So pic related has appeared within the 40kverse, and is now cruising through the galaxy to fulfill it's dread mission...

So pic related has appeared within the 40kverse, and is now cruising through the galaxy to fulfill it's dread mission. What is the most likely world for it to crash into, and who is it most likely to possess?

Why is Fire Shrek on a dread mission to begin with?

>Fire Shrek
Kek. Anyway, it's actually this lovable fucker right here (well, when it gets a proper host body that is).

So some necromancer?
He will be killed. Hard. At best he makes a massive army that is killed.

Oh, I thought it was the evil green orb from Heavy Metal

A grey knight banishes Dimple

>So some necromancer?
Technicaaaaaally, he's an ungodly cosmic horror that likely existed before the nothingness that preceded the multiverse had ever come into existence, and has the ultimate goal of ending all Life throughout every point in the entirety of existence, but yes.



fuck off back to /co/

40k does have worse. At best he becomes a minor faction that the various other major factions win and lose some battles to. Most likely he just gets Grey knighted to the face.

Eh, most of the primary forces of 40k don't have the main intention of causing the Multiverse itself to cease to be by wiping out all Life everywhere (since the multiverse returns living beings to experience it in order for it to exist). And then there's spoiler related, who is terrifying thorough when it comes other things his Scholar can't destroy on its own.

And? So what if they don't have that intention? One of the races has an orrery that they could use to destroy the milky way if they wanted to basically. Another one of them wants to eat all life in the galaxy because it's what they do. Another is a chaotic ensemble of gods that have always existed before they existed and they want to dominate the galaxy in their maddened image.
And most of them are more than capable of handling the Lich from what he's done in adventure time.

Oh don't get me wrong, the Lich can be dealt with by most forces in 40k easily. But the problem is that the Lich is not "DAEMONSDAEMONSDAEMONS" in your face like Chaos, or the raving it destroyed of the Orks and Tyranids. He wouldn't immediately go for the very heart of any one faction, at least, not without a plan. He'did likely find some source of power, and try to use that in order to hasten the decay of the universe. Or like I said, he could just beseech GOLB for aid, and that would be that. Really, the Lich is not very strong at his base level, but give him time to set-up and he becomes utterly terrifying in terms of might.

So he's someone the chaos gods bullied in high school.

The Chaos Gods *wish* they got to sit with the Lich during lunch. Now that I think on it, the Chaos Gods would probably become "Scholars Of GOLB" if they knew about it.

>cartoon network
Oh figures, I was wondering why this seemed autistic

You are alone, child. There is only darkness for you, and only death for your people. These ancients are just the beginning. I will command a great and terrible army, and we will sail to a billion worlds. We will sail until every light has been extinguished. You are strong, child, but I am beyond strength. I am the end, and I have come for you, Emperor.


You talk like my pretentious stepbrother. Talk like a normal person

The lich ain't really that insane compared to what 40k has on offer. He's been shown to fail at destroying one planet, let alone a kingdom (at least in the short term).

If Nurgle gets his grubby hands on him he'd probably get a Sweet-Pea-ish treatment anyways.

GOLB (I personally don't think the Lich is his scholar, that's just a thing he said like once (as in, I'll be your Death, just more well-versed)) is more interesting, but mostly acts as a giant retcon-monster, which, coincidentally, already exists in 40k as a Necron Artifact capable of erasing whole planets from existence.

In smmation, the Lich might wreck a planet or two, but would ultimately not have a huge impact.

The thing about the Lich is his being a sort of universal constant. Even when defeated, he just comes back again and again. In the end, he only needs to win once, and he has every timeline and universe to work on it.

GOLB might just be his boss, Oblivion itself, and the Lich, the great wheel, is his agent in realities entering cycles of destruction.

>The lich ain't really that insane compared to what 40k has on offer. He's been shown to fail at destroying one planet, let alone a kingdom (at least in the short term).
He's basically the primary reason as to why Ooo looks as it does. It was his essence that fueled the weapons used in the Mushroom War, after all. Also, I think it's mentioned in the Enchiridion book that he attempted a ritual to suck the planet dry of life, but was stopped at the very last second.

