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Personal Alerts * Your Current Rep Score: 138 (29% Positive) * You have 1 new private message, titled 'alchemy doesnt work like that im returning your gun' * Your Chummer > Tools > Options books list has been unchecked github.com/chummer5a/chummer5a/releases * Cloud File Storage: pastebin.com/SsWTY7qr * Running micronutrient_mix-17147.rcp...
>Watch your back >Shoot straight >Conserve ammo >And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon
You and your new crew walk straight up to the glass double doors of a corp lobby and have six seconds to get past the armed rent-a-cops. What do?
I want to play a rocker with a sonic rifle implanted in his chest that he uses as an amp, running with a guitar and blasting enemies to death with sick solos.
Evan Scott
Get into the queue and hope like fuck those SINs we spent all that money and effort on hold up.
Otherwise our overwatch guys are going to get very busy very fast, we're going to make the news (again), and our Fixer is going to feed whoever survives into a meat grinder.
Gabriel Ramirez
The face throws a bottle to the ground, shattering it while shouting "SCATTER!" since the Chinese Fire Drill is still very effective in the Sixth World.
Ethan Hughes
To explain why force 5 is the cap for alter ballistics, why would use more? Like, no reason to.
Evan Ramirez
Roll to seduce
Logan Scott
>1 new private message, titled 'alchemy doesnt work like that im returning your gun'
Hudson Sanchez
Can I just buy hits? I've got like 30 dice, dude.
Alexander Stewart
>* Your Current Rep Score: 138 (29% Positive) >(29% Positive)
How much of an autistic shitpost do you have to be to have rep that bad?
Charles Watson
Don't know that I'd bother with that level of contacts organization because I don't think subcontacts are worth tracking. You're not going to start using Lugnut the mechanic as a contact when you've already got the shop owner Sprocket on your list at 4/3. Any more GANTZ cosplay?
Alexander Barnes
We park the van on the rentacops
Tyler Baker
Duration of activated bullets and of the preparations themselves is based on Force, for one thing. IN THEORY it would support this other idea I've got where you'd have interlinked contacts between players and such, but that's a super long-term Chummer-as-a-service idea I've been kicking around for online shit.
Dylan Davis
I'd support that. Rolling through my players sheets every session and updating connection and loyalty for shared contacts is a hassle. Consider including varied connection and loyalty ratings per instance of the contact if you go through with that.
Logan Edwards
That'd be pretty cool. While your at it, do it for chummer 4e, will ya?
Gavin Miller
>You and your new crew walk straight up to the glass double doors of a corp lobby and have six seconds to get past the armed rent-a-cops. What do? As we walk calmly through- "Hey George. How are the kids? We're just here to see the boss, could you buzz us up?" We sold out.
Mason Howard
Duration is single action, you fire it, bullet used. Who keeps bullets for 5 fucking weeks?
Carter White
Duration starts ticking down the moment you succeed on the Alchemy test.
If you meant "live prepping" objects on the fly, you can't do that either. The Alchemy test takes a period of minutes equal to Force.
Now quit whining and enjoy your free commlink.
Andrew Reyes
Pfft, if I was going to support a dead system I'd still be tinkering with Chummer 4's code. It might wind up being system-agnostic, but I doubt it. Nah, Alter Ballistics has extra rules where you have to prime the bullets before they can be fired. Simple Action for one, Complex Action doe as many as you want. They then last for Force minutes before burning out.
Noah King
So I've seen a few anons ask about dog drones and more animal-looking drones so I statted a few based on this set of pictures by Robert Chew (I edited them to be blank).
Would anyone be interested in gauging these drones and seeing them ?
Nathaniel Jones
Yo man, 4e>5e any day of the week fuck 5e's editing yo.
>not making Chummer5 support all five editions in one program Must try harder.
Joshua Fisher
I mean it's doable, it just adds development overhead in that you need to specify the version for the logic. if (Character.GameVersion == GameVersion.SR4) {fuckDeckers();} else {fuckTechnomancers();}
it's just not something that really interests me as a development challenge.
