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first for Tzimisce
Question about wraith.
can you take burnt offerings out of the underworld?
Well, he is called the Eldest.
>tfw you were made into a vampire by someone vomiting all their evil, all over you
why are they so assblasted about Tremere when they do the exact same shit?
why would you want to?
Because they're the worst.
There's only one good Sabbat clan.
Because like all Kindred (Yes, I said kindred, you filthy sabbat) they are hypocrites.
Actually no Harbingers of Skulls forever!!
camarilla internet defence force
Let's fling shit at Brucatto some more.
Unsolicited opinions about Changing Breeds?
>camarilla defense force
>implies Lasombra are good
to crash the economy or get rich or something
It isn't hard to make burnt offerings right? you just need to burn an effigy of the thing you want to make.
so basically You burn an effigy of somethign valuable, then when it appears in the underworld take it out of the underworld.
are Kuei Jin the good guys?
get a load of this guy.jpeg
Stay salty LaCucks
This gives me an idea.
So suppose the masquerade does get broken?
Now what?
Well the key thing is that, knowledge that vampries exist doesn't imply knowledge of everything about them.
How are vampires going to try to spew propaganda to prevent a bad situation from getting worse?
like Beast, the only way it can be used in a game without being utter garbage, is to completely rewrite the fluff
Not him, but technically speaking, Sabbat is good for vampires in the long run, because they want to get rid of the Antediluvians which could rise up and fuck up the whole world, including them.
Some more of my thoughts:
If vampires were believed in by everyone. that means stuff that mage stuff that looks like it was vampire stuff would be consensual.
What does this mean for the technocracy? Hitmarks that look like vampires? Artificial vampires, like in the Hellsing manga?
One of the biggest issues with beast fluff is that "all heros and and all beasts good". It doesn't make sense.
Change that and you fix a lot of stuff.
Camarilla will tell everyone they've been fighting against the evil fundamentalist terrorist Sabbat in order to preserve the freedom and liberty of mankind. Sabbat will tell everyone they're fighting the evil new world order Camarilla in order to defeat the terrible old gods that they serve.
Veeky Forums would side with the Sabbat. Just saying.
They don't mind Giovanni doing the same thing, either. They're mad about the war in Transylvania, everything else is added to that to fluff it up.
I'm gay
thats ok user.
It's utter garbage mechanically too. There's really nothing good about it save the core concept.
I've considered making a homebrew splat for man-eating monsters at some point, like a better version of Beast. Giant: The Hunger or something like that. Archetypes would be Jotun, Formorian, Nephilim, Gigantes, and Rakshasa.
>Veeky Forums would side with the Sabbat. Just saying.
Why do you think that would happen?
Veeky Forums is packed full of people who believe conspiracy theories, and the Sabbat is basically one big conspiracy theory. All the people who believe in the globalist illuminati, the new world order, the freemason hegemony, the lizard people, or the invisible jewish elite would re-contextualize their beliefs as totally being the Camarilla at work.
Also, /b/ is the largest board and it's pretty much a bunch of edgy children. Which, coincidentally, is what the average Sabbat neonate is.
you would probably also see stuff on /r9k/ like
>tfw no vampire gf
/pol joins Tötentanz Sabbat pack that believes that the Antediluvians are the ancestors of the Jews that stole vampirism from Caine, the first Aryan
I feel like vampires in general, not content to go down alone, would be quick to reveal the existence of the other splats and possibly demonize them. They'd definitely tell the world about werewolves, possibly mages too. I imagine they'd paint werewolves as dangerous monsters that are opposed to mankind's growth, and that require a supernatural counter like vampires.
It'd be a nightmare for the Technocracy because once the initial leak that is 'vampires' has been sprung, it'd be so much easier for people to start believing in other shit, especially if the vampires themselves are talking about it.
Because Tremere are rude hicks, at least Tzimisce do it with style.
Also Tremere are just powerhungry autocrats, Tzimisce are so weird that standard morality doesn't apply to them
Expect they're being played by the Tal'Mahe'Ra, which works for the antes
Beckett's Jyhad Diary talks about them being wiped out by Dastur, at least in the Sabbat itself.
Three Days! Three Days! Three Days! And then we Changelings will rule this general!
He only eliminated a single cell in Montreal.
Also, if some elements of oWoD are still canon, they have a Justicar on the pay roll as well
They do get to bring in their spaceships though.
Then in six, maybe even five and a half years - a changeling book!
>Iteration X releasing all its wonders against the hemophages
Does anyone have that one image?
I dunno, the whole world believing in magic and vampires might make spaceships even MORE Vulgar.
Hitler for Toreador ghoul
Was Becket's Diary already shared someplace?
yep, it should be in one of the megas.
it's scanned as ShrekNet
Nah, if vamps ever get leaked to public, just ''leak'' some x-files shit, like CIA psychics, or a ayy lmao (just Progenitor life form), that should get the masses back on track.
The duality of man.
is there anyone kind enough to answer this?
Question is vague, what exactly do you mean?
are they the good guys?
If you count sinners who escaped from hell good guys.
They're more of an antihero splat
Can I be one if I'm not a Chinaman?
why are hollow ones so hilariously shit
Ah. Didn't occur to me to search in the one labeled as "mostly CofD".
It's literally finished. The kickstarter is just for hard cower limited run and some extra supplements later.
No admittance to the correct Hell to escape from without a Chinese soul. Maybe you could adapt the Ritual of Sacred Rebirth to get a Chinese soul first?
