>Robby G decides to deal with xenos again, because he loves it now
>He plans to make an alliance with the Tau
In this hypothetical scenario, would the Tau Empire or the Farsight Enclaves be more likely to become allies with the Imperium?
>Robby G decides to deal with xenos again, because he loves it now
>He plans to make an alliance with the Tau
In this hypothetical scenario, would the Tau Empire or the Farsight Enclaves be more likely to become allies with the Imperium?
I'd say the Ethereals, though since Damocles I believe both have reconciled a little
The moment he does this is the moment another huge fuck you civil war starts
In the Imperium or the Tau Empire?
The imperium of course and the Eternal Ethereal will goble up some systems in order to protect the population of course
Bobby G and Farsight could probably sit at the same table, and discuss how despite being tools of their fathers, they managed to carve out their own little fiefdoms.
And then they could talk about the Mirrorcodex.
That's the plan.
He will restart his crusade and make a detour to put these pathetic xeno's out of their misery once and for all.
Ethereals would probably try to pheremoan brain fuck him and fail because he's a primarch then refuse cause they're retards.
Farsight would probably be cool with it as long as those creepy robot men in red stay away from the guns.
The Enclaves of course.
>Ethereals would probably try to pheremoan brain fuck him and fail because he's a primarch
Not because he's a primarch, but because he has been touched by the warp
They'd ally with Farsight Enclaves because they're smaller and easier to defeat after the other is defeated.
Farsight has the respect of the Imperium, from what has been shown, while the Tau Empire has the men.
Honestly, I feel like it would be the Empire, and not the Enclaves he would aim for, as they got the meat shields to throw his way.
Though Farsight and his Enclaves are more trust worthy, and also don't seem too intent on expanding like the Ethereals Empire.
So final answer is the Tau Empire, though after a while onside betrays the other, and Farsight goes to help the Tau, sadly... I miss the old Farsight who would be more apt to take a side offer from the Imperium, and attack the Ethereal Empire while the bulk of it was off fighting with the Imperium.
Enclaves are the PCs of Tau
And courted for fighting chaos by eldar
I have high doubts that Farsight would go along with the Eldar so willingly. Dude knows the Ethereals are not normal, and im sure he would be able to put two and two together, to see that the Ethereals were artificially created by the Eldar to control his race.
Though who the hell knows, based off the phill kelly quote from last week, Farsight will probably turn around at the end and accept it as part of a greater good, and just go with the flow of it, as much as that pains me.
The Tau would be faster to join an alliance because "greater good" and are total ally-fags. But despite being more difficult to persuade, the Farsight enclave would be a more loyal and trustworthy ally in the long run
Roboute Rumble can't come soon enough
>phill kelly
I hate everything he does with tau
ditto, which is a shame, as he was the name behind the "new" Dark Eldar back in the day when they got their redesign. Though if my old self can pull through such a old memory forward, I believe that even phill said in a white dwarf of the time, that the revision of the Dark Eldar was some older GW employee who had nearly everything done, including designs, and phill just got all the credit for it.
If that memory is true, then kelly is a huge fucking faggot.
They should ditch the Enclaves, make a storyline about how Farsight either was defeated or took over the Empire, and switch the focus to 4th Sphere of Expansion vs 5th.
I think they should consider giving them a partial Dyson Swarm under construction on their capital system. If you don't want to give them FTL, focus on the more hard-scifi aspect. Don't give them a full one as a single complete one could easily outnumber and outgun the Imperium even if they controlled the entire galaxy even without FTL.
>and phill just got all the credit
u wot
Everyone knew the new DE were jes goodwin's brainchild.
Crisis of Faith was good outside of the combat bits The water caste being shown to be just people with their own pettyness, the Tau that slowly got corrupted by a daemon, Farsight growing into his distrust for the Ethereals, the bond between him and what will become his Eight, there was a lot of good stuff in there.
He just sucks at writing combat scenes. That's where the book goes downhill.
Truly the best thing that came out of Veeky Forums