Ethan Gonzalez
Simply based on aesthetics, 10/10 would hostile takeover former Zimbabwe
Jayden Moore
Fuck. This is the first run I'm actually designing. What kind of thing is a good "first real run"?
Oliver King
Cant go wrong with an old fashioned gang war.
Cameron Howard
I was planning on doing that for the run right after, actually. One of the players wasn't there for the first session (which was Food Fight), and I want to do something else first to get the party together before following up on that.
Josiah Hernandez
My favorite run to run:
Players get hired to break into a puppy mill in a slummy part of town and liberate the inhabitants. Johnson is probably from the Humane Society or some similar group.
Have some social stuff on the way to the puppy mill to set the scene for the way back.
Have one or two people at the mill. Fight, intimidate, whatever. It shouldn't be a huge deal.
Twist! These aren't normal puppies. The runners have to get a pack of baby hellhounds back to their Johnson. Hellhounds that haven't learned to control their firebreathing yet.
So now the runners need to come up with a way to get a bunch of untrained, fire-spewing puppies through town in one piece without causing a scene. Maybe the people who owned the mill are chasing them down, too. This is the real meat of the run, and it can be pink hijinks or operators being all sneaky, depending on how much trouble you want the dogs to cause.
Fluff to taste. I like it because it has a lot of room for going wrong in different ways other than combat, and it's a nice hooding type run that shows how runners can be more than mercenaries when they want to be.
Ian Hill
Ahahaha I absolutely love this. This is probably what I'm gonna run, hopefully I can be creative enough with it to really make it fun to deal with.
Alexander Anderson
What would a patron to a strip club tip the strippers with?
Wyatt Price
His tip.
William Long
Stripclubs probably sell fake bills you can tip with at the door
Jose Kelly
Paywave-esque near-field sensors implanted in the strippers. Wave your credstick at them.
Andrew Ramirez
The strippers' credsticks are built into their undergarments. You tip by making contact with your own credstick. Sometimes the transaction takes a few seconds to complete. Sometimes you need to look for the 'sweet spot' where the transaction will actually register.
If you happen to hate fun, you also have the option to make a wireless tip.
Colton Young
Or just keep it in your pants.
Jordan Turner
So how exactly does surprise work? It says in the rulebook that EVERYONE makes a surprise check. Does that mean it's possible to sneak up behind someone successfully, shoot, then you fail the surprise check and they pass so they act before you shoot? If you both pass, and they roll higher initiative, do they act before you do?
Liam Torres
That's for lapdances.
Brayden Allen
No, the ambushing party doesn't have to pass a surprise test. If your victim is afforded one and they pass it, they can conceivably beat you in initiative and act first.
Camden Phillips
>Tfw sneak up on the augged up troll, pull the trigger on your shotgun and in the next split second your spleen and your left foot are suddenly intimately acquainted
Parker Collins
>ever getting close to a troll of any kind Thats what ambushes and suppressive fire are for user.
Jayden Gray
>the ambushing party doesn't have to pass a surprise test Depends.
>Ambushing characters are automatically not surprised by the characters they are ambushing - assuming they are aware of the movement and actions of their target(s), such as an ambush on open terrain.
>If the ambusher is unaware of his prey’s activities (for example, he is waiting for someone to enter the room, waiting for the target to exit a bank, watching for a spirit to materialize, etc.), the ambusher still receives the +6 modifier, but he must check for surprise as well, as he may not be ready or may be temporarily distracted when the target comes into sight.
Colton Lee
Who does your runner side with and why?
Juan Sanders
Which one is paying me?
Most of my runners are 'Hooders so probably Blue
Bentley Phillips
Whoever lays out the cash first, and seems least likely to stab me in the back when I turn around.
Aaron Baker
>Most of my runners are 'Hooders so probably Blue Just because blue gives a noble speech doesn't mean they're actually serving the interests of the people.
