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Pathfinder General /pfg/

Are the rajah and batal just bullshit DSP power creep?

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So is that Transformation Feat+Size Change thing I saw a few threads back really legal, or was that guy just bullshitting?

Legal, but possibly an oversight

What transformation/size change thing was that?

>Are the rajah and batal just bullshit DSP power creep?
>3rd party

user. Come on now.

Someone figured that using the Transformation & Improved Transformation feats in SoP and picking Size Change would allow you to become permanently Huge by level five.

SoP and SoM sure are balanced and make the game better!

Posting twice for new thread.

Oracle, for one big reason: Dual Cursed Oracle gets bloody amazing new revelation options.
One of which is nearly complete immunity to any enemy even pretending it can crit on top of negating one critfail per ally per day.
The second of which gives yourself a bunch more rerolls.

This is a true thing that it lets you do.


why do you guys always use foxgirl pictures as the thread image? Not complaining, just wondering.

It's not "you guys", it like one or two troll anons.
Personally I've given up giving a shit about it; mods aren't fixing the problem but having 3 threads is worse.

I want to marry DrowAnon!

new to this thread, what does sop stand for

/pfg/ is really a crypto metal gear thread, it stands for sons of the patriots

thanks, theres a truly ridiculous number of these books.

How in the fuck—

Can someone explain what mental gymnastics I need to hop through to do this?

It may have issues, but it's still better than the bullshit vancian can pull.
f you take the Transformation feat(which was intended so your character could have like a werewolf form or something) with blank form and wait till level 5 and take improved transformation with Size change, and have a CL of 5, you can permanently Huge size yourself.

So, as far as I can tell, you use TF to grant yourself the ability to turn into a humanoid form. You take Size Change as a talent. ITF then lets you apply Size Change to your transformation. Gotta be a caster tho.

It actually means Spheres of Power. It's an alternative spellcasting system printed by a third party publisher. Some people here swear by it.

Keep in mind improved transformation calls out this extra trait

Some people here are wrong.

Another weeb /pfg/ OP.

It didn't get answered last thread but should I take a dip in Bolt Ace before going all in on Alchemist or just run pure Alchemist if I want to be a crossbow & grenade type guy?

For all the egregious shit, it's still lest busted and more fun to use than Vancian.

Not like most dungeons can even accommodate huge sized creatures anyway.

>Hell's Rebels - Chaotic Good
>Hell's Vengeance - Lawful Evil

So, what alignment will War for the Crown be focused on? Lawful Good, considering Eutropia's previous efforts in securing enough political capital that the crown goes to her and her intentions of returning Taldor to its former glory? If WftC will be LG focused, what will be Eutropia's alignment? I bet it will be Lawful Neutral, perhaps Neutral Good, because we obviously cannot have any leaders that are LG, without them ending up utterly boring/tired of life characters.

Just for the love of Aroden, don't give her a CG "spunky rebel" personality. We've had enough of those. Could my future waifu finally have a reasonably sufferable personality?

If you WANT to use a crossbow? Go right ahead.
It's not the best way to build from a min-max standpoint, but it's a good fit for wanting to not suck at crossbows.

Personally I'd just use a longbow from either taking the Grenadier archetype or being an elf. Or just doing startoss style memes.

Yeah. I know Alchemist as a class gives me a bit of wiggle room to do stuff that isn't optimized and I really like the idea of popping someone 100 feet away with an explosive. I figure a one & done dip would be best, grabbing a crank crossbow for utility.

How the hell does this magic system work I've read the passages for it five times and still can't make heads or tails of it

Spell points are used to augment spells but how do I know how many spells per day I can cast or what components they need or how many spells I have

Abilities are at will. There are no components unless you take that drawback.

You can not fucking read. Gee I wonder what the fuck that class feature called Spell Pool means? As a hard rule you usually get Class level(Min 1)+Mental Stat you use for casting+any gained from drawbacks.

By default all Sphere Abilities are purely mental actions. You can take drawbacks to represent needing to use verbal/somatic/material/emotional/etc.

I don't recommend you play this, because literacy clearly is not for you.

And this is why your mother is disappointed in you, user.

Why? Because I'm telling someone who clearly can't fucking read not to play third pary system because he's probably going to fuck it up and ruin it for his group.

I could get if this one some niche confusing thing, but this is basic fucking functionality of the system.

That's...kind of a frightening and alluring change. Do the spells in this have the same broken potential as 9th level casters?

I learn better from playing a system and asking questions than reading a few paragraphs, but thanks. Hope you eventually get that stick out of your ass.

>Being able to read keeps third party systems from fucking the game up
>Implying third party doesn't do that inherently

Is there any reason why it'd be a bad idea to run a game set in a primordial valley where the PCs are given the task of hunting down a succession of super-powered monsters/kaiju, perhaps with a few cults and native tribes rolled in for variety?

You can find a few broken spots, but nothing like Vancian, and it makes for some very nice thematic casters who can still get fun options within their theme.

Just remember to give your kaiju piles of minions or the party will eat them alive due to action economy.

plus splitting them into separate head, arms, legs etc monsters

Fuck off Paizo fag. Spheres has issues, but it's not realy as cancerous as Paizo Casters.

