What is the best alignment, and why is it Lawful Evil?
What is the best alignment, and why is it Lawful Evil?
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Lawful Evil gets shit done.
Good has best waifus though.
thats a funny way of spelling chaotic evil.
LE > NE > LN > TN > CE > NG > CG > LG > CN
Lawful Evil is the Fedora of Alignments
>I want to be the dapper, intelligent villain who will do what the moralfags won't.
>lawful evil
>not true neutral
Neutral let’s you cast both [good] and [evil] spells which is awesome in and of itself. You also don’t need to be crazy or selfish to be TN.
And you can have friends.
The actual fedora of alignments can be either Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral.
You can have friends if you're evil, though.
Yea, friends you constantly have to be exploiting because you are evil.
Plus evil people are the worst people to have as friends.
Here’s the alignment system
>cares about everyone
>cares about some people
>cares about no one
>acts in the law
>acts in the law when it suites him
>acts outside of the law
>That Chaotic Neutral
Not true. Evil characters can still like people and have friends. This is especially true in the case of Lawful Evil, which is the least asshole-ish of the evil alignments.
Also, Lawful doesn't mean "acts in the law", it means "acts within a set of boundaries or according to certain principles". You can break the law of the land and still be lawful.
I play lawful evil as selfish good, how much of a tremendous faggot does that make me?
That’s basically lawful neutral boarding on evil.
>the least assolish
The mafia or the nazi are LE
Hitler did nothing wrong.
How so?
I didn't say LE wasn't an asshole, I said LE was less of an asshole than NE and CE, which is true.
LN just cares about their code and will just do what they have to do.
LE is more selfish and has more devious methods. "The end justifies the means", etc.
I have been 14 too, that's fine.
Also I guess you have 0 experience with what mafia is.
Not an argument.
No one gives a shit what the Boss did to your friends, Mario.
To be evil you have to go out of your way to hurt people.
If you can care about a group of people you aren’t hurting people to hurt people, you are hurting them to help your people.
I. E lawful neutral.
It's only lawful evil because that nonon pic makes me feel funny
You don't understand what evil means.
To be evil, you have to be selfish and perform evil acts.
Some LE or even NE characters don't go out of their way to hurt people when it's not necessary, i.e. Tywin from GoT.
>If you can care about a group of people
...It just means you aren't a sociopath. Nothing to do with your alignment. Learn nuance
Neutral is being able to do both evil and good.
If you good, you aren’t evil. Regardless.
That’s why humans literally cannot be anything other than neutral.
"LE is the least assolish".
Organized evil is efficient and pervasive.
I am away from italy since 2005, but this does not make the two of you less immature, cluelesd and dumb.
*clueless. Fucking phone
>Neutral is being able to do both evil and good.
That's not the definition. Neutral means you have no strong leaning for or against either.
And unorganized evil is vicious and unpredictable.
Again not an argument.
As the other guy said, nobody cares about your life
Bippity boppity, spaghetti mama mia
Are these all Shindol?
You are functionslly illiterate.
I was answering to the statement that "LE is less assolish". Bullshit.
Your statement IS correct. L/C axis does not influence the level of E.
I said 14? Sorry I meant 8.
>LE is less assholish
>no man mafia is terrible, also nazi
>lmao who cares about your life
The state of this fucking board
You're not wrong.
yes because meem
What is the meaning of this
alignments are stupid, since they necessitate that there is a "correct" LG/CN/LE and that the people within those alignments must all think alike
if there is a "good" alignment there is a correct way to do good, and therefore all good people must follow that way and think alike, have the same system of value and ideology- or they arent doing "good" right
Chaotic Neutral tickled me
Holy fucking shit.
When you make a fucking counter-argument then use the language of the argument you are opposing.
The mother fucker said "cares" you say fucking "like"
Jesus fucking Christ pay attention to goddamn words.
Simplest way to play evil I actually got from Veeky Forums. Basically, think of it as your circle of caring. You like your companions. You care about them. You would help them if they asked. You might even love the qt3.14 cleric in the party.
That fucking city guard who arrested your friend and is holding him on charges? You don't give a shit about him. Or his family. They're obstacles.
>I said 14? Sorry I meant 8.
Oliveniggers being useless subhumans as usual, what a surprise.
Stop projecting.
How do you separate that from neutral?
Yes he did.
Fuck off luigi, go be asspained about your shitty country somewhere else
I beg to differ
>Neutral is being able to do both evil and good.
...wut? Good characters can do evil acts. That's why alignment can change.
Because that's not how real, average people think you goddamn psychopath.
Do you genuinely care about people you don't know?
Either way, neutral is generally described as "cares about some people, doesn't give a shit about the rest", which is why I'm asking.
He invaded Russia in the winter, that's about it.
Ravioli, ravioli, you think I'm the same persononi?
Fucking retard.
You're not funny, stop embarrassing yourself.
Provide parameters.
Nothing of what I said implied anything you posted.
You are pathetic.
Lawful neutral
Background is former guardsman from the town
Patrician choice
You need to read more.
Is true, it was another person you fucktard.
Just reread what you people wrote. He is not the one that shiuld feel embarrassed.
No logic or reason. Veeky Forums ot worse this last year IMHO.
chaotic neutral/true neutral
not an evil dickbag, not a no-fun lawman, not explicitly good but I can still be flexible
wait im confuse
Don't be such a fucking pedant, dude. In this case theyre interchangeable and you know it.
I presume it's how some people play the alignments, such as TNs trying to pull an unaligned card as an excuse to be a douchebag as long as it's not so illegal it gets them into trouble because they "act the same to evil people too, so it's unbiased".
