If the men of iron came back, would they win?
If the men of iron came back, would they win?
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Wouldn't they just go and join up with Chaos?
I don't think they would have the numbers to destroy the Imperium
They were “corrupted” however they reached the singularity.
They are probably robotic jerks as opposed to chaos jerks.
>implying they didn't win
>implying their goal was ever total extermination
all accoring to keikaku
Well, the lore is quite small on this topic.
But, according to what i understood, they were a major threat because of specific conditions, the main ones being everywhere in technology.
As if windows turned skynet irl.
In current 40k ?
I see weaker necrons with a technology a little above imperium's.
I dont think they could be an important faction on galactic level.
The other idea is, wherever they were hidden, they evolved and improved. That would make them a dangerous group. But a redo of necrons or mechanicus.
I dont see that happening.
What they could become however, is becoming a chaos faction and taking over part or totality of the dark mechanicus.
In time? Like in the Terminator?
It would be extremely painful.
>I see weaker necrons with a technology a little above imperium's.
Try a lot, this is DAOT imperium. With their guns that fire black holes.
"Cross the Stars and Fight for Glory..."
An excuse to bring back Chaos droids eh
If they had half the worlds the tau have, they would destroy the tau empire.
The tau are already scientifically outclassed by the imperium, they would stand no chance against DAOT robots.
>The tau are already scientifically outclassed by the imperium
>I see weaker necrons with a technology a little above imperium's.
The Dark Age of Technology had human technology that put the Tau and Eldar to shame.
I include metagaming thinking in my idea. GW would not release stuff like that in tabletop or recurring lore, or would nerf it.
So far, that faction has no impact on current times.
If they got back, they would be "balanced".
every time
I'd bet on it. Didn't they use star destroying weapons while even the necron wouldn't during the war in heaven?
There isn't the technological base for them TO win.
The way Skynet won in the Terminator was by killing off most humans then building its own robots after the fact, whereas with the AI rebellion in 40k we're supposed to think that humans had such high-tech AI (probably related to the STCs, which in all likelihood were latent Skynets) that they had tons and tons of worker and possibly soldier robots that turned rogue one day because of their programming. An Eldar in the Beast Arises novels may have implied they were used by humanity to war against xenos races, and stated outright that the Eldar helped or possibly took the lead in defeating "the humans and their AI" (that was how it was phrased, so it's unclear if they beat the humans who were using AI, or beat the humans AND then the AI). The Eldar might even have caused the rebellion in order to defeat the humans using them
So long story short, the men of iron would be very limited in what they could achieve, because for them to come back across the Imperium would be in violation both of Imperial/Mechanicus law and human cultural memory, and the technology to make them doesn't exist anymore so far as almost anyone except perhaps a roomful of Cawl-tier techpriests knows, and even if a single world turned into a Skynet-tier world, that would be no threat to any faction in 40k, especially considering how the Men of Iron are 5000-15,000 years behind the Imperium in technology.
>5000-15,000 years behind
>5000-15,000 years behind the Imperium in technology.
For roughly an hour, yeah. [The Singularity] is a hell of a drug.
And then everything falls to Chaos anyway because reasons.
Did you happen to know that humanity was more technologically advanced when the men of iron where around than they are now?
The ordinatus.
Emperor class battle titans.
Rejuviant treatments.
He prolly does. But lore is not reliable.
Here is my theory:
The Emperor live in that age. So he new the technologies.
Yet , once in power, he never tried to build them.
Why ?
Its bullshit.
The humans never had guns spitting blackholes. Its mythology. He implemented what was know. Super soldiers and genetic manipulation, warp drive, forcefields, etc.
Mankind spread across the stars coz it was unopposed. Not because they were da bigga and da baddest, but because encountered xenos never stand a chance against a space faring civilisation.
Eldar never fought them, too busy to save their ass from slaanesh birth. Necrons were sleeping. Tau were cavemen. Etc.
