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Reposting Angry Skeleton to remind everyone to STOP FUCKING CALLING.


Are we actually getting anything before this year is over or will we need to wait?
New Shadespire shit is 2018, Necromunda looks like it'll take up some time and the christmas bundles will probably be another release slot...

My guess is GW is gonna put a few bundles together for christmas.

I also think there is probably gonna be another 40k release first. Feels like the last one has been a while back.



How the fuck am I supposed to do a high elf army if they dont have "Battleline" troops?
Do people care if my list doesnt have battleline

>Been calling my faithful servant for hours
>He hasn't been picking up
>Decide to try a Video call so I can see everything is alright
>He answers
>I see this while he is screaming "I BET YOU THINK THIS IS HUMERUS DON'T YOU"

A-user I~
Also play Swifthawk Agents and Eldritch Council - these two factions have old whfb elf units


How's the skaven cofee, master?

Is Furious Brayherd still good to use? Or is Wildstalker the only Brayherd battalion?

It's gone

>Da stonecatz boyz lookin' like da stonecatz ethernals but wez dont obey no sigmore, not 'no dragon' signs, no tree gravity, nuthin'!

Would taking dreadspears, removing the gold helmet crest, the edgy spiky bits and making the spear a bit simpler be a decent conversion for high elf spearmen? Id then paint them in the traditional white/metallic scheme

Are da orruks the same behavior-wise (you know, all “oi ya gits”) as before?

Also, where’s a good place to get a good feel for the general lore and setting in the novels?

Is death or destruction better?

Newfag here in case it wasn’t crazy obvious

Nearing completion! I would have gone for actual assembly and glued it all together, but I'm waiting to place an order this week to get some white/gray paint and an arch-warlock, then I can use the gray on the cabling.



they're classic orky goodness, just a little more kunnin' sometimes.

Destruction is better cuz it's got ogors! but seriously, next year is the Year of Death lore-wise so they'll get some much-needed updates

Doesn't have enough cream, or so say the slaaneshis. I'm more of a tea guy. Earl Gut gray is usually good around here.

>gw dice



Grave news indeed.

I'm no High Elf player, but don't you have the SpireGuard from Spire of Dawn (which is OOP but fairly easy to find) and the Shadow Warriors?

Wait, I can do orcs and ogres? Nice! I guess I need to look at more than the core rules and website

I want my bases to look exactly like those.
Teach me, master.

What u say?

I think they all look dumb.
The scythe is almost fine, but the chain ruins it.

I don't think you'd want cream in your skaven coffee considering how it's made. I'd be afraid it isn't even cream.

Does anyone have a link or a pic of Lokhir Fellheart's rules before they rolled him into a bog standard Fleet Master?

played my bcr against GA death tonight and it was awesome, with lots of cool moments. will write up a little report like usual later, but for now here's opponent's skelebros kindly welcoming my mournfang into the bone zone. they had absolutely every buff on the charge and it doesn't go well for me.

>Hoard army vs elite army
Tell us more. This is like, my favourite kind of battle.

Here you go user. Makes me glad I saved all the old compendiums on my computer.

thinking about basing my chaos warriors with snow. should I just stick to mainly black scheme for max contrast? what about the cloaks?

It doesn't have to be black, but dark is good.
If you want to use light armour, instead of going straight snow, you can do a different kind of base (rocks or snow for example), and then put patches of snow on it. That way, you keep your contrast, and you still get the snowy implication.
As for cloaks, I find brown works with generally any armour.

It has begun. I am definitely taking my time with this one.

You're a god damn saint, cheers mate. Gotta get this printed and laminated for a few casual games, wouldn't want to waste the model otherwise.

Guys, I need ur help. I want to make an everchoosen army. Archaon is already finished and I want to get 3x3 Varanguards - so i basically have 1600 points. What should I do with the 400 points? I planned to spent them on skarbrand, cause he would fit the points perfectly. Any tips or suggestions?

the mega has them, but make sure you keep them forever -- just in case

Anyone have any examples or played around with flying body parts on a base? I want to have some model smooshed under my doomwheel with a limb flying off for dramatic effect...

pic related. I would have an arm attached at the end of some kind of wire, then greenstuff little droplets along the wire and paint them red and glaze them to make it look like blood.