And I've yet to hear about any Psionic content, bar the Psychic Amrory Soulknife. ruining something outside of retards who didn't read the whole "can't spend more PP than manifester level ZOMG they do like 20 billion d6 damage at level 5" bullshit.

Shut-up, you're going to summon 2hu.

Actually, can 2hu perhaps find a way to fix the Shifter? Or is it trash beyond any possible minmax to even get playable?

2hu doesn't fix things. He just posts shit and gets yelled at.

you guys talking about THF?

Anyway, so I haven't touched this game in a long-ass time, and I remember not havin' that much fun as an Investigator, mostly 'cause I was the designated healbot. What's a good way to make an armored spear person, like pic related?

Paladin, I guess? Take some feats for an extended AoO radius, and you can probably threaten 30ft each way.

Paladin or a plant domain warpriest

>with blank form
The suggestion was actually to take whatever form takes your fancy, along with hybrid form, so you can have cool extras like flight or a hilariously fast land speed.

>Gotta be a caster tho.
Improved Transformation specifically has a note about being able to take traits that would make sense for your form, without needing the talent specifically, but that instance requires DM permission. The easiest way past this, though, is to be a skinwalker, done they can get ARTs to take basic magical training (alteration) and Transformation, load up on drawbacks, and go on their merry way.

The original question that started this seems to have fucked up. It was trying to ask if any size changing at all was a single trait, or if it each change in size was one trait, but accidentally asked if each size change was a separate TALENT.
Reminder that improved transformation lets you suppress traits, so you should be able to adjust your size to suit your needs.

I assume so. DSP is an incredibly shitty publisher.

How viable is the Esoteric archetype of Magus?
I'm looking to make a magic/elemental unarmed strike character.

Are hoods the only way to protect oneself from the rain?

its awful

if you want to do that, I recommend making an entropic sage hedgewitch

That's disappointing.
I don't even really want a full gamut of spellcasting ability, I just wanna add elemental damage to a kick once and a while, yknow?

Have you considered being a Suli UMonk?

I haven't looked into much, to be honest.
I was looking at UMonk of the Four Winds, though

Is it easy to confuse a child with a halfling?

Yes, in fact halflings have more than a few tricks for making themselves look even more like human/elven children.

Does anyone have official drawings of when you can charge and when not if you're large?

Is this possible? Black is wall

No, they look like miniature adult humans, but there's always the chance one of them has Childlike, which does give the look of a kid.

Does the Suli Elemental Assault stack with the Four Winds Elemental Fist?

Suli UMonk, Elemental Fury Ki Power, Dragon Style into Elemental Fist.

Bam, a lot of magic to your unarmed strikes.

Looks legit to me.

Shit, I like this. A lot. I may start throwing together a build for this. Main stats being, what, str and wis?

I had heard good things about /pfg/, and browsed through the previous thread. I was thoroughly disappointed, there were very few cute lolis.

Have I been lied to or have you people changed?

Go scaled fist and put that racial +2 Cha to WORK.

Even when the large creature on the right has a wall in front of him covering half the enemy (the medium creature)? I thought you needed a straight line without obstacles and you needed to charge the nearest square not whatever you felt like. I thought those two creatures couldn't charge the same turn

There's no obstacle betweent the large creature and the medium creature at any moment, I dunno why you mention a wall, the line is clear.

And scaled fist gives me access to Elemental Fist at 6th level, too. Shit

There aren't any obstacles, the two creatures never end up sharing the same space during the movement.

Can anyone share table of content from Ultimate Wilderness pls?

>you needed to charge the nearest square not whatever you felt like
It's the closest square on the line, you can choose any unobstructed line to define your charge.

>Wall infront one of the creatures dividing it in two is not an obstacle
So you can charge into corners as in pic related?

Yes, you can.

>I dunno why you mention a wall
This way is dividing the creature, it doesn't have clear sight line of the enemy it's an obstacle, unless I've been living a lie for all these years. Is this considered perfect line without penalties, no obstacle or anything?

Red square is the creature after charging if it wasn't clear.

The wall is not an obstacle in any way whatsoever if the creature has range. You thought being against a wall was a way of defense? kek, noob.

Scaled Fist, you'll be mono-energy for the most part, but is worth keying off Cha where Suli are strong. Improved Initiative and Dodge for feats first level, Dragon Style 3rd, Weapon Focus 5th, Dragon Ferocity 6th, Elem. Fist 7th, put your FCB into boosting Elemental Assault damage, can probably take Incremental Assault at 9th level depending on your situation, but I recommend 9th and 11th be to getting Shatter Defenses for your Medusa's Wrath hits, not as essential if you got a team that'll set them up for you.

By 12th with Medusa's Wrath and Elbow Smash in the mix you should have more than enough attacks in your flurry at full BAB, all of them having 3d6+6 of elemental damage to them. Get yourself a campaign where you know what element the majority of monsters will be weak to and get to work.

Scaled fist it is.
Gonna roll that fire energy type.
Does Draconic Might affect the monk's AC bonus?

