>Players want celts
>I give them celts
>Players: why do they look like Romans?
Please kill me.
>Players want celts
>I give them celts
>Players: why do they look like Romans?
Please kill me.
If that's a celt, why is the floating text box above his head in spanish?
Checkmate OP.
Players wanted 'barbarians'.
Because they're retards who think that all barbarians are near naked hulks that throw weapons around like retards
The Celt fan's image of a Celt usually comes from 60-80s fantasy works (and is often Irish-specific). That's usually not too bad in tabletop, because most settings are fantasy in the first place.
I suppose it could get bad if you run into one of the DJ Conway types that thinks the Celts lived as some sort of modern Leftist hippie ideal, then gets upset if your pseudo-Celts aren't, but that's why we filter players.
I'm not even a history autist and I don't think that looks Roman.
Where are the babes?
>why do they look like Romans
Tell them the obvious: there's only so many variations to "guy mostly covered in chainmail with an open faced helmet".
Celto-Iberian. King me.
Maybe they were thinking of Picts or something?
Don't get me wrong, they're stupid for going into a historical campaign without reading a couple Wikipedia pages, but I really don't think it's that uncommon of a mistake.
It's like how five different precolonial Mesoamerican cultures are mashed together by lazy writers.
>Roman looking helmet because romans took inspiration from celt helmets in the first place.
>Mail, like the romans.
>Big ass shield, like the romans.
For a normalfag, that's a fucking roman not a celt. Like said, people have an image of celts and germanic tribes that doesn't match with what they actually were.
I feel like there is a lot of potential variation for guy in mail. A Saxon, Norman, Roman or Celt are all going to have distinct touches, even before you get into knights (where closed face helmets will start to show up a lot, so it's not covered in your statement for the most part).
Though hell, I'm half impressed that the players realized what late imperial armor looked like enough to see the influences on Celts.
If that's a celt, then why is he a ghost?
>guy clerarly wears pants and has a beard while not being over 40
Oh the humanities - they aren't being taught properly.
Shield's wrong, armor's wrong, helmet is Celtic rather then Imperial Gallic. If that's a Roman he is cosplaying as a Celt.
The main issue is that the main components of Roman gear (helmets, sword, the spear and armour) were indeed celtic in design and origin.
The lack of pants is basically the biggest giveaway when it comes to telling Italians from other european barbarian tribes.
Go back and read the part of his post that isn't in green. Especially the first three words.
>there's only so many variations to "guy mostly covered in chainmail with an open faced helmet".
There's also the bit where the Romans adopted both mail in general, and the stereotypical legionnaire helmet form the celts. And a lot of the production was done by pet celts on top of that.
Honestly this. When most people think of the Celts, they think of highlanders and Enya.
Which is fine, really. I like highlanders and Enya.
>pet celts
I just imagined a Roman veteran working his veteran fields with a literal pet Celt girl who frolics around wearing only a loincloth, constantly wants attention and nuzzles her master to demand headpats. Red hair and woad obligatory, freckles optional. She gon' get LATIN'D tenderly.
Pet celts are not for lewds. NOT FOR LEWDS.
Don't play dumb, OP, you know exactly what they meant
Eh, Irish and Scottish Celtic is more useful then the absurdly broad definition of Celts that basically consist of 'every Western European for 1000 years that spoke any part of this linguistic group.'
>French people are Celtic
>German people are Celtic
>Spanish people are Celtic
>Huron Confederation is Celtic
>Brexit is just an excuse for England to go back to their Celtic roots
>Scotland declaring its independence to rejoin the EU is all part of the plan
>So they can paint themselves blue and fuck over the Scots in the greatest chimpout in Britain's history
>Little did they know that France elected literally Jupiter, who will declare war on the Channel itself until dolphins form a landbridge that imperial French troops can use to conquer Britannia as a province of the restored empire
This is normie Roman. No mail, squatter helmet, I'll give you shield.
I was giving the benefit of the doubt to the normies by assuming that they've seen a lorica hamata at least once.
If you want to learn how much normies understand Roman history, all you need to do is look at Ryse: Son of Rome.
