What's the worst way to die in the 40k universe?
What's the worst way to die in the 40k universe?
The worst part isn't dying, it's still being alive during all the horrible shit.
parasite of mortex
Not being in the service of the emperor when you die.
Of old age, in your sleep, and not knee deep in the guts of the Impirium's enemies.
Captured by one of the Haemonculi
The worst possible way to die in 40k is still sweet bliss compared to having to live in it
Sacrifice for a daemonic ritual.
I can only imagine what losing your soul to a daemon must feel like
As a Dark Eldar slave, a DarkMech/AdMech servitor, one of Fabius Bile's test subject or living with the tau
I'm sure there's more but those are the ones I can think of right now
I think be in a specaship in warp with deactivated Geller field when chaos materializes as your worst nightmares kinda sucks.
Just dying as an Eldar. They're perfectly aware of the horrors happening to them in the warp.
The first death is irrelevant when you wake up again afterwards and find out you're a perpetual.
There'll always be a worse death in the future.
Canonically everyone goes to hell when they die so who cares.
i like you
emperor watches over loyal human souls unless they get nommed in a ritual
That's what the ecclesiarchy says. Human souls all appear in the warp where they're torn apart by daemons. It's a brief trip to oblivion. This happens to all souls unless the Emperor takes explicit action (like celestine and ferrus)
Actually, the only worst thing than dying in 40K is being a psyker. See, most of us - when we die - have our souls get shredded in the Warp. That sucks, but it's over quickly.
Psykers? They remain coherent. Their soul stays a tangible entity, now in an infinite realm of madness. This means that basically, they suffer forever. That's especially bad when you read so many books with psyker protagonists, because - for example - this is how Ravenor ends someday.
> So this was death. After so long, it was almost a relief. At last, I was free of the chair.
> But I opened my eyes, and the seething vistas of the warp rose to meet me. Daemons, in their multitudes, reached for my descending soul.
> I screamed, but already I knew I would be screaming forever.
>what's the worst way to die?
>Their soul stays a tangible entity, now in an infinite realm of madness.
>they suffer forever
Literally what are you talking about? Can you substantiate this claim, good sir?
death is only the beginning, trust me
I like you too, 'umie. You got style!
/x/ plz
no, he fuckin can't, especially because he used ravenor who is authored by abnett who has shown a not bad at all imperial afterlife more than once.
fucking chaosfags, you don't win. ever.
The worst way to die is subjective. For some, physical pain means little. For others, torment of the mind is little more than fuel for their fury and vengeance. The objectively worst way to die is impossible to determine, and what comes after is equally difficult to pin down: The Emperor Protects, but is he truly as mighty at this point as Ecclesiarchy says he is? Do souls truly get shredded to nothingness by Daemons, or are echoes and fragments left in the Warp? Is that affected by place and time, as it is known that at least in some places, dead do not rest and shades of those passed on walk amongst men?
In the end, the only objective thing to fear in death is the unknown that comes after.
That has to be up there. It’s like having a hundred chest bursters all over your body.
I was going to go with Slaneesh slave/sacrifice. The whole 'tortured to death by an ancient civilization that thinks torture is an art' thing sounds pretty bad, but then I thought about the hellraiser angle, where the you have a chance of coming out in the warp bdsm paradise style. Which might not suck if you're into it at that point.
Consumed by the tyranid swarm only to have your soul disappear into the shadow of the hive mind?
Being a navigator in a vessel lost in the warp, your soul a beacon to be ripped apart again and again for all eternity?
IDK, 40k has a lot of options.
I have three words for you:
>Posting something this retarded
Get mortally wounded and then artificially kept on life support, unable to die, yet with no chance of recovery, for over 10 000 years.
>What's the worst way to die in the 40k universe?
tfw no gf
Show me on this doll where uncle Abbadon has touched you.
If you include the process of dying, it's the loooong sloooooooooooow death of being stuck in a dreadnought sarcophagus, never to be hooked up to a machine to torture you with unending blackness for the crime of treason or spying.
I dunno that celestine is actually her, it seems to me that living saints are just warp manifestations
I dunno man, if it takes hours for the things to incubate then it'd be for sure one of the worst ways but some sources say it takes "a few heartbeats" and I'd be dead within about 2 seconds that way even if getting stung by the fuck didn't kill me in the first place.
Probably Nurgle's Rot. Since it's a slow unavoidable death that results in your soul becoming a new Plaguebearer.
That can´t be right, the whole point of a dreadnought is to keep an astartes alive so they can fight on when they´re crippled, so that has to atleast a bearble existence, unless you go insane from from claustrophobia after hudreds and thousands of years of cofinement in the machine. (i think there is fluff that describes how old Chaos dreadnoughts have to be chained to walls when off- duty because thy´re too insane with unfullfilled murderlust to stop themselves from killing everyone nearby.)
I think what you´re thinking of are servitors , arcoflgellents, and other ways to make condemmed heretics into disposable cyborg laborers and shocktroopers.
So its basically Event Horizon the most underrated sci fi horror in recent history?
Confirmed Event Horizon is the pre cursor to 40k and the Warp.
>Pre-Warp trave: Pandorum
>Early Warp travel: Event Horizon
>dying in the 40k universe
Nope, getting captured by Deldar or becoming an plaything for Daemons for all eternity is horrible
Well they are kept in stasis/induced coma (loyalists anyhow) whenever they arn't shoved into the mobile scooter to murder some xenos
As someone who lived their whole life in the 40k universe.
>hurr, look how miserable and grimdark this setting is, isnt it awesome?
Why do people think writing this shit is cool?
Normally yeah, but in this case it's the whole point of the setting. Cosmic forces making you feel small and insignificant and all that, sometimes you just want that edge.
>this is what grimfags belive
What happens in reality:
>everyone's fine
>astropath is a lazy pos who just half-sleeps through the whole procedure
>ships goes through the warp and arrives on time without losing anyone
Nurgle's Rot
What I don't understand is how you amerifags don't think or realize it's funny.
The Astropath doesn't even guide the ship. That's the Navigator's job. The Astropath is your phone guy. Fuck.
What is that, a demonic cold sore?
the gratuitous violence can be funny when it's taking things less seriously, but that example is trying to play it straight and it just comes off as an edgy teen's attempts to make a setting more mature by making it more violent.
This is just anecdotal, but I remember reading that human souls totally losing sentience when they enter the warp.
>Descripes demons as "Rape and LEMON JUICE"
Man, I do not find that blurb funny because it uses so much hyperbole and so many off-the wall descriptions. Way to be tryhard and impossible for a smart guy like me to find funny, whoever wrote that.
well yeah it's clearly over the top
I imagine it playing out in my head like an 80s scifi movie
How come it's always the attractive females getting attacked by implication tentacles
Is this some kind of r/K selector deal
Of course, you can't waste the tentacle on any random victim. You gotta save it for the ones that look good in it