Stat me, Veeky Forums
Stat me, Veeky Forums
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Stop right there criminal scum, pay the court a fine or serve your sentence.
+1 penis
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Abilities: Synchronize, Telepathy, Trace
HP: 68
Attack: 65
Defense: 65
Sp. Atk: 125
Sp. Def: 115
Speed: 80
Height: 1.6 m
Weight: 48.4 kg
Catch Rate: 5.9%
Gender Ratio: 50/50
>this kills Fairies
Gardevoir (6.5)
+0 = Size: Gardevoir are medium size.
+0 = Base Speed: 30
+3 = Ability Score Increase: +1 to Dexterity, Wisdom, or Charisma.
+2 = Natural Weapon: A Gardevoir’s natural weapon is a psychokinetic burst. This attack deals psychic damage and has a range of 50.
+0 = Pawed Biped: Your species uses two legs as its primary mode of movement. The paws, claws, or hands at the end of their arms manipulates their environment as well as any human, orc, or elf. For combat purposes, species with this trait can use any standard manufactured weapon.
Diet: You are an emotivore, and feed on the emotional energy given off by creatures around you. Mainly positive emotions, and specifically joy.
+1 = Empathic: Gardevoir are able to sense the general emotions of creatures within 30 feet of them. You can use your action to read the emotional state of a creature within range. Your mastery of this power gives you proficiency with the Insight skill. If you were already proficient in Insight, you gain double your proficiency bonus when trying to detect a discrepancy between what someone is saying and what they feel.
I don’t think I ever caught one.
So, how would your typical Fungeons and Dragons lands change if these people were around?
I wouldn't imagine by much. They have psionic powers and feed on positive emotions. Sound like the perfect race for Bards, and would probably find jobs as entertainers and the like.
Alternatively, if people knew their happiness was food for some psychic creature, they might be seen as monsters. Like low power mind flayers.
They don't literally eat people's happiness.
Peasants aren't necessarily smart though.
Fae, ascended furbait.
Isn't that just a flumph?
How would a city if theirs look? Since they require positive emotions, I don’t think they’d be starting empires
How would you play one as a character?
As an encounter?
Shit you're right! I completely forgot about the adorable little gasbags.
I imagine they'd less likely form a city than maybe a temple or conclave. A place where they and other interested creatures can study psionics and magic. Like one of those Tibetan monasteries with an attached village. The most powerful of their kind would live secluded on the mountain, while the rest of their kind (the Kirlias, young Gardevoirs, and Gallades) would stay more in the village. Industry would be light agriculture and animal husbandry. Think lots of sheep.
>Play as one
Depending on the campaign, they would definitely fit into an Adventurer lifestyle that is to their empathic connection with people. They’d easily be able to tell when people are really stressed and would have an interest in resolving it. I don’t see them going full Fighter, but Bard and other similar classes I can see them handle.
God, I miss 2010. Such a simple time.
fuck you Gary
Muk: Gardevoir-kun! We actually share an egg group! Did you know that?
Gardevoir: R-really...
>tfw guys notice your ass before your gf's
Thanks for reminding me of that gem.
I've always had this headcannon of intelligence tiers for Pokemon, with telepaths and a few others being human-tier.
Alakazams are smart, though nowhere nearly as smart as an impossible 5000 IQ just smart relative to the average human, and have a great handle on the psionic field, but they aren't emotionally or socially sophisticated. They usually just use straightforward attacks rather than try to be crafty or elusive.
Gardevoirs and Gallades are very sophisticated with their emotions and have resilient psyches, but they aren't very good at critical thinking and are thus usually easy to manipulate and cement into traditions and tribalism. They are easy to incorporate families into steadfast servants and guards as a result.
Lucarios have a sense of justice and tradition, but they don't really get very far in things related to math such as economics and science.
There are more, but I can't think of any because I hate my body by not sleeping when I'm supposed to.
Do they eat happiness like this?
4 HP + 1d4-1/level
Str: 6
Dex: 10
Con: 7
Int: 14
Wis: 20
Cha: 20
Reason I'm a sexual deviant: 999
I rate her a mai/waifu.
>I don’t think they’d be starting empires
How else would they support narcotic-fed happiness farms?
Gardevoir (3.5)
Medium-size Humanoid (Outsider?)
-4 Str, -2 Con, +4 Int, +8 Cha
Always Lawful Good
Psionics (Su): At will - Calm animals, Calm emotions, Detect Thoughts, Foresight, Levitate, Love Bite (Fleeting Kiss only), Shield Other, Telekinesis, Teleport without Error; 1/day - Heal. CL 20th.
Soothing Presence (Ex): Gardevoirs have a calm spirit that is pleasing to those around them. Unless magically compelled to do so, no plant or animal will attack a Gardevoir. All creatures attempting to strike or otherwise directly attack the Gardevoir, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will save (DC 10 + Gardevoir’s charisma bonus.) If the save succeeds, the opponent can attack normally and is immune to the effect of the soothing presence for 24 hours. If the save fails, the opponent can’t follow through with the attack, and that part of the attacker’s action is lost.
Telepathy (Su): Gardevoirs can communicate telepathically with any creature within 1000 feet that has a language.
Skills: Gardevoirs receive a +4 racial bonus to Listen checks and a +12 racial bonus to Perform (dance) checks.
Level Adjustment: Pretty darn high. Teleport at will? That’s asking for trouble.