>You play a Roman soldier somewhere in the middle of the Imperial period, but you use Lorica Segmentata
>Your enemy that you will face in a duel in the endgame is an emperor (forgot which one, probably one that never existed) because Gladiator did it
>The plot is that for some reason, Boudica is invading Rome
>Invading Rome
>With war elephants
>From Britain
>Knocking at Rome's gates
>When the capital of Rome is still Rome, implying the empire is still unified and nowhere near being threatened by an outside force
If they wanted to go this route they COULD have set the game in the Republic, they COULD have used Hannibal ad Portas (with maybe some alt history where he actually breaks down the gates of Rome) and they COULD have made the antagonist some corrupt consul. Hell, you could even have played as Scipio Africanus or something. But that would require research beyond watching Gladiator on constant reruns and knowing Boudica's name because you played Civilization IV once.
Does Nasu just hate Boudica? Or did they just give her interlude to the retard that wrote Septem?
That armour too was most likely made by french celts. They had a gladiator type that wore a lot of metal plate armour, which made taking them down require pickaxes.
He probably found scans of Vae Victis online. It's an old french comic series about Boudica getting raped across Europe.
You know damn well what version of celts he wanted.
Nasu doesn't even work on Grand Order.
Like I give a fuck
T. Normie
I have no idea who wrote that interlude, but I'm certain nasu had nothing to do with it. The parts of Grand Order he's associated with are mostly ones that haven't come out yet (he might have done Fuyuki though, I can't remember and don't want to look it up)
Hell, I want a game where you play Belisarius, going west with cataphracts to save Rome from Italians.
>'every Western European for 1000 years that spoke any part of this linguistic group.'
>French people are Celtic
>Spanish people are Celtic
>Actually speak Romance languages
Please user, even here in Asterix' country we know we are not Celts.
First century Romans said "Gauls and Celts are the same thing right?" and nobody ever corrected them. Welcome to the Celtic Club.
...What the fuck were Celts doing in Anatolia?
Did they get lost?
Unless you are playing a 100% realistic game, you can give Celts a more distinctive visual design. Just mix some colorful tartan-patterned clothes and pants and woad paint with the mail armor
>french celts
>Somewhere a history teacher is commiting suicide after reading this
Gauls. France didn't exist at the time.
Did the Franks ever become a majority, or are most modern Frenchmen still Gauls, ethnically speaking?
Mercenaries hired by Greeks.
Still gaul.
Celt mercenaries rocked through Egypt at one point, and tried to overthrow the pharaoh. It....didn't end well for them.
Northern France is mostly Franks. Hard to say really. Europe got German'ed hard by the fall of the west.
Were celts really that lazy, just going to battle in their pajamas?
Gallic descendants called Galatians
Settling. There were some settlements found in the region. Considering how far and wide Celtic mercenaries ranged, it's not that absurd.
Some days you just don't feel like getting dressed
They are a boisterous and superstitious lot.
>gods protect me with this woad markings!
>here comes the romans. Lugotorix, hold my ale
Or most of them didn't have the means to buy armor.
>Da, the chief has sounded the war horn
>do you have to go da? we traded your armor for cattle, all yeh have is grandas old spear
Blame the atheists who thought starting French history at Clovis' conversion to Catholocism was too triggering. They're the ones who started the whole "our ancestors the Gauls" bullshit.
The Franks didn't assimilate to the Gallo-Romans but vice versa. French nobility boasted that dey wuz Franks 'n shiet though. Ironically this is also the origin of the Germanic Master Race bullshit the Germans went full retard on: de Gobineau was disgusted by the revolution and tried to lend some scientific credibility to his argument by stating that the Germanic nobility was genetically superior to the Gallic peasantry, and that if the two were deemed equals and allowed to mix France would become a nation of intellectually inferior mongrels.
so that's who the Galatians were!
Jesus christ.
Same reason a bunch of Norman lords ended up in Italy by the 1200s.
But as said "French" and other moder nationalities weren't even a thing at this time. And Romans simply called "Gauls" people who were calling themselves "Celts", the same way the Greeks were calling the Celts "Galatai".
The Galatians were Gauls who settled down in Anatolia after the expedition of Brennos in Greece during the 3rd century BC. Fun fact, they could still understand Gallic people from the west more than 600 years later.
>are most modern Frenchmen still Gauls
Modern French are ethnically Gallo-Romans : before the great migrations of the 19th-20th centuries, most of their genes were from Gauls + people how where here before the Gauls. The Gallic elites assimilated and spread the Roman customs and language however.
>Did the Franks ever become a majority
Never in the whole Gaul. The Franks were the elite but they were few, and they actively bred with noble Gallo-Romans since the guys were controlling all the secular and religious administration. Roman culture was also still a big thing at this time so they essentially became G-Rs with only some nurtured specificities in order to differentiate themselves from the people they ruled. So no, the majority of would-be-France was not ethnically or biologically Frankish.
