ITT: The art that takes you back to the good times
Retro fantasy art
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We have to go back
Post something with sexy ladies.
And post the name of some good retro artists.
Boris Vallejo.
Who is the famous one whos name is something like Freza whodaman?
Frank Frazetta?
I was way off on his name. I was trying to google some of his art but was trying to use something close to his last name as a first name.
I'm sorry for the stroke you got from my posts.
Really an amazing piece, my ass are always drawn to the ass.
This artist was a man of taste.
my eyes*
I'm sorry, I've got ass on my mind now and it wont go away.
>that one skeleton directly above the helmet dabbing
Birthright had some good art, so did Planescape.
As a world and a game, Birthright had a lot of screw-ups, but I loved the aesthetic, even if I can't quite explain why.
Does anybody have the image, I've seen it here before, from Diablo II? Where the Paladin is just arriving with a "fucking hell, time to deal with this shit" expression on his face as Diablo chokes out the Necromancer and Barbarian?
I wanna fug that wizard!
Wow! This is a really well made painting, but the content is abysmal.
That elf sorceress just blatantly posing and the conehead guy just checking her out.
The bard is just staring at the trolls, knowing she chose a shit class.
Then we have the paladin in the background politely telling the troll to please stop summoning skeletons.
The troll is telling him he's stopping while continuing to summon skeletons.
This one I assume?
>bumbling white guys getting their ass kicked
>women hiding
>black holy warrior to save the day
He's mixed at most.
Barbarian is Korean.
Pretty sure he's just in the shadows, but I guess that lets you count yourself as black these days.
I love these threads cause they make me go and search for old fantasy art and artists.
Today I discovered Philippe Druillet, who I really should have already known about, or perhaps did know his work but didn't know his name.
>ankh's on his gear
Very subtle.
The dense crosshatching and busy environments in Mullen art makes me intensely nostalgic for something so far back I can't remember it, like I had a book of his art when I was in kindergarten or something.
Bump. Please bless my bump!!!
What fantasy books that evoke same comfy feel as these arts could you recommend,anons?
post the guys hanging a dragon
Dragonlance Chronicles?
Also take a look at 70s-80s fantasy/scifi comics.
The world really needs more of this.
Oh Raistlin, what did you get yourself into, now?
>That "you go girl" face.
The Rules Cyclopedia had some really good art.
>the knight is masturbating
The second fellow in seems a bit dodgy as well.
This concludes my dump, hope you liked it.
Lol that's from Dragon 360, I thought retro would imply like 70s-80s
He went into the Abyss to kill Takhisis and take over as #1 Evil God. She caught him and... let's say she didn't take it well.
>The Mercenary
Hannes Bok
Jim Burns