"My character is a demon hunter"

>"My character is a demon hunter"
>Carries no holy water, has no cold iron weapons, blindly runs at demons and hits them with a sword, never rolls knowledge checks or sets traps.

>I never said he was a good demon hunter.

have you tried not playing dnd

>"My character is a dragon slayer"
>is a level 5 fighter with starting gear + a cursed set of half plate

>"My character is a dragon slayer doppelganger"
>Is neither a dragonslayer nor a doppelganger

Have you tried not being pure cancer?


>Carries no holy water
>has no cold iron weapons
... why any of those should be needed for anything at all?

>Carries no holy water
hes not hunting vampires is he?

>cold iron
thats for Fey

for demons you want blessed weapons and prute force

>he says this in an anime avatar greentext hypothetical-argument-that-never-really-happened thread
just let it wash over you

>Plays D&D
>Complains about cancer

>"My character is a woman"
>Always takes under an hour to get dressed in mornings

Whew, the retarded assbandits are in full force today.

that's the spirit

>My character is an instrumentalist!
>Never practices, carries no spare strings or reeds or rosin, no instrument case, never tunes up

back to neogaf with you

>This is a serious campaign, if you don't sharpen/clean your swords daily, they'll break!
>there's 3 people who use bows in the party
>they only take the string off when a WHACKY NAT 1 LOL happens and the string snaps

I like the idea of that as a level 1 demon hunter, fresh out of his tragic backstory and still smelling of burning idyllic village. You don't get to be Geralt of Rivia without accumulating a few scars, and you don't get scars without being unlucky or fucking up a few times.

>/v/ memes
>On Veeky Forums
You were saying something about going back anywhere, boy?

back to /v/ with you

well, those character are mythomaniac, that's for sure.

neogaf is dead son, now the cretins are trying to find a new home that they destroyed with their listen and believe mentality.


>runs at demons and hits them with a sword, never rolls knowledge checks or sets traps

Does that work? Cause if it's stupid and it works, it ain't stupid. Maybe all those other demon hunters are all just overthinking things.

>It werks just fine

>the dragon was level 1

>"My character is a seasoned veteran who's never lost a battle and always uses the battlefield conditions to his advantage!"
>uses every turn to stand directly in front of the enemy and roll to attack
>gets upset when his character gets killed because he's supposed to be a master of tactics

Modern D&D ruins creativity.


There are people out there who will roll intimidate and say "I say something that makes him piss his pants", but they will throw a massive shitfit if someone says "As someone with a ridiculous amount of skill in tactics, we win this battle by default".


>play system that actively discourages anything other than standing still and attacking
>get mad when people don't deliberately put themselves at a disadvantage
Classic GMing.

>demon is killed
>it gets banished
Sounds like an effective demonhunter

In dnd devils are often weak to cold Iron.
Holy water is useless though as it RAW only deals like 1d6 damage to undeads and denons, waaay less then a regular sword attack.

>Cold iron
Get that shit out of here, if you're going to slay demons you get yourself a silver weapon that has been blessed by a deity that hates demons.

1. Coat weapon with holy water
2. Hit a demon with the weapon
3. ???
4. Profit!

>Get that shit out of here, if you're going to slay demons you get yourself a silver weapon that has been blessed by a deity that hates demons.

>In dnd devils are often weak to cold Iron.
You're thinking of demons. Devils (the lawful evil ones) don't care about iron.

>"My character has high charisma"
>Roleplays like he speaks irl, with low charisma

they probably dont know how to think their way through things often. encourage them to play the character as a true demon expert, not just someone who hates demons. give them the tools to be the best at what they want to be

>"My character has high intelligence "
>player does not instantly become smarter

>"my character has high wisdom"
>player still makes bad decisions

I think there's wyrmlings that would be an option at that point. The upside is they wont be any smaller than the one Saint George is commonly depicted as slaying.

Holy water and cold iron are superstition spread by demons.
He knows enough to spot a demon without knowledge checks. Knowing more leads to sanity damage and heresy. Demons don't use weapons besides their natural and can only be hurt by weapon held by a pure soul.

>"My character has high strength"
>player still can't lift for shit

Exactly. All you need is a pure soul. Also a boomstick.

Its almost like the inclusion of those items implies that in the setting being discussed they matter. Meme posting contrarian cunt.

>"My character is a demon hunter"
>Carries holy water, has cold iron weapons, doesn't run at demons and hit them with a sword, rolls knowledge checks, sets traps
>Has no spiritual strength and is defeated instantly


Depends on the edition:
Holy water is shit
Cold iron does jack shit because demons have DR/Cold iron AND something else
setting traps does shit too

I could see a level 5 character being a dragon slayer provided they were part of like an organization that organized big group hunts.

This is a good point, actually


Doesn't holy water do like 1d3 damage in these games? How is that going to help?

> character comes from a culture that belives all other reptiles are immature dragons, so they kill them to prevent apocalyptic draconic population levels.
> character is "working up to take on the big ones", having started as a geckoslayer as a toddler...

