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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Thread archived on me before I could reply to Kind Anons in 1866, but here you guys go.
I half-joking suggested before in one of the previous threads that sure, you can get multiple strike cruisers if you really wanted to spend that much CP on 'em, just expect to be sent on a ton of the Chapter's fleet-based missions.
'Oh, hey, pirates are raiding enough to draw our attention.'
'5th Company?'
'5th Company. Force Commander Jumper, go!'
I can't really balance for all the potential craziness that you madmen can bring in, so I'll just go with my favorite response!
'*shrug* Jumper's Call at that point'
I'd personally say it wouldn't downgrade your strength at least, even if it might not noticeably improve it.
'I have Mega Strength +10!'
'Cool. The cyber arm gives you +1 strength.'
'+1 Mega strength?'
'No, just normal strength.'
'Yeah, it's still +10 Mega Strength'
But why?
Do the fans recognize it as a spit in the face?
I only have enough CP left for one Domain in Marvel Magic. What would be better for a general purview that dabbles in science/other fields of knowledge? God of Truth, God of Discovery, God of Understanding? Alternatively, other suggestions?
Nips are literally unable to write good endings
Rejoice! Best waifu is here.
That seems to be the usual interpretation. Although I'm not completely sure about the Shadow Vortex part. Mostly since if the gods lose all their power in the Shadow Vortex than it seems kind of odd that Lucifer's demons don't.
Also I have to wonder why the Great Will/YHVH doesn't seem to be trying to manipulate the selection process beyond possibly having the angels side with whoever reason is 'close enough'.
Like considering what their usually like I would have expected something like this.
Step 1. Find faithful worshiper whose reason would be "Praise and obey YHVH".
Step 2. Make sure they survive the Conception.
Step 3. Use them to remake a world based on the reason of "Praise and obey YHVH".
I unrejoice.
If we import something fuck huge into the strike cruiser would it end up as a battle barge?
When you add the Chapter scenario will we be able to keep the chapter's stuff? Like the Chapter Fleet?
A lot do yes. It is dumb.
They want to make way for appmon.
Thanks. So always an upgrade even if only that of a small percent. Thanks :)
I'm glad Appmon is failing as a property.
>taking Chapter Master Dante on a fun multiversal vacation
Poor old bastard needs a break.
Why not Cato Sicarius?
what'd you do over in generic video game developer, Jumpers?
That reminds me; I've revised my potential Servant Team for Fate/Fate GO. I realized that only the most trustworthy and loyal of individuals were suitable for helping me save the world, so my goals are now to summon/companion these individuals:
Saber: Lancelot
Archer: Gilgamesh
Lancer: Diarmuid
Assassin: Dr. Henry Jekyll
Rider: Queen Medb
Caster: Mephistopheles
Berserker: Lu Bu Fengxian
Avenger: Gorgon
Please rate my team.
Why not both so that Dante has a punching bag?
More lewd jumps when?
I financed my ideal games with jumper levels of money.
>Lucifer's demons
I always assumed what with being the creator of chaos and all, he either designed a concept that let them thrive in the dead timeline multiverse or is just backing them up discretely with a magatama supply.
>doesn't seem to be trying
But yeah, I don't get that either. Only explaination is that contrary to popular belief, somewhere buried deep in that crusty old heart of gold is a god who genuinely wants the best for everyone.
All the time, just not here. They elsewhere.
When you make them.
Not yet. Still working on it
>Save the world
Are you sure you didn't mean to have an orgy?
>only the most trustworthy and loyal of individuals were suitable
Isn't this true for everyone you should companion though?
How is he loyal and trustworthy, I gotta ask?
Isn't he crazy and tends to kill anyone who puts their trust into him?
She wants to kill you after everyone else is dead.
>Lu Bu
He can only grunt...which makes him more trustworthy then anyone else on your list aside from Diarmuid.
All options are solved by got that Fuyuki Fire but not sure if YJ user has it.
Are companions stuck using their initial CP only for perks or can they use that in the item section along with their item stipend for lots of cool stuff?
I just found this picture and it is so relevant to all of us I must post it.
I haven't really come up with any detailed plans, since if I had good ideas for games I'd be making them, but I want to get into the industry early and jump-start it past the point where it would be in our universe. Take some of the game design standards and practices that have been developed over the course of decades, put them in games that are incredibly well-programmed, written, and visually designed thanks to jumper technology and art perks, and make them so successful that people are copying those ideas for their own work. I want to see what the game designers of such a world would come up with, if they've had all these great examples to inspire them from the very beginning.