>If Nurgle gets his grubby hands on him he'd probably get a Sweet-Pea-ish treatment anyways.
The Lich got turned into Sweet Pea because he got hit with concentrated Pure Good/Life in the form of a cosmic Guardian securing a prison for multiverse-level threats (which the Lich destroyed just by *being there*, by the way). Nurgle's "treatment" would either slough of the Lich like oil on water, or it would just make things worse.

>GOLB (I personally don't think the Lich is his scholar, that's just a thing he said like once (as in, I'll be your Death, just more well-versed)) is more interesting, but mostly acts as a giant retcon-monster, which, coincidentally, already exists in 40k as a Necron Artifact capable of erasing whole planets from existence.
GOLB seemingly devours whole universes. It's theorized that the little green-things floating around his bulk are actually whole universes revolving around him, especially since we caught a glimpse of what the Multiverse looks like as depicted in AT.

Fair points, but you gotta admit if you keep getting beat by a boy and his dog friends you ain't exactly at the top of the food chain.

He's a constant, many demon princes are too.

The Chaos Gods are their own antithesis, Nurgle vitally is the embodiment of life. There are stories about Eldar entering his garden in an attempt to free Isha that end in similar ways to how the lich ended up, if more cruel.

You're right, GOLB is a big deal, but conversely you could argue Tyranid hive fleets being on a similar power level (hopping from universe to universe devouring it). His touch may unmake, but he hasn't really been shown to have a great plan behind it. This in turn makes him easy to manipulate by the grand schemers in the 40k Universe such as Vect and Tzeentch.

Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore AT, and for that setting the Lich (and to a further extent GOLB) are perfect. They just don't scale as hard compared to 40k, which plays out on a much bigger level.

>Fair points, but you gotta admit if you keep getting beat by a boy and his dog friends you ain't exactly at the top of the food chain.
When that boy is literally a deity that decided to incarnate as a human to fit in with the universe's inhabitants, and that "dog" is the spawn of an inter-temporal shape-shifting demon, it kinda evens things out.

>He's a constant, many demon princes are too.
The difference is that *every* individual part of the Lich is just as much a threat to the multiverse as their original body, and they are all inter-connected (if that speech the Lich Hand gives in Whispers about Finn defeating him in "many worlds", is anything to go by). Most Daemon Princes don't have this advantage.

>The Chaos Gods are their own antithesis, Nurgle vitally is the embodiment of life. There are stories about Eldar entering his garden in an attempt to free Isha that end in similar ways to how the lich ended up, if more cruel.
Nurgle is also Death, which does have its own embodiment in AT. Said embodiment wanting absolutely nothing to do with our buddy the Lich. I do agree that the Plaguefather could seriously fuck the Lich's latest host form over though.

>You're right, GOLB is a big deal, but conversely you could argue Tyranid hive fleets being on a similar power level (hopping from universe to universe devouring it). His touch may unmake, but he hasn't really been shown to have a great plan behind it. This in turn makes him easy to manipulate by the grand schemers in the 40k Universe such as Vect and Tzeentch.
I don't think you can really "manipulate" GOLB. GOLB seems like it would be a completely outside-factor for Tzeentch and those like him, given that GOLB doesn't really seem like it even *exists* within the prime multiverse, and even if it does have a more "physical" presence within existence, it's unlikely that it would make movements according to whatever plots the Changer Of Ways would attempt to include it in. GOLB just does as it does.


Cartoon fags pls go. This is a mature board

Wait what the fuck?

What did AT do in S7 that there's all this new lore and Finn ain't even human who can be turned into a vamprie by Marcie?


>Veeky Forums.
InsertLaughingTzeentch.jpg here.

Finn is God. He is every being ever, Finn the Human merely being his latest incarnation interacting with previous ones. He is the Lich, and Jake, and his own father, and the princesses and GOLB and everyone else. The comet coming to end Ooo is merely another such deity come to see if he's done playing with this creation and ready to come home yet.

Like, is the series over?

