What's your character's motivation before starting an adventure?
What's your character's motivation before starting an adventure?
I love the Grave Robber.
The most recent three
i dont get these
So wait, was she in some way responsible for the guy dying or did she just cut up his corpse? I feel like the stress symbol in the bloodstains is implying she did something fucked up here
You must be a touch dense then, I'm afraid. The Plague Doctor one is pretty much the only one that might confuse anyone.
All is meaningless in the war yet I still live.
Power and knowledge will be mine alone no matter who has to die.
How do you mean?
For the Man-At-Arms, I think his story is supposed to be fighting his way through a crazy battle towards the objective, only to wind up the only survivor on either side. He's got mad survivor's guilt.
The Antiquarian is conducting a ritual with her master. She kills him before he can sacrifice that innocent woman... then sacrifices the lady herself.
She's just a shitty person.
That last panel is fucking amazing
Ooooh, it's supposed to be survivor's guilt. The explosion ate the guy he was trying to save but he lived through it.
Never saw Bounty Hunter. Makes sense it is the most based.
I think cutting up the body is the "something fucked up", she's gone mental.
>can't unsee homicidal batman
Without a doubt my favorite
She was doing SCIENCE, you know.
best one by far
To answer OP's question, I have recently been trying to keep everything fairly simple. My next character's backstory will be something like: He's the second son of a farmer, joined the local militia, and after some practice in the militia took up archery. Since the farm will be left to his elder brother, he leaves to go adventuring.
Tell me about the Leper. Why does he wear the mask?
Never seen that one, it's amazing.
Apex waifu
>be local blacksmith
>town's children go missing
>get called for militia duties to form search parties
>another party brings in and hangs a local bandit leader because we believe he was responsible
>go out to find the children
>discover it was actually an ancient dryad who had abducted all the children to keep them safe as she had seen a vision of our village being destroyed in a disaster
>she ensures us this disaster was simply unavoidable
>stay in her lair over the night as we were bruised and bloodied from our journey and would very likely not have a home to return to if her vision was true
>leave the morning with all the village children in tow
>over night the town has been burned to the ground, the corpse of the bandit leader missing from the gallows with the body of the local nobleman left in his place
>our search party, and the village's children are the sole survivors
She isn't very smart.
If she was, she wouldn't answer the Heir's call.
That's fucking good, user.
Soldiers live, and wonder why.
Yeah, I was really impressed with the DM, best session zero I've ever had.
What is that supposed to mean?
Wait till she cuts her hand off to escape that wreckage.
Ran an elven rogue in a Kingmaker campaign, his motivation was very simple but very effective - He'd been on bad terms with his family after, in a drunken haze, publically decrying his lover (Local bigtime merchant's daughter) and gtfo to undiscovered lands
Depends on the character, setting, and DM.
>Be German cook from wealthy family.
>Old man gives you free college in Law.
>Get into fairly well, but, it just isn't for me.
>Take up a cooking class for an extra class during my third year. (Mostly passing classes.)
>Boom, found my calling! I'm gana be a cook!!
>Dad is disappoint
>End up dropping out my forth year, dad more disappoint, still supportive.
>Mein father says he will invest into a franchise for me if I can prove myself as a cook and get my first store running.
>Start cooking here and there for a living trying to get enough to start my own restaurant.
>Look at needed positions, one of them is cook! This will get me Fame, experience and enough money for my first restaurant!
>Crazy campaign insures.
I almost died twice! I didn't get to finish the last bit of the campaign but I did get out alive. Just a last bit here and there to clean up for trip home. I'd like to think my German cook started a cross national German restaurant franchise.
Well actually, I almost died a lot in that campaign, two times it just got a little more emotional. But it was closer to 15-17 or more times I was just short of death.
That's not Graverobber's dad, is it? The face looks different, but the rings seem to imply it.
naw, Graverobber's loaded husband had some pretty impressive looking sideburns. Also, he wasn't as fat, had more pimples in his face and his jaw looks more squared.
The Antiquarian killed the ritual conductor because he was performing it incorrectly, with censer in the wrong hand
This makes me sad.
Wait, I can't remember a shieldbreaker character
It has been some time since I've played DD, have there been any updates of note?
Though I stopped playing the game after finishing the darkest dungeon only once. I really couldn't be arsed to go on since it's just 'do everything again'
DLC couple of weeks ago.
I'm still sad muh man
Kinda simple, retired veteran that didn't like retirement so he went and grabbed some young'uns and started his own adventure guild
Thanks, gotta look it up. Who knows, maybe I'll play it again
Nah, she just wanted the benefits of the ritual for herself. She's a right cunt. It's why you always ship her with the Siren.
It's not as bad and confusing as the Man at Arms comic, but certainly this is one of the blander ones, especially for a DLC character.
Slavegirl who kills the guys selling her isn't a regretful and haunting thing like abandoning your family for glory, becoming a criminal who preys on the deceased, a highway man who murders a woman and child(possibly his own).
I thought her backstory was going to involve how her right hand looks partially mangled and her left arm looks almost entirely mangled, and somehow she got snakes out of it.
