Getting married next spring. Wife says I'm not allowed to play DnD or RPGs anymore.
Getting married next spring. Wife says I'm not allowed to play DnD or RPGs anymore
>letting your partner dictate in absolute what you can and cannot do
Dumb frogposter.
>Wife says I'm not allowed to play DnD or RPGs anymore.
Why would you marry someone like that.
good game
Quite possibly the best game ever made by human hands
dude why? is there a reason shes so horribly against something you enjoy?
Tell her she's not allowed to watch reality shows anymore.
>he's shackled himself to a used roastie whore
What's the reasoning behind the total ban, and more importantly, why haven't you left her for someone willing to put up with you for who you are?
>t. virgins
You take what you can get, what we give you. If you EVER want to get laid you gotta do what the wife tells you, mkay?
Unless you want to be virgins your whole life lmao
She found out there was a girl I used to date in the group when she went through my phone
A partner who doesn't want you to be yourself is not okay with you being yourself is not a partner worth having. You know, unless you're looking for an unhappy marriage that you'll guaranteed divorce out of.
Here is your (you)
Why not?
>contaminating Veeky Forums with /v/ shitposts
I recommend suicide.
>implying hookers arent a thing
I guess if I was desperate for a single mom Tinder will always be there.
If your fiance is so worried about exes that she'll completely ban you from activities you used to perform with them, you need to address her obvious trust issues.
Get a new group or have the wife join
Fuck, she went through your phone and banned you over that? Fuck, you've stuck your dick in crazy, there's no going back now. The only true, time-tested way I know of for a man to control his woman, is to do it doggy-style then orgasm onto her face. Works every time, best of luck friendo.
>she went through my phone
That's real fucked up mang. You gotta address both trust issues and privacy.
this, if a partner cant accept parts of you and just wants to cut them out its complete BSand shes not gonna be a good wife
>browses teej
>gets married
Things that never happened
This thread is bait, but brings up an important topic. If you are ever in a relationship like this, leave the relationship immediately. You are not a child, your relationship is not a dictatorship, your partner does not own you or your time. A good relationship involves compromise, communication, and trust. Without those things, your relationship is doomed.
How the fuck are you suppose to become a Wizard then?
>Veeky Forums player marries tabletop hater
>wife bothered by board games
>how to write women the /r9k/ way
You sound like a bit of a doormat if the ONLY woman you can sleep with has to be your fucking mommy.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
> not allowed
She's a control freak, dump her worthless ass.
Well done sir, I actually believed you for half a second.
Tbwn realises where I was. Ain’t no one here seen a vagina unless they’re girls.
A gamer friend of mine is married by 2 years, his wife is not a gamer and does't like or understand ttrpg, but the guy still Gm and play for 3 different campaign.
She is cool about it and love to hang around with the game group anyway
I have no doubt that the OP is just posting bait, but of all the reasons not to believe him that's a pretty bad one. What some random friend of yours does with his wife doesn't really have any bearing on an unrelated dysfunctional couple
Then I'll just wait until I meet someone who isn't a control freak. I can outwait crazy bitches.
Unless you want to have a lot of kids or something the m/f ratio really only gets more favorable the older you get anyway, so long as you don't descend into completely slobdom
when you make the follow-up thread iin a year asking for groups to join (you've got a lot of free time now, being divorced and all, make sure to mention this one so we can follow the story
Cancel the marriage.
Controlling behaviour is bad. It's reasonable to compromise on your hobbies if there's something you have to do (e.g. raising a family or just spending some time together) but someone who doesn't respect your free time and your hobby to the extent that they're banning you from it do not respect you.
There are women that will put out for literally anybody that gives them the time of day. Even good looking ones. It isn't hard to get in a relationship, in fact... It's painfully easy to do so. As in ruining your life by being with someone that you really shouldn't be getting with.
She's doing you a favor.
Nobody defend him or try to talk him out of it!
This fucker deserves it if true, stupid fucking dickhead. Dead serious, no one say shit to him.
Dude, you either stop being such a beta bitch, grab her by the tits, yank her to eye level, and fucking tell her you're not anybodys bitch like that, or shes gonna get your kids, money, and house in ten years and leave you to kill yourself.
See Stop.
>this many (You)s for a two line smear of bullshit
>not allowed to
Whew. T. Beta Cuck strikes again.
You know what my wife said when I wanted to start up a DnD group in our apartment?
>"Oh, I should clean up a bit, what day?"
>implying a frogposter could ever get married
>t. /pol/
Been a virgin for coming on 30 years, it's not that bad. If I died without ever having sex, I doubt I'd have really lost out on all that much more than I've already lost.
Besides, you expect me to throw away something I love because some vagina-owner with a bad personality won't let me on the lease for her gash if I don't? Ha ha, yeah, no.
nice blogpost, shitpost frog man.
Typical beta frogposter
It’s probably bait, but I’ll bite.
I’m married for soon ten years and here is my advice: dump that fucking cunt! A marriage is based on trust and compromise, not dictatorial behavior and jealousness. It’s ok if she asks you to play less because she’d like to spend time with you one some weekends. It’s ok if she asks you to stop playing DnD because it’s a shitty game, but you still can play any other game. But it’s not ok to ask you to simply stop playing. It’s like you ask her to stop meeting her friends (doubt she has any) or her family.
