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>How to Jumpchain
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Jumpers! Have you ever had people distancing from you after witnessing your true might?
I'd much rather talk about jumps you distance yourself from because they're shit. I'll start:
Light of Terra
Generic Isekai
What's your beef with each?
Zero no Tsukaima
Code Geass
Pretty much everything by mib
Wakfu (the jump isn't that bad, but the design gives me cancer)
Doctor Who
There are a lot of other jumps, mostly early ones, that are shit as well, but those are the ones that come to mind right now.
Sometimes people get worshipful or scared. I don't mind I have enough charisma perks to mostly counter it.
How good of scientist are you?
That pic looks anemic for some reason.
Makes me wonder what would have happened if the professor got the worms instead of Fry.
TVD and Crypt of the Necrodancer were probably the only jumps I literally couldn't finish. The latter was likely due more to the setting than the jump, though. Most likely, at least, based on the jumpmaker's other work. I never intend to open the documents for either ever again.
As of last jump finished, I am okay at physics as they are in NuTrek.
I'm good at my specialty (medicine and biotech) and passable at everything else.
About this good.
Vampire Diaries, I think. It is stupid and has stuff that was never truly shown in the setting, or at least I think that's what people have said about it.
Aside from Medaka Box and Umineko, where can I get powers or perks that mess with the narrative and meta?
There is something very strange and strangely appealing about that tsun.
Jorge Jostar has something like that i think.
Setting gets way stupid in later seasons.
Protectors of the Plot Continuum?
Hyperdimension Neptunia
A Practical Guide to Evil
There's also a some story-related perks in Princess Bride I think
Please tell me that that is doom killing the new Iron man. you know the retarded one that makes Tony an AI and some little preschooler or something Iron man.
Gwenpool used her meta powers to literally rip out of Doom his last character arc where he became a good guy.
Iron man isn't a girl last I checked.
Iron man become some little black girl last I remember. Shit was absolutely retarded.
Ah ok, don't read Gwenpool but that seems a bit strange. Guessing that that's normal?
Actually, there were two Iron Men now. One the black girl who had Tony's AI and the reformed Dr. Doom. I don't know if this 'death' of his good version will carry out to the main continuity or not.
Tony got replaced by a black teenage girl, yes. But she took on the moniker Iron Heart (which is the title of a Japanese Porn Parody of Iron Man).
After Doom turned good, he noticed that there now technically wasn't an Iron Man and took his place.
Apparently he was stealing her chance to defeat a big bad by changing sides and she wasn't happy with that, saying that it was too cliche and that she wanted her boss battle.
Gwen's character is pretty shit and insufferable.
The problem IMO was that the initial versions of the jump had really bad OTB syndrome, and OP at that.
But the stuff in the jump is in the setting. It started off as a show about vampires, but it didn't stop there - each new season had to up the ante.
Also many of the characters in the show are infuriatingly egotistical dicks, which is a con if you have to watch the episodes but a pro if you have a jumper in desperate need of some cathartic guilt-free ass-kicking.
I don't think it's much worse than what we had with Medaka Box right now. Settings like these, where mostly street characters suddenly turn into 3conceptual5you Deviantart tier's OCs are not that rare.
Doom being Iron man actually sounds pretty good.
>wanted her boss battle
Well fuck me. When I first saw her, she seemed cute and fun.
I should have known she would be shit.
Haven't read the Doom Iron Man comics myself, but I really liked the Superior Spiderman comic
Is that the one where Dr. Oc replaces Spiderman and does a better job at being a hero than Peter?
That art actually looks pretty good. An actual Spider-man, instead of a man with some spider abilities.
Lets be fair, most people could do a better job than Parker. I mean isn't he meant to be a genius, why doesn't he just invent shit to make stuff better for the common man instead of saving a couple people here and there.
I need a bunch of lower tier but still interesting jumps. I noticed my last few chains have ramped up in power far too quickly and it has kinda put me off doing that.
Pic related.
He tries, but all he succeeds at is alienating himself within the eyes of his allies and the general public, getting Peter thrown out of college, starting a tech company that failed pretty quickly and banging a science midget. Turns out being an asshole that kills people and is into heroism to spite someone isn't really all that heroic.
Wise anons, I require your assistance. I have 600 leftover cp in the konosuna jump (well, it's more like I took a distressing number of drawbacks so I could afford one more thing, but that's beside the point) and now am having trouble deciding between holy hexes and the cheat item. Does anybody have any wisdom to offer me in this regard? I have the capstone booster, if it matters.
Of all the fucking uses of "Editing: The Superpower" she had to fucking use it on good guy Doom? What a fuckin asshole.