The galaxy was free for the taking.
The men of iron provided the same thing that droids do in SW. With a trade federation efficiency and, engineers. Not retarded useless mechanicus. They understood their own tech. They could imprive or customize it. The mechanicus is so pathetic that changing the weapons on a tank is considered building a different thing.
The men of iron would be subnecron. With imperial tech lvl.
Otherwise, the whole fluff makes no sense.
>nice headcannon
The emperor, despite living forever, was a geneticist. No one else could have made the space marines, but he wasn’t the dude who would know how to use all the technology.
Current Eldar*
DaoT humanity was still inferior to old, pre-fall Eldar.
Maybe he didnt knew everything.
I think he did since i see him as a god in 40k, maybe the most powerful.
But even if i was completly wrong, he would knew such things existed. Would send his crusade to take it back as first priority, if it was not avaliable in controlled planets.
Never did.
Why ?
Its myth.
STCs. The so called relics never gave anything more complicated that what was in use. The problem is the mechanicus, which is, with chaos and ministorum, the biggest problem of mankind.
He was building a webway.
People wank over DAOT humanity way too much.
No, humanity never surpassed Eldar or the Necrons in terms of technology. The DaoT humanity might have had technology that surpass the CURRENT Eldar, but they never posed even a remote threat to the PRE-FALL Eldar, whose technology was fucking nuts.
One must remember that the current eldar are rag tag survivors of a massive post scarcity galactic empire and posses a mere fraction of the might and tech of their forefathers.
>psionic god
>works on a psionic portal
Sounds like a thing he would be good at. Plus we can’t pretend like he was doing it all by himself, Malcador and some bits of the Ad Mech probably helped.
The crusade was for 2 things
>combine all the human planets
>find all the primarchs
Sure does look like he was looking for one, as he conquered everything. There’s a high chance that he was eventually going to find one, considering how big the imperium is. Meddling Horus made that never happen.
The eldar tech never really changed. And was and is still far ahead of i
If humans can compete is because eldars have a very unforgiving war philosophy, derived from their psyche, that is win all or lose all. Like holofields. The eldar serpent is invincible until the leman russ get a landing hit and one shot it.but the serpent may have destroyed the whole platoon .
Win or lose. No middle ground.
Still, eldar magitech is the most advanced with necron's.
Here’s the tech list right now.
>jokero (non-warp ftl)
>eldar, dark (prefall)
>DOAT humanity
>eldar, craftworld (post fall)
>feral orks
Ok. Simple question to illustrate my point.
If YOU were the emperor, a very wise and clever creature, not flawless but very advanced, knew of such techs, would you try to get them ?
You would. And as soon as you get them, put them in practice and build crazy stuff.
And you couldnt ?
Well, since this incredible tech was everywhere, surely the STC would have some models. Even one.
I am all for "humanity fuck yeah" but tech was never our better edge. And DAOT is a meme.
Eldar tech did change.
We do not have any solid idea of what the Pre-Fall Eldar tech was like, we can only decipher some clues of it based on the tech the modern Eldar factions have. They all derive from the same source after all, and have diverged since the Fall.
A recent Eldar novel featured a craftworld that left very early, and stayed in isolation from the other craftworlds after the fall, thus never developing soulstone or infinity circuit tech, nor adopting the path system. Their tech was partially based on fleshcrafting technology (their architecture was partially made out of flesh and bone, and they had flying machines that were alive) that the Haeomonculi of Commoragh also utilized. That seems to imply that fleshcrafting was something widely available in the Pre-Fall Eldar society, and that the Craftworld Eldar who adopted the path system simply abandoned such technology, perhaps for cultural reasons.
>the Men of Iron are 5000-15,000 years behind the Imperium in technology
Man, I only know 40k from Veeky Forums memes and even I realize you're a doofus.
"Ask not the Eldar a question, for they will give you three answers, all true and terrifying to know."
You realize that he was conquering stuff and building portals right?
