How would you run a game in the Wheel of time setting?

How would you run a game in the Wheel of time setting?

By finding a better setting.

Wheel of Time RPG. Magic system is pretty. good, too.

This, WoT is trash, and this is coming from someone who actually read the whole damn thing.

>better setting than wot

did you waifu ntr'd you user?

Curious to see what the braid tugging stats are

Literally this. It makes my heart ache that some ignorant folk actually think this is a good setting.

Dirty samefag

>The books and worldbuilding get a lot better when you understand that the whole setting is a living prison made by utopian society of mages (who within it, are gone ages ago) to contain the most powerful renegade wizard, aka. The Dark One

t. Hipster faggot

The setting is great, even if the writing leaves a lot to be desired at times.

Dunno why ppl complain so much about how descritive the author was, the magic of books is exactly the details, the nuance, why read books if you just want rushed plot and action scenes?

See: It's just Veeky Forums contrarian bullshit.

I actually enjoyed the first three books. Then it started to go downhill fast.
I even got a copy of the official RPG. It's crap.

Getting back to the topic, I'd probably set the game during Trolloc Wars or one of the Hunts for the Horn.

but i see ppl complaining about the book in other forums as well, i believe that normie really destroy everything they touch, they should just stick to beers and netflix.

None of the women in WoT were worth waifuing desu.
t. robert jordan's ghost

>he doesnt like tsunderes
kys yourself

>he fell for the tsundere meme
It's almost 2018 user, it's time to get better taste.

man, tsundere is the thinking man dere.
i mean a cute moeblob is nice, but a woman who treats you bad then proceeds to open up to you is just amazing.
Tsundere are second only to yanderes

Too bad that every single one of his female characters is the same underdeveloped tsundere.

Robert Jordan is the Kubo of western fantasy.

Books still need an element of pacing, the same way the later ASOIAF books end up being complete and utter shit because Martin thought the viewer wanted to read pages of countryside and food instead of pages of character drama.
WoT just took too long to get to anything interesting, and Jordan wasn't skilled enough to make the boring stuff interesting, like how people like Herbert could with Dune. He overestimated himself, and ended up creating a 14 volume series where it never feels like anything's happening.

I dunno, to me it felt like the magic was a series of asspulls and power level hypes. Like the severing thing being irreversible until super ultra special savants like Nynaeve discover it isn't despite knowing virtually nothing about nothing because she's just that naturally talented.

Really the whole system felt like a bunch of sorcerers pretending they were wizards.

How about a well adjusted woman who is honest and direct and doesn't suffer from a childish inability to understand her feelings?

>those repeating digits

You do not hide from me, Satan, as God has seen fit to reveal your form to me. Even if the world building was palatable, Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson's writing is like sand paper to the retina and bleach for your mind.

There is a difference between nuanced detail and literally taking hundreds of words to describe roof tiles. The power of literature is specificity, not gross verbosity. I have the dictionary if I want to read words for the sake of reading more words.

Yep, how magic was described working was pretty interesting, but it does get tiring when every other named character has a super special ability that hasn't been seen in millenia.

People need to realize one thing.
When woman doesn't know what she wants it can get annoying.
But when she does it can get straight up terrifying.

Nynaeve was okay once she got fucked into submission by Lan.

My brother of melanin enriched skin!

Mine kindred of swarthy complexion!

Doesn't exist

Simple, I would start by offering them an epic adventure against a big bad, where men who attempt magic go crazy and women who use magic are legally bound to live in femdom relationships, but the players must come together to defeat the big bad and cleanse magic so men can use it again.

I would run a few sessions so they players get into it, then i would spend SIX FUCKING HOURS describing a single door before they're allowed to walk into it for now forgotten reasons. and at some point I would spend 20 session building up for some big battle, but never actually anything happen in those sessions

I would then die, but get some random dude to finish up the story for me for the players who haven't gone insane.

The drop rate for those is crap

you're not grinding at the right places

Friendly reminder the white cloaks did nothing wrong

my sibling of darkest complexion.

not that such women exist.

