>yeah, I'll let you guts play evil characters
First time DM mistakes? Name them.
>yeah, I'll let you guts play evil characters
First time DM mistakes? Name them.
Railroading. Just blatant ignoring rolls and forcing players down whatever path I planned. My first campaign was fucking awful from that and I have no idea why my players stuck with me after it was over.
>Player 1: I attack Player 2's character
>GM: Ok... roll for it
>group implodes
PvP: not even once.
I didn't even fucking knew the rules when I was DMing the first time (I was, like, twelve?). It was a solo game, and I didn't even roll for hit - just straight up rolled for damage.
Amongst other things.
Failing to consider tone and implementing dark/edgy bullshit out of nowhere
>"You all meet in an inn."
>"This is going to be a sandbox campaign!"
9/10 times this means the DM is asspulling everything at random and doesn't actually have a plot or serious premise planned out for the players engage with.
People give the whole "adventurers guild" trope alot of shit, and yes, it's a generic trope, but at least it gives my character focus at the start of the game and a reason to trust the other players with jobs where our lives might literally be in eachother's hands.
>People give the whole "adventurers guild" trope alot of shit, and yes, it's a generic trope, but at least it gives my character focus at the start of the game and a reason to trust the other players with jobs where our lives might literally be in eachother's hands.
I give it a lot of shit because it's simply stupid and convoluted and makes no sense even in a world with magic. The players are far better off being in the same mercenary company instead.
With good role play, this can be fine. But the players have to accept the results and can't be cunts.
But I like having my players start in an inn, it's a great place to text their role play and show them the culture of the setting.
For these purposes, that's fine, it still gives the players a reason to know and trust eachother right off the bat, and gives them an idea of what they're supposed to be doing.
You guys want to start at level 20?
>With good role play, this can be fine. But the players have to accept the results and can't be cunts.
I am an average Joe. I believe I am not too spergy and not too patient, for a person: I think I might lean a bit more on the spergy side, but overall I am average in my temperament.
I like to think I can make games fun for the players I am with, given that I was invited by old players of groups I was in to play with them and regularly people tell me how much they enjoyed a session. Of course, I don't take the credit all for myself, because I feel that I only play with people on my wavelenght, that enjoy playing with me as much as I enjoy playing with them.
With that out of the way, let me tell you that I do not see any scenario in which my jimmies would not be rustled because a player decided to be a douchebag and fight my character for any reason. Unless their character is really brash and hot-headed and my character was framed for something and I *know* about it.
If I don't know my character is framed for something he didn't do and the GM pulls this out of nowhere (in my eyes- maybe he was working on this for a while without me knowing) and then the other player starts PvP, I will feel betrayed OoC and I will be relatively upset. It might make things easier for me to get in character, but I would still feel upset and it would not be fun for me anymore.
So no, PvP is a really bad idea 99.99% of the time.
An "Adventuring Guild" makes no sense, if you think about it. With the whole ranking of people who are stronger being higher rank and fighting tougher monsters: what the hell is that shit? That is stupidly convoluted and an asspull.
There's also the fact that the "adventurer's" guild is comprised of dangerous individuals who carry weapons and seem to be organized outside of any nation's military/political faction: they would not just accept such an organization to exist you know?
Also, how is "adventuring" a job, exactly? Do the dungeons have monsters with respawn timers? Then why don't you just skip the middleman and go play videogames, if that's the case?
Once a dungeon has been looted of all the things nailed down and all the monsters killed, what reason is there that new monsters just show up from thin air and take up residence there? It makes no sense, that's what.
The only way an adventuring guild would make sense is if the world was grimdark and under constant attack of monsters, yet the people *still* have enough money to pay said guilds.
>No good RP, if any
>My story proves I'm right
I said you need good roll play and not cunt players. I've done PvP a few times, it is usually a good build up with a good climax and resolution. It sounds like you need to work on your character role play with your party. Try playing something you don't normally play, possible go for something you normally wouldn't even consider, try to grow yourself and your Role play capabilities.
Good pasta, but you're literally missing the point of the post you're replying to.
