back from warp reality). 2 mournfang ran into a soulgrinder and realized that he's a 16 wound behemoth (way bigger than I thought) and got stuck in, but they're gargant hackers did 6 damage and a mortal wound so good luck. Thundertusk ran so he couldn't shoot, but did capture and score, screened by 4 cats.

For the rest of the game, that left flank thundertusk would get knocked down to 5 or 6 wounds, then heal them all back up from pelts and blizzard speaker every hero phase, scoring increasing amounts of points and blasting heralds of nurge off the table with the help of vultures and harpoon launchers and frost saber screen. Great unclean one traded blows with the huskard on stonehorn and both were bloodied, but lots of disgustingly resilience meant he only took 3w. Then on turn 3 the butcher casts voracious maw (d3mw then on a 4+ repeat) and rolled 6 repeats in a row to just delete the great unclean one. He let me know that that was bullshit. His right soulgrinder killed the mournfang, two new mournfang charged in. The two stonehorns were tarpitted slowly ground down by plaguebearers over the course of 3 turns, but took almost all of them with them.

I had 3 cats, 1 mournfang, and that thundertusk (who was back again to full like on t4) and he had only one score-capable unit, a 1 life soulgrinder, who could either leave the right point and lose, or stay there and lose.

Major Victory!

nurgle man was on great unclean one, epidemius, 4 heralds of nurgle, 2 soulgrinders, 2 nurgling units, and the three giant units of plaguebearers.

I was on eurlbad (2 stonehorn, 4 mournfang) plus a thundertusk, butcher, extra 2 mournfang, and four sabers. the huskard on stonehorn was kitted out for max damage, with blade of all frost and eating hand and CMT making him really quite killy.

After the game I'm really loving CMT and eating hand. 6s to wound giving a mortal wound on top of normal damage really turns those lame punches and kicks and mournfang mount attacks into potential deadly hits, esp. re-rolling wounds of 1 after a charge. Eating hand and blade making the huskard's punches 3 damage, and +1 damage on his mount is just awesome for damage.

Butcher got ridiculously lucky on the voracious maw spell, but even without that he's been great. The thundertusk got to squiggle around like 15" away but still on the far point the whole game just blasting away and running him out of hero units. Over all, I'm very pleasantly surprised with how well eurlbad performed.


Are any of the tzeentch daemon battalions worth using or practical? I'm pretty curious and am thinking about expanding my stuff.

Sounds like he has expected to hold your Stonehorns. That's a mistake.

So, how the fuck does the pink horror sit work in matched play for points? If 2 horrors die, would I have to pay 40 reinforcement points for those models? Likewise, what happens if I did make that unit of 4 and then had 2 more due, would I add the 4 to that squad of 4 (in reference to not being able to boost above starting squad size)?

they can be quite weak to tarpits, but leaving the thundertusk to just keep blasting away was a big source of his heroes exploding. that and the stupendous maw rolls.

Afaik you can park a unit of blue horrors next to them, and replenish it with your pink horror casualties. It's pretty weird desu

So how to SCE work? They eat, sleep and supposedly feel emotion when Nagash isn't fucking with them but how else? I heard the average SCE is about as strong as the average Chaos Warrior but how about their other bodily functions?

please stop thinking about bodily functions
the designers didnt include details about them because they dont feel it was important, so it's pointless to project systems onto them

>rpg system
>character X is super strong but needs more food to fuel his metabolism
>character Y doesn't need sleep because he's undead

sorry, theres been a lot of people on this board lately asking how stormcast shit and piss, seemingly just to shitstir. i guess i assumed you were one of those.

You heard about right, they are about the same level as chaos warriors of equal rank. I’m not sure if they have to eat but they do rest although their body and armor self repairs when exposed to holy light, usually castellant lanterns.