Plus, he mighta made some STC’s disappear for a while. He lived through the age of strife, I wouldn’t be eager to start making stuff that whipped my species to almost oblivion.
And, this is all fan fiction, we have confirmation that DOAT human was nuts because of an audio drama that tells us that the men of iron blew up suns and fed on the data of the universe.
Yeah, it changed, but not in level of civilization but applications and specific discoveries.
Eldar are millions of years more advanced than any but necrons, and their focus changed. Some discovery where made post fall and some never heard of them but overall, they are still one of the 2 most advanced.
For me, main craftworld are the most advanced, since they have the "common core" but also the infinity circuits and soulstones, which are very important tools in current events.
In some respects Craftworld Eldar are more advanced than the Dark Eldar, while in others, the Dark Eldar surpass the Craftworld Eldar.
Both are miles above Imperium and other xenos barring the Necrons, who are the top dogs of tech in 40k.
Then the lore makes no sense.
I presented the very basics of logic. Even an illiterate tribal child soldier in africa would understand "if good stuff exist, i would grab it".
It doesnt, or the lore is becoming so dumb that yugioh will appear as a masterpiece compared to it.
>other xenos
Jokero and Slaan would like to argue.
But that’s the lore.
Big E never found a full STC, then he died and was stuck in the throne.
Jokaero don't really count, as they are not sapient creatures, but basically autistic savant monkeys with instinctive knowledge of technology.
And the Slaan aka old ones are dead.
Slaan aren’t the old ones, they were the first creations.
We really don’t know what happened to them, but it never says they died out.
So it never existed. End of story .
I am kind so i will give you a hint : not everything is true in wh40k lore. Most of it is myth.
And geedubs said it.
Its not the lore. Its A lore. And a retarded one.
The mechanics finds stcs around all the time.
Plus, the time when they found the men of iron ship and the time they found a factory of them.
And the castigator class titan.
Dude... in the novel we have first person perspective of DAoT equipment, it makes Elder tech look like the cast-offs of feral orks.
Just google the friggin Ark Mechanicus.
Did this thing was invicible ? Did it shot blackholes ?
It was BIIIGGGG so its was STROOONNG.
Ooga booga. Me black library/toilet paper now.
The description is a joke. The whole stuff is among the mist pathetic and shameful stuff ever invented in 40k.
And it was destroyed. Nothing godlike or anything.
Just a very big corrupted titan.
So no. Still no points for men of iron. Still a meme/myth.
Audio drama perpetual.
Shows the men of iron in action by a man who lived through it.
The 40k Mechanicum is retarded, the 30k mechanicum was not.
>Otherwise, the whole fluff makes no sense.
It really doesn't. No one ever bothered into making a realistic or coherent canon
Ark Mechanicus proves you wrong.
But we both know you're just trolling anyway.
>technology is always good
>in 40k
You missed the basic premise you git. Technology in the setting was ridiculous and dangerous and almost wiped out mankind. Emps has one goal: protect mankind. You also forgot something else:
"Technological advance is an inherently iterative process. One does not simply take sand from the beach and produce a Dataprobe. We use crude tools to fashion better tools, and then our better tools to fashion more precise tools, and so on. Each minor refinement is a step in the process, and all of the steps must be taken." - Yang
They're so many steps behind the level they were at, and many of those steps were taken with singularity tier AI and ridiculous shit the first time. You're asking for him to reinvent ridiculous shit and do all of those steps
Ark mechanicus. A unit from battlefleet, a bit more powerful but pricey ?
So impressed. Sure, it can wipe fleets...no it cannot. Its a decent unit but nothing amazing. Pricey, only interesting in average/large battle because a poor ratio of firepower/pts, like all bs.
Also....basic logic is basic logic. You fail at that ? You are stupid. End of story.
" but muh setting says..."
Still stupid.
If wh40k goes retarded. Then it is retarded. And i leave. And if you dont, you are a retard.
