Post your familiars
Post your familiars
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well it's a golem but still counts as a familiar, right?
>using ground-bound animals as familiars
God-tier taste
>not having a familiar that will explain the tutorial, find hidden chests, and provide adorable childlike banter during long days of travel and adventure
Why don't you have a fairy familiar, Veeky Forums? Why would you want some dumb animal?
She'll rupture the moment you fuck her.
she's gonna turn into a water balloon filled with cum
As a australian wizard I prefer a native species.
Fuck Disney for what they did to that movie.
what was wrong with it? I liked it
It's definitely one of their best films, but I think the other guy is referring to the lack of support Disney gave the production team, and no decent advertising campaign, which meant it did poorly.
It failed hard on release and we never got number 2 which was almost fully written.
It was a pet project movie by two of their lead dudes, they had wanted to do it for ages. Disney didn't let them, when they did get around to producing it, Disney got assblasted that it was taking so long.
(If you remember the animation used in a lot of the high speed scenes, AND every scene with the boat was using a different, advanced method that cost a lot of dosh. The scene at the start for instance where he's zooming through the city on his flyboard thing. Or that scene from Tarzan where he's riding the vines really fast. Same method)
So, Disney promptly decided to do pretty much zero advertising for the movie. They had one shitty ad that gave away half of the movies plot anyway.
It tanked hard, 2 never happened. This is why a lot of people have never seen it, despite it being one of if not the best Disney films ever made. I actually cry erry time if I'm alone. In various scenes.
a horse with a drug abuse and problems with alcohol?
Doesn't sound like that great of a familiar
The only objectively good familiar you can ever have.
It tanked hard because it's a bad movie tbqhwy
y u do dis 2 me
What movie is this?
Treasure Planet.
>not wanting someone who'll laugh at all your jokes for you
yours is a good choice but I like Kookaburras better
gooby pls
no you
its good, but not disney good
A cute homonculous gets all the girls' attention.
>Why don't you have a fairy familiar, Veeky Forums?
I already have a bard in my party, that's enough fairy for me.
using something with bones that fragile. bad idea
you are both cowards
do familiars have a size limit? if not pic related
In that case meet Frank, my trustworthy golem.
that would suck to live in the hand part
>"Clever girl...."
This is how I fairy familiar
uh bro
Iggy was a beloved companion in the best Genius: The Transgression game I've ever run.
I am the familiar...
How else would fey boys look?
I do have a fairy.
I just don't know how she wound up like this.
Cleave true, my familiar!
He makes good sarcastic quips about passing adventurers.
It's a piece of sheet metal with crab legs. He carries me around and I use him as a blunt weapon.
I named him Segbastian and we love the little fucker.
It was a shit movie. Everything was boring dirt brown, the cgi was too heavily used and not good cgi either. The aliens are super stock animal people.
This and Titan AE deserves no love. It's ok not to hate it like I did, but it really doesn't deserve high praise
Behold: The Borking Elk.
holy shit.
>pony in the background
>paying attention to the background
what are you, a faggot?
It had not one, not two, but three different shitty comic relief characters.
Also the main character was kind of a cunt.
Mine is cute
Just because you can't get her to fuck off and go away doesn't make her a familiar.
Your face is wrong.
That's not what your waifu said last night.
Yeah, she said you tried to show her your dick but it was too small to be seen.
It wasn't too small, just too deep inside her.
Nope, it was deep inside your butthole and also really small.
Was it autism?
The reason you gave yourself surprise buttsex?
I'll remain in denial, thank you very much
Last time my wizard had a familiar, it was an owl named Ludvig.
point taken
how will he ever recover
Improved Familiar: Imp
I want a littel girl for myself
He is a little slow but man does he rise to the occasion when you need him.
Florida man strikes again.
Spike is the goodest boy. He will keep us safe.
Kaw kaw motherfuckers