Their stamina seems to be similarly superhuman as stormcast have climbed mile high trees in Ghyran for hours and hours without dying in full armor (although they’re exhausted after)

Reforging tends to amplify their virtuous personality aspects, they do apparently have impeccable self control as there is one stormcast sent to negotiate with the Lahmians and when the vampiress tries to seduce him, he noted to himself how perfect her beauty was and then completely writes it off.

Reposting my list from the previous thread because I still want some advice on my list for upcoming tournaments. Have not decided on traits/artifacts yet.

Allegiance: Fyreslayers
Auric Runefather on Magmadroth (260)
Auric Runeson on Magmadroth (240)
- Ancestral War-axe
Auric Runemaster (80)
Battlesmith (80)
Grimwrath Berzerker (80)
Auric Runesmiter (80)
- Runic Iron
20 x Vulkite Berzerkers (240)
- Pairs of Handaxes
10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (120)
- War-Picks & Slingshields
10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (120)
- War-Picks & Slingshields
10 x Auric Hearthguard (200)
5 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (100)
- Poleaxes
5 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (100)
- Poleaxes
Warrior Kinband (90)
Vostarg Lodge (120)
Lords of the Lodge (90)

Total: 2000 / 2000

Fyre Slayers have been performing really well with the point reductions in gh2017. That being said no one here plays them so I couldn't help you

Building my first KO list, what are my first buys? Last time I even bothered researching KO lists, I found out Thunderers were nerfed to shit so IDK what's must-have or fun.

I already bought a frigate and a company, what next?

>ss tries to seduce him, he noted to himself how perfect her beauty was and then complet

What book or whatever was this?

For science of course.

way too many battalions, not enough massive regiment discounts.
Just about every unit in a fyreslayers army should be maxed for that sick discount.
Pick one battalion and go with that. Kinbad is the hotness currently for those sick throws.
you've correctly realized that vulkite are just about the best shit ever, and pick+shield is the best all around choice, with a unit of double handaxes not being a bad 1-of choice. Quite honestly I think the army with the points where they are has vulkite just being more efficient than any other footslog unit.

kinbad, magson, 90 vulkites, 2 smiter, smith, magsmiter, then a unit of fast/flying allies.

You already have the most important basics, two Frigates with Company in them will be your bread and butter for most games.
Thunderers are still okay, but need to be used differently. Five with aethershot rifles are an okay support for a Ironclad-mounted Company.
Incidentally, never use more than one Ironclad. You'll need one at 2k, but more is dangerous.
I keep lean on heroes, rarely bringing more than an Admiral now.
Filll all leftover points with Endrinriggers.
Gunhaulers and Skywardens are shit, don't bother until they drop in price (~180 for the Gunhauler) or get better rules (significantly better guns on the skywardens).

Shouldn't that the Nurgle?
A god that causes something that prevent to worship her proper does something wrong...

30x company of course, as it's the only battleline
at least 2-3 khemist because they're amazing
riggers and wardens are both great, 9+ of them
should be a good start till you figure out what you're doing.

is this ok?


Wrote an AoS short story, "Dreadkeep". Thoughts?

please tell me you have full army like this

SO I played my first ever game last night, mixed spiders and goblins, and somehow won in the most embarrassing manner.

Was versus nurgle, knife to the heart. Basically was a brawl mid-table, throwing in the goblin infantry first, then sending in the fully-buffed spider riders that instantly killed the enemy general. Boy did that feel good, until they all died seconds later. My fanatics slaughtered a hero and some elite slug-men, and the battle basically became 3 more turns of terriblly weak goblins and swamp-zombies tickling each other. Of course mine mostly fled to safety off the board on the battleshock phase, but we each held 1 objective.

When we realised it would come down to points remaining on the table, I sprinted away to the corner of the board and heroically waited for the end of turn 5, and just about won

I didn't realise just how much movement matters, and that spiders are great for scampering about the board. Its also hard to remember what has been buffed etc every turn - I think I need post-it notes on units or something.

Fur Gurk 'n' Murk!

nice dude. what were the lists?