Elite: Dangerous
But, you know, good. Dads were the first casualties.
Replace Diarmuid, broenheim. That untrusworthy little shit will probably just try to take any waifus you so much as look at.
So what ever came of the idea of trying to take Scion/Zion as a companion by shoving them in a pod anyway? I have no plans to make him one but I am curious.
Still brain-storming on that one, friendo!
Inclined to go no, since Battle Barges are a Thing and Strike Cruisers are a Thing, but if you want to fluff it that way I suppose that's cool.
I'm still hackeysacking ideas about, y'see, so I dunno if I'll go with
'Chapter Homeworld Options:
-Battle Barge (Pro: It's Mobile and Ballin'! Con: It can be Blown Up!)
-Homeworld (Various Types)'
or something like that. Working my way up there with the other scenarios first.
Don't forget that Marneus will send you a fruit basket!
Man, he really could use one, couldn't he?
Yeah, pretty much.
'Wow, that arm lifts an extra two hundred pounds more than an Astartes can lift!'
'...Can't you deadlift a Rhino?'
'And now I can fit me haggis in it!'
>He can only grunt...which makes him more trustworthy then anyone else on your list aside from Diarmuid.
Lu Bu is literally known for betraying basically everyone he worked for though.
But correct on the rest. That is the joke.
God of Knowledge?
>Con: It can be Blown Up!
You say that like planets can't be blown up too. This is 40k we're talking about.
Posting best chapter for the Astrates jump
I wrote another thousand words so far today. I should be able to finish up the writefagging for the first jump in my NaNoWriMo chain tonight, and build for the second jump.
Well, Lucifer has had a long time to prepare for this, where as most gods in those worlds would be caught by surprise. Maybe he just set things up so that they wouldn't lose power when everything went kaput? After all, it was the power boost Lucy gave to Demifiend that allowed him to pull off what he did.
Actually, interestingly enough, the Messians are briefly mentioned as having tried to oppose the Conception and Hikawa along with the Gaians, but were killed off when it happened. So it's possible they might have attempted it later on, but Hikawa got the jump on them and kicked it off early.
Good on you! Write on fellow dreamer!
Well, True.
But it usually takes them a little more time and effort!
Go for it, friend-o! I'm not gonna get on anyone's case about what chapter they choose.
...Although I might laugh at the silliness that results.
As a suggestion for when you get to it why not have chapter wargear only respawn one per jump/decade? That way jumpers/companions still have a need to buy their own shit but the chapter still has what they need to operate post jump.
Also this way only Jumper's strike cruiser could be safely used for Ultramarine Tyranid doctrine,
being without the chapter fleet for the rest of the jump would to cripp- Jumper step away from the controls!
You seem to be confused. That doesn't look like Salamanders colors.
Seriously though, what chapter is that?
>'Chapter Homeworld Options:
>-Battle Barge (Pro: It's Mobile and Ballin'! Con: It can be Blown Up!)
>-Homeworld (Various Types)'
Well chapters with Home worlds still have Battle Barges. Not as many as a fleet based chapter and none that can match a fleet chapter's main ship but they still have them.
>Lu Bu is literally known for betraying basically everyone he worked for though.
The only Lu Bu we have is a berserker, granted they could have taken madness enhancement to a lower level.
Yeah I realized it was one after I was halfway into it, but decided to go for it anyway.
one of the Emperor's Nightmares, a Veeky Forums homebrew chapter that is one of their 'this would fit in setting' Chapters, not one of their 'This is hilarious' chapters.
Under consideration!
Nah, just summon him without the mole. Boom, 99 problems solved right there.
Of course not; this is serious business.
All you've got to do is earn his respect. Although, I can't remember if it's possible to summon him with his treasures in the GO Jump... I'm sure he won't mind if I just give him all the iron daggers I smithed in Skyrim though.
What's wrong with Lancelot?
No way; Diarmuid is a total bro and probably a great wingman, too.
I'm sure he's just misunderstood.
>A planet that follows jumper
I need it! It can serve as the base for my mighty empire. First will be a space marine chapter but soon it will be a fortress world ready to be the jumping point for galactic conquest in every jump!
You could do it. Gotta be on your charisma game, but beyond that Scion doesn't really have much of a purpose. Convince him to be serious about trying to save and get him to empathize with people and you should be good to go.
Suuuuuper Rough 'not even to draft' stage for the Chapter Master scenario, you see.
True saving the world team
Saber: Athoria/Sumanai-san
Lancer: Karna
Caster: Gilgamesh
Rider: Broskandar?