>Been a virgin for coming on 30 years, it's not that bad
Try asking your wife's son instead.
Having sex with someone you dont have a deep emotional bond with is shitty anyway
t. someone who lost their virginity to some girl on tinder at 25
Whatever makes you feel better
I never understood the logic behind marrying someone you don't share hobbies with. What are you going to talk about in your spare time? Does the room just fall to awkward silence whenever the conversation strays from the topic of your love for each other?
Don't marry her.
If she's such a spiteful person that she's telling you that you can't have hobbies, no good will come of this. None.
Lol you need to grow a pair man...
Normies are BORING AS FUCK.
Get you a 5/10 geeky weeb girlfriend who can hide her power level a lil bit.
Turn her out into your submissive, and then make her do things like work out and upgrade her looks whilst still being emotionally attached to you.
Having sex outside of a serious relationship in which both partners actively desire to stay committed to one another and have children together, is sickening anyways.
I want to believe this is bait. I want to believe nobody could be this pathetic. But then numale "culture".
You can talk about normal things like day to day life, hopes, dreams, fears, plans, family etc.
A girl doesn't need to like your dumb nerd shit to be a good partner.
Whores cost less, guarantee sex and don't make your life hell.
>letting your partner going through your phone and personal belongings without your consent.
Enjoy your bitch life, Nutch
That's boring as fuck though, I want to talk about tanks.
Then make a friend dumbass. Do you need your dentist to be your mechanic too?
I've seen literally the same bait on /v/ a few days ago
>letting your partner going through your phone and personal belongings without your consent.
Enjoy your bitch life, bitch
This, basically. You can have plenty of things in common with your gf besides hobbies. If anything, it's good to different interests so you both can have a private space away from each other.
Then be a mam and say thay you do what you want
>being a contemptible piece of shit that plays an active part in the decline of a board they like by knowingly replying to obvious bait simply because the caricaturish character the bait represents triggers you
Does le degeneracy xdxdxd make you feel better for being a turbovirgin
Nice projection m8.
So she spy on you, give you orders...
You are about to make a big mistake.
You are divorced in 5 years. Maximum.
Sorry but find someone else.
>actually unironically using the CURRENT YEAR's n-n-n-n-n-no y-you ;_;
Have fun with your cucked sex life lmao
Inform your wife that studies show that at least two 'guys night out' a week is good for the physical, emotional and mental health of men, and if she really loves and cares about you, she will allow you even just the one night.
Or maybe stop posting fake shit on Veeky Forums.
>Letting one of your food cookers/son raisers/fuck holes dictate anything in your life at all
You know how I know you're a sissy stupid wh*Te subhuman?
Listen to her, do what she says, and shut up.
Here is how I get laid, all the time with my multiple faithful wifes
1. I get up and yell "HOLE, I DEMAND SEX RIGHT NOW"
2a) If hole doesn't come go to hole and beat hole up until her retarded brain understands I own her
2b) Hole comes and services me, hole understand she isn't people she's my property
3) Pray to mecca.
You are projecting your own insecurities on me m8, by assuming that I have some issues with being a virgin, and trying to insult me based on that.
Having sex in this day and age is not hard. If I wanted to just have sex, I could use some online hookup app and get laid easily. But I got zero interest in that sort of business.
For me, sex is extremely intimate act, that I would never do with anyone I do not trust 100 percent. Casual sex is utterly revolting to me as a thought, because it would involve me being intimate with borderline strangers which is fucking disgusting to me. Intimacy is something that I have no desire to share with some random fuckers who I do not know.
I'd just like you to take a step back and imagine how much of a laughing stock you'd be if you stuttered out something like this when cracking open a cold one with the boys.
>implying he has friends
You know that's actually for real illegal, right?
Not that guy, but that might have concerned me if I were a middle aged truck driver whose only idea of social interaction involved alcohol.
This raises more red flags than a communist parade.
Thank the woman for the fair warning, then break up.
>caring this much about the possibility of some fags laughing at you
What is this, middle school?
bait indeed, good sir
What shall be your orders?
I want a cup of nightcrawlers and one of those bright yellow rubber things that are supposed to smell like fish food.
>Ive got a wife who plays RPGs with me, buys me boardgames, blows me a few times a week, and makes snacks whenever we have guests over. Sounds like you just found yourself a normie who'll put up with you. If I had to guess you make decent-ish money, maybe 50k or so, and that's what got her interested.
Do you not actually have male friends that do normal masculine things? Christ. Sorry.
I do, and I can take banter. I'm not a sensitive flower who wilts at the merest thought of people laughing at him.
shut up cuck.
M8, me and my friends have banter way beyond levels of laughing at someone being a virgin. That's like the least insulting thing we could even fling at each other.
Having friends whose sense of humor was also forged by /b/ in our teens is great.
On the very low chance this isn't bait, cut out now. She's already cheating on you.
Women like OP describes do exist, though. They're a minority, but they do exist.
Saber is cute.
OP may or may not be lying. Whatever, that's irrelevant. The kind of woman he's describing does exist, albeit as a very small minority. Hell, not just women - I'm sure there are men who are just as controlling of their girlfriends.
To anyone who finds themselves in a relationship with this kind of domineering control freak, you are far better off breaking up with that person. They are not worth your time.
send your wife this way. I'll help with her trust and privacy issues.