I use little tokens for mystic shield, butcher buffs, etc and put them near the models (as sometimes the buffs last till your next hero phase so it's on opponent's turn and don't want to forget).

gurka murka kurnan 'n burtal

Was only 1k points, and lasted 4 hours xD

Mine was:
spiderfang general
arachnarok with shaman
2x20 moonclan grots
1x3 fanatics

His was (I don't know their names sorry):
snail hero
infantry general guy
infantry wizard guy
20 nurgle zombies
5 tanky nurgle infantry elites
2 slug monsters

The 5 tanky elites things wrecked my spider riders (they did D6 extra attacks on 6s or something terrifying), but my aracknarok and fanatics killed them after a while. The snail was tough too but got it eventually (mortal wounds are my friend it seems).

The arachnarok is so reliable, it has attacks for every type of enemy it seems.

The fanatics survived for about 3 turns somehow, as they were surrounded by other threats from my side I think. Boy do those fanatics wreck things. I learned that charging in your opponents charge phase isn't as good as it sounds...

forgot to mention i had 10 spider riders too

I have a question about AoS skirmish. I couldn't find a book for it at my store, and the store dude that was today knows even less about AoS then me. Is it oop, or can they order it for me?
Also what would be the cheapest skirmish army, no matter what faction.

Can any GW employees here confirm that fish people will be the next army out?

It can be ordered.

Whichever factions has a box for skirmish. Ironjawz are a solid bet.


lel sew funny xddD

Play Wrath of Kings. Fish people make your opponents want to ragequit.

that is a good thing to know. Ironjaws are the orc right? I will have to ask the store manger about skirmish boxs, didn't knew they existed, and the dude that was at the store today does not know a thing about AoS.
My last question is a follow up to the one I asked last thread. And it is mainly a social one, do people know how to make others want to play skirmish. There are people here that play AoS, not a huge number comparing to MtG or other card games, but they do have events and gaming nights. I even talked to a guy who seems to be an un offical orgeniser here, nice guy, but it seems like all AoS here is high points and they either play events or play games as if they were playing in an event. Now I have nothing against tournaments, MtG is build around events and tournaments and it is very nice. But card games also have drafts and stuff you can play for cheap. AoS costs more then some pro decks, and am not sure how to make someone who spent that much money on his army play a game that uses 1/10th of the points. I had the problem with mtg when people with high end decks also didn't want to play me, because my decks were top end, but draft and other noobs made the stuff fun anyway. AoS seems to be made out of people that play for years and have huge collections of models.

haw haw whatta joka

lel xd

>Ironjaws are the orc right
Ironjaws are THE orc.

No other ORC





am not sure am following you here.

The trouble with Skirmish is that people tire of it easily, since it has some glaring issues that become apparent fairly quickly. Most AoS players have at least played Skirmish once or heard of it, but the main game just offers more variety.
If you are into low-level games I'd recommend giving Shadespire a whirl. That game is way better designed for that experience, the warbands are cheap and the game goes very quickly.

Veeky Forums: where the only accepted emotion is autistic shrieking

Yes? That is hardly news, man.

Yes, and...?

He's mocking you.

My great grandson works for GW and told me next faction is Stormelves. Warriors chosen by Tyrion himself, clad head to toe in the finest golden armor. Imbued with the powers of a pheonix, these soldiers return to Hysh on a bright blue flame when killed. Upon returning to Hysh, they begin a reforging process similar to the SCE, but its flames instead of lighting so its cooler.

bloodthirster hit like meteors, the doggo are good (dispell, plus fast plus lot of attacks), the blood letters have rend and mortal wounds, and the skull-cannon is a nice shooty unit in an otherwise melee army
you might want to add in a gorepilgrim battalion to your demons, so you can have more stuff to counter magic, as well as a huge bubble of +1 attack, and delicious prayers

Agree with everything except the Skull Cannon. They really suffer from single shot syndrome where you'll miss 95% of important shots. I'd much rather a Soul Grinder over two Skull Cannons, even if it was the same cost, let alone the Soul Grinder being cheaper.

