Um, guys. I think ripple is a scam
Um, guys. I think ripple is a scam
Ripple is Jewcoin, it's literally bank controlled fiat pretending to be a crypto.
Ripple is the only legit crypto boio
Maybe if they weren't retarded and set it as a market buy it sell instead of limit.
thanks captain obvious we here on Veeky Forums didn't know
Big if small.
anyone who says otherwise is a paid shill
I can't say I'm suprised.
Bank scam.
But it's not these people's USD that were stolen. It's Eth and BTC, that's the real money.
Banks don't even view BTC and Eth at their current prices anymore. They value BTC in the 100k~ range, and Eth in the 10-20k range?
>>Hurr durr if they value it so much why don't they just go buy it up at current prices?
Because if they DID they would drive the Eth and BTC prices TO 100k and beyond.
Why bother with that when you can just siphon retard's eth and btc and give the XRP in exchange lmao.
No shit genius. Just hodl until coinbase and get the fuck out.
>Things owned by banks are scams
Tell me more.
>We need to fuck their ass
>Hodl ripple until hueg profit and/or coinbase
>Buy then classic coins in discount before they 5x/10x by banks
T...thanks my lords, when do we repeat?
Checked. Wondered before now how they would get their hands on large amounts without driving up the price. Looks like we found our answer.
Is this only on one exchange?
Oh sweetie...
>implying ripple will be added to coinbase
They just added Verge.
Not ripple, the shit exchange that only dumb chinks fell for.
99% of the time every alt coin is a pump and dump scam... they lure you in to buy their bags so that they can buy BTC or right away trade for fiat
Imaging using these fucking chink runes on a daily basis. Fuck it gave me a headache.
Ripple is a scam but Bithumb is one of THE WORST exchanges on the planet. I doubt they're scamming anyone, they don't even have to because it's so shit.
Dude, by the end of the next year most of alts are going to be there. That's when the bubble pops.