Considering the size of the models and how small individual arms are, I'm not sure if there's any gauge wire that'll be small enough to not be as visible but still be steady and not wobbling around constantly.

I could try a thicker gauge wire and just paint it red as well and go for a kill bill kinda stream. Curious if anyone has seen any models doing this or have any pics I could use for inspiration

people did that in the 90s.
Some wire and then window color or tinted water effects around it.

On a gaming miniature I'd be a bit more conservative with those kinds of effects though. Make the wire shorter, make sure it's angled somewhere safe etc.

Pin pieces to some thick paperclip, and add gore effects. Here is an example of one done

so how do you guys treat piling in?

Do you allow models to move around enemy models to fit in more guys, or do you treat it as "move directly towards the closest enemy model"?

When me and my opponent get into combat, neither of us really leaves room between our models, so as per the rules, both of our models would be "frozen" and unable to move for the pile-in since we technically wouldn't be "moving closer" to the enemy model since our bases are already in contact

This is how you do it

You have to move towards the closest model, and end up closer to it. There isn't really much room for ambiguity there.

It doesn't mean you have to move in a straight line, you basically have to figure out which model is closest, and end up closer. If you are able to move around a friendly model, as long as you end up closer to the closest model, you can do so.

And he obviously uses the GW combat gauge, which is expensive. Make your own.

I cut a piece of thick plasticard, 3"x1"x2"x1/2". Then I attached it to a retractable lanyard which hangs from a belt loop.

Best game aid I have in my arsenal

uhu glue gore effects

I love how his first take for that video (which they obviously didn't use) was simply stating "If you want to know how piling in works in Age of Sigmar, read the rules"

Here's a little illustration. A combat gauge is super useful in AoS. I never play a game without it.

I use the GW 40k combat gauge because it's reaLLy cheap

I prefer to do it move directly towards closest enemy model.

Unfortunately literally every person I have ever played against does it as "here have 3" of free movement in the combat phase".

my combat gauge cut from spare plasticard in the centre of the pic. very handy.

So I'm thinking about running a straight order list of dwarves/elves/humans but noticed that theres like no elf units with battleline...what gives?

What are some good choices for battle line/elites so on for this kind of list?

For BL, take Stormcast Libs. Not even joking, they’re 100pts/unit and are effective. For elites, the Doomfire Warlocks are strong for mortal wound spam, but alternatively you can get Paladin Retributors for the resiliency instead of mobility.

>For BL, take Stormcast Libs
Swordmasters are better in every way.

Shut up /pol/!


I already play Stormcast, and already have like 40 libs. I wanted to run mortal order n stuff cuz I'm trying to help foster a small aos community at my store and don't wanna dumpster them with my lightning memes

The (((Elf))) puts himself

Besides being nearly twice as expensive per wound for a tarpit unit

You could have at least said Phoenix guard

Pretty edgy

These are awful

The literal only conversion I’ve seen that used stormcast as a base for something else that wasnt fucking awful was a Minotaurs primaris captain.

In every other situation it’s painful. Why would your edgelord Khorne leader still be wearing Sigmarite symbols all over him?

A very lazy conversion

Those are.....pretty bad.

Its cool if you enjoy them I guess, but this just looks like your ruined 3 perfectly good models +bits for an idea you didn't really think through all the way.

Stormjews are ugly with and without any conversion

I thought piling in to closet model was only your initial model piling in. Then the others go 3 inches anywhere as long as they get closer to an enemy model.

For dwarf heroes/hqs does anyone mind if you use a Thane as a warden king? All my dwarves have been hanging out in a closet for a spell

When a charge happens, a model needs only get within 1/2" from an enemy model for the charge to succeed. Getting into base to base is not necessary on the charge. So all other models charge up to a half inch as well.