Adventuring guild or not, starting the players out with a clear goal and reason they're together is alot better than starting the players in a tavern as total strangers and then expecting them to risk their lives together because some hooded dude offered them alot of money. That would be like me hanging out in the parking lot of Walmart and promising people alot of money to get together and go take all them terrorists in the middle east. 100% of sane people are going to rightfully say "fuck that".
>I said you need good roll play and not cunt players.
Alright, my point is that as long as the PvP can be seen coming a long way away, it has the chance of being good instead of bad. PvP that you don't see coming and betrayals out of nowhere are handled badly, 99% of the time.
>Adventuring guild or not, starting the players out with a clear goal and reason they're together is alot better than starting the players in a tavern as total strangers and then expecting them to risk their lives together because some hooded dude offered them alot of money.
I agree with that notion.
This is a lot of personal problems, and a very poor imagination. And then some more personal problems.
A guild can work, and it doesn't have to be the very specific and out of setting thing you've typed up.
Maby it's a small guild that works with the vender guilds. It sends a small group of people willing to work together and get paid for it to kill X magical creature a normal man couldnt kill, like small dragons, kobolds, trolls. The guild then pays you and gives you housing.
Many some warlock stops in and pays the guild a large sum to get X thing from a old ruin. Guild ask for it's best volunteers, then the party of players go and start the plot chain.
It can work in so many ways and then some. You need to work though your personal problems and not attack people.
I mean, roll with it in Character. If you and your friends are good role players then it'll work out great, even as a surprise.
Then a mercenary company, or something similar.
An adventurer guild makes no sense.
Whats an adventurer ? A metagaming term.
Doesnt exist in roleplay. A character is a priest, a knight, a scoundrel, a ranger, a mercenary, a clan warrior, etc.
Even fighter/rogue/etc makes no sense ingame.
A cleric is a priest belonging to a church.
An assassin is an executer for a crime syndicate. Etc.
I forbid the guild term or class names in my campaigns except when they make sense, usually for crafters. Ex: the jewellers guild.
>Even rogue makes no sense ingame.
a dishonest or unprincipled man.
"you are a rogue and an embezzler"
Makes perfect sense for people to call each other rogues.
Adventurer's guild is just an eternal inn with the added defect that it's retarded and invokes gamist approaches. If the game starts as something like "you all start in the adventurer guild" I already know it's not gonna be serious and if I made a complex character I'm gonna regret and flanderize him before starting.
>"I'll allow it."
That in general.
>Complex character
>Pretend game about fighting dragons and exploring dungeons
Write a fucking book. People like you are the worst kind of "no fun allowed" faggots. I'd take normies over you assblasted "real" gamers any day.
I agree with the idea behind your post but this:
>Once a dungeon has been looted of all the things nailed down and all the monsters killed, what reason is there that new monsters just show up from thin air and take up residence there? It makes no sense, that's what.
is just plain wrong.
Why were the monsters in the original dungeon in the first place? Shelter. It's that thing that virtually every animal seeks to some degree.
When a cave is looted by adventurers and they leave any cave dwelling creature might come along and move in.
Still not making sense.
Will you hire a rogue ?
You will hire a spy, a pickpocket, a hitman, etc.
>Maby it's a small guild that works with the vender guilds. It sends a small group of people willing to work together and get paid for it to kill X magical creature a normal man couldnt kill, like small dragons, kobolds, trolls. The guild then pays you and gives you housing.
You know what people who kill things are called? Hired killers and mercenaries.
Also, does whatever power is in place there not care enough about it's people to send a detachment of it's military to take care of it for them? Is the Adventurer's guild more influential than, I don't know, the King or the Emperor of the place?
>Many some warlock stops in and pays the guild a large sum to get X thing from a old ruin. Guild ask for it's best volunteers, then the party of players go and start the plot chain.
Then they're a treasure hunter.
Also, every "adventurer" would need to be a part of it: what are you going to do, fine every single treasure hunter that is contracted outside of the guild to take care of something? Get real.
Finally, slaying monsters and finding treasure are two vastly different things: guilds don't work that way. Guilds are for very specific things. And Adventuring is not specific and it's not something that can be organized.
It only makes sense in settings where you don't have to think too hard and gloss things over: perfect for 5e I'd say, what with simplifying things a lot.
>Will you hire a rogue ?
If I need a generally criminal type, yeah.
