top tier thread lads
wish i could think of something to contribute but i'm sick right now and mental exercise is strenuous at the moment
top tier thread lads
wish i could think of something to contribute but i'm sick right now and mental exercise is strenuous at the moment
They are related to Jews, so yes, disproportionately many people here know about them. Never underestimate 4channer's determination to be able to start a shitstorm at any time.
Soothsayers in the Central Kingdom believe that the shape of a skull determines the characteristics of a person. As a result, birth defects where the skull is misshapen are interpreted as demonic beings.
There is a tradition in some parts of the Western kingdom to duel with your tongue as well. More akin to insult trading, sometimes these escalated to sword duels - while still talking shit about their opponents. It is said the one with the better insults will gain the favor of spirits, even though they died in the duel.
You make giantess threads on /d/ don't you?
I can't see how this can surprise you.
As a consequence of believing that talking or singing can drain the soul, the northerners have no oral tradition, but instead have the oldest system of writing in the known world, and indeed possess several accounts which describe pre-literate central and eastern cultures. The very oldest of their great written eddas are inscribed on great granite pillars, often more than one in longer stories, around which their great libraries and reading halls are built. The greatest of these libraries is situated in the nominal capital of the northmen (or rather, they have centered their capital on this library), and contains no less than thirty such pillars in its central chamber.
No, the inherent violation of the square-cube law infuriates me. I do, however, post in musclegirl threads, not hypermuscle though, that's just nasty.
A man of taste.
The most extreme punishment that can be applied to a northern man is the "casket of flesh". This method of execution, used only in cases of particularly serious crime, involves burying a living man, sewn lips. Not only does the criminal die without having his bones broken, but his lips sewn together prevent, according to his beliefs, his soul from ever being able to leave his body. The men of the North think that in these circumstances, the body becomes an eternal prison for the soul of the deceased, condemned to solitude, confinement and the silence of his coffin until the end of time.