> doesn't demand healing spells for split nails
> doesn't need an extra bag of holding for makeup

Maybe they're hentai demon hunters whose job it is to get brutally raped?

>"My character is a waifu."
>Never takes a dick to the hilt


Is this a joke? The class and subclass you're looking for is Fighter (Battlemaster), a whole class devoted to using battlefield conditions and different sorts of strikes to your advantage.

>not bashing mooks off a cliff with your Shield Mastery feat controlling every space around you with Sentinel
>not terrifying them with your thousand-yard-stare Menacing Strike
>not using your pushing/tripping/disarming maneuvers to leave them flat on their ass, separate from their weapon, and balls-deep in environmental hazards
>not being the hero

This sounds like a leadin to Virgin vs Chad.

It worked for Grendel so it shall work for me.

cold iron affecting demons is retarded, its like wolfsbane affecting vampires

>But my character is male
>We will see about that

>cold iron
fuck you

>"My character is a man-hunter"
>Carries no poison, has no chemical weapons
>blindly runs at humans and shoots them with a gun, never rolls knowledge or sets traps

Maybe he's trying to be an intimidating man-hunter and not a fucking sissy poisoner pansy?

Well, you're not a demonhunter at that point. You're a level 1 fighter (or equivalent) with a grudge against demons.

If you hunt demons, you're a demonhunter. It's very simple.

But how do you hunt something you've encountered once, and your knowledge on the subject is limited to "big" and "bad"?
I'll give you an "aspiring".

Because you're hunting for it. Ghost hunters never find ghosts, but they're still ghost hunters.

Demons also need cold iron to fight. Devils need silver. At least in 3.5 they did. Don't know about 5e only recently started playing 5e

Not when all they've done in relation to ghosts is think they've seen one (actually their mum in her nightie), watch Ghostbusters, and read read the first three chapters of "ghosts for dummies".


>"My character is a trap"
>Carries no panties, has no dress
>blindly runs at men and fucks them with a dick, never rolls seduction or sets traps

That kind of shit can still be fun though. One of my players came to me with a level 1 character called Garen the Dragonslayer. The first question I asked him was if Garen had slain a dragon. He said no, but he killed a big lizard by fluke and his small town, ignorant of real dragons, deified him immediately.
He died early on, but his title inspired new hope that dragons could be killed. Now hundreds of ill informed glory seekers are taking the title in his memory.


No duh. They keep themselves pure for their husbando, the player.

>My identity is an rpg player
>Never roleplays, never runs a game, never goes to the local shop, never goes to Roll20 or similar sites, just sits around shitposting on Veeky Forums telling people what games to not play

>"My character is a man-hunter"
>Doesn't roam the plains of calradia looking for bandits.

What the Fuck

>its like wolfsbane affecting vampires
So retardedly classic? Van Helsing warded windows with it before it became identified with werewolves.

>"My character is a vampire hunter"
>No harpoon truck, doesn't note waterways while traveling, never ritually cuts recently dead, no craft skills for safe-for-now weapon building montages

I like Hellboy as the demon hunter route. Every malevolent entity has a specific existence and force, and must be known and countered specifically.




>"My character is a demon hunter"
>"He is also a demon"

Are you at least semi-aware there are other games and settings out ther than D&D?

Van Helsing was a fucking idiot, also the confusion between vampires and werewolves is much older than Dracula, wolfsbane was originally a werewolf thing the same way werewolves didnt spread the curse through the bite

All result of shitty reinassance storytellers unable to keep two different concepts separate

You cheeky dickwaffle

>"My character is a demon hunter"
>Tiefling ranger specialized in killing animals

I feel like in just about any setting that has both, holy water is going to be something that hurts demons.

>"My character is a demon hunter"
>He actually said "Daemon"

... or not
... or no holy water
... or no demons
... or no boths
... or maybe demons are the one dispersing holy water
And so on and forth. Yet from the infinite number of possibilities you've decided to pick this one.

>or not
What setting does this?
>or no holy water
Holy water is definitely available in OP's setting, otherwise he would not be surprised it is unused.
>or no demons
No player would play a demon hunter in a setting without demons, and if he did, them doing that would have been OP's complaint
>or no both
Both are clearly in this setting from the context of what OP is saying.
>maybe demons are the one dispersing holy water
Maybe, but even if they were that wouldn't be common knowledge to the PCs, otherwise OP wouldn't be confused about them not using it.

You're not very good at conversation are you?


How many training montages has he been through?

>"I only sometimes visit Goldshire"
>Night Elf hunter, tainted by the scourge and (working for the Legion or is a demon hunter)

Autism isn't the sole purview of Pen and Paper.

>make night elf hunter to go through the night elf start zones before horde burns it all to the ground in the next expansion
>first ninja invite of the character is someone recruiting dancers for their goldshire erp guild

I know I made a night elf, but still, come on man.


>Rogues with no rope
>Bards with nothing to write with
>Fighters with no first aid kits
>Wizards with no CC
>Clerics with no ritual tools
>Games with no underlying plot
>Boards with no good threads
>People with no aspirations
>Worlds with no unified purpose
>Existence with no reason