>What did AT do in S7 that there's all this new lore and Finn ain't even human who can be turned into a vamprie by Marcie?
Ever since Escape from the Citadel, things have taken a much lore-heavy turn, as well as getting much, much, *much* darker. Hell, Finn even went insane for a good while after encountering his asshat of a father. Then there was the whole thing with Gunther and Orgalorg (pic related), Finn's demon grass-sword turning into a copy of him, the reveal of Finn once having started out as a Catalyst Comet before his current incarnation, the Lich being a "Scholar Of GOLB" and a whole bunch of other shit.

Finn wasn't ready to leave, and season 9 has an episode out.

Dang I really need to continue watching again.

Where's the scholar of Golb thing?

Well, Finn isn't the Lich or GOLB, though the Lich is a similar such entity (having once been a Comet itself). And we don't know what the actual hell GOLB really is, aside from seemingly being the ultimate expression of Evil in the entire multiverse.

Ah, must have misunderstood that bit then. Hopefully we get more detsils later.

Something the Lich says later on, when he returns from the Farmworld timeline to claim Sweet Pea once again.

>That vessel may appear harmless, but he came from me. Once I remind him of his legacy, The Lich shall reign once more


>Yes... While a mortal world doubts and qauestions, I know exactly what I am. I am the ceaseless wheel. The last Scholar of GOLB. I am your doom

Are Marceline and Bubblegum confirmed?

Not really, though after the "King" of Ooo took over, they started hanging out a bit more ore.

Man, I keep wishing Finn had done more stuff with his many different swords. The demonblood blade was particularly underused.

Yes. They've been confirmed as exes who got back together.

The writers have confirmed them in interviews but are unable to put them together in the show. So they're basically stuck as exes that still pine for each other.

Wtf happened to this show, this all sounds edgy and awful.

Didn't Sugar say that she didn't want it to be text but just subtext that they used to be closer than just friends?

Why would they change that?

>got back together
here, must have missed that, when does it happen?

If you watch it in the pacing that it was unveiled, it's really interesting. Basically Dark Souls-tier grim lore is hidden in the background of happy, bright, technicolor adventures.

Dark Cloud?

Gone Adrift, the Marceline comic.

It's actually pretty interesting stuff. Faaaaaaaaar more interesting than certain other shows that pride themselves on their "lore" and "story-telling".

Oh you mean the guy that gets beaten by a ten year old and a strechy dog?
Trully a terrfying creature.

Steven Universe has its moments. The problem is the writers are afraid to portray the Diamonds in a nuanced way.

My main problem with it was that it could never commit. I stopped watching halfway through season 6 because they kept flip-flopping on the lich and his relevance to the story, they kept hinting at darker sides of characters like PB but never following through with them, they cut off finn's goddamn arm and he just gets better in a few episodes. It felt like it was stuck between being a comedic episodic cartoon and a dramatic arc-based one.
very much like my current problem with rick and morty
at least BoJack is good.

Nah, you're just being fed information though an edgy and awful user.

Thanks, will have to catch up on both.


Is that supposed to be a phasm or something?

Might very well be. AT already takes quite a bit of inspiration from DnD and other role-playing games as is.








>Fire Shrek
Cannot unsee.

Shows alright at times but the art style is trash.

>the art style is trash.
You shut your face.

>What was The Trial


either Celestine and some faithful Sisters or the Grey Knights obliterate him.

>Tfw Celestine and the Grey Knights end up possessed by the Lich.
It would be glorious.


The AT Necromancer is nothing unusual to the 40k universe. He is a minor Demon at best.

The Loc'Nar would be interesting. But it is just mental posession and vaporization. If we ignore the ridiculous "power level" of the 40k universe and dial it down to conventional weapons + nukes they still have the right kind of paranoid societities that actively root out heresies and xeno influence. It isn't perfect, but it is much more resistant than an open society.

>The AT Necromancer is nothing unusual to the 40k universe. He is a minor Demon at best.
As has been explained in thread: not really. And his "Boss" GOLB, certainly isn't a "Minor Daemon" by any margin. Though I doubt anybody would know about GOLB since the Lich barely expounds upon his own nature, and by the it me anyone figures out just *what* GOLB is, it would be far, far, far, far too late.

that nigga couldn't even possess a small child