ITT: How to spot a bad DM
I'll start
>Dosen't include the deck of many things
ITT: How to spot a bad DM
I'll start
>Dosen't include the deck of many things
Which one?
Incomplete Deck of many things?
Complete Deck of Many things?
Extended Deck of many things?
Deck of Portals?
And like- two more where that came from.
Here are some other ones-
>DM doesn't know Orcus's true name
>DM doesn't know the truename of Juiblex is cursed that whoever knows it is due to die in 1 year and be claimed by the Abyss
>DM uses Fiendish Codex Demon Lords
>DM Thinks Orcus is the patron of Vampires
>DM Uses Lichlore from that shitty fucking forum post
>DM using base Monster-manual Lich lore- which is always gone back on
>DM making Orcus and Demogorgon fights anythin but "nigga run"
>Jesters aren't the most broken, dangerous fucking things in the multiverse
>DM isn't using 2e Ravenloft lore
>DM didn't cross-references his shit in older editions to check if his current shit is just watered-down 2e lore
>DM having PC's fight Aboleths that are not young
>DM doesn't let you splice in spells in conversation
>Party isn't fucked in the event of ecountering a Demilich
>That DM that thinks phylactery destruction automatically equals a dead Lich
>That DM that doesn't know about WHY the alignment system is an objective force
>DM's that don't understand Lawful good isn't lawful nice
>Any DM that doesn't understand the Ammorality of magic casters globally
>That DM that doesn't understand what Outsider makeup energies are
>That DM who treats Vistani as 'innocent dindonottins'
>That DM who plays his games using only GP
>That DM that does not attest to the utter clusterfuck that is the Dragon-cult being anything less than the vgreatest nusiance in FR
>That DM who fails to indicate smell
>That DM who fails to indicate intricate harvestable spell components
>That DM who doesn't mention, room quality, upkeep, re-claiming by nature, and dungeon ecology
>That DM who forgets the Angry flyign Kobold Cousins
>That DM who doesn't check his third party references of reworks of older content and the offical adaptions to verify functionality passed on
>Player is a grognard who can't handle a very specific flavor of D&D
>Doesn't run d20 modern
>DM who thinks they have no more room for improvement and won't take peer advice from others in the community
>DM who spends most of his $ and time on minis, accessories, etc. than actually play material like modules and prep stuff
Depends on the setting, bro
>DM doesn't put the X Card on the table and explain what it does
>DM the doesn't proceed to shuffle it into the deck of many things.
>GM depends heavily on modules to the exclusion of original stories.
>GM insists on foisting different gimmicky prep materials like "randomized" map dice and different 'player aides' which are all far more complex than just having us keep track of our materials.
>GM has no interest in minis and is totally cool with just proxying everything even if he doesn't have to and has the potential to make the table really cool.
>GM insists on background music and ambient noises. Especially if he or she mutters.
>GM insists on player props and enforcing environment through temperature and exposure.
>DM wants to make a greentext like story campaign
Not entirely sure how to describe it, but they want to force the SILLY moments. But at the same time never allow them when they go against critical path.
if he makes a post like this
I gave my party the Deck of Many Bad Things.
It's all really shitty cards with shitty and minor effects. Like a cursed card that insults it's owner while trying to seduce other people into taking the card... just to insult them instead. Or a card that gives you a random enchanted weapon... Except it's made out of paper and is easily destroyed/sundered.
>GM dosnt have mini,
Listen here you rich fuck. Not everyone can afford to buy that shit. One would need a massive selection of very exspensive mini figures that wouldn't see enough use.
I just use colored magnets on a white board with the map being drawn in marker.
Fucking rich ass cunts.
poorfags always get so salty
I'm in the same boat you are. I'm just hoping and waiting for 3d printers to get cheaper than they are now.
A miniature is there just to mark your character's place on the battlemat. I don't see what additional functionality one has over a magnet or other token.
>DM is an elitist grog
Remember the last thread you made? When the 2 or 3 cunts fought over the term "Adventure Guild".
It doesn't, other than allowing bad GMs to distract from the fact that they don't describe the things, scenes, or actions, just rollplay.
>OP DM that does include the Deck of Many Things, only for his players to eventually find it, and then bitch and moan when they get anything other than a really good result
The real joke is your whole gaming group.
My players found a strange deck of cards in an NPCs secret stash and were like “card games are for nerds” without realizing what it was.
True dat. If you can't run most encounters without using a map and minis, you shouldnt be DMing, nuff said.
>Party isn't fucked in the event of ecountering a Demilich
Acererak is just another trap. You're supposed to walk right past him and take all his stuff.
A post of remarkable quality
My local library prints my 3D minis in either white, red, blue, green, yellow, pink, or black. I spend ~10-25 cents a mini now depending on medium/large, its great.
This thread: why I'll forever be a horrible DM and never try again.
You're doing God's work. Shit's hard mang
What did he mean by this?
>DM Thinks Orcus is the patron of Vampires
Define "patron", he doesnt has the vampirism portfolio or something like that but vampires do worship him
He gives vampires monthly dosh in exchange for lewds
ITT: people who aren't a part of any games
gee I wonder why
You sound like a really fun guy
D&D has ruined gaming