Rasputin must've had a ridiculously high CON build. Not only to have sex with all his female followers and not die of an STD, but to survive being poisoned multiple times, as well as a bullet wound to the chest. Safe to assume 24 CON barbarian or in possession of some CON-boosting magical item?
Rasputin must've had a ridiculously high CON build...
Other urls found in this thread:
He got shot in the head and died. The later stuff was made up to make it seem he was Satanic. He was Satanic in bed at least.
Do you really think a bunch of drunken nobles were creative enough to make up all of those details about his death, and the final cause being drowning?
There should be some cleric or monk in there somewhere, he was a priest.
Maybe a bit of Rogue or Bard.
But sky-high CHA and CON, whatever he is
His beard gave him legendary CON
One Pathfinder adventure statted him out, he's a high-level Oracle (cleric-like class with Charisma-based casting).
My Favorite Rasputin is either Warlock or Sorcadin Rasputin.
Move aside for the superior Wizard Rasputin.
I love how in Hellboy/BPRD Rasputin really was just a slightly loony Christian ascetic with minor psychic powers until his death. It was only after his soul touched the Ogdru Jahad that he became an eldritch wizard-prophet.
These are Russians we're talking about.
>Grandmother... where is your chicken leg house?
How was Hellboy In Hell? I fell out of the habit of picking up singles after The Fury, not because I was dissatisfied, just life stuff.
>the final cause being drowning
This isn't that shocking.
A head shot doesn't necessarily mean instant death. There are plenty of places where you can be shot in the head and not even have life-threatening injuries, and even if the bullet strikes the brain, it won't cause instant death unless the brain stem is severed or the brain is completely destroyed. Now, without medical attention you're likely to bleed out, but if a bunch of freaked-out murderers toss you in the river while you're flailing around in pain, drowning will be the cause of death.
12 inches, that's one foot, and that's terrible
Lets not forget that he also survived being stabbed in the gut by a woman who believed him to be the Antichrist.
Its absolutley fantastic and in my view #10 is the best single issue of any comic ever, Mignola somehow managed to live up to putting a capstone on the series.
There is a bit of pacing weirdness that doesnt last long as it goes into the finale for the series as a whole, but thats only because Mignola originally intended it to be an ongoing of Hellboy going on various Adventures in Hell but then realised after Killing off Satan/Lucifer he'd either have to end it soon or never finish it.
Is that even legit? I think even the world's confirmed biggest penis isn't that big. Sounds like some bullshit to me, like Catherine dying after sex with a horse.
Especially with pocket guns of the time being underpowered as fuck.
As for the poison, when a bunch of drunk young roosters obviously up to no good shows up at a pharmacy wanting to buy a really potent poison, and they won't take no for an answer, the pharmacist just might decide that it'd be best for everyone if they walked out with a bag of powdered sugar instead of something highly lethal.
13.5 is the world record. Don't know how much heat the Mad Monk was packing.
Supposedly 11 or 12? I believe there's a picture of it somewhere
Lol, did you read the article?
"Falcon has not authorized or permitted independent verification of this figure."
The whole thing is just Falcon making up stories with apparently zero evidence to support his claims.
He's probably got a 2-inch dick and made it his life goal to convince the world otherwise.
My mistake. Here's a different guy that seems to be more trustworthy.
>No link/picture
user, if you're referring to yourself at least post a dick pic. No homo.
25-30 (cm) is at the upper end of physical possibility born-to-be-a-porn-star tier
It's pretty damn excellent bro.
Haha, a length-obsessed sex-pest. Now that seems a bit more legit.
>Roberto has an assault charge for exposing himself to two underage girls and was deported from the US.
Wow, what a dick!
True, but Rasputin did get gutted by a particularly insane female follower. His intestines fell out onto the road and he picked them up and shoved them back into his abdomen, then ran off to find a doctor. The guy had some seriously high Con if you believe the story about his poisoning or not.
The head of that group of 'young rooters' was the prince... I think they'd go ahead and give it to him.
There was one Ruskie who admitted they added more to the story every time he wanted someone to give them free drinks.
They also ruined some poison that was supposed to get added to food after cooking, not before; that aside fpbp.
The chest shot not hitting anything vital is a pretty big coincidence, but it's entirely believable. The autopsy also revealed that he was already dead from a headshot before they beat and 'drowned' him. The bruising matched post-mortem patterns and there was no water in his lungs, revealing he was not alive to take it in.
So honestly, the only weird thing about Rasputin's death IS the poison, and that can be easily explained by a bunch of inbred (literally) nobles not knowing how to use the shit properly.
Okay, I'm going to ignore all the other stuff people have already posted in this thread. Instead, I've gotta respond to OP's
>Safe to assume 24 CON[...]
because that's just objectively wrong. I refer you to the first edition AD&D DMG, which states, and I quote "Rasputin had an 18 constitution!"
There you have it, word of Gygax himself. And sure, if you wanna say "But an 18 constitution in 1e isn't at all the same as an 18 in X-edition," then I would counter that I don't care, Rasputin has a canon 18 CON.
What are his other stats?
He's above average but not that big. He used to tie weights around his dick, it's like 2/3rds foreskin. He's still big, at like 7.5 inches at the tip or some shit like that.
Isn't Rasputin a vampire?
he was a lich. hell the damn things even come from Russian folklore
makes sense to me.
im my setting, the slav race has +4 CON and the peasant class has +2 CON
>Str 9, Dex 11, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 26
Here you go OP
What are the stats needed to endure enough cyanide to kill three horses, four gunshots, being tied up and tossed in the half-frozen river, dying on the banks several miles downstream as you claw your way out.
He's Vecna
>but Rasputin did get gutted by a particularly insane female follower. His intestines fell out onto the road and he picked them up and shoved them back into his abdomen, then ran off to find a doctor
According to whom? This sounds like another myth spread after his exaggerated death.
>be me
>iraq 2009
>idiot jg lights a smoke next to an open gas can
>heavy ass metal can explodes
>piece cuts right along his abdomen
>two ropes of gut fall out onto the ground
>dumbass stands there crying and screaming while we all try to look like we didn't just shit our pants
He lived. Yeah yeah, I know. He had modern medical help in five minutes. But I've seen enough fucked up shit I would have called bullshit on before seeing it myself that I can't easily discount anything anymore.
Google search Khioniya Guseva. It's legit.
Well if she only cut his stomach open without piercing the intestines themselves its entirely survivable even with 1910's era medicine. Hell it might even be survived even if the intestine had been pierced.
Why are we so fucking durable? I don't think many animals can survive this sort of shit.
>stands there
He didn't even fall/sit down? Jesus Christ.
Social K-breeders. If your average horse or whatever gets its legs eaten, that's three years down the drain with no good way to recover. If your average human gets its legs eaten, that's a decade and a half down the drain unless you can leech off those assholes you've been buttering up your whole life. Gives us incentive to take the hit and keep going that most other critters just don't have.
That penis is deformed post-mortem. The cavities that make the penis grow in erection are overstretched, hence the insane size. Whoever that penis was, was not that hung at all.
As far as I know, the problem is they put the cyadine in sweets, and sugar neutralices cyadine.
>Homo Sapiens OP, plz nerf
High charisma, to make people believe that's what killed you
We literally have one of the best cardio and pulmonary systems on the planet. We also have a god-tier cooling system (sweat). We arent especially fast, and we are only decently strong, but we are smart and are basically Terminators when it comes to labor and fatigue.