Are there any good ranged units that I can take/ally in for Nurgle?

ok. Shadespire is a boardgame, and people don't play boardgames here. Maybe at home with closest friends, and that is it. Sucks about skirmish thing though. I though it would be like a scale downed warmachine in size. Something you can play with a box or two. I think I will check w40k, otherwise the only other games played here are WWII and am not really in to playing nazi on nazi games.

If I remember correctly there's a decent Clan Pestilens Battalion based around a Plague Priest and three catapults.

nurgle what, mortals?

Hey, /aosg/. I just recently came to know that Warhammer Fantasy has been replaced by Age of Sigmar.

Could you tell me how it has been received in terms of sales and fan reception?

What changes have been made to the various factions fluff-wise? IIRC, there are four alliances now? How does that work - I mean, weren't the High Elves and Dwarves bitter enemies, etc

well you better use those point for more melee anyway, like a bunch of wrathmongers to camp behind bloodletters for delicious three attacks

Try to make a completely counter-intuitive list that's decent for an army of your choice.

I.e. Melee tzeentch

im a bit worried about one of the new recruits

Heavy Armor Footslogging Slaanesh, which is quite good indeed.

Initially it was received badly by the old fans, but it was good at attracting new players. It gained more fans and gained back some old ones as the fluff and rules developed.

The End Times destroyed the Warhammer World and the story of Age of Sigmar happens in 8 dimensions, thousands of years after it's end. The factions didn't survive intact and only a few scattered people reached the Mortal Realms. So the four grand alliances unite what armies are more likely to unite based on their core principle: Order, Chaos, Destruction and Death. It would take exceptional reasons for individual groups of factions of different alliances to temporarily ally against a common enemy.

Here are the basics of the setting:

Fuck you. I could never do as good a job of quartering a shield on my old Brets. Great job.

it needs paragraphs

Elite Skaven actually works surprisingly well. Stormfiends are obviously great, and Stormvermin can be buffed into combat monsters, far beyond their point cost.

Thanks, man.

>great unpainted one
>gets stomped

You are doing god's work user.

how much did your army cost you?

>Army so chill it's icy even on a lava board

non-homosexual Stormcast

Kapla, fellow Klingon.

by using slaves to darkness with mark of slanesh right ?

Boatless KO.

Looks solid, but my god, are stormcast so fucking borning, worse then space marines.

Defensive Brayherds

Run tzeentch slaves, and use the fate sword warband. Enjoy everything getting -1 rend for the low low cost of 100 points.

Just assume everyone other than the most obvious shit posters are legitimate.
It leads to higher quality discussion, and shit posters actually hate that. They want a negative response.

if I put a back pack on the middle guy, few people would notice the difference between a space marine and a sigmarite.

Yes, and the Invaders Allegiance.

Between the various heroes, you can start stacking some serious bonuses on those Warriors.

If you make exception for the Heroes, like having a Chaos Lord on Manticore, Chaos Lord of Slaanesh and a Slaaneshi Lord on Deamonic Steed, you can have stuff like 30 Chaos Warriors rerolling charges and battleshocks, rerolling to wound, every 6+ to hit is an extra attack and attacking twice.

Add a Sorcerer and a Battalions and it gets stupid.

>stormcast so fucking borning
how dare you.
Stormcast are totally different, interesting and you can easily pick out what any model is from 2 feet away. They are the coolest army ever.
pic related

Check out the Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire thread (Next time I'll include the word Underworlds in the thread title)

Fuck off I like the Stormcasts. They are the best thing GW did in a long time. They are a huge success among beginners and the models look great. They were inspired by 40K marines, so what? It works. I love the design of their armor and lore. I just wish GW didn't obliterate the old world as we knew it.