He's poor as fuck, has bad luck so infamous it has its own term and lives in a comicbook. It's not perfectly realistic, but the only person who ever has an excuse for not benefitting mankind is Reed. Reed's excuse is that he's an asshole that wants humanity to do it themselves.
Wise anons, I require your assistance. I have 600 leftover cp in the konosuna jump (well, it's more like I took a distressing number of drawbacks so I could afford one more thing, but that's beside the point) and now am having trouble deciding between holy hexes and the cheat item. Does anybody have any wisdom to offer me in this regard? I have the capstone booster, if it matters.
You saw nothing.
Because as much as he goes on about "my responsibility", Parker is anything but responsible. Rather than use his science knowledge to even just get a better job than a photo man for a newspaper so that he could at least afford healthcare for him and MJ, he'd rather go off and be a hero.
Or, to put it a different way, Marvel has writers and editors that HATE the idea of Peter growing up. Forever wanting him be the nerdy, awkward high schooler.
This is why we had fucking One More Day.
I don't even read comics and this shit pisses me off.
How much of you Jumpers have moved past the need to have hands?
I make it so that every atom wears a hat before I leave, no exceptions
>I need a bunch of lower tier but still interesting jumps.
Kickboxer, since you get to fight Tong Po
Buy the weapons shop and be a shopkeeper
Depends on if you're more suited to be a mage or warrior.
>There is something very strange and strangely appealing about that tsun.
Do like being bullied user?
Aaaaand this time I forgot to delete the quote. Fuck it. I'll leave it as is. My apologies randomly quoted poster.
Mage, primarily. Though I'm fairly certain the cheat weapon can also be a staff?
What are those hat made of?
Probably Electrons
Y-you’re going to post the source, right?
Hand made by hand gnomes , gotta make them with the best jeans before shrinking them. They must be given ham to work.
>Crypt of the Necrodancer
Well, if it helps, I'm working on redoing that Jump. Perks are going to be actual Perks this time around and the Item section is going to be huge. I've also got some new Drawbacks planned that should spice things up a bit. And, of course, more Canon Companions. I'm also going to rip out Backgrounds entirely and make it a single Background Jump that allows you to pick your Discount for each tier of Perks. Kind of like how I did Katawa Shoujo.
I know I kinda scrubbed the boat on it, but it was my first Jump and I barely knew what I was doing. I'm working on it off and on. Most Jumpmaking is taking a backseat to my own writing at the moment though.
Do I?
So other than Hellboy's Companion section (which I'll update later today when my headache goes away), what Jumps of mine (other than Young Justice, since I might as well wait for season 3) are most in need of updating?
Post suggestions and all that jazz too. Plus any ideas you guys have for Hellboy while I've got the PDF open.
It could be but if your main combat focus is magic Holy Hexes would be better since it raises the power of all your spells with no change in cost, and with the booster all your spells are also 10x stronger.
I shall place but a single vote on animal crossing. For no reason other than I wish to.
...that sounds like a Jumper.
I'm not even meming, I've seen a few posts by people who don't like getting killstealed.
I was under the impression the multiplier on the cheat weapon was much larger than 10x given it lets a low level with a sword 1shot a dragon?
I don't think that most of those need any updating, really.
So I'm gonna try writing, and sharing that. I haven't done anything like this before in-thread, but I do like encouraging it so I might as well try myself and laying it out for people. Since my chapters are likely going to be too long for posts, I'm going to PDF them for people to peruse in a separate tab, for the convenience of whoever cares.
I probably could've left this year's Halloween Jumps off the list. Bee Movie, too, since it's without a doubt the best Jump on the drive. But the others might need some polishing/additions.
I thought the weapon was just really strong. Well either way the base power of your spells are also being increased with holy hexes as you get stronger yourself, which you can then put your skill points into to make them even stronger so i think that holy hexes would get stronger in the long run. And if you dropped the weapon you'd instantly be alot weaker as well.
How hard to access would be the Throne of Heroes for someone with the Second Magic? I want to steal it
More stories is always good.
>Personal Character Customizer
Is that yours?
Impossible. If you could do that Zouken and Justeaze would've thrown balckjack and hookers at Zelretch until he did them a solid.
I'd suggest an F/GO NP but since you can't have collection NPs that won't help either.
Brought to you by the author that made the Illya exhibitionism doujin
Hmm. Upon further inspection the main benefit of Holy Hexes seems to be how cheap it makes being a caster since you can keep using your level one spells that cost you pretty much nothing forever. Cheat weapon seems to offer more power that also levels with you but it can be dropped or stolen mid battle. I must ruminate further on this matter. You have my sincerest thanks user. You've helped tremendously.