They do, but they have to have great parents.

Well, you can always raise one yourself.

>but they have to have great parents.
user! Such things have no existed since the dawning of this age over a hundred and fifty years ago! You speak of myths and legends, of a lost time when men were men, women were women, dogs were dogs, and cats were cats! When the oceans teemed with fish and a man might make a living by the song of his heart and the sweat of his brow. Such days of yore are long past us now, err I fear they shall never return.

user, I...

>likes fantasy
>doesn't like WoT
o i m laffin

Also depends a bit on personality.

Have met people like that, but most girls are confused about their feelings 99% of the time.

I don't know about running a game but I'd run my tongue down these delicious thighs anyday senpai

Who's this supposed to be?

Very Carefully. It'd have to be before the dragon or you'll run into an absolute mess of problems with named characters.

Alternatively you could always put it in a modern setting and have people discover the bore/the one power. That'd kick shit off.

I would create a deep backstory for my female character, hopefully 80+ page long, explaining how she is a powerful female magic user/princess/queen, and then allow the GM to enslave her in the first session. I would then roleplay how she tries to break from their bind, fail, is captured again, is broken a lot more, used as human furniture, escape, and then capture some other powerful female villains characters using BDSM magic and enslave her in turn.

Basically, ERP. I dislike it deeply, but you are asking me to play in the Wheel of Time setting here. I literally don't know how I could play it otherwise.

Depends on era best to not have it involve the Dragon. You could set it in pretty much any time frame more interesting I think is post-apocalyptic after one of the short term sealings. Something like Year is "21XX and great war to seal the dark one has left world devastated and now we seek to" or "Dragon coming soon maybe let's see if we can out keikaku the dark forces"

If I had to toss out a guess, that would be Nynaeve.

I'm pretty sure that look says "if your tongue touches me anywhere above ankles I'll have if filleted for tomorrow's breakfast"

Seems more shienaran to me.

I don't think It's WoT art.

just a pic i've found on exalted general, dunno who it is tough

I'm fine with that too.

Remind me again how it goes

>Andor + Aiel = Western Europe
>Rest of middle Randland = Easter Europe
>Boarderlands = Middle to East Asia
>Seachan = Africa + China
>Island to the South = Australia but somehow even worse

i thought this was a WoT thread, not a Gor thread.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say rule 36 Rand.

Actually africa is on the other side of aiel desert. Seanchan is more like some kind of bizarre USA/China/British empire

This thread is making me lose more than i should

Money on wagers? Sides? SAN points?

Sides, user.

It would be better if Jordan hadn't ripped off the far superior Terry Goodkinds setting

Dude, in WoT even the thinking men are tsunderes.

Seanchan you mean

I clicked on a thread about a thing I hate because I'm too fucking dumb to know how to hide it.

And I just wanted to let you know I hate the thing

And the thing sucks

And it's for fags

Now give me attention

fuck off

Prime reason I couldn't get in to the books

So you date dudes. Good to know.

>he doesn't like dominant women becoming submissive to alpha males

I love you, user.

I would run an adventure where the climax is the player characters being present at Dumai's Wells.

This is not for them to change the outcome, no.

I just want to be able to say the words in game.

>Asha'man, kill!

I think that people who don't like the thing are fags and manchildren who like bad things

>Raise the banner of Light
>Raise the barricade two spans

>Nynaeve finally sees Lan again after three books and a year in-universe
>wants to marry him
>no Nynaeve, I can't, I'm bonded to another woman now
>so if we fucked, she'd be able to sense it?
>well, ye-
>and then you find out that the Sea Folk rule for marriage is that whoever gives commands in public has to take them in private
>Nynaeve gives commands in public
>two books later she complains that Lan isn't taking anywhere near as much advantage of those rules as she wants him to

She's also best girl.

I just just started reading The Wizard's First Rule, am I really supposed to read them out-of-order or does it really matter? Also why do commie NEETS get so butthurt about it?

It turns into the author moralising the reader very fast.

Also rape.