>Blame the atheists who thought starting French history at Clovis' conversion to Catholocism was too triggering
The defeat against Prussians in 1871 was a big trigger too. Hence the tonnes of bullshit about Merovingians and other early Frankish dynasties.
>the whole "our ancestors the Gauls" bullshit.
Well it is not THAT stupid since the biggest demographic growth in Gaul/France before the Modern times was during the Gauls, and France was never subject to big waves of immigration until recently. The French still had a decent quantity of Gallic genes at the beginning of the 20th century.
The whole "Vercingétorix is muh dad va te faire foutre Caesar" thing was highly retarded though.
>The whole "Vercingétorix is muh dad va te faire foutre Caesar" thing was highly retarded though.
Especially because comparing Caesar to Napoleon is so painfully fucking obvious, I'm surprised it wasn't a bigger thing in 19th century France. Them going full "we wuz romanz 'n shiet" would make much more sense.
>Jesus christ
Yeah that's another story that has Romans in it.
Nap I was a big fan of the man but he didn't last that long. Between 1815 and 1851 France was ruled by the Bourbon or the Orléans but bonapartists were still a thing, so praising Caesar/principes/imperatores was a big no no. Nap III was part of the Caesar fan club too but also thought Verc' was a cool guy, and having a "national" symbol wasn't a bad thing either.
You just hit all my fetishes, user.
[spoler]please continue[/spoiler]
I lied. NOW they've all been hit.
What does the pic mean?
They generally give character to certain writers, which by extensions means that almost every character in Septem will get their interludes written by that same person. It's an effort to keep characters consistent, which is nice. Only problem is when you get people who can't write very well, see; Septem, Argatha etc.
>Blame the atheists who thought starting French history at Clovis' conversion to Catholocism was too triggering.
I don't know how it was historically, but nowadays the "our ancestors the Gauls" is mostly spewed by religious far right-wing tards
You forgot the part of the design process where they 'research' a Roman banquet by drinking enough wine to vomit, then drinking some more.
isn't that an urban legend? where do you know this from?
I know roman banquets weren't actually like that, but I'm reasonably sure the Ryze design team was drunk off their ass more than once when they should have actually been looking into the time period they were supposedly making a game about.
to be fair long as you had a decently sized shield you could survive. Armor was expensive man.
>nowadays the "our ancestors the Gauls" is mostly spewed by religious far right-wing tards
Not even close, enfoiré. Even the fuckers who bailed out to America recognize their gallic origins, at least for the most part. Mange mon pain bamboula
>gallic origins stuff
so the whole point of your post is to prove mine is true?
He wrote Chapter 6, 7, Finale, and CCC event.
> 2017 Summer event
> Nero vs. Boudica
> and once and future king (black swimsuit version) sides with Nero, kicking Boudica's ass
Someone in FGO really really hate Boudica apparently.
Most Frenchmen are African these days
>be me
>archeologist obsessed with romans and early medieval invaders like the lombards and the franks because "muh ancestors"
>some people ask me to GM some viking related stuff, decide to set the whole thing with the late norsemen going against the hanseatic league because fuck thats intresting
>they rant because those guys seems to normal to be vikings, wut
Also OP, i know your pain, im friend with people who are obsessed with celts for political reasons, and only they think they are those noble superhumans with horned helmets. By the way, the worst are Weebs and historical japanese settings desu
>Decide to make campaign set in islamic Egypt, tell only its about Egypt.
>Wonder why people expect pharaons, tombs and pyramids and instead only get bedouins and ruins.
A question to you sir. My next campaign will be loosely based on Italy a decade after the fall of (Western) Rome.
Do you know how much relationship did the Scandinavians had with Rome during this period, and how culturaly advanced they were? I mean I know they're not the Vikings yet, but not much else.
>interested in such shit
>friend wanted to talk about vikings
>all he knows is what was presented in the TV show
>Decide to make campaign set in islamic Egypt, tell only its about Egypt.
>Players wonder what happened to all the Christians
Le 52% face
>late norsemen going against the hanseatic league
damn that would be cool
life is suffering
>try running games in my own shit setting
>it's my own wet dream mishmash of the dark ages with bronze age tombs littering the lands
>can't get a game to last more than three sessions
>players will never politic their way to creating a coalition to fight off the golden horde of centaurs
>mfw I'll never get to introduce Balkans Doctor Doom or the other dozens of things I work on in my autistic spare time
Just to break your Immersian, "Pet Celts" were usually older men who were teachers, Scholars and Smiths.