>Illya exhibitionism doujin
One needs a name please.
For fucks sake!
Search for 774
If she's going to get all hot and bothered about it like that second image... I think I could learn to.
You're welcome user!
Also, a thought. The Dragon's Crown jump has a perk called Extract that makes it so low-level magic attacks generate mana. It would synergize well with Holy Hexes.
She is cute & fun.
>One needs a name please.
>not a man needs a name
One job, etc etc
Peter was just a kid when his father figure died in his arms because of his own irresponsibility. Now he feels he needs to be "responsible" and dedicated all of his time and effort to physically saving people.
Don't have such high hopes user
I think I'm about Rick level at this point, in that I tend to handwave a bunch of the shit I do for plot, and yet still fuck up pretty consistently because that's what's fun for me.
I mean, I'm sure if pressed I could come up with backlinks to all the perks and shit I use for my crazy schemes, but I'm like 600 jumps into this thing and I default towards science perks above all others. And I don't have a list going or anything. I don't even know all the shit I can do.
When I decide to SCIENCE!, it's like going down a waterslide at 88mph while that scene from Willy Wonka plays across the inside.
You know the one.
It's definitely why I don't read comics.
Well, I have pretty good telekinesis (that I constantly forget about), and my tails and hair are prehensile, so... yeah.
I mostly use my hands out of habit. I like having hands.
I honestly feel like all those jumps are fine as is. They're entirely serviceable and they fit their settings nicely.
I mean, if you feel like you need to fix something or you want to add new things, I'm not going to tell you not to? But I also don't want you to think you "have to" update anything just because you haven't looked at them in awhile. They are perfectly fine.
I guess gun-to-my-head, I'd say Animal Crossing or Who Framed Roger Rabbit, or maybe Fallout 4, only because I am familiar with those settings and would be interested to see what you think should be added or changed.
But other than that, I don't really have a preference at all, and wouldn't even mind at all if you decided not to update anything.
Where could I companion her? Between Gwen, Ajimu and Monika I could make some fun 4th Wall breaking group
Good writing, Bee. Will you and Val be posting your builds together, if I'm reading into it right?
Yeah, I think so too.
Mmhm, something I just keep to myself and a few friends. I don't post it for obvious reasons. Some lewd elements, obvious clashing with the current body mod.
>not a man needs a name
Exactly. Not a man.
>Post a story with a CYOA
>Doesn't post it
That's totally uncool
I don't know.
This is coming off a whinny and selfish to me.
Depending on an item is weak. Get the scaling magic power.
Marvel Comics Jump, go with the most recent setting, and survive everything that follows. You should be able to eventually meet her afterwards.
And Marvel ruins another neat character just to bring back one of their big bads.
I can't say I'm surprised. I'm just disappointed.
When it's my party I can have as much potato salad there as I want too!
Thank you YJ, sorta. I've been enjoying chains where Val is just there recently so I'm doing the same here. Usually I come up with the builds for her in my chains, but I ask for advice sometimes when I'm stuck on what she would pick.
You're totally uncool! Seriously, can't post, it was literally just made with the idea of "More intricate body mod with more lewd stuff." Not thread-kosher. Sorry dude.
Grab the kaleidoscope, then go to a marvel 'verse, then shop around till you find the fluffy universe/timeline.
Marvel jump should be fine. Her main thing is she knows she’s in a comic book & can do crazy things. Like this.
It’s because at this point she is. She kinda wanted to defeat Doom so she can be a hero. However she was using past knowledge that Doom was a bad guy, and got upset that he wasn’t. It’s like trying to win WWII by killing Hitler only to find Pre-WWI Hitler the painter.
It’s obviously a temporary thing. Plus her books are pretty self contained.
As opposed to the clusterfuck that was Captain Hydra?
So far, it's a good read. Haven't seen a co-op chain around here before, so I'm really interested to see how two jumpers in one chain goes down.
Medaka Box - Abnormal
Medaka Box - Non-Equals
Are these recent upditions drive vandalism or legitimate contributions to the evolution of jumpchain?
Other than filesize, I cannot spot any difference between the two. Have not compared with older files.
>It’s because at this point she is. She kinda wanted to defeat Doom so she can be a hero. However she was using past knowledge that Doom was a bad guy, and got upset that he wasn’t.
Ssssoooo, she IS a Jumper then? 'Cause that reminds me of the whole killing Fourth War Matou Shinji discussion we have every so often.
>Ssssoooo, she IS a Jumper then? 'Cause that reminds me of the whole killing Fourth War Matou Shinji discussion we have every so often.
We never have that discussion though?