So are we asking /vp/ again or Veeky Forums?
WinterBall 2017
Careful, mods don't much like winterball threads.
Anyway, my vote goes to /vp/
I wonder why the mods are being so gay this year
I like Veeky Forumstoria and Herodotus
Keep this retarded shit in /qa/.
Board-tans have been dead for years now.
Last year's ball was the biggest one yet. Are you pretending to be retarded?
>was banned on every board except the shit boards
Yeah, I bet.
Veeky Forumstoria is a cutie! but we do have obligation to ask /vp/ first. Since we've been seeing them and such.
>Veeky Forums is a shit board
Maybe a site like Reddit would be more your speed then. Just because threads got deleted doesn't mean that something is dead. It means that mods are faggots. There is clearly enough interest that people make threads and others reply to them.
Veeky Forums didn't participate last year. You guys spammed these threads before the ball, but ended up getting banned everywhere except /b/ and /qa/.
So, take your cringey little "project", shove it way up your ass, and quit spamming this site with your retarded fanfiction and hoping to trick newfags into thinking this is a big Veeky Forums thing and not just some particularly pathetic shit from a group of losers, who clearly don't know when to give up.
>Veeky Forums didn't participate last year
Hahaha that's how I know you're just a lying faggot newshit. Nigga get out of here. I didn't even bother reading the rest of your shitpost.
They've always been only kind of allowed and often deleted.
Enough with these lies to try and pretend this thing hasn't been dying for years. You've been quarantined in /qa/, and still are trying to fluff yourselves up as anything more than people who clearly don't understand the boards you pretend to represent in your personal fanfiction universe.
I'm surprised you even are trying again after last years utter failure, but, then again, this is exactly the sad kind of shit you guys would do, complete with absolute denial.
I'm not even reading your made up bullshit anymore dude. Just go back to R*ddit.
How about /x/? They love roleplaying too.
That's just asking for trouble. When not even /pol/ and /v/ are going anywhere near something, you know it's bad.
>/pol/ churning out tons of OC again
Is this how it's always gonna be?
It's because pol has a big user base, and also their tan isn't complete ass. Veeky Forums really got dealt a bad hand with how lame its tan is. I was all for going with the fem-tan.
Who says we can't get a belt of gender-swapping?
We go with /d/ and such a thing is guaranteed.
Because that's awful. It's that kind of stuff that's turned most people away from this. Stuff like the gay shota or furry fanfics with /vp/ were the stuff that made me want to just go ahead and throw out all the past stuff and start fresh. Compared to other boards, there's really nothing I consider really worth carrying over.
>that last part
Why not go for /pol/?
There's a very tsundere relationship between these two boards, and I'm interested to see it play out.
Veeky Forumsx/ has a history that will likely never be overcome. I'm not personally against the idea, but it wouldn't be an easy sell.
I've been a big fan of /vp/, happy to stay with them, but change can be good for OC.
/pol/ is undecided on /mlp/ or Veeky Forums
When /pol/ comes to Veeky Forums's house, shits on the floor, and then asks why Veeky Forums is there ruining its dump by watching it, I don't believe this qualifies as being a "Tsundere relationship".
Fuck off.
Couldn't say it better myself.
I'd say lit, but they're stuck up bitches. Maybe we can steal /co/ away from /tv/ or try wincest with /qst/
>A bit bland, but homely and cute
>VERY serious about her hobby
>Regularly males papercraft dungeons, monsters and 40k stuff
>Made SEVERAL papercraft utilizing traditional games
/po/ is quite literally the perfect endgame for Veeky Forums
/polo/ was lovely match-up, I was rooting for them
I way we roll with /d/, for old time's sake.
/aco/ can jealously watch
Besides, I'm pretty sure after April, /pol/ and /mlp/ are inseparable now.
>Made SEVERAL papercraft utilizing traditional games
>/po/ is quite literally the perfect endgame for Veeky Forums
/po/ made a bunch of papercraft robots for Engine Heart.
That's what I'm saying.
They made entire rulesets for christ's sake. Any other answer is just wrong.
Do you recognize how retarded you guys sound?
Is this just a social experiment to see how much cringe you can extract from this site?
>stop liking things I don't like
I'm taking a break from studying by watching a speedrun and shitposting about dumb stuff on a malaysian cock fighting board. If that upsets you, it just makes it better.
>we're gonna spam and bump these offtopic metathreads for weeks!
And you wonder why you got banned?
I vote /x/
>look mom, I'm projecting !
What ties us to /x/ nowadays, again ?
>my shit don't stink!
But it does.
You guys really should keep this in /qa/.
Similar interests.
Magic, ghosts, dragons, horror, psionics, conspiracies.
If anything we are closer to /x/ than any other board. Plus if we take her to the ball we can help Veeky Forums tan finally get in a relationship with someone and stop being a single loser.
>Do you recognize how retarded you guys sound?
Uh... /po/ really did make a bunch of papercraft robots for Engine Heart. I'm not sure why you're upset about this.
Quads of truth.
/po/ is a prefect fit and we've tried in the past but it was a complete rejection, if I'm remembering correctly.
/po/ rejects everyone
Tg and x were a thing a time ago, before x got invaded until the board as we knew it died.