Jaxon Bennett
Adrian Foster
Post the things your runner is currently *not* carrying on them. It says a lot about you.
Oliver Murphy
Real chummers are the ones who help you hide the bodies.
>スカーレット姉妹の食事風景.flat I'm not even suprised honestly.
Michael Jackson
>geek the mage first >the 'wared up ork smashes your face in anyway
Aiden Garcia
Well, then they betray me I kill them and leave their corpse displayed in a public place.
We need to be civil, after all.
Nicholas Adams
>disable the sam >mage cooks you inside out There's just no winning@
Benjamin Rivera
Always disable the face first. Moral victory is better than no victory.
Cooper Ross
>shadowrun takes place in a time where guns practically shoot people for you >there are people who choose to use a big stick instead Explain yourselves.
Isaiah Sanders
Its silent. Suppressors dont actually make guns silent, but a stick will never make a sound if you use it right
Oliver Hernandez
It's an enchanted stick you can beat up ghosts with it
Josiah Cox
>but a stick will never make a sound if you use it right Even if you kill everyone in one hit with the stick, it's still going to make noise.
James Ramirez
If I kill everyone in a room with a stick does it still make a thunk noise when it caves in their skulls?
Bentley Rogers
That's how I've always envisioned it. You buy some paper money that's only usable in the club and that's what you tip the entertainers (because they can be male/female/inbetween, at least my club would) and then they cash in the scripts for their payout at the end of their shift
Bentley Ward
Hey, to the morons from last thread who struggled to process what I was saying: I was talking about how nation-states are portrayed as heroes for "fighting the corps". Example, some moronic Redmond mayor mentioned in Emerald Shadows that's keeping jobs away and we're supposed to think she's a good person fighting a losing battle. Page 57:
>Sonya Scholl is the mayor of Redmond. She’s usually fighting with the corps here, but she’s managed to choose her battles wisely. And she’s won some (it helps that the corps don’t care enough about Redmond to put their full heart into the fight). Unfortunately, no amount of winning can make any real difference here.
She's the actual problem.
Parker Perez
The rigger chooses whichever job is lower risk. The face and infiltrator choose the one that pays best. The sam chooses as pictured.
Jose Morris
The mage compels both to pay
Jaxon Russell
>keeping corps out is keeping jobs away
do you corp shills ever listen to yourselves
Jose Perez
The security system was tripped and the entire place went up in a thermite blaze.
Anthony Nguyen
Can someone explain the free commlink meme? Don't reply "enjoy your free commlink", faggot
Aaron Davis
some faggot had the brilliant idea of giving explosive burner commlinks to everyone he met so that he could kill then if they betrayed him. /srg/ told him that he's an idiot because a) who would just accept a burner? b) why would they keep it on them constantly? and c) why would they keep dealing with him?
Michael Diaz
Is it conceivable to make a character who shoots bullets made magical through alchemy?
Eli Jenkins
>Tried to bring down a bank and finance institution. >Got caught and were offered a job or they hand us over to the extra corrupt cops. >Now with extra corruption. >We begrudgingly took the offer of employment thinking we could play along and sabotage from the inside-out. >Learn that for all the evil they are doing, they are pretty much the diet coke of evil. >CEO funds social and civic works and grassroots movements. >Their Company Village is actually for the works benifits because they actually believe that happy workers are produc-workers that won't try and stab you in the back. >With explosives. >Can't decide if we want to side with them or not. >See our first paycheck and what bonuses will be for every successful infiltration job >We sell out. It has trap written all over it but we want to see where this is now going.
Henry Thomas
Abusing the self-destruct modification as a means of quietly assassinating any hitherto neutral or even friendly contacts to tie up loose ends.
Just the latest in murderhobo munchkin innovations
Hmm, Munchkin Innovations sounds like a good A corp...
Hunter Wood
I like the used Wired Reflexes 3 meme more.
