I am probably 1-2 tiers above (or below whichever is closer to you faggots) a normie although I used to check /b/ every now and then
>Started getting interested in crypto when Bitcoin hit 8k a month or two ago >Started on r/bitcoin but it got filled with all the normies posting Lambo memes >Went to r/cryptocurrency but it's slowly become all pajeet posts for coins at the PEAK of PnD's >Now I'm here on Veeky Forums after finding out you autists coordinated the pnd of BNTY to r/cc which my stupid ass bought Trying to stay ahead of the game, where do I go now? I'm guessing Discord, Telegram, Steemit, Medium but where's the real info pre-pumps on solid projects not pajeetcoins? I'll post the mless link for the vid if I get good info
join this discord group lead by a whale who is a genuenly good guy, announces coins with 3 targets, most hit at least 2, 18k members , we have enough power to actually influence price, and you can thank me later
Liam Rivera
yes, look into the shia lebouf debacles meme magiks and triangles are real
Liam Wright
actually didn't get in til it dipped to 13.8k a week ago because i was crashcoursing and learning everything I could about the tech and how to invest in it. I thought it was just a currency you use to buy shit on the darknet up until 8k then i saw it as an investment
my portfolio is 25% in the past week since I started trading and i've got diamond hands. won't sell bnty til it hits .29 i'm just getting started
Justin Carter
Cooper Ramirez
I believe in the power of weaponized autism for sure and hell I even voted for trump but part of this post was to warn you the normies, because I'm pretty normie, are incoming and everyone needs to go deeper if they want to buy the rumors and sell the news. r/crypto is becoming the news
Aiden Richardson
Lol you pajeet and chink subhumans aren't fooling anyone. Hide behind that computer screen cowards if i ever met you in real life id box your eyes in.
No karma and no conscious. You assholes will get what is comming.
Aaron Sanders
Thank you for fucking up this country
Oliver Rogers
Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up when Veeky Forums posts are showing up on FB and everyone's wondering where these shills are originating from in exchange for some info. I don't even want to be here because I started giving into the autism when I told my dad last night "the jews are gonna crash bitcoin" that's why I'm asking for sites with real information
Wyatt Lopez
just DYOR & literally learn to meme triangle.
>where these shills are originating from they're little shitheads that are like you, that look for pnd signals. stay far away from that shit.
Evan Perry
Just like to clarify that I'm specifically not looking for pump and dumps. I'm looking for solid projects I can research on that I can get in on before they hit the mainstream and long term hold, not "this is going to moon tomorrow" coins. I want to invest in the blockchain tech and applications not this speculative pajeet penny stock craze.
James Powell
do the opposite of what biz says thats literally the only thing you need to know godspeed
Andrew Jones
>fucking up the country
The country was already fucked from eight years of communist nigger rule. Thank fucking god for Trump he’s the best president of my life. In one year he’s done more for me than all the previous presidents since George Bush Sr.
Jeremiah Brown
lurk on here more, lots of diamonds go ignored with 0 to few replies. Just sift through the shit. Electroneum ICO was shilled about 2 months ago everyday - look where that went. XRB was shilled at a dollar about a month ago - look where that went.
Juan Phillips
this is like panning for gold flecks in the ganges river
this community is more tech inclined than most communities so I just want to know what sites you guys check besides this one
Switched out 80% of my BTC to ETH for 2018 holdings a few days ago @ 15k after my first bitcoin move took 10 hours and 30$ dapps will take prominence next year but I kept a little in incase financial institutions do decide to pump bitcoin
Eli Foster
>dapps will take prominence next year
Jose Harris
because blockchain as a currency is working so well uh wait i mean store of value