What is the coolest form of vampires to put in a setting?
What is the coolest form of vampires to put in a setting?
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I quite like variants that Warhammer offer. More of many kinds is best
I like the traditional kind
I liked Legacy of Kain’s vampires
>Seperate clans of Vampire that evolve/decay to match their founder’s changes
>Highest echelon of vampires are treated as gods and are the most inhuman of them all thanks to millennia of evolution
I hate to say, depends on the setting.
>typical medieval fantasy
Bloodsucking magic using aristocracy
>sword and sandal pulp fantasy
Mysterious, life drinking, foreigners from far off lands
I'll probably sound like a fag, but I'd say VTM works.
Near feral blood biting mutants like the Will Smith I Am Legend
Cyber-pires. Cyborg super soldiers with implants that are fueled by blood.
There’s nothing wrong with “depends on the setting” if you actually elaborate on examples like you did. That contributed to the thread and adds discussion
Disarmingly charming, obscenely powerful.
Until the end of time the answer will be lolipires.
>obscenely powerful
They aren’t even tier 0.
I really liked how darkest dungeon did there vampires, insects and parasites are a interesting and creepy way too go.
I kinda want to do something spidery with them for a setting.
Patroclusian taste, sir.
The smug form.
That guy is a piece of shit coward and a rapist.
Funnily enough that comic has my favorite werewolves
How the hell did torquemada avoid getting impaled on that fuckhuge lance?
The whole comic is fantastic really.
DEUS VULT, that's how.
There just so many different directions you could take them, you got the standard mosquito then there are leechs, ticks, fleas and you could easily twist spiders into the role.
I honestly like how 100% a choice the Stone Masks are in JBA. No blood curses, no strange disease, no ancient bloodlines, none of that. You wanna become a vampire, you gotta put on the mask (and shed a little blood).
Better yet, Jojo vampires are what mankind is MEANT to become; it activates and unlocks your true potential as a human being, using your brain. Fucking metal is what that is. Now if only it didn't always turn the users Chaotic Evil...
>The power to destroy literally anything
>Not obscene
That's because it also activates true human's greed.
Torquemada best werewolf of all times, even if he is under the heel of a foul vampire whore.
Vampires who are bros is the obvious answer.
>Extended lifetime and power
>Plenty of resources and applicability as a result
>Decides to use it for the sake of people he respects and/or likes instead of going full asshole like his vampiric ancestors
I like tracksuit vampires.
Good taste.
He wasn't exactly a vampire, but Count Brennox sure was bro-tier.
Guy really needs his own series or spinoff instead of just being the protagonist's big brother/vampire life mentor figure.
Witcher vampires are nice.
No, I did not, nor did I really care about this VS battle shit.
I'm down with any kind of vamp that can have this as an encounter
Well it’s basically only a system for how much area a being has power over.
0 tier people have all power over a multiverse and cannot be effected by anything in that multiverse. The very definition of obscene power.
Space Draculas.
Not just Space Vampires, Space Draculas.
Like Draculas. In space. Spaceship castles and everything.
Of course OP's pic is stronger, it's one of the strongest characters in all of fiction
I've always been a fan of "vampire" being an in-universe folklore term for a bunch of different creatures and diseases. There is no one trait that unifies all vampires, but most seek blood (though not all), most are nocturnal (though not all) and most are quite long-lived (though, again, not all).
So you could have Anophelic Vampires as Darkest Dungeon-esque infectious mosquito monsters, Jiangshi as hopping corpses that want to suck out your breath, classic Dracula-esque vampires, and old school dishonoured corpse vampires, all as part of the same setting
I would mostly use this in a monster-hunter/witcher-y game, to provide variety.
Well, greed helps humans to achieve more. That and pride. So while making them Chaotic Evil is an unfortunate side-effect, at the very least it prevents Jojo vampires from laying on their ass.
Anyone else on Veeky Forums Underwood and Flinch?
It’s why being a pillarman > than being a vampire.
At least he gets to tap that while calling her a jezebel and a whore of satan.
I like folkloric vampires where what they can do and how to kill them varies just a little from town to town and village to village, but there's always a number of basic similarities to tie them together as the same kind of horror.
Always evil, borderline Satanic, wretched corpse creatures with unholy compulsions to consume human blood in an act of blasphemous defilement against life itself. Various demonic powers over storms, vermin, certain maligned predatory animals, being able to creep into your house through cracks, maybe a disease aspect, too. General harbingers of misery. And a legitimate threat, too, it takes time and effort and knowledge to dispatch one of these horrible things. Visually more Orlok than anything else.
The flying fuck is this?
If you can't figure it out from the copious clues, you definitely don't deserve to read it.
Your libelous lies will not be heard, heretic.
I get that it's heavy metal... seriously every time I see these, the american robo dino's vs. american war robots, the fucking radiohead bomber nuking cities and shit it just begs the question.
What the flying fuck is going on?
Takes one to know one, double heretic.