But piling in models must end closer to enemy models and base to base if possible, but they do not need to directly get there. As long as there model was not already in base to base, it can pile 3" around the enemy to allow his mates to get in, as long as he ends in base to base.

This is important to remember because if you charged 2 units in to 2 enemies, and it comes time for you to choose a combat, keep in mind which one you want to pile in first to maneuver around and get as many dudes as possible in there, because if your opponent chooses that combat first, then he's going to get his models in base to base, locking those front models in place and they can not pile around. Because a model in base to base with an enemy model can NOT make a pile in move

Not at all. But note the warden king only has a runic weapon and shield. So if your Thane has a 2h weapon or pistols, you may be leaning into proxy territory, in which case you will only need to clear it with your opponent or tournament. But most tourneys ban proxying. So just keep that in mind

They are the axe and shield variant. *Looks at dwarves* in fact eveything either has a gun or a shield and 1h...

2h is for fags

So everyone above saying all models must move directly to nearest model are talking shit?

They must pile in to the nearest model, yes, but not directly. This is why, as the gw employee pointed out here , if the model didn't begin its pile-in in base to base with an enemy, it can move however it wants, as long as it ends closer to it's closest enemy model. This is intentional to make it easier for large units to pile around enemies

As I understand it, I've been cheating this whole time.

However I play with a bunch of people who measure b2b not m2m sooooo...

Another few questions in building this pure order "vast alliance of men and elves and beards with legs" Azyr lists 'high elf' battle line selection. While I don't doubt rules for them and 100% don't plan on going to tournaments with this, can I use them? Or are they compendium only? How many free guilders is too damn many? Why do I have so damn many thanes?!?

>However I play with a bunch of people who measure b2b not m2m sooooo...
Everything we have been describing has been assuming you are doing everything b2b

if i can add 1 damage to a d3 weapon, would it become d4 or 1+d3?

>Why do I have so damn many thanes?!?
Are you sure you're not just mistaking those for warrior veterans?

1+D3, a there is no rules for rolling a d4

Not my model, but this guy

Did you forget to post a pic?

I fucking suck, or phonechan sucks. Test 2

I'm on eurlbad of huskstone, beaststone, 6 mourn, thundertusk, butcher, 4 sabers
vs vampire lord on zombie dragon, mortis engine, wight king, necromancer, 6 vargeists, 60 skeletons, 5 horsie skeletons

My gameplan for this battle is to take some bold chances, as against hordes I'm a huge underdog. I put the three behemoths in the middle of 2 of the 3 possible obj. areas, banking on the 66%. the sabers on the far edge and mournfang in the center. He goes first and moves up. I move up to cover the drop locations and hope for the double.

I win the double, capture the point making a triangle of behemoths around it. I move the mournfang slightly up, but too far to get charged by slow skeletons all standing on mystic terrain (I'm wrong). He rolls two 1s for mystical then moves 40 fully buffed skeletons 4" in hero phase, 4" in move, and rolls 11 to charge, splitting his 160-odd attacks up to kill all but two mourn each with one wound left, who both miss their attacks.

T3 his star falls on the behemoth side, and mine falls on the sabers across from the mystical'd 10 skeletons and vargeists. I win the roll, capture with sabers, charge his right skeleton squad with beastriders and wipe them out, capturing all 3 points so it's 11 to 0. Mournfang die in the skeleton combat. Harpoons, vultures, and ice beam kill 3 vargeists screening for zombie dragon on skull mound so that we can have a proper duel. Huskard charges zombie dragon and completely deletes it even before crushing hooves. Ring of immortality rolls 3+ to bring him back to life with d3 wounds (3), heals d6 from goblet (6), heals d3 from mortis engine (3) to be 12/14 wounds at full chart strength and out of combat for his turn.

I'm too much of a lazy bastard to get up right now, I'll post it in the morning.

Yeah that would work, I just used the Sea Guard from the Island of Blood set and say they're spearmen. Alternatively there are quite a few companies making good Elves but I know it's hard to find ones that match the GW aesthetic.


