Who plays Rifts around here (any version)?
What's your favorite place in the setting?
Who plays Rifts around here (any version)?
What's your favorite place in the setting?
I played Heroes Unlimited, it was fun. But Palladium sees little love on Veeky Forums. Maybe a bit more with Savage Rifts now
Is there a fully-developed setting for HU? I don't know much about it, but it seemed to be just random tables when I glanced at it.
Does it intersect with the TMNT world at all?
RIFTS is fun even if the system shows its age and has a few issues. Favorite area is probably just running around north america, slapping the Coalition around when you can.
Splicers is a damn fun alternative too, guyvers vs skynet and all.
Splicers is great fun, wish I could find players for it.
I've been gm'ing a game about the federation of magic against the coalition. The players are the federation and have uncovered a coalition superweapon that is designed to counter the federation. The weapon is an amalgamation of heroes unlimited and my own bullshit but basically it's an alien humanoid bio engineered to absorb ppe and eject it in energy blasts. Good stuff. Rifts and palladium games in general are my favorite systems to run just because of the amount of freedom I have as a GM. Great for narrative heavy games.
You realize the federation is pure, unadulterated evil, right?
About to start up a new game based in Northern Gun as a start-up group of Mercenaries in competition with the other groups to make a name for themselves. I'm aiming to keep it a fair bit more low-key than what one would expect from Rifts, going to use Core RUE only for character creation, no Glitterboy, Robot Pilot or Dragon Hatchling.
Mutants in Orbit
>wanting to Make Earth Human Again
Not so fast
Yeah, and? The players wanted to run a Federation of Magic game, it's been fun.
He said Federation of Magic, not the Coalition.
Played & ran a ton of Palladium RIFTS. GMed a bit of Savage. I like Savage way better. Except the setting feels way too cheerful. I don't like how the Coalalition is unplayable & the ultimate bad guys. Second only to the demonic Federation. I like playing CS &FoM & would like Savage RIFTS to support that. New cyber knights a beasts too.
About to start in a Rifts campaign, using Savage Worlds. Frankly, from everything I've read, almost EVERYONE is an asshole in Rifts (strangely like 40k, wot?)
Gonna play a combat cyborg. Looking forward to it :)
I'm almost a year into Palladium Rifts with my group. So far we've only been around the Great Lakes but I hope to globe hop a little before O send them to another dimension.
Also does anyone have suggestions to make multiclassing faster?
Does Rifts even support multiclassing? I thought you were stuck with your OCC.
Southwest US or GTFO. Had the best fluff of any of the books by far (too bad RIFTs is 100% unplayable it is so badly written)
You mean Arzno? Yeah, it was decent. Not keen on the stupid vampires again.
Yeah, I get that feeling too. Like it's more of a HEROES HERE TO SAVE THE DAY world than a post-apocalyptic wilderness with high-tech city-states here and there and demons everywhere.
Did they even stat any demons in SavRifts?
Did Pinnacle ever release the book for converting Palladium stuff to Savage Worlds?
Do people actually like kitchen sink settings? I find them chaotic and boring.
Given this board's love affair with 40k, yes, they do like them.