Be you mutant, alien, furry, or some profane joining of the three? Regardless, it was Malcador the Sigilite who placed in the hands of the church this terrible weapon of persecution, and who, by the awful severity of his own attitude towards liberty of conscience, of thought, and of expression, afforded to our blessed fanaticism and inspired intolerance an example that was to be our merciless guide through the millennium, and I find you to be an aberrant, and abomination, and unholy.
It's Requiem Chevalier Vampire
>Be you mutant, alien, furry, or some profane joining of the three
They are none of those things, they are your future, should you perish
Blood Knights
the That Guy kind that sucks the fun out of everything to sustain a vile unnatural life.
>What the flying fuck is going on?
Everyone is in Hell and there are factions of werewolves, vampires, demons, banshees, zombies, etc. The "hero" is a former Nazi-now-dead-Vampire trying to find his lost Jewish girlfriend.
It's a crazy ride.
Ixalan Vampires are solid.
Not!Vampire Conquistadors that murder everything through religious fervor.
Energy vampires, like in the movie LIFEFORCE or the novel "The Creature From Beyond Infinity".
Yeah and what you become depends on your sins in life.
Also was Requiem/Heinrich a nazi? It's been too long, I can't remember if he was a nazi proper or just wehrmacht.
The artist?
Honestly, mapping Fictional Hungarian Alchemist Count to Historical Romanian General Voivode made him less interesting, not more.
Capcom making him Satan On Earth almost helped, until they keep insisting that no, he's also still Real Vlad Tepes.
Not even that guy, but that is the exact fucking reason why I don't give even the slightest fuck about your bullshit tiers.
Besides, the answer to any power level argument involving Touhou is, "The gap hag wins, now shut up and play danmaku."
>Cyber-pires. Cyborg super soldiers with implants that are fueled by blood.
Better: augmented cultists who believe in the power of blood. They steal away pints of it in the night, and use nano-scrubbers to create a powerful concoction that overclocks them. Forget the Tak'Mar raider ships or Salazar Collective fleets. Beware of all ships that fly the colors of the Crimson Fang. Raise EMP shields, full acceleration to Hegemony-controlled space, and save the last plas-bolt for yourself.
Unless Lunarians are involved...
The ones who could really care less about the shit going on, because they're powerful enough to not be troubled by it.
Tier zero is azathoth or the writer levels of power.
Completely unaffected by anything and can do whatever they set their minds too.
Gene Roddenberry didn't actually set up some kind of church, did he? I recall he was an atheist. Or is that something to do with Trekkies in general?
It sounded like mocking scientology to me.
Pre-historic hominid predators with sociopathy and savantism.
I get that the vampires having a practically alien way of thinking was necessary for Keeton to realize how scramblers think, but what's the in-universe explanation for being so alien? e.g. seeing both aspects of the Necker cube at the same time
I really enjoyed the Vampires from Witcher; alternatively funny, sympathetic, badass and terrifying, with many different varieties and a subculture all their own.
Google "Steve Lichman". That's the name of the Character, at least.
Agreed, they are pretty cool. Blooddragons and Necrarch are my favorites.
Pag mentions that the savantism is part of the visual cortex and it's claimed that it's also tied to the crucifix glitch.
I know that, I mean stuff like being able to experience the past as the present. Where does that exactly fit into being a hominid predator?
yeah but can a regular person become a pillarman, or was that a secret only to their tribe way back when?
What is all this tism? I can't understand half these words.
One of the cutest vampires, that's for sure.
I think pillar men were a separate humanoid species.
Space alien parasites that live off of blood and deposit their young via biting.
I prefer Vampire Hunter D Post Apoc vamps m8
She must be super fucking stretched out, jeez
We've had this thread before, Warhammer does it best. And Alucard is edgy fun from the Japs
reality devouring spider monsters
Thinking of putting vampires in your campaign?
Here's a few pro tips.
1. Don't
2. Seriously, don't
Mandrakk is literally not a vampire.
they were. Kars became a Pillarman vampire after putting on the mask with the stone inserted.
(she spends much of the movie stark fucking naked)
Man this is gonna make it really tough to run my VtM campaign.
Well then you have to play with the urban fantasy wizard book instead.
Them and the vampires are in the same universe, right?
>oh shit she's a jew
>I'll keep fucking her anyway
>Otto fuck off its meine
I always loved mtg's Innistrad vampire families. So much class
This. The remastered version makes the male vampires kind of terrifying too.
"It will be much less frightening if you come to me."
>Various demonic powers over storms, vermin, certain maligned predatory animals, being able to creep into your house through cracks, maybe a disease aspect, too.
Kinda like a "Blight druid" vibe?
Just read a book where the main antagonist turned out to be a vampire. It was a consciousness contained inside a crystal that, among other things, had power over shit like the strong and weak forces and electromagnetism, but it took a shitload of its energy to do so. It travelled from planet to planet, lay dormant and use it's powers to sort of boost whatever civilization it was near, and then (in the case of earth) showed up as a messiah like figure that created and used a crazy religion to telepathetically/sympathetically feed on its followers life force.
That's a pretty rough summary, but it was kind of a groovy take on "vampire." Also, this thread reminds me that I want to run nights black agents but will probably never fucking get to, god damn it.
vampires are inherently boring prove me wrong