Assasin: Kiritsugu/Grandpa Hassan
Archer: Emiya
Berserker: Dunno
Rider: Medb.
Berserker: Mommy.
Why not some chapter-specific perks?
attach some small perks to a founding chapter/successor chapters of said founder relating to their specialties.
Are there any chapters with a red/gold color scheme?
Emps has a good fashion sense if nothing else and I'd expect his obsessive monks to want to mimic that.
Buildn' a Coward run, only intentionally picking up weapons as of the sixth jump.
My Blood Angel bois.
He is a pretty strong not very creative character with no real purpose in existence. If properly tamed it can be a great asset for a early-mid chain jumper.
Howling Griffons, off the top of my head. Use Red & Yellow, which is Gold in Heraldry, and I'd imagine their veterans have gold trim.
Also, popping off for the evening, Kind Anons. Will prolly be on later tonight, and will try to answer any further questions that crop up then.
Blood Angels.
They're usually mostly red, but sometimes go mostly gold too. Like with the Sanguinary Guard.
How is it that Spongebob or edits of it are always relevant to every situation?
Aren't they like emo vampire wannabes tho?
Aren't we all?
No. The Red Thirst and the Black Rage are huge problems for the chapter but the stress caused by that isn't quelled by brooding, but by going absolutely fucking mental on the battlefield. They're pretty chill off the field, though. At least in comparison to other Chapters.
How would a 40K battleship fare against a Star Destroyer?
More like vampire berserkers, they aren't emo though at least one of their successor chapters are. That one being the Lamenters, who don't have the geneseed flaw of the blood angels, and instead have terrible luck.
The former would likely tear the latter a new asshole. Though 40k is inconsistent at the best of times.
>What's the point in buying it
Same as before, for the extra power boost, considering without it you'll be far weaker at base and it still allows you to outclass all but the strongest villains in AF.
It's still based on Ize, just not his final form. I misinterpreted just how powerful he was and incorrectly made the assumption that the new Shadow Dragons were much more powerful than him, but in truth Ize is the third or fourth most powerful villain in AF. The only two villains that outclass him are Super Yi and Super Su, the final two Shadow Dragons.
Mah nigga.
An Imperial battleship is way tougher and could probably rip a star destroyer a new asshole very easily. . . if it could bring it's weapons into range. If the star destroyer has any knowledge regarding battleship broadsides they will use their superior mobility to simply avoid that problem while wearing down the battleship with turbo lasers.
Inspired by the Renegade Jumper supplement, I feel a vague desire for some sort of quasi-randomized nemesis system. Something to create a rival or rivals--anywhere from "friendly competitor" to "you killed his father and he's out for your blood"--that can occur across jumps.
Like say you're in a fantasy jump and you decide to just go full Evil Overlord--your ten years are up, and so you just move on without thinking. But Jump-Chan saw the dogged hero that was a thorn in your side the whole time, and so for the entertainment value makes him a jumper, too. One with their own chain, that will intersect with your own from time to time for epic showdowns. It's a few jumps later and you're in the Civilization jump or something, and whoops: look who's running the civ just across the mountains. And they've got their own powers and companions, too.
Does anything along those lines already exist? Any thoughts/ideas if I were to make something like that? Should I not bother making it and just run a parallel chain or two to represent rivals?
Long run time, popular, used to be good.
Here you go folks, Digimon world 4 v1.1; clarifications edition
Well, after this is Digimon (World) Data Squad; since the next quadrilogy of Digimon World Games all take place in that setting. So we;re looking at Digimon Data Squad Jump, & Digimon DS Jump which will cover all three DS games. After that I'm going to look at the Digimon World 1 sequel and Remake; see if they deserve Jumps of their own, a DLC for Digimon World 1, or adding stuff to the jump itself. Might try may hand at Digimon Frontier at somepoint, but I'll likely take a break from digimon jumps after that. Set my sights on other media like American Dragon Jake Long or Garo.
Yes, and I've clarified that interaction in the perk
Yup, clarified that in the Jump
Why did they turn into Sigmarines?
The Rival from Yu-gi-oh has you covered.
Rogue Gallery from Batman the Animated Series might interest you, though it's not exactly what you're looking for.
>Same as before, for the extra power boost
Which puts you below the series' power level. This is AF, not GT. All the villains and Goku will kick your ass.
>Evolving Gear (400CP):
Does this take into account things from outside the jump?
What's your feelings on Tri and Appmon? Spitting in the face of fans?
