> Be me
> Dress in Drag in an Asian whorehouse
> Fail Performance flirt, accidentally attract attention of fat man
> Fat man thinks I'm prostitute
> Get Natural 1 in persuasion check
> Fail Constitution Saving Throw to escape grip of fat man
> Bite him and miss
> Get raped
> Complain that the rules are inconsistant
> Deny that I ever got raped
> Tell the DM that he did the rolls incorrectly
> DM tells me that it did happen
> Leave a game that we've put 240 hours into over a period of 4-5 months

> mfw literally butthurt

Pretend threads go on

>> Get raped
>> Deny that I ever got raped
You deserve respect for realistically role-playing response to traumatic experience as per Kübler-Ross model, few people can get it right.

I was in this campaign- this actually happened to one of our players.

Yeah, me too.


>it's another LE EBIN NAT 1 LEL thread
wew lad

Goosh goosh

>Fail Constitution Saving Throw to escape grip of fat man
The rest is okay, but this part shows that you're not even trying.

>no saves to resist cumming
Shit DM

The fact there were no further resist checks makes me wonder if it was rape at all.

Are you saying OP changed his mind about what he wanted after the game and just wants to get validation online?

Exactly what I'm saying, he probably fudged the dice trying to escape.

Yes, I can corroborate. I was there too.

I wasn't there but I've heard about it from two different sources.

I was there too, OP was screaming "OH YES, HARDER DADDY" before I left

I was also there. This absolutely happened.

he's got a point you know

Same here, i was the d20, everyone clapped.

OP's mom here. I can confirm that this happened to my son.

Mum you're embarrassing me!

you went in drag in an asian whorehouse


I was also there. This happened. Worst LARP ever.


I was the fat man, pls do not doxx me

already answered


Critfails were a mistake

It's ok OP, nobody here cares that you love the cock.


it's always been a contested skill check to escape grapples, right?

I was the DM, great times

It should still at the very least be Strength

The constitution roll was to see if his body betrayed him and gave in to the pleasure of fat sweaty cock

Was there also. GM actually raped the player to emphasize the weight of the situation

was a fun session

I was the fat man. I can attest that booty was tight.

If that was a legitimate rape your dice would have had ways to shut the whole thing down, user.

Is it possible to play a crossdressing male character without going into a magical realm? Always thought it would be interesting quirk for a character that could provide some extra situational bonuses or challenges, and yes I do have a trap fetish, but I don't want to get into an erp situation or seem like I'm trying to get into one with my group.

>Is it possible to play a crossdressing male character without going into a magical realm
Theoretically yes, but then you'd have to play with normies instead of the crowd of sperging autists that is Veeky Forums

This. It's biologically impossible for a PC to be raped.

>Always thought it would be interesting quirk for a character that could provide some extra situational bonuses or challenges
Why? I don’t see how it would be particularly interesting, what do you imagine happening other than varying levels of disgust being shown depending on the setting?

crossdressing woman is a tried and true character archetype with roots in ancient history

crossdressing man is fetishbait

this is the truth of the world

>crossdressing man is fetishbait
>this is the truth of the world


It's not the place of a man to be pretty or take pride in their appearance or be submissive. These are traits of a broken male mind.

thats what you get for not playing gurps

>crossdressing man is fetishbait
But Thor dressed as a woman to get his hammer back, and Arjuna hid out for a year as a dance instructor.


If your RP stories stick around for 1000 years, then fine. The fetishbait will have worn off by then.

Unless and until that happens, it's still entirely magical realm. Real men aren't submissive and don't feel a need to be "pretty", so there's no reason for a man to crossdress. Therefore it's clear that if you're doing it in a game, it's for degenerate reasons.

But user posted that crossdressing women are "a tried and true character archetype with roots in ancient history." But there's mythological examples of men doing the opposite, and you have the historical example of the Chevalier D'Eon for a dude that disguised as both man and woman. If a man disguising as a woman is degenerate, then so should be a woman disguising as a man.

Quit acting retarded.

People are more tolerant of Lesbians than Homosexuals.

>If a man disguising as a woman is degenerate, then so should be a woman disguising as a man.

It's not. There's a clear double standard, and there should be. A woman aspiring to be a man is raising herself above the rest of her kind. A man aspiring to be a woman is debasing himself. The first is laudable, the second is degenerate.