Benjamin Allen
what anime is this from
Noah Moore
We can discuss your preferences at leisure, just take this.
Carson Torres
Yes but you have to enchant a new set of bullets every morning with no guarantee you're going to use them. Then take a morning nap to sleep off the drain. This could take up to 6 minutes per bullet, each bullet incurring drain as if you cast that full-Force spell.
You can abuse reagents to make the process easier but those are added overhead.
Mason Morris
Boku No Suree-Piggusu. Featuring Biggu Baddo Worufuu-san.
Josiah Thomas
Good thing reagents are cheap as shit. Mundanes btfo
Thomas Collins
I'm not fluent in weeaboo and it's 9 o'clock here, could you write that again in English?
Caleb Rodriguez
>this shit again The world never changes, it just keeps on turning.
Nolan Robinson
>commlink guy's face when I'm a soakmonster troll with 50 soak dice
Luke Ortiz
The more things change, the more they change.
Luis Martinez
I was fucking with you anyway, so sure. It's from Fable, near the end of a plotline wherein things go to hell a little more thoroughly than usual.
Jacob Bennett
I am but not , my post was just memeshit anyway, don't worry.
Luke Nguyen
I thought we were talking Shadowrun, not murder hobo power fantasy with Shadowrun as the backdrop.
Benjamin Bailey
You may have detected the only flaw in the plan.
Blake Butler
New character inspired. Thanks, chummer.
Colton Cooper
Wrong again, fucker. Like the ever underutilized shofar, prepped bullets are inert but magically active for force days, or force weeks of you are a good mage, ticking down in force per day/week they go unused, until they are activated via a command word and fired. Once the command word is used, you have remaining force minutes to fire them.
Fuck, nobody here knows the rules.
Christopher Edwards
I think it's culture shock. Alchemy has been shit for so long that we can't comprehend that it may actually have a niche now. It would mean that maybe CGL can occasionally do something good.
Elijah Russell
This is how alchemy has always worked, save for command words. Truth is: Making the shit still sucks, but now there's a spell to do it for you. No days of scrimshawing shit into a bone only fucking it up at the end with no hits. It's like matrix programmers getting a matrix program to create fake SINs.
Henry Lee
Shofar ?
Hunter Martinez
Magical item. You break it, spirits have to save versus the force of the shofar as a fear effect; it's not an opposed roll, it's 'save versus a shofar's force. To explain, a force 3 is TN3, 8 is TN8.
Ian Sullivan
What spell? Did I miss something, can I create perpetrations without having to plan six hours ahead ?
Evan Taylor
Alter Ballistics.
Kayden Adams
>only flaw I'm fairly certain anyone with an ounce of technical knowhow would be able to detect the modifications, and anyone with sense would have someone with technical knowhow check free anything for RFID tags, tracers, bombs, listening devices, etc.
There's a difference?
Andrew Williams
Drop thermal smoke grenade, activate ultrasound and radar sensor, stealth past them while hitting them with narcojet arrows and injectors.
Eli Johnson
Sarcasm, omae. The Commlink bomber is a stupid idea that would immediately fail, even in the batshit-insane sixth world.
Alexander Gutierrez
>submachinegun in a concealed quickdraw holster u wot mate?
Luis Richardson
>Alter Ballistics How does that spell help alchemy to last longer ?
Sebastian Ramirez
Isn't even a "so-stupid-it-might-work" idea, and more like "guarantee-no-one-will-ever-work-with-you-again-stupid" idea. I'm surprised Johnsons and their fixer didn't just send out a hit on Commlink bomber.
Asher Thompson
How do your questions? Shit man, It's some fucking initiation thing. I don't know the exact name, I buy my shit off of npcs.
David Foster
Do DM's ever pull some shit where they say >Okay, you can have that RPG w/ concealable, but you gotta convince me of it first?
Caleb Brown
I had a troll with a trenchcoat who kept a one use rpg folded up under it.