This should've been added to the end of her comic.
Even the DLC has DLC artwork, jfc
I have to say I'm a bit disappointed that she's the first bit of class DLC that didn't get gifted to the higher Kickstarter tiers. I guess they decided we've gotten enough swag.
>make a blight character when the DLC is current high blight resist.
I'm wondering if I should just raise her up to level 6 with the rest of my guys or if I should start all over again.
She might be fun to use on some of the old bosses, but then again that's a lot of time to burn
wealth and adventure
also bitches
Advanced leprosy disfigurates you. You lose alveolar bone, resulting in tooth loss and maxilar deformation. You may also lose the nose, ears, and general infection fucks up your skin.
Damn, she sure thinks straight !
She is clearly missing a hand and has nightmares about snakes in the game. The comic ends with her arm being trapped and a snake approaching. The implication is very obvious.
"Why don't you die, you piece of shit ?!"
"Because I found my purpose. Thank you. THANK YOU !"
did someone made a Darkest dungeon RPG ?
i'm sick of playing by proxy
There's an adaption for LotFP
LotFP666.tumblr for his OSR stuff
OSR games, Torchbearer, or possibly Strike! if you like the power based combat.
First time I notice the crown.
what crown ?
Haven't seen the nightmares yet.
I don't feel my critique of the comic needs to be changed, it still feels very underwhelming.
My favorite being the Crusader.
I find MaA, Antiquarian and Abomination poorly portray their characters.
MaA by being visually confusing, Antiquarian for being confusing in intent I realize the point might be that she might kill the woman, but this is never elaborated on. Guessing that she's mostly obsessed with collecting things- this doesn't seem relevant at all. and Abomination for being kind of lackluster and not really embellishing anything about the character.
Look at the 4th panel, they just took the crown off before they brought him the mask. He was a prince or a king that decided to abdicated and went into exile because of his disease.
Man at Arms is visually confusing because it doesn't really explain anything.
We see there are canons, a callback to that specific boss.
We see MaA protecting a young boy. Is the young boy a soldier? Just some kid who wandered into a battle?
MaA is looking at a piece of cloth on a stick next to a broken wheel.
Is it a banner? Is it safety? Is it his banner or the enemies? Was he looking for the Child's mother and mistook the weird scarecrow appearance to be a woman?
I know the meaning is supposed to be that he has some survivor's remorse and feels that soldier's lives are too easily spent, but I don't feel this was the best way to convey a battle or this message. Unless the specific way you fail children is supposed to be a running theme in these comics, this game.
Plague Doctor makes perfect sense.
The nightmares happen whenever you make camp with her in the party. It's basically a guaranteed ambush with a unique background, and she gains a ton of terror as long as the battle lasts. It's a pretty brutal drawback, so bring a jester or hound master to give her comfort cuddles.
>Kino Tier
>Patrician Tier
Grave Robber
>Meh tier
Bounty Hunter
Man at Arms
Plague Doctor
>Brainlet tier
I don't know why I find the word brainlet so fucking funny
What's so good about the falconer comic? I don't see it.
Also, are those last three scrapped classes, or just something the artist did for funsies?
They're mods, but they're high quality enough that they might as well be official. Look up Marvin Seo on the workshop.
Tell me more of these workshop classes user, are there more good ones?
Not really. Most of them are pretty shit bacause they're unbalanced and/or badly drawn, clashing with the artstyle. Seo's mods are probably the best DD mods out there, apart from Pitch Black Dungeon.
The one with the Plague Doctor is easy if you give it some thought.
>1st panel
She is a medical student and a loner or someone others prefer to avoid.
>2nd panel
She is very dedicated and we see he was a sample/specimen label #1
>3rd panel
She is top of her class and no one wants to get near her, also her professor is dying of some disease.
>4th panel
We see her dissecting a frog, she is now on specimen #25 and she has her professor’s bloodied tissue indicating the nature of her studies.
>5th panel
Everything gets darker
>Final panel
The professor is specimen #40 and he is not the first human she has dissected. We see her mask and the blood in the floor paints an aura around her head signifying she has gone completely bonkers.
So she just let them rape and murder her? Why is the kino tier?
Look at her hand, trapped under the wreckage.
I think it is implied that she cut her own hand to free herself, and the snake percieve it like an offering of something like that. So it follow her, giving her an hedge during the day, but trying to eat the rest of her during the night.
She has the same cloak as them, user. She part of them.
Well she isn’t pulling her weight in the crew by just standing there. She better get raping or murdering soon.
Aren't the comic give you a vibe like she's the one who tracked the victim?
I don't understand what's happening there
I think she's stealing a new body/face
I'm pretty sure she cut off that girl's face. Or just generally killed her and stole her beauty.
>old witch hates looking like a raisin
>does some blood magic shit
>sacrifices a young girl and takes her face
Uh. Thanks, the whole self-stabbing intent at first confused me.
She's the one who found the target, user.Without her the others would be useless.
>listen here you little shit
Yeah, his life sucks.
Does this guy have a thing against blondes or what?
blondies are rape bait personified desu
>shitskin spotted