Well, seems I got wrong charge for years. It's odd this problem never raised before, I must have look like a retard to other groups for not charging properly

Actually, completely forgot the 2nd level bonus feat. Adjustments should be 2nd level Dragon Style, 3rd Level Weapon Focus, 5th Level Dazzling Display. This leaves you room to either go for Incremental Elemental Assault at 9th if you want more control over using it or setting up for the immediate Shatter Defenses/Medusa's Wrath combo.

You can swap out Imp. Initiative for Incremental, but initiative is important when your early game AC gets hurt by flat footedness.

Yes, everything the monk gives you that's based off Wis becomes keyed off Cha instead. Take a trait to pick up some social skills as class ones and you can serve as a decent party face, just mind that your skill points will be hurting from the -2 Int.

Doesn't Dazzling Display get added at 6th for free anyways? Or is it just REALLY worth picking up asap?

Okay, what can possibly be done to unfuck the shifter?

Playing a druid or hunter.

Either or, you can grab Dragon Ferocity at 5th instead. Dazzling Display itself isn't worth shit, it's a stepping stone to Shatter Defenses which works wonders with Dragon Ferocity's Stunning Fist effect. Hit them with a Stunning Fist or Crit? Shaken for 1d4+Str mod. Anyone whose shaken is flat footed to you, and Medusa's Wrath gives you 2 free attacks at your highest BAB when you land a hit on a flat footed enemy. The more hits you put in, the more value those extra elemental dice will have, why you want Elbow Smash at 10th after Flying Kick.

Actually, you can trade out Weapon Focus if you go for Dazzling at 6th, which does give you room for early game Incremental.

>heard good things about /pfg/
From where? Where are these liars and charlatans?

So I should stop masturbating to these threads?

Talking about Monk reminds me, would it be out of line to ask my GM about the following if I wanted to play a Sacred Fist warpriest?

>bump up to 4+Int skills, because 2+Int is a blight on class design for anything but a wizard
>Use unchained flurry (extra attacks at full class BAB) or old flurry, rather than the gimped chained flurry it has now (doesn't treat level as BAB)

>From where? Where are these liars and charlatans?
/srg/. They told me to go here if I wanted cute lolis.

>bump up to 4+Int skills
If you bump any 2+Int class too sure
>Use unchained flurry (extra attacks at full class BAB) or old flurry, rather than the gimped chained flurry it has now (doesn't treat level as BAB)
Hahahahaha, no, Sacred Fist would be billion times better than Umonk then. Make it like before errata, (Full BAB on flurry plus a -2 for extra attacks), it makes it way better than PHB monk but doesn't render Umonk useless entirely

You can literally 99% of the time if you can see the objective, you can almost always draw a line that favours your charge. Obstacles don't matter if they're at the end of the charge.

Oh fuck, didn't read the "old flurry" part, this is for posting while in the job. Yeah, use "old flurry", if by that you mean before errata or also known as PHB monk flurry

Is right on, Divine Favour itself will cover for any Flurrying provided you get the old one back. (and then some with Fate's Favoured.)

Can I say just how much I hate the style feat restrictions to the bonus feats from Sacred Fist? You still get 6th level casting which is gravy but that pace is so shit for almost every style line that you're after.

>bump up any 2+Int class
That would be the plan, though I just got word the other players all have 4+Int skill classes so now I'm going to look like a whiny cunt rather than someone who wants to bring everyone up.

>Hahahahaha, no, Sacred Fist would be billion times better than Umonk then.
I'm unsure about that, but raw Unarmed damage potential, ki powers, and still strikes are still much weaker than "is a half caster" so I see what you mean.

>Make it like before errata
I was unsure whether it would be a harder sell than just "bonus attacks", given how both are an accuracy boost, but not being sure is why I asked.
I wanted to try a UMonk, but it looks like I'm gonna be stuck on half-casting duty to cover people's asses so I figured I'd look into something that could get "close enough".

>Wizard obtains only levels 1 - 6 spells. Spell level advancement as Sorc, but with prepared spells as Wiz. Number of castable spells is as Sorc of level -1.
>Increase hit dice to d8
>Increase number of Bonus Feats
>Can choose Wizard archetypes
>3 or 4 SP per level instead of 2

How would this square up in a no full caster/T3 game? It's supposed to function as a 'concentrates more on spell casting than other half or sub casters' type class. Asking as I'm joining a game that's no full casters and in asking the DM if he'd let me roll something that's still more Wizard like (flavour wise, sucking at melee and still focusing more on spellcasting) they've said they're happy for me to come up with something. Would this still be too powerful?

Have you tried a Silksworn Occultist instead

You've got a scaling attack/damage boost in your 1st level spells, having old Flurry won't be so bad.

I know the pain, I want a UMonk archetype that just trades ki powers for paladin casting myself.

Yeh like me wee tail? I could wag it for yeh.

did you mean to post this is /trash/ user?

Shame Avellone hasn't made a single good character after her.

Except for maybe Kreia.

My DM has allowed me to add the half dragon template to my character and I was wanting to make a dragon style monk.

Thank you for showing me this archetype.

scaled fist exists too, but its not very good