They don't require positive emotions, they just benefit from them, like fucking every conscious form of life.
As for thier city, it depends on the tone of the setting. They'd most likely form reclusive villages, thanks to their ability to teleport they can set up in otherwise inaccessible locations. In a lighter setting, they are open, utilizing their suite of powers to help and guide. In a darker setting, they have extensive Will'o'Wisp knowledge for use as light sources.
Also clairvoyance is one of their more noted powers, which is always a clusterfuck of a rabbit hole.
As an encounter:
>Gandalf-like entity with the intent to offer guidance
>Guardian Angel-like entity with the intent of giving protection, rest and recovery
>Fair folk-like entity with alien intentions and uncanny reasoning
>already in combat protecting it's trainer
>misunderstanding leading into combat
>trainer has already died and the Gardevoir is going nuclear
how do you find images like this? all i ever find is lewdness.
E926 and Deviantart with Safe Search on, or at least logged out of an account
Was this individual very low intelligence?
This reminds me of this.
ahh yes, the days long past
Then again, dangerous decisions are often dictated by fear
The party went there a couple of years ago.
My Gardevoir folder holds many mysteries. I may have a problem.
Well it's definitely a psychic type. Statting mons in PTU is a pain though.
+10 breeding potential
Just because people are afraid of the consequences doesn't mean they'd start stomping on dangerous animals if they didn't fear them.
Good taste is never a problem
I think it's more of a curiosity. I bet lot of people would try riding bulls if they lost all fear.
Fear of death being gone means fight or flight is always fight.
>oh shit, it's an alligator, better ru- nope, fight
Horrid abomination that has more to do with ghosts and living garbage than it does normal creatures.
Oh, and a flatfish and an eel. It can be bred with an eel, but not most things even vaguely organic.
Okay Veeky Forums, how do I convince my DM to let me play a Garde without coming across as a total faggot in the process?
And what class would you suggest?
Just keep it under the table how much you want to fuck her
I'll be playing a man, my dude.
Nobody crossplays at our table.
Just keep it under the table how much you want to fuck him
Depends on your DM and how familiar they are with waifufaggotry.
Might have to hide where you got it from and rename it Love Elves or some bullshit.
I found this. I believe there is an original where she reads her trainer's fetish.
That's okay, Gardevoir (male).
does it count as furbait if it doesn't have fur?
if you're playing a gallade, don't play a spellcaster. i would suggest monk. but if you're playing a male gardevior, theres no way your gm will allow it.
It counts as furbait if it is an anthro creature styled after an animal, ie dog or lizard or bird
so does Gardevoir count or not?
>sealguy is getting posted
Looks like this thread is about done.
Onions aren't animals user.
by his definition no, but personally i'd count it. no shame in it though.
You must have never been to /vp/ before, user. Wars have been fought over this.
say it's xeno and move on
>the bulge
It only took like 5 seconds of lookin, step your garde game up
Elf (preferably high elf/eladrin/something similar), with any psionic class really.
I feel inadequate.
My Gardevoir folder is only half of that.
What if it's just an intelligent animal?
This thread was done before it began. It's a thinly veiled pokephile thread.
Feral is still furry desu
Twelve pounds of pussy and bass
252 spa, 252 speed, 12 health
Moon blast, magical leaf, shadow ball, confusion
>the most powerful of their kind would live secluded on the mountain
Ah yes, learning from the most learned sage of Mt. Silver.
>megavoir and no hyper voice
>no calm mind or will o wisp
>fucking magical leaf and confusion
This guy comes in and slaps your shitty Gardevoirs ass. Wut do?
I just dropped the one i used in oras to rush the elite four to evolve pokemon when i was filling my pokedex
not an oldfag, can someone contextualize?
I accept payment in gardevoir pics.
stealing is bad user
In a way, aren't we intelligent animals ourselves?
No I get that, I just never expected to see things be tied in that closely in a single narrative
Was there in-universe reason given to why you can catch anything into a pokeball and nobody tries to do it with a humans?
It is not as if we are special and in regards to "intelligence" there were a few pokemons that seemed intelligent.
It's a squid.
It’s an onion
It's a voltorb!
Wouldn't being able to recognize that you are outmatched not be a fear?
>I wouldn't be able to defeat an alligator with my bare hands, better leave it alone
You'd only care about being outmatched due to the fear of consequences.
You'd be lot less worried if I challenged you to a match in counterstrike vs me challenging you to a one v one shoot irl.
Does self-preservation not come into play?
Or is that purely a fear of death?
Fear of pain and death
Confidence is the voice baselessly sasaying "you can do it." Fear is the voice baselessly asking in the same instant "But what if your you don't?" The key is to balance the two while you make a more objective determination on the subject. Remove fear and you're halfway into whatever stupid thing occurred to you to do before you can think it through.
Gardevoir is just anime xeno, she has less animalistic traits than an actual human woman
Can I play a Path of Four Elements Monk Delphox or am I just gimping myself by not picking a caster class?
If the former, could I get away with rolling a Great Old Ultra-Beast Blade Pact Delphox as a 'demi-martial'?
>four elements
>fire, FIRE, FIAR, !!FIRE!!
Lilligant > roserade > tsareena > gardevoir
The lore is that it has no real bones and its only holding the human shape thanks to psychic powers.
The lore is that it's an eelfucking undead slime monster.