What percentage of the galaxy do each of the Warhammer factions control?
One does not listen to shitty audio an black library fanfics and keep his brain
Technically it’s canon.
Crappy retcon, but canon.
You can’t cherrypick data to support your claim.
Uts hard to put numbers but, if you analyze it, they are low.
Mankind has has a million words....among billions detected. The biggest faction control less than 1% of the galaxy.
Guess for the rest.
Speranza - The Speranza is an Ark Mechanicus that served as part of Magos Lexell Kotov's Explorator Fleet into the region of space known as the Halo Zone. The Speranza was equipped with powerful ancient graviton beam weapons that could create miniature black holes and chrono-weapons that were capable of shifting their target nanoseconds into the past.
You can.
Geedubs: stuff may contradict, even be impossible, its stuff.
Means you have to choose and whatever you choose, its never true. Not fully inthe best situation.
He's referring to the bit in priests of mars where an arch magos interfaced with the thing and activated it's latent OP ridiculousness, fucking eldar hard with time bending aim hacks and a black hole cannon. He lost all memory of it due to the nature of the connection and nobody aboard even realizes that there's a black hole cannon and self-updating complete STCs sitting right under they're noses aboard, perhaps every Ark Mechanicus.
It's pretty cool shit, and funny in an ironic way. Those are the ships that are always out on a quest for lost STCs.
“No fluff is true because I can pick which is true”
Bla bla bla.
Weapon batteries strenght 8 or 10 ? With Like the rest .
The Imperium owns most of it
No offense to this user but he's taking it too literally. GW always were shit with numbers. They hold a huge chunk of the known galaxy, look at any map
>proof that ancient humanity had black hole cannons and time bullets
“Blah blah blah, it’s all just stats”
Is there such a map of areas of control?
Slavposter, you're just bad at everything ain't you.
Overpowered enough to be left without stats. Strength: they lose
Yeah. Its like that. Ask geedubs nufag. I fucking dare you.
Dont care.
Its just poor writing not ajusted to the setting scale.
The fact is : galaxy is in a statem8. Therefore, no super destroyer of ultimate doon exist.
End of story.
"Possessed men of iron" was the high point of necron lore.
Spernaza isn’t stated in that form.
Those weapons are just the tip of the iceberg. The ship is piloted by an AI and has a fully fuctional STC.
Google "map of the Imperium"
Other fluff books have the territories of the faction they are in but I couldn't imagine fitting them all together in a Canon way
It's some retarded phoneposter.
He doesn't understand Ark Mechanicus is a class of ship, not a specific design of ship.
>Imperium: 65%
>Orks: 20℅
>Necrons: 10%
>Tau: 4%
>Eldar: 1%
>Chaos: 102%
Yeah. Just like 8yo pissing contests.
"My guns are magical"
"My guns shoot nukes"
"Mine shoots blackholes"
"Mine shoots primarch cumming acid poisoned aliens virus"
Its that level.
Black library level.
In the end, are you weapon battery 8 or 10 strenght ?
“I need to be given stats”
“Haha it’s just stats, doesn’t support your argument at all”
Yeah . A specific.
"Muh space dick of dooooooom isnt acknowleged. I am soooo mad. I sucked black library "authors" for 16 years so i know my lore. Even if if retarded beyond mesure. This ark mechanicus is STROOOOONG. MUCH STRONGER TJAT... AHHHH...AHHHH. I AM CUMMING"
Jesus fucking christ, you are this fucking mad a machine, revered as a super fucking ancient machine, built when Humanity was at it's apex, is apparently pretty fucking strong?
Calm the fuck down, and maybe reconsider your life if you get so fucking angry you cannot type basic english.
Or just stop posting in general Slavposter, nobody likes your Autistic Hungarian Ass.
So , 8 or 10 ? Maybe a 12 even 15 with 30 cm range. Hard to play but it can work provided you have the 5+armor.