Have you considered that hobbies that involve imagination just aren't for you? Maybe become an engineer or astro-physicist or something.
>Adventurer = someone who goes on adventures
>Adventure Guild = a guild that goes on or funds Adventures.
There is no such a thing as a generally criminal.
Do you need enforcers ? A forgery specialist ?
Not same skillsets.
>is just plain wrong
So you just have another Lich ready to take over with his undead minions as soon as the first one finally met with his doom and his phylactery was destroyed? I mean if you want to do that, just add a respawn timer and you're golden.
>When a cave is looted by adventurers and they leave any cave dwelling creature might come along and move in.
Maybe, but if all the land has been purged of monsters and humans have moved in, how would monsters move in, exactly? The space is already taken.
Unless you have a world where there's no end to the monsters attacking civilized places, then it stands to reason that the guild for monster slaying will eventually run out of things to kill.
Not him but it's still retarded. It's okay if you want retard fun, but that's the only thing that a adventurers guild is gonna get you. If there's an adventurers guild me and my pals are gonna play Lvl2 Fighter who wants to collect 10 wolf fangs and grind to level up, and maybe enjoy it, but for anything else you already broke my suspension of disbelief.
Adventure is a metagaming term, like quests.
So no.
It's not a pretend game if you don't even bother with the pretending part, faggot. Go play heroquest if you want to ignore the "role" in roleplay.
>oh no, I was proven wrong that Adventurer Guilds don't make sense
>let's ad hominem him: that'll show him
>So you just have another Lich ready to take over with his undead minions as soon as the first one finally met with his doom and his phylactery was destroyed?
Obviously not immediately, but somethig is bound to crawl in there at some point
>Maybe, but if all the land has been purged of monsters and humans have moved in, how would monsters move in, exactly? The space is already taken.
Same could be said about our cities, yet there's rodents and such everywhere
Adventurer's Guild is unimaginative by default. You can't go around claiming to have imagination when you didn't.even bother with imaginative terms and concepts.
>There is no such a thing as a generally criminal.
Now I know you're full of shit.
They knew you would get better
Total newbie GM here, running LMOP. Here's a list of my recent fuckups, and what I probably should have done. I don't have enough distance to see the overall issues so I'll focus on specifics.
>Dumbass fighter sneaks into the goblin cave and aggros everything to the entrance. A bugbear, two wolves and five goblins VS four level 1 PCs. Enemies roll well, paladin dies, bard is instakilled. I end up letting those two players survive, captured by Yeemik.
I should have given all those gobbos attack of opportunity and killed the fighter for being such an idiot. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
>Yeemik wants to overthrow Klarg, will release the PCs if they help. I let Yeemik and Sildar participate in the combat. Yeemik crits and pretty much makes the fight a joke.
Next time I'm rolling NPC damage behind the screen.
>Dumbass fighter sets part of the inn on fire to stop some thugs from coming closer. The fire spreads a little. I forget to have the NPCs react.
If he pulls that shit again, everyone's going to panic and the fighter's getting a horrible reputation (and a lifelong ban from the inn).
Dude, he's just baiting, ignore him, he's like a child that thrives on the attention.
I agree with this, mostly
But consider this: what if the name "Adventurer's Guild" is just an euphemism for given country's Expeditionary Forces? You shanghai people into mercenary work by pretending you are some sort of independent organization, and you point the bottom-most murderhobos of your pyramid scheme at the problems you don't want to waste your regular forces on, under the promise of gold and glory. You could play with the fact that people in-the-know are jaded as fuck towards the "guild", or the enemies of the state treat guildmembers like regular enemy soldiers.
>There are bears in the woods
>huntsmen are hired to kill the bears
>number of bear population diminishes
>eventually, in certain areas bears could be found, they go extinct
Extinction is a thing, you know? So, unless you are doing the whole respawn thing, you will still have the problem of monsters going extinct in certain urbanized areas and not appearing again. Sure, it could become a den for cultists of sort, but then it's not monsters: it's humans. And you know what that means? Humans killing humans for money are usually called mercenaries and hired killers.
Yes. Good boy.
Out of arcuments so now insults. Always the same with people like you.
You should just play mmorpg son.
>Mercenaries hired killers.