Let me enjoy things.
But user, there are 15% of christians in Egypt even now, after 15 centuries of opression and discrimination.
Just to break your Immersion even worse, By the time the Roman Empire would have access to places like Ireland for Redheads, Gauls would most likely be Roman Citizens and called that.
African migrants have been many by the last decades, but not THAT many.
Unless you are asking /pol/, of course.
I agree, ignorant hardcore celtomananiacs make me sad too.
Well, I'm having a naked, freckled, tattooed wildchild to headpat in my campaign and you can't stop me.
Sure, go for it.
Just that sounds like Ireland... in ANY time period, not Rome.
You think my fetish-fu is this weak? You insult me, user. Rolling with the punches is my specialty!
>Mature Roman widow has a pet celt, a young redheaded Gaul boy who works in her smithy
>He sometimes does... other favors, in exchange for privileges like getting to sleep in the mistress' bed
Counterpoint: Caesar described the Gauls as often having reddish hair. Probably not as often as the Irish, but I imagine it was (and still is) pretty common in areas like Britanny.
>Trends aren't important.
>African migrants have been many by the last decades, but not THAT many.
If we look at countries like Britain and Germany, what matters isn't their numbers in this generation but in the next. Some trends already predict that Germans will soon be the minority in the group of men between 25 and 35 due to Merkel's brilliant policies.
It'd be nice if we had numbers on France too, but its government is pathologically afraid of statistics. Probably intentionally, so they can keep telling everyone it's not all that bad. I can guaran-fucking-tee you that if Algerians were somehow smarter, more productive and less criminal than the natives you'd constantly have these numbers thrown in your face and your government would constantly remind you that their numbers are growing and it's a good thing. But they're human filth, so the government tries to stay silent on them for as long as possible as to not fan the flames of the "extreme right".
>Some trends already predict that Germans will soon be the minority in the group of men between 25 and 35 due to Merkel's brilliant policies.
That's a shitty trend
This happened to me once when I made a civilisation of Orcs based on Celts in a D&D game. Like the first time the players encountered and inevitably fought them, after the battle the players were like:
>Player 1: Wow these guys sure have some advanced equipment. They must have raided somewhere before they attacked us! Strange that they attacked using spears and shields too.
>Player 2: I perform a knowledge check to see if I can determine what race likely crafted the armour.
>Me: Okay that's enough to get some information on the weapons and armor. In looking at it you belief it's of Orcish craftsmanship.
>Player 3: I thought you said the Orcs were based on Celts?
Like the players were expecting big green dudes lathered in war paint to be charging round half naked. To be fair the fact that they were Orcs also probably set certain expectations for the players.
>King me.
All Hail!
>20 million Muslims in Germany by 2020
>Up from 4 million prior to the rapefugee crisis
If these numbers sound impossible to you, they're based on some pretty lowballed estimates involving family unification because most "refugees" are fighting aged men (data2.unhcr.org
There was even a video on youtube some months back about a Bavarian minister explicitly elaborating on this (especially family unification), but I can't find it anymore and the channel it was on was deleted. Crazy huh, we're already living in the age of "limited state" internet censorship.
Today they're censoring the things I think are important, what stops them from censoring what you think is important tomorrow?
At least the actual data is still there. Shame about the video though.
>Crazy huh, we're already living in the age of "limited state" internet censorship.
Reminder that it's not censorship when Google does it.
If your pants are reinforced, and your shield formation is good, you might not need upper body armor.
Even then it would be cheaper to just get quilted tunics for everybody.
>sitting in the lecture hall 10 minutes before class
>two people talking about Attila the Hun
>one says Attila only had a "small" army and that "tactical genius was his strength"
>"The Romans were still really strong in this time, this was before the Teutoberg Forest."
People like these should be sterilized
educate that dumb nigga !
Tell him that the Romans took the design of armor and helmets from the Celts.
Your players were expecting this OP.
I can understand your frustration but sometimes it's good to use commonly known tropes depending on your campaign tone. I'd enjoy a historically realistic game but I know most players don't which is ok.
>stereotypical legionnaire helmet form the celts
t. frenchman
It's based on the "attic" design that the whole fucking world was using since the late bronze age.
>People like these should be sterilized
>not complaining about the plebs in actual Latin.