>both genders can use magic
>but women are way better at it
Why does this happen?
>both genders can use magic
>but women are way better at it
Why does this happen?
Other urls found in this thread:
The opposite is sexist.
You don't stick to the classics.
Something about "greater potential to create" or another oblique reference to being able to carry children.
I've often seen it rendered as women being better at healing, shielding, and building magic - or maybe even summoning, and men being better at blasting things with flame and lightning and sometimes ice.
Keep in mind that my experience is neither universal nor all that great in breadth and scope.
it's a tradeoff for the -2 str
what setting, what system of magic, what in-universe explanation for it?
Casters need to wear less armor, so women are able to wear sluttier outfits.
Are you playing a Winx Club campaign or something?
Wasn't Winx Club actually kind of neat?
>Men better with Ice
I'd never let that stand. I've never met any man who was as cold as the worst of women.
Men outclass women in every way. Without making women better at spellcasting, you present a world where it's better in every way to be a man.
Castle Falkenstein
The ability to use magic is carried only on sex chromosomes, and then only on the X.
A second copy of the gene enhances magical ability.
Wombs man. WOMBS. They're super magical. Wombical. Way better than testicular magic.
I don't think they're referring to emotional coldness there - just ice's associations with death and barrenness. You can't grow crops in permafrost and you can't "grow life" inside a man, or something like that.
Like I said, I don't know everything but this seems to be where they're going with it.
>girls are pretty wizards
>boys are chad gishes
I mean I would play it.
It doesn't if you do sexually dimorphous magic well.
The hell are you on about?
Excuse me, are you implying that women can't have testicles?
It's more of a video game thing.
I know in FFT your hidden stats that male and female basically flip their multiplier for physical and magical power, women having potentially higher MA
>Magic powered by semen. Semen you must consume.
>Ejaculating steals your magic power.
>Male God of Magic refills his power by drinking the emissions from hanged men.
Men who are good at magic are assumed to be catamites and castratos and not trusted because that goes against the usual mores of the society.
The exception is prophecy, anyone willing to give up an eye and devote themselves to hallucinogenic sweat lodge ceremonies can become a seer, it's just that the ceremonies drive you mad and destroy your health because the thing you see the most is your own death and everything you do to avoid it actually brings it closer to hand.
That's kind of gross. But power is power.
Perverts, feminists, and weirdos
Literally nothing like this is found anywhere in the Eddas and Sagas
Barr bodies
>Literally nothing like this is found anywhere in the Eddas and Sagas
Bro, I've seen it posted on Veeky Forums like ten times this week.
You think someone would repeatedly post incorrect information on the Internet just to mess with people?
This is actually true of some things, such as the ability to discern certain colors. This is one reason why women are inclined to care about fashion.
I've never heard of this in an actual game system
That's because the OP is just shitposting. The best example I can think of what he's talking about is probably Wheel of Time, but I can't think of many others, much less ones that are actually rpgs (though I think there was some WoT one). In vidya and the art in general it's probably just because it's a better to draw a half naked wizard than a half naked fighter, but otherwise beats me
So any little boy that's impressed by a display of magic and wants to grow up to be a wizard has to start guzzling sperm?
In the case of Odin I think it was only for some of his powers, but sure why not
The Wheel of Time is an example of men being better than women at magic.
A better example would be Mazes and Minotaurs.
Because magic is fictional, just like female superiority.
We had to go for "realism" and give them -4 STR for bonuses to stats that casters rely on. And then designed systems for caster superiority.
This was the future that was chosen by us, not the future that was chosen for us.
muh dick
lets men marry a woman for her money and then stay home and raise the kids while she goes out and kicks ass.
No that was witch
It would have to be from a wizard
Magic is stored in the tits, it's a true science fact.
God of Magic is a horney old man.
Are women better than men at magic in folklore and mythology?
The answer is yes. Especially in northern and southern Europe.
Repeat after me :
Depends on the setting.
My heart. It hurts.
Depends on the setting.
Generally when this is done it's associated with 'women's intuition', you know, how women distinguish between more colors than men do generally and are generally considered more emotionally sensitive, to their own emotions and others, than men.
>and are generally considered more emotionally sensitive, to their own emotions and others, than men.
You're wrong, apparently.
because they're the ones who can collect the semen easily.
Odin had a hell of a time of it.
You know nothing of magic, OP.
>ITT things that only happen in shitty systems
Men can only offer boipussy to devil. Women have more to bargain with.
>Literally nothing like this is found anywhere in the Eddas and Sagas
pagan cucks btfo
>several thousand posts about how men and women are biologically different
>but not magically, that would be unrealistic
That's a real cover?
Very rarely is it explicit that women are better at magic than men historically, it's just usually more threatening to established society when women have magic powers.
Depends on the writer's preferences and reasoning.
In some books, men are better at it.
this is actually based in Taoist internal alchemy.
Men get -4 INT, obviously
Unless you're familiar with more than one or two mythologies of course.
Baba Yaga, Circe, Medea, aboriginal myths almsot every antagonist was a powerful witch, same with more than two thirds of African mythology, and China and Japan are so much more broad categorically speaking that you'd be hard pressed to find male magicians/casters/spell users at all.
But hey, whatever.
No, pic related is the actual cover.
I like the Promo pic much more though.
It's pwyw on drivethrurpg and rpgnow.
>Women are objectively inferior
>We need to make them superior in at least ONE thing to make them viable for adventuring
It's amazing how horrible women are at fucking everything. At this point it wouldn't even surprise me if some bisexual manslut told me that men suck better dick than women.
Wheel of Time did it best, where men were better at magic but went insane if they tried so women ran everything, then it got fixed and the men BTFO'd everyone with magic
Depends on the setting.