Arnt those just Adventure guilds? Do they even have a permit to hold their groups together? My guild dose. And my guild has competitive rates and professionals.
>Dose the king risk his military to support a stores non-essential vender? The king dosnt just hire a guild of professionals to do work.
Back in the day most kingdoms didn't have standing armies.
"I'm not X silly title I'm X silly title!" What a job that isn't hunting treasure? Sorry can't help. What you want to pay me to find your gold and not take the gold I find? Ok.
So here I am. In an inn, this warlock gave me a quest to find this thing in a dangerous ruin. And I don't have any money.... How do I get 4 other people to join me without me paying them? And how do I make sure they have the skills I need.
Man I can't find any good work as a "treasure hunter" if only their was an organization that could represent me and sell my skill sets.
To be honest user, I don't like Adventure guilds to much, but your autism is over the top and needs to be put in place.
It's amazing how 2 spergs committed to arguing over a single inane point of contention can ruin entire threads time and time again.
>But consider this: what if the name "Adventurer's Guild"
So now you're changing the name to mean something else? I mean, it's your game. More power to you.
I will, however, just call you a faggot, because we are on Veeky Forums. And because it irks me ever-so-slightly to read of certain terms being mis-used in discussions. It's the same shit with Magical realm and DMPC: some idiot wants the term to stop being correlated to something negative and argues at lenght on how it isn't negative, while being wrong all the same.
The sad part is, one of them is doing it on purpose because there's no way he's ACTUALLY *that* retarded... right?
Yea! I don't have elves in my setting, I have Xer'dori Vanlzes.
I don't have orcs I have Gurk'grons
I don't have dorfs, I have dirty diggers.
I don't have a city, I have a palace of many buildings under the rule of a Mullantar/not mayor.
We're talking about fantasy settings though, with animals that can magically disguise themselves or live entirely underground and occasionally crawl into a dungeon through some crack that connects it to the caves
'Adventurer' itself is not an occupation; is it a description for what somebody does regardless of that occupation since numerous occupations can lead to an adventurous lifestyle.
>To be honest user, I don't like Adventure guilds to much, but your autism is over the top and needs to be put in place.
Sure you don't.
Dose a bear fuck in the woods? Do druids not exist????
If I was a druid and some cunts started killing my bears, you bet your sweet ass I'd save enough to restart a new population.
You're proving my point if this is what came to your head. You lack imagination.
I'll let you in on a little secret. It exists since the dawn of the Internet. People who like arguing for something, even though they know it's completely wrong and doesn't make sense, just for the sake of arguing: those people are called trolls.
My point was that "well I have a totally original name! See now it's not the same thing!" Is retarded and pointless.
It's a not Adventure guild
It's a not orc
It's a not town
It's a not goblin
It's a not quest
This thing that starts you on a journey is a not plot hook for your not quest.
See this thing that is X? It's a Not X! A Not X is very different from X.
But what if I get paid to go on Adventures???
>no u
The first time i EVER had the chance to DM i fuckes up royally. I have a kind of "fuck it just roll for it mentality" and i don't really care if they ruin an established campain by playing cabbage selling simulator or something.
My first group wemt on for six sessions without picking up any real plot hooks. They just went off toy local "there be goblins in dese woods area.
Since then i have learned that a bit of railroading is needed if players get off track or too magical realmy, and that plot hooks need some appetizing bait at times.
Nah. Just not implementing things that have place in video games in rpg.
The autism is arguing the opposite.
ROLE playing game.
Not mmorpg.
DnD has no dungeons for example :
They are kobold lairs full of the little fuckers, castles with guards and knights, tomb with whatever stuff.
Not dungeons.
Its really easy to understand for any normal person.
Well , since tg is full of isekai/cyao hentai obsessed human failures atm, i am not surprised
Suck a dick nerd
>Some retard on the internet said it once and I repeated it.
Well your thick and unimaginative, and can't understand more than one setting and probably can't role play anything more than that one Character that is totally not the same Character every time.
You fight tooth and nail to make your autism stone solid and unmoving, you are an impossible moron who can only think with 1 weak perspective.
Your literally aurgements have been
>But I don't like that
>But I don't understand how it works.
Your a dumbass.
You don't even play tabletop.
Get the fuck out of here you meme loving fuck.
