What's a good system for playing off-the-wall, unrealistic, weird space fantasy with goopy aliens, space pirates, malfunctioning robots, scantily-clad space princesses, dark solar lords and none of the setting baggage of Star Wars/Trek/etc.?
What's a good system for playing off-the-wall, unrealistic, weird space fantasy with goopy aliens, space pirates...
Maid RPG
Rogue Trader.
Seriously. chaos or nids for the goopy aliens, other rogue traders for space pirates, crons are the robots, eldar are the princesses and lords and its arguably more fun for an rp group than the others.
Maybe, but it comes with a lot of W40K baggage and there's little wacky space science since it's all heretical.
Lamentations of the flame princess, specifically the Carcosa setting.
Wasn't there a space version of LOTFP?
You asking for a 50's style, high adventure, black&white morality type game? In that case girls or stars without number. Good luck to yah and have fun.
But girls are fun too.
Que? Is that the name of an RPG?
>High adventure
Do those have rules for SPACE RACING and GIANT CLAWED ROBOTS 'N SHIT?
Savage World's Slipstream is designed around Flash Gordon-style adventures, complete with animal men and so forth.
Barbarians of Lemuria is fantasy, but has some John Carter-ish elements like airships, and it uses a really simple system that I think would be conducive to this sort of thing. All you'd really have to do is convert the fantasy weapons to sci-fi weapons, which you could do just by slapping a new name on the existing shit. If you ever run into bows and crossbows, you could just give it a -1 chance to hit (and maybe that even goes away with people who have been trained to use it properly).
This. Accept it.
Machinations of the Space Princess
it sounds like you want to play West End Star Wars and homebrew a setting.
Go for it.
>it sounds like you want to play West End Star Wars and homebrew a setting.
Y'know about D6 Space, right
It's the WEG system with the midichlorians filed off.
Burn in Hell, GURPSfag!
Oh Baby, you look like a cosmically beautiful game.
does it have force,er, I mean magic rules?
In SPAAACE!, by Greg Stolze.
Isn't that just horror? Like Alien-style?