how much does it cost to fuck a hooker in the ass, Veeky Forums? i need to spend my crypto gains somehow
How much does it cost to fuck a hooker in the ass, Veeky Forums? i need to spend my crypto gains somehow
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with or without condom?
not as much as you'd think user. defitely get that out of your system with a hooker. that's not something you want to do with your wife.
Why not your wife? She probably has less STD's than a stinky prozzie
Gateway to normalizing homosexuality.
Closet fag
>fucking a woman
really makes you think
the kind of woman you want to be marrying isn't going to respond well when you bring it up or try to slip even a finger in
200-300 bucks
You want to pay someone to put one of the parts of your body that's the most sensible to infections in their cavity where shit comes from?
I guess your dick game is so weak you'd rather marry some prude and have a boring sex life
Idk, my exgf basically begged me to put more fingers in and she was the shyest girl you could imagine.
1 million doge
>what is side
then she probably wasn't as shy as she'd led you to believe
Sex without love is as meaningless as love without sex.
Sex with a condom is worse than wanking.
Anal sex is just for porn. It can sometimes be good in real life but only when the girl asks for it, not when you have to pay for it.
Use your crypto gains to dress like a rich man then go to a rich bar and pick up a girl.
Go to eastern europe. 50 bucks max and join signal group for lambos
See this:
My girlfriend begs me to rub her asshole/put a finger in every time we have sex. Been together for 5 years, bought a house together, talk crypto gains together and she wears Airmax 97's. Basically my dream girl.
Than a stinky linky
>Airmax 97
fucking kys
Good for you buddy. I'm happy for fellow biztards who make it.
I hope me and my ex can find back together as the only reason we are not together anymore is distance. Cryptogains might solve that. I made about 60K so far and I'm hoping for more to make it. Wish me luck
Virgin detected
Few hundred bucks. Definitely worth it. Every now and then I also fuck transsexuals and it's amazing.
You ain't never gonna make it if you go close to girls. They'll take your crypto you bastard loser.
I want to bareback and not get pozzed, how can I go about doing that?
so hot on a girl that looks classy and has a nice body with tight fitting clothes.
Pay more and ask for test results. Only way.
Why? Did you look in the mirror?
I wouldn't risk it. Over 30% of trannies are HIV+ and barebacking an asshole is the easies way to get it.
Luck fagit
whew sick burn, normie
>being this austistic
Isn't the chance still pretty low if you're the one doing the fucking?
Now if someone nuts in your butt that's a different story
if you do it enough get on prep. The aids thing is overblown now anyways, especially if you're on prep, you're not gonna get hiv bag or not f***** even the nastiest of transexuals.
good luck user, it's a fun journey. defitely don't tell your wife or show her your PReP script
even 1% chance to be fucked for life aren't good odds
She's being pounded by Chad and Tyrone as we speak
'dont fuck bareback or you aids hurr durr' didnt u Veeky Forums virgins hear about Gilead's anti aids pill yet?
To be honest in a few years they'll have a cure for that shit (that CRISPR thing was promising IIRC). So it's not "being fucked for life". Still, it must be pretty shitty.
Do you really wanna take that risk?
All that money and getting rich and the first thing you get from it is putting your dick in someone's asshole and HIV? C'mon man.
>I also fuck transsexuals
Disgusting degenerate
lololol I have to waste those crypto gains in some way or another
What's degenerate about fucking transsexuals exactly?
spend the crypto on making money irl
You're single aren't you. Don't worry, you'll find one that will lower her standards enough one day.
Why is noone answering the quesion?
Answer: Dont pay less than $500 or you will get AIDS.
Anything else than sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation is gay in my book
lol go to church and stay there please
You should go to reddit and stay there.
More than 20 ark I think.
Anal is disgusting, unnatural and destructive to the body. Grow up closet faggots
Sorry to break it to you mate, but the women you've been with simply haven't been attracted to you.
The smartest and classiest gal will be on her knees begging you to abuse her body if she wants you. It's something that reads like a porn fantasy written by men until you experience it yourself. All of female sexuality is a struggle to find the right man she can give herself to without feeling judged.
>crypto is disgusting, unnatural and destructive to the financial system. Grow up closet faggots
thanks, schlomo
Praise the lord for he shall purge this earth of heretics and corruption.
Yeah, its the good moral people telling you to try popping a finger in your GFs shit hole.
My wife likes anal more than i do.
I dont like to have poopoo in my pee pee.
she extorts me with blowjobs and i give in.
im weak, i know
Real relationships are rare on Veeky Forums. Most either stay with their shitty partner because they know that it is as good as it can get out they fuck hookers.
It's always nice to be with someone who is freakier than you are. Treasure it.
>its only a real relationship if you play with eachothers shit
fuck off degenerate, you're the scum of this earth with your retarded hedonism.
I realize now I understand women no more than I understand how magical internet monopoly money works.
This. Thread is full of normalfag scum. Literally facebook tier
>what are sexual hangups that keep you from wanting a relationship with a girl who wants a finger in her asshole and being able to look her in they eyes after so you have to go to a whore if you want to fulfill that particular whimsy
gee it's almost like you all were raised to be well adjusted in good homes with good relationships with your mother. Fucking normies get the fuck out and go back to redd it
A premium, Unless ou can get an erection in front of a camerawoman , then i suppose ou could produce porno and pa them like 150-200 an hour plus cosrt of camera woman/equiptment ect.. Then ou could rawdog pono "starlets" on the cheap and probabl break even on the costs' otherwise it probabl like a 50%-100% premium on some stinge escort.
Depends on where you are. In the more expensive parts of Europe 200-300 bucks for anal with a good quality hooker.
The former anime website turned normalfaggot hive called Veeky Forums
Get rekt faggots. Because you think going with transexuals is the norm? No it's not. So you losers are more normalfags then me.
Go ahead, make a Facebook post about transsexuals, you'll see how it's well received. I can't because I only have fake Facebook accounts, so it would be pointless.
>ass fucking
Wtf is the appeal?
What about if you want to hire a midget/dwarf gir? Any suggestions? UK
It's more pleasurable because it's narrower.
>the virgin covered oral
>the chad bareback anal
holy shit the soy memeing is real
blowjobs are the Golden Retrievers of sex. Everyone loves them.
Anal on the other hand is the Pitbull of sex life.
Some people loves them
Some people hate them
Some people tolerate them but feel uncomfortable around them.
And everyone approach them with caution
Go to backpage, pay $150 for 2 hours and offer another $50 for anal.
He may have been a pussy but he was our pussy.
Its not narrower you fucking virgin.
Does your girl take big poops or big dicks?
can get it for like 50-60/hour in Bulgaria (30 normal sex + 30 anal). 100+ with a high class escort
>how much does it cost to fuck a hooker in the ass
Get a nice car/house and you can fuck sluts for free
Human anatomy is a new science. I know we can all be a bit confused about it sometimes. But you really should read about it a bit on Wikipedia, you dumbfuck