According to OP and all his lonely that is an inarguable fact.
>WoT did it best by pretending to do it then going "lol jk men are better at everything"
yeah, it was great
All the best male wizards have klinefelters.
>some bisexual manslut told me that men suck better dick than women.
They do for the sole reason of having one themselves
Well assume that men and women have equal magical potential, but men have stronger physical potential.
Now assume that there is a reason that everyone has to be combat prepared.
We can also assume that both mages and warriors have a place in the world.
Because of this it makes sense for women to become magic users while men become warriors, because men will typically make for a better warrior and while they may make for an equivalent mage, by making a man a mage you lose a valuable warrior. By making women, who would have been an inferior warrior, an equal mage you increase the overall effectiveness of your army.
For bonus pseudo evolution science, since men are no longer being thinned out by their lack of magical talent, but instead by the physical talent, their magical talent dwindles and physical talent increases, and vice versa for women.
Women aren’t though?
Vecna exists ladies and gentlemen
metatron is a dude (well, he was Enoch)
And P’tah is terrifying.
Because it's true in real life.
Oh, is that Siuan? She looks good.
>better at magic than a black man
I call bullshit.
Except that book was written by a Jew, and the Germanic pagans drowned sodas mites in bogs
Christianity is a sodomite religion, paganism is anti sodomite
Fun fact, when Loki was doing his epic rant on the failings of the various gods he actually called out Odin for him taking on what were considered female sexual roles to power his magic.
Odin was pretty irked by this.
I don’t think Loki has any room to talk, considering he had a 6 legged horse for a kid.
Loki and everyone else already knew Loki was a fuck up though, he didn't need to make excuses for himself.
The other gods were pompous assholes though.
>says the guy who was raped and impregnated by a horse
Oh Loki
I dunno, the norse pantheon seemed pretty bro, they just partied too hard all the time
In which of the Sagas is it mentioned that "Special powers are ingested by acquiring the semen of someone who already has these powers."?
I mean, the Edda is public domain, wouldn't it be more convincing to cite it directly, instead of some books, that you can't quickly fact check yourself?
I'm not saying that it is completely impossible. But I'm not convinced in the slightest.
If you're actually interested in an answer to this and not just shitposting I can explain.
Storytelling draws on commonly held archetypes and our archetypes of men and women are generally quite distinct. Unfortunately these have developed primarily under a male cultural influence so female archetypes are about male perception of women, rather than representing anything you might consider truth. As women are viewed as "other" by men, so they are associated with things that are other: mystery, deception, magic, the moon etc. Look at the magician and the high priestess in tarot. The magician is a card representing craft, mastery of the elements through hard work and knowledge. He's practically an engineer. That's our perception of man, so our perception of woman is understandably more linked to those things which are not within the bounds of known science. The exact reason women are more associated with magic is the same reason women are taken less seriously in STEM.
tl;dr: the answer is because of gender stereotyping, but probably not in the way you think
Psychology. Magic is generally symbolically feminine.
Don't fall for /r9k/ memes, user.
This is probably something to do with why women who were 'weird' looking were often called witches too. It's more of a fear thing.
IIRC in Hârnmaster women had some bonus in the attribute governing (among other things) magic stuff. Men had the same maximum though.
>Why does this happen?
Well, women have to be good at SOMETHING. Might as well make them good at fantasy stuff.
It's huge in Norse mythology as well.
Wait, what do you mean historically? Magic isn't real historically.
They're in the unique position of being able to judge how best to receive it and also give.
You can't judge your own cooking well if you never taste it.
Where did this meme come from?
Edda isn't the only source about old germanic religion.
There are more notable male magicians than female magicians in Chinese mythology...
...The gods of magic in Norse and Greek mythology are also male.
Still doesn't explain why the Magician(Magus) card is a dude, not a woman. It represents mastery.
Though, "high magic" was usually the purview of men, not women, who were more closely tied with "low magic", AKA hedge magic.
Woman were the only legal magic users,ran and controlled the magical show(and by extension) the whole world for thousands and thousands of years but men were always stronger even while insane.
in the end men are just better at raw strength, woman were most important for Rituals and powering and creating the magical artefacts of the world. Also some woman were strong enough to take on men solo or were even just skilled enough to do so. It comes down to the individual which is more important than the potential the gender holds.
Besides once a woman gets her hand on (legit spoilers)the ter angreal than connects to the world's strongest female Sa angreal she would wipe the floor with all men in the world combined and her only competition would be a man connected to the the ter angreal connected to most powerful Sa Angreal even woman with average angreal wipe hold against men without and females have the most access to such artefacts. Not everybody is the bloody dragon reborn
So men are better potentially? Got it.
Well you see when God created existence he said "Woman are more powerful in magic lol"
>I don't belive in God
Okay then "When giant explosion happened in sky, magical atom like matter floated around the universe and happened to react with females better than men"
>That's stupid
I guess so, guess it's up to whoever designed the setting and not something of fact.
Yea the book series is awesome. The Red Ajah might be some misandrist bitches but damn didn't they Fuck up any male who could even feel the true source. Right up until the true dragon reborn they kept the peace of the, annihilating and gentling(cutting off from Magic) any male with magical potential. They did this for thousands and thousand of years without true threat from these men and infact their greatest threat came from a man who hated magic in totality
Women being the 'face' of magic is a very recent faux pas.
It doesn't take into account that men have historically dominated matters of the occult.
it's safe to say whoever writes such bias is a fucking mongoloid.
It depends on what you recognize as "magic"
In most mythologies women are innately more magical than men because they are "mysterious" but on average men end up doing most of the magical shit with the aid of rational thought because women are massive fuck ups