Lets dwell on how stupid this kid is

He claims to be extremely smart for investing in bitcoin.
>has millions
>doesnt want to go to college
You think he is gay and doesnt like pussy?

Why are you posting your school bully?

why would he waste money on college?
the whole point of going into debt and getting a degree is to get money and he already has money.

If he wants to learn something he can read a fucking book. Fuck college.

>have lots of schmekkels
>tell everyone about it

>social skills are overrated

Just a moron who got lucky, anybody who invested around the same time and before got lucky

>study hard like Indian/Asian
>prof says he is gatekeeper and that he doesn’t think I’m quality material
>gives test based on another book
>flunk his class hard

Fuck college

if i was rich i would just go to college for the pussy

why does he always squint?

>Lets dwell on how stupid this kid is
How about you give an argument why that would be the case

He made a risky move, it worked, and he's selling himself cheek-in-tongue with silly pics on social media, big following, rather careless attitude. This sort of extroversion and not-giving-a-fuck about how your peeved is attractive, believe it or not. Whether it's on purpose or not. Essentially, he does anything a not good looking guy should do to get massive amount of pussy.

The backside is people like you complaining about his personality. That's a fair trade I'd say.

Do you disagree? Do you have a good argument against putting yourself out there being a bad strategy, or do you simply not like that obnoxious kid?

>basically win the lottery
>act like you're fucking hot shit for buying the lottery ticket, flaunt your wealth all over the internet in the most cringey way possible

he's going to get fucking kidnapped one of these days.

at least a degree aids in the developing of your credentials. have fun being hired anywhere telling them that you "read a book."

he likes cryptocurrencies, just like us

im so lin love with this fucking coalburner it makes me sick


That’s the point, though. College isn’t really about learning. It’s like some kind of Facebook with profs liking or not liking you. If they like you they will encoueage you in anyway to pass the test. If they don’t like you, you’re fucked and shown double damage when you falter.

you took a retarded course, next time go STEM

If you're already rich, you do the hiring instead of being hired.

basically this.
he got lucky, he isnt a genious, he didnt start a company, he didnt invent anything
he just made a gamble which paid off
stop worshiping some mouthbreathing kid

>wagecucking after you're already financially dependent
You can just enjoy your life instead and if you do want to do something productive you can just start a business.

>needing to get a job
>when you are already crypto rich


Gotta love this guy... not

It's not him. It's the stupid people that are promiting his luck as genius.

I know all of you would be acting the same way if you made millions at that age. He will unfortunately have an undeveloped personality because of his enablers.

How long until he gets a nosejob?

Does she accept LINK as payment for anal?

Didn’t he start a leaning business and sold it for millions? He didn’t make all of his money from bitcoin.

I dont think this kid is smart at all, but why the fuck would he go to fucking college when he already has millions, waste of money to get a degree he wont use

Not to mention, he didn't even increase his BTC stack via alts or bought more BTC via borrowed FIAT.

>t.guy who wasted his life getting a degree

>Where do i get laid at the age of 18-22


who is this? austin powers?

>have fun being hired anywhere
Mongoloid, this little faggot is rich. Why would he want to get hired anywhere?

>having to go to school to get laid by used goods



dude are you serious?
spending all that money on college just because you think you'll get laid there?

it's a big plus

not american btw

The fuck?
Literally everywhere?
Specially when you’re rich.
I met a chick buying flowers for other chick and fucked her silly
Literally that easy, I’m not rich tho rip
Also all u niggas buttblasted cuz YOU want to be that kid.
That’s what we are all doing here, trying to get lucky like he did. Don’t act like you aren’t playing lotto too. He had the vision you lack, and for that he is smart.

I... I do, user...

He is poor. "Millions" are nothing now. He has like only 1 million or something, that is nothing.

>implying he will always be crypto rich

He doesn’t appear to be as much of a retard as those NFL/NBA players who go bankrupt 5 years after retirement, but you never know. Money that you didn’t really earn is easy come easy go.

He's barely a millionaire lol

Apparently he was offered payment for something he bought, either 1000 in cash or 200BTC (600 or smth) and he took the BTC.
Absolute moronic faggot

Jayden Smith gf

Autism Power.