How do you play lawful evil without it being evil-lite or self-restricting/inefficient evil? In my experiences, chaotic neutral is more evil.
Italians are the single most pathetic """western""" country on the face of the Earth, and the Mafia does a better job of running that boot-shaped pile of garbage than your actual government.
Dude, it's the new breed of troll. They are masochists to want people to insult them and call them trash. Your trash talk only feeds them.
>you need to write more revisionist propaganda approved by Mr Goldberg*
>care = like
I feel sorry for those you care about. Also the women you creep on because you "like" them.
lex luthor/Dr Doom/ the devil
>legit believes conspiracy theories
True Neutral is the comfiest, though. No cosmic battle, no higher responsibility - just you and yours. You support the party because they're your friends, and when you're not needed there nobody needles you for getting back to your life.
You are right my man, better I stop.
>character is an asshole who has no qualms with theft, murder, intimidation and whatnot so long as it can get him closer to the goal
>yet avoids hurting innocents or children unless it's absolutely necessary
>is actually quite reasonable and stands by his word, but you'd better read the fine print
Is this LE or just NE with some conscience left?
I'm under the impression that LE has to have a relatively rigid code or set of rules to be 'true' LE.
Not him but you do not in any meaningful way care about or even comprehend people you don't know and you do literally nothing to help them so it's pretty hard to argue you care about them. Do you feed the foreign poor or take the local homeless into your house? Do you advocate for dumb shit like saving Tiber and the rohingya? Would your life change in any meaningful way if, for instance, a caliphate arose in Iraq and Syria and started throwing the gays off buildings while lighting people on fire?
Now, you'll say that's irrelevant since you're not treating others as obstacles or whatever but you're profiting from child labour and foreign wars and your resources are stolen from other people as well, assuming you live in a country that isn't a total shit hole. So no, you do not care about everyone.
Next time, without Italy.
Fuck off CIAnigger
LE, he has a personal code of conduct which he sticks to
The problem with TN is that it's a bit of everything and can get kind of boring. I don't count "muh balance" psychopaths as TN, I'm just talking about genuinely neutral people who don't care either way.
Read a fucking book you moron
You are too dumb even for a /pol/tard
Bet you are an anti vaxxer
> you do not in any meaningful way care about or even comprehend people you don't know and you do literally nothing to help them
So they don't even need to hold laws in high regard or anything? LE can be outlaws as long as they have personal limits they won't cross or things they won't/will always do?
> Do you feed the foreign poor
Do I have the resources to feed the foreign poor? Or am I struggling to keep my shit together?
> take the local homeless into your house
Holy shit, you have a house? Dude you are killing it.
The necessity of living on the planet earth, as well as the limits of the human brain.
If you have no relationship with someone you can't in any meaningful way wish them well. You don't care about Timmy the one legged leper in a Bangladeshi shoe factory and you will never ever do anything to help him or to place his interest above your own.
Good alignment doesn't exist irl
I fucking love this chart.
Do you do anything to try to ensure they are fed, y/n?
Now if only we could get a project running to fix that pesky empathy limit.
Whatever you say, Schlomo
>Read a book written by ZOG controlled """historians"""
No thanks.
Stuff like anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, and so forth were created by the CIA to discredit genuine conspiracy.
>any meaningful way
Define this with parameters.
I'm going to ask you which of these two ideas is simpler, and easier to parse. Just apply Occam's Razor here for a second.
That somehow, a small cabal has managed to hoodwink the ENTIRE historical and scientific community, co-opt every single government in the world, and so thoroughly brainwash the entire human race that ONLY you and a small sect of "freethinkers" know the REAL history, despite you never having done archival research or archaeological work....
...or that you just don't know a single thing about what you're talking about?
The fact that you think the former is unlikely shows how thoroughly the Jews have won.
Ok buddy now we know what you are.
The fact that you think the former is likely shows how little you know about humans.
>Small ethnic group became the puppet masters of all mankind
Only the true master race would be capable of pulling that off.
A black knight can be LE- hes an outlaw and a murderer, but hes got his own code which he follows to a T
You cannot fool all of the people all of the time, user. No one can. No one has the resources or clout to do what you describe.
A deception on that scale, of billions of people, including many with little to no part in that war, is so mind-bogglingly impossible nothing else really needs to be said.
It's like how faking a moon landing effectively enough to trick the Soviets would have been HARDER than actually landing on the moon.
>yet another pseudo philosophy thread
If a game says that something is "good" or "evil", then it is defined as "good" or "evil" within the game's settings. Remember that the creators are essentially gods when it comes to deciding this, so from a theological and philosophical ground what they say goes. If you wish to run a campaign that subverts these definitions that's fine, considering you in essence are a god of this world that your players inhabit.
But to actively complain about the alignment system of systems is retarded. Literally just change it if you don't like it, what's the big issue. And calling out other people is equally stupid; it's like literally saying that whichever God exists has a dumb definition of what is good and evil.
>b-but my special snowflake philosophy disagrees and it's right!
nigga what the fuck are you going on about, this dude LITERALLY created the universe and you somehow have more worldly experience and knowledge than this guy who used magic fuckery to create the ground you stand on? Let's be logical here for a minute, at what point does it just become a case of snowflakism?
And trying to apply alignment of ANY kind to real life is okay, but that is literally called philosophy and we have a whole other board for that you should check out if you enjoy discussing it.
>not going chaotic good master race
Like what?
Fuck of Socrates, I don't have time for this and you know exactly what those words mean. I refer you to the legal concept of de minimis as a time saving measure; should you have further questions there is an entire body of jurisprudence defining the parameters.