*rolls giovanni*
nothin personel storyteller
Are the pre Socratics mentioned in the splats?
Make NWO mass brainwashing/mindcontrol non-vulgar for a day and they will fix everything.
i think you can be any sort of asian.
so indian, japanese, and so on.
What's the most powerful faction in CofD?
Sorry, I'll get to uploading it right now to the oWoD one. I haven't been really all that much around in the past few months.
Your mom's ass. Truly, a World of Darkness unto itself.
Okay, it's in the oWoD mega now, in V20 folder since that's how it was titled in the first place.
Anything else needs to be uploaded?
Why didn't they make Moscow the standard setting in the Chronicles of Darkness, it would have been far more fitting than Tokyo.
Iteration X and The Progenitors both find the Syndicate repulsively short-sighted, The Void Engineers are terrified that The Syndicate will cut their funding and the NWO disagrees with the Syndicate so strongly that, at any given time, the two are on the verge of civil war.
1. None of the devs has a boner for it
2. It's filled with Christians and white people, not glorious ethnic nonwhites
I'd say Moscow is ethnically far more diverse than Tokyo, considering how large Russia is as well how xenophobic the Japanese are.
SJWs don't look for actual diversity, they just look for there to be less whites.
Yeah, that fag David Hill's been hiding out in Tokyo for a while now and acts like it's a beacon of diversity (ironically enough, his current position at his job is basically a diversity hire)
Hypocrites. Post-Soviet Moscow is the perfect WoD setting and the closest we ever got was Rage across Russia.
When will this shit die? They're antisocial and none of their shit has anything to do with justice.
We are so cucked
>SJWs are hypocrites, more at 11
Almost every country in the world is more diverse than Japan. Switzerland is more diverse than Japan. Iceland is more diverse than Japan. That Israel Brucatto thinks is Jewish ISIS? More diverse than Japan.
Didn't he get called out by some native over Twitter on how fucking imperialist/colonialist he's acting?
I can see the logic of Tokyo. Japan as a whole is torn between paganism and monotheism, in this odd way that often ends up in odd fusions of the two. There's a lot of casual, skeptical, even really genuine belief in spirits and gods, or just in subtly supernatural stuff like the invisible hand of fate or random stuff being 'lucky' or 'unlucky'. I don't know how many other people have been there, but Tokyo itself is a fucking warren of alleys, tunnels, and narrow pathways. It varies from region to region, but there are many places in the city that could be described as labyrinthine. It's also sort of claustrophobic and tight compared to many cities, with a lot of areas feeling really jarringly removed from nature - something that is probably pretty ideal in actual God-Machine related stuff, for reinforcing the idea that the world is being manipulated according to the infrastructure of a giant, alien mechanism.
Also, just a note on other posts, Japan isn't really has xenophobic as people play up on Veeky Forums. They have very little hate for other races, especially in the big cities where the prevailing views veer toward the 'left' of their political spectrum. They have a lot of weird ideas about foreigners, but you're far less likely to find a Jap that hates blacks than an American that hates blacks. And shit, in Tokyo they fucking love whites.
Was just a question. Don't have to be such asses about it.
>thinking Moscow, a 10 million people city is all white and Christian
Do you also think it's also 100% hetero since they have anti-LGBT laws?
Wasn't that statement more about what SJW believe?
No Christians in Moscow, or Russia, for that matter. Orthodoxy is dead.
I studied in Osaka for almost a year (yes, yes, it's not Tokyo, but it's every bit as modern and westernized). Kids on the street actually pointed at me and called me a "monster" for having blue eyes.
Which is worse, when you're an ordinary human: attracting the attention of a Daeva or a Toreador?
>you're far less likely to find a Jap that hates blacks than an American that hates blacks
because they aren't forced to put up with them, and they're a novelty when they do see them
Toreador, they will ditch you at a moments notice if they find something more interesting.
The Daeva will obsess over you until the (potentially gruesome) end.
Aren't Toreador a Daeva bloodline?
What 2e books are out for Vampire, Werewolf and Mage?
Talking about the Toreador clan from VtM and Daeva from VtR as two separate things.
Did these kids have three dots in Auspex? Noticing someone's eye color as you walk by them in the street is actually pretty rare.
you're full of it
Little kids will call someone a monster for having weird hair or an odd slump or basically anything out of the norm. That's not racism, that's kids being weird about stuff they don't understand.
That said, I find this particularly hard to believe, because who the fuck looks into the eyes of passersby on the street?
Not sure, that was the only one I was looking for at this time.
are the cult of ecstasy a bunch of drug heads?
Not the same user, but if he has blue eyes there's a good chance he's also blonde. That stands out in Japan.
Tokyo also houses fully a quarter of the entirety of Japan's population; 30 million people in a single, immense, sprawling city. For comparison, that is the entire population of Canada.
It, unlike most North American cities, also has a history dating back over half a millennium, and the region around it much further still. That makes the place a friggin' maze, but also dripping with history. As you note, Japan's weird syncretist religious history is everywhere; you will find centuries-old shrines in the middle of parking lots in some places. Naturally, when you have that many people there, as well, with so common and widespread a belief in the supernatural, stories permeate.
Japan in general, and Tokyo in particular, are a pretty perfect CofD setting.
Really, come to think of it, pretty much anywhere outside the Americas usually has tons of written history to play with.
If everyone's brown eyed then a blue eyed guy will be more noticeable by default
Hey David, how's Changeling going?