>Also rape

reading them in order helps, but Goodkind does like to reference earlier books a lot, so be prepared to re-read the earlier books again once you get to the end.

The main villain is basically the ruler of an Empire of Communism - everyone who can't work is taken care of, and everyone who can is forced to support them.

The Army turns the women of any land they conquer into comfort-women/sex slaves - as in it's official army policy to have a mobile rape-camp following them.

It's some sort of insane parody of socialism/communism that relies on everyone involved acting like a complete shithead.

Given the not!Emperor has some sort of Uber-mind-control power the Empire doesn't immediately collapse into chaos.

And then the Rape-Train is headed towards the main characters home.

>the magic of books is exactly the details
No. The unique aspect of literature is that the reader can paint up his picture in his paint based on very sparse details, and the mark of a great author is being able to provide the tools to let readers paint up vivid pictures using as few words as possible.

No amount of titillation is worth slogging through thousands of pages of bitching and braid tugging.

Sure do. Like it or not, going full homo is the superior option.

at least, not without those thousands of pages being manga illustrations so you can at least look at tig old bitties.

That sounds awesome. Never read WoT, just played the age-old shooter (that was athmospheric as fuck) but that sounds deliciously bonkers, like the guy started reading too much hentai all of a sudden.

>read new spring
>book opens with prelude to battle, soldiers doing their duty and honor
>following 10 out of 20 chapters is a Harry Potter book about nuns

All women have massive breasts and are constantly nagging men.

Randland = Western Europe
Borderlands = like Western Europe but also Japan
Seanchan = American/Chinese
Island to the South = Australia
Guys east of the Aiel = Also Chinese

Seanchan = Invading Chinese samurai Texans

Never read it.

>read the whole damn thing.
Lies, no one has read the whole thing.

I recognize that lesbian.

>wanting a braid- and shirt-tugging simulator.

>And then the Rape-Train is headed towards the main characters home.

That doesn't sound to entertaining to read about

>the magic of books is exactly the details
No it isn't. The magic of books is, like the magic of everything else, in the execution.

Hey cmon Sanderson isn't horrible.

At least he knows what he's doing and accepts it.

Braid and shirt-tugging simulator?

The women of WoT spend much of their time tugging braids and skirts, crossing their arms under their breasts, and complaining about the woolheaded men.

Oh it's incredibly fun if you read it whilst viewing it as some sort of joke.

The problem is that the series has what TVTropes likes to call Protagonist Centered Morality that's sort of based on Objectivism/Libertarianism and some readers - and the author - take it perfectly seriously.

Richard the MC can literally do know wrong - anything he does that seems wrong is just because he didn't fully understand what was going on at the time.

All of the people he hurts 100% deserve it. Such as:

>Female Joffrey getting kicked in the face and having her jaw broken

Satisfying to read, but she's like 9, yes she was a massive brat, but seriously, judging kids by the standards of adults?

>Crowd of protestors mob the MC and his waifu after a contentious vote on whether or not to let the Empire of Rape and Communism into their lands (yes, the country of redheads was just that dumb) despite the magical defences that could have stopped them.
>MC doesn't flee, he just plows straight into them swinging his magic sword, using his magically-perfect sword skills to kill as many as possible

It's ok because that hate his 'moral clarity' or something.

>Lies nobody read the whole damn thing
Shut up, user.
My second cousin said his friends older brothers girlfriend did

You could not. It has the Dragonlance / Forgotten Realms problem of literal gods walking the earth.

Hell there's even a RPG, and even I couldn't tell you how they make that work when one of the big bads could just teleport in, ruin your shit, and leave.

Every character has a Corruption attribute which determines how much the Dark One is influencing their interactions with other characters, thus explaining why they all act like shitheads with no self-control or self-awareness whatsoever all the time.

I mean, this is a setting where one Aes Sedai's (can't remember which) stated specialty is being polite enough that people don't dread having to talk with her.

>the main character charges through a population that had voted to allow the Empire of Rape and Communism into their lands, slaughtering all he could.
Death is a preferable alternative to communism (maybe rape too?), I don't see what he did wrong.