Bottom of T3, Zombie dragon flies charges beastriders on star, 40 skeletons enswarm butcher, huskard, and thundertusk to trap them forever in the bone zone - killing butcher and putting behemoths on 7 wounds and re-growing most of the casualties. Mortis engine and vargeists kill sabers. Beastriders activate to bring zombie dragon to 1 wound, who then gets them to 1 wound, then rolls 5+ for red fury to pile-in again to kill them, capturing all 3 points making it 11 to 9.

7w Huskard on Stonehorn and 7w Huskard on Thundertusk are my only 2 models left and their bases are fully surrounded by skeletons and I control zero objectives. This turn he will score 12 more points even if I land every hit, and on turn 5 he'll score 15 more. Major loss.

The stars landed where I needed them to, I won every priority roll, and I was completely destroyed easily. I took some calculated risks and some paid off (star positioning, double turn set-up), and some went badly (mournfang all dying). Overall a fun game with lots of cool events, and I need to play better next time.

pic related, if you're going to get blown out, at least look good

oops pic related for real.

I forgot to mention when we went over the turns and decisions, I asked why he didn't res zombie dragon on the other side of the mound to contest my point on my turn (the ring sets up back up 12" away, even within 3" of enemy) and rob me of 3 points at the top of 3. He said he thought about doing that, but figured he'd just heal up since he didn't think he could lose whether I had 11 points or 9 at the top of turn 3 and was playing a little loose at that point. He had 400 points of dudes stuck on mystical on the far side of the board for most of the game as well, so really I lost to like 1600pts of death.

feels bad

reading these reports of even these well laid out lists losing casual games makes me terrified that my shitty list is going to get crushed every game. I'm scared to even check out the nearest gaming group at this point.

AoS is the age of 2h AND shields for dwarves.

You'll have enough freeguild men when you have enough people to kill chaos with just body heat like bees do.

>Go to build my Free guild list
>Order all my units
>Total bill: 2x US national Debt
>GW has never even made that many of the model
>Offers me Stock
>Become CEO because value of models was equal to 100% stock share
>Call the Development team into office
>Speak those dreaded words that no one wanted to hear.
>Three devs kill themselves with their ritual chainswords on the spot, the others pull out their effigies of Matt Ward in hopes of being saved

And that's how 8th ed 40k was created.

No but seriously like...2 units of 30 guard? 3 or 20?

Any tips on playing the game faster? I've only done one game and was really slow.

I went to bed after I posted my update
It's the fucking mould lines which take me forever and also good song choices take a long time
Im none of the people that replied but you could at least post something else in your reply besides GITGUD SCRUB

You'll get faster with time
Best thing is just have a summary sheet of ONLY the things you use so it's easy to read, and plan out your actions in the enemy turn

My lgs is starting to get ready for AoS in the spring, I don't play this or 40k but I have painted models for a few people, but that's the extent of my involvement with anything from Games Workshop.

So I guess my question is what's the best way to get into this. My eyes glaze over even I hear terms like '1 up save' because I have no idea what it means.

if youre using massed infantry, for the early turns put a flat piece of card under all their bases and move the base, instead of individual models. its an old standard called a 'movement tray'. if lots of players have hordes of infantry if speeds up the game a lot

sigmar is easy.

units move X inches.

to kill a unit, you roll to hit, then roll to wound. then your opponent rolls to save, and if they fail, the model is removed, or their health goes down.

a five-up save would refer to a unit that needs to roll a five or higher to save.

thats basically all there is to it

I'm not the user that first said that, but he had sort of a point in that you'll need to learn to build that shit faster, because otherwise you'll learn to hate your Saurus. Trust me on this, nothing is worse than fucking around for hours on end with a pile of skinks only to have them disintegrate the moment an opponent so much as looks at them.

Read the rules. It's four fucking pages, that's not too much to ask.

What aesthetics and play styles do you like
From this we can tell your faction of choice

user why didn't you just spray, base and wash them