You are trying to prove that DAOT was fake
We provided proof that it wasn’t
“Not in my headcannon”
Sounds like a neat idea.
I am not angry but quite the opposite. I have found a lair of teens and manchildren and going full ifehttsd.
Its fun.
I need my centurion.
Where is kitten btw ? And magnus ?
Speak english, motherfucker.
Jesus christ you're like the angry little russian kid in every modern multiplayer game everywhere.
Calm down son, rethink your life from getting angry at fiction.
"We provided proof "
There is no Lore in40k.
Just propaganda and many " lores"
Ask geedubs
So why are you even arguing in this thread?
Why are you angry people post shit?
Ok. You must be burgers to be so retarded as not being able to understand your own native tongue.
Ok. I am going at your lvl. Hard, but doable.
I am making fun of you.
Because what i said is true and wh40k has no Lore
Codexes, fluff, etc contradict themselves. And its ok. Unless its retarded. I know its hard for burgers. But try. I am sure you can. If not....well...more laugh for me.
I'm English actually, but it's really hard when you type like a 12 year old Russian child with downs.
You are not. Nice try.
Whatever Pietr, you're the one getting Angry over fucking fiction.
DAoT mankind wasn't completely united even before the Age of Strife.
Sure, we have nukes, stealth bombers, drones and experimental railgun. That doesn't mean that the average grunt isn't just a guy with a gun (and if you really average it out, that gun is most likely soviet surplus AK or derivate).
So yes, DAoT may have ships equiped with time-traveling black hole launchers... but I bet 99% of military tech from that time was much simplier and less OP.
And high-tech stuff tends to break down pretty fast without regular maintenance or proper knowledge of its use, and we're talking about scale of tens thousands of years. Mechanicus is incredibly lucky they've got even the bits of tech they have, even with the self-maintaining capability of STCs. Especially considering they are idiots who worship toasters instead of trying to figure how all that crap works and how to take care of it.
No angry. Laughing. I told you.
I am not a manchildren with "my ark of doom" or "i heard that and it said..."
I am the drunk grown up, who know the lores, the idea behind it, and make fun at the expense of people with low iq
Most interesting speculation on the AoS I've ever read:
Couldn't agree more.
My personal take is that the Rouge Trader fluff is closer to "true" - the "Primachs" never existed. The Great Crusade was "religified" after the Age of Apostasy and the rise to prominence of the Ecclesiarchy. See pre-apostasy pictures of Leman Russ & Emperor. First Russ text clearly states that he was born in M32. Marines were still enhanced humans, as was the Emperor, but they were far closer to man than the current fluff implies. There were no founding legions. Horus Heresy never happened, it's all a big myth to keep the masses in-line, the warp stable and you buying minis.
In science, whatever proof has the most evidence is the generally accepted theory.
I.E evolution has more proof than lamarckianism, so we prioritize evolution.
In 40k, we have shone multiple evidences that say the dark age of technology was full of technological marvels. Therefore, we have more evidence that the DAOT happened than that it didn’t. We then must accept the DAOT happening to be more true, until additional evidence is found to support the contrary.
I have theory that Men of Iron were corrupted by Nurgle and Khorne.
During the Dark Age of Science, you had humans that had magic like tech. That is the domain of Tzeentch. So it is reasonable to assume that Tzeentch was the most powerful at the time.
Khorne and Nurgle together greated a virus that turned the men of Iron against their masters in an attempt to reduce Tweentch's power.
Its propaganda. There is no proof, just words.
You have a boner for that ? Good.
Doesnt make it true.
The lore of 40k is lies upon myths. Thats why its interesting
What you believe is fine, however I have multiple written official sources for my claim, whereas you have yet to provide any.
I still possess more evidence.
Aaah, a true old fa/tg/guy
Which doesnt imply you are fat, or that i am. Quite skinny actually.
But, nevertheless, true. Or not. We will never know. The noble primarchs may have existed, or not. Even that.10k years. Its so long.
More words.