So, uh, just saw the thing about Digimon Adventure Tri, and...
What the fuck. Is this actually a thing? Did that actually happen? Seriously?
Scion basically has no purpose with Eden dead and the Cycle broken, and he realizes this. Jack Slash capitalizes on this and told him "hey, helping people doesn't feel satisfying, so why not get back to doing what your ancestors did on their home planet and kill shit?" It does feel satisfying to him, because the evolved to do just that, but a Jumper with enough charisma (or who just took Perfect Communication in the Worm jump) could probably convince him to join them and their particular goals without much difficulty.
>If we destroy what made our property popular, we'll make everyone move on to our smartphone Youkai Watch ripoff instead!
t. execs
Yes seriously. The description from last thread was relatively accurate.
Where is the Youkai Watch jump anyway, I thought you nerds loved it?
Could you answer please?
>Yes, and I've clarified that interaction in the perk
Awesome, thanks.
>Digimon World Data Squad
I do not know why but I want to punch out Marcus.
>All them possibly planned jumps
You are really dedicated to Digimon, you sure must love it.
>All-Terrain Digimon (400CP)
Does this protect you from literally any environment? Such as inside a star or the conditions in supernatural realms?
You can totally grab him. In fact, his DDNA is one of the rewards you can get for an endgame quest. As for exotic traits, much like any member of that species the potential is there; but even with training perks stuff like Omega Force will take forever to even start tapping into by accident, let alone bring it up to a usable level. Much like the Page class in Sbrub; the potential is there, but even Jumpers are going to have a loooooong road to get there.
Well I can hazard a suggestion based on my own jumps sicne I've made three of those perks. In short, it depends on the perks themselves. DW1's makes you so good at programming you can attempt to make them (with most early attempts begin little more than digimon shaped constructs) and modify them, whereas DW3 MAGAMI lets you make Digieggs off existing sample digimon (basically cloning when you get down to it), and the AoA's allows you to spawn a new digimon based off a device and it's history. Put them all together and you get really good at making Digimon, have a full understanding of DDNA, and can prepare the "nests" you want to hatch progenitors in as an attempt to guide the end result. Much like with any perks, synergy is the name of the game.
As for beyond Mega there's already a stage called Super Ultimate/Ultra depending on the translation. Only the most god-like/OP digimon end up in that rank; guys like Armagedamon, Susanomon, Chronomon (at his original power level), and Impeldramon Paladin Mode. As is the nature of Digimon evolution is always possible; but actually achieving that is the stuff beyond legendary. What with most of those digimon being nigh apocalyptic in scale.
God fucking damn it.
So you're just going to ignore the fact that that isn't true? You are vastly overestimating the level of power shown in AF. The average villain is less than or equal to a SSJ2 and only a handful of them are as strong or stronger than SSJ4.
>You can totally grab him. In fact, his DDNA is one of the rewards you can get for an endgame quest.
Yay! Thanks for the answer.
>As for exotic traits, much like any member of that species the potential is there; but even with training perks stuff like Omega Force will take forever to even start tapping into by accident, let alone bring it up to a usable level. Much like the Page class in Sbrub; the potential is there, but even Jumpers are going to have a loooooong road to get there.
Think you can clarify it then? The way it says it now makes it seem like you will never be able to get it. Atleast now I know I can do it with hard work and lots of time.
Thanks for answering me professor Agumon!
What is A Secret Hideout in the first Digimon World Jump based on?
>So you're just going to ignore the fact that that isn't true? You are vastly overestimating the level of power shown in AF. The average villain is less than or equal to a SSJ2 and only a handful of them are as strong or stronger than SSJ4.
Not him but, I never looked at AF aside from the jump and it always seemed like everyone was throwing around SSJ4 power.
That's because I misinterpreted things when I initially read it. I assumed the same thing, but when going back I noticed that most of the shadow dragons were being beaten pretty easily with SSJ4 or even lower forms, and only a handful go past it at all.
Jumpers, in what circumstances did you acquire your favorite weapon?
>Cosmic powers add +50% to their power modifier. This lets their abilities ignore the things that normally block, shut down, or nullify wild versions of those traits, unless those countermeasures are themselves cosmic; e.g., only a cosmic barrier can block cosmic Insubstantiality and only cosmic vision can penetrate cosmic Invisibility. Furthermore, nothing can take away the wielder’s power – his abilities work on any world he visits, are present in any body he occupies, and so on.
>his abilities work on any world he visits, are present in any body he occupies
Do we have anything like the latter aspect in the Chain?