>don't have any arguments anymore
>better no u, that'll show him
>My very specific thing has a very specific name.
It's a general discussion jackass.
>I can't do something that has been done in a video game.
Then stop playing DnD. That setting in many ways had been over done in video games.
Eh, an "adventurer's guild" doesn't have to be some commonplace mundane thing with one in every town. It could be a secret society or something, on the lookout for ambitious and powerful weirdos.
I mean, I've never played a game where adventurers are freemasons or the Thule society, but I'd give it a go.
Triggered by common sense.
Im op and im just shitting in this thread because you autistic fucks are suckin eachothers dicks over semantics
Srsly get a room already
They can be, but the point stands: if you are going to use a meta term like "adventures", that can mean a 100 different things, then it could very well just be an organized crime organization like the mafia instead.
Since they also kill people for money and employ shady characters who don't mind a little blood.
The point stands that you are a colossal faggot fuccboi getting mad that people can have fun and actually play tabletop while nobody wants to play your "super serious" grimdark edgy bullshit where every 5 seconds you stop the game to go "um achksually"
K y s my dude.
That's the fucking point?!!! It can mean 100 different things!!!! That is why you specifically don't give it a specific name.
The title "Adventure Guild" means you can do anything from murder, to looting, to diplomacy, to hunting and more.
No u
Wait for this thread to die then restart it.
Maby put in the OP "no chains longer than 3" and "no more than 5 reaction comments, so don't put shit comments" or something??
>implying you can make up rules on Veeky Forums
Fuck that dump garbage instead.
A based insult is not worthy of a "no u" spam. Spaming it like that makes you look like a super sperg.
>Based insult/observation/argument.
>Haha hefp derp
Your OP is really fitting right now.
Tell me whats so based about what he said?
He cant prove any of it, hes just spouting shit because he is mad.
So OP. What did you learn??
That people who would rather bitch about terms in fun games instead of play them make great cum dumpsters.
You are being a fag, and going "uh aschly" and I'm not having fun with you. All he did was stat observations based on your comments.
Why did you avoid this post ?
He's not me, fag.
>shitposting is observations
State of Veeky Forums, good ladies and gentle men.
Guys, hear me out. Government paid per kills like scalp of goblin for coin and people organise in large group for it.
DM just killed my ranger because reason which I know not. I got him to retcon it, but still pass for not knowinh how or why he just suddenly die.
Thats an alt-right death squad then, not an """""adventurer""""" (((guild)))
>Guys, hear me out. Government paid per kills like scalp of goblin for coin and people organise in large group for it.
Just drop it.
>not playing a session 0 with new players
You still suck dicks, loser.
Considering the thread is going to shit let me just clarify this in a way you simpletons can understand.
You can use the meta term "adventurer" all you want, that is just a red flag for me to know your game is shit and you are shit at DMming.
I will NEVER use the term because it has no place in an appropriate game with a serious in-character universe. It is a facesious term and is too casual for any non light-hearted game.
Now just drop it.
Second try. Explorer guild.
Again, this has no premise or place in games. Its just fluff of a stupid meta term for uninspired and unimaginitive people. Imagine being this shallow that all you can come up with is videogamey logic and ideas for your sression? Now imagine that the majority of people that play tabletop are in the wrong and dont know it. Its a festering cancer thats killing the hobby worse than normies and r*ddit ever will.
The acronym CYOA is wrong, it should not be choose your own "adventure" it should be choose your own regulated occuptation and parameters.
>Now imagine that the majority of people that play tabletop are in the wrong and dont know it
Then the majority of people are, in fact, not wrong and you're just an overly pedantic moron.
They are not "adventure modules" i call them "fortress packages" because a fortress and all its inhabitants are described, not the story of a group of mercenaries.
>i have no argument but i must shitpost
I refuse to believe you seriously think that is an okay term. Just go play street fighter.
That's because you're a moron. Language is, fundamentally, defined by how people use it, not how it's written in the books or what's technically correct.
i hate every single one of you
No, you stupid nigger, thats an american way of thinking and i for one am not a fat head. An explorer explores, not exterminates hordes of monsters. Unless yiure just exploring and nothing else, why would i go to an explorers guild for anything other than just that??