I used to be a hardcore Yu-Gi-Oh player until synchro monsters and the meme of introducing a new OP monster type every extension that straight up ruined the game.
I always preferred Yu-Gi-Oh over Magic or Hearthstone because it always baffled me how they never fucking fixed one FATAL flaw of resource based card games.
That is if you don't draw the EXACT amount of resources you need or cards of the EXACT cost you can afford because when something like no terrains happens in magic you can only give up and that fucking blows when you can only lose, you never and I say NEVER had this problem in Yu-Gi-Oh (at least in the meta I played) provided that you had the right basic composition in your deck (Typically 20 monsters, 10 magic and 10 traps was the best back in the days).
I always thought that in terms of basic gameplay, Yu-Gi-Oh pretty much nailed with its simple rules and monsters being the only thing you need to sacrifice (if you don't take some cards effect in account).
Since then I gave up on card games and now I sort of want to get back into it, the only other card game that would have appealed to me would have been the Wakfu TCG but it fucking bombed.
So what's a good card game for some former Yu-Gi-Oh fanboy like me? If we're talking about Physical Card Games I'd prefer LCGs rather than TCG because I prefer this format now. If we're talking about Digital Card games then I don't give a shit though I'd prefer some truly free to play games over the usual pay2wins like hearthstone.
Angel Carter
Magic The Gathering
Yugioh is just a rip off of it
Ayden Taylor
Duel masters is dead ergo there are no good card games left.
Magic is okay I guess.
Joseph Morales
>I'd prefer LCGs
Check your local meta to see what people are playing.
Be it Doomtown, Netrunner, GoT, L5R etc. L5R might be popular right now since that game just got rebooted from a TCG into an LCG so you may have a scene for it.
Matthew Wilson
>Duel masters wtf is this meme
Angel Long
Magic the Gathering anywhere Force of Will if you are in Europe Duel Masters if you are in Japan
Chase Anderson
>Magic I said no
>Duel Masters Who the fuck ever played Duel Masters?
Cameron Phillips
>Yu gi oh fan I suggest killing yourself
Carson Torres
Japanese people The game is dead in US and Europe but alive and well there
David Long
The Naruto CCG was pretty tight before it got canceled. It differed from Magics resources in the fact that every card could be a resource if you wanted / needed it to be.
Like I said , the games been dead, but sounds like it was a good match.
Bentley Miller
>Yu-Gi-Oh player until synchro monsters and the meme of introducing a new OP monster type every extension that straight up ruined the game. Synchros were not the first introduction of busted shit. Have you seen the third set of packs compared to the first two?
Daniel Gutierrez
I remember when they gave free 2100 special summons
Eli Moore
Gwent is amazing. No resources, no RNG, pure skill and deckbuilding. They might have balance problems but every CG has those.
Robert White
meh. is this a copy of in-game one? if so it's not that great.
Luke Howard
> waaaaaah I got mana screwed once and quit
Joseph Gomez
>That is if you don't draw the EXACT amount of resources you need or cards of the EXACT cost you can afford because when something like no terrains happens in magic you can only give up and that fucking blows when you can only lose, you never and I say NEVER had this problem in Yu-Gi-Oh (at least in the meta I played) provided that you had the right basic composition in your deck (Typically 20 monsters, 10 magic and 10 traps was the best back in the days). Man you're way off desu... you dont have to curve out that perfectly to win at all, and trying to build a deck which curves out well also is a fun deckbuilding challenge in my opinion.
Mana as a resource might have some problems but it also solves some problems yugioh has, like how in yugioh spells that draw cards or wipe the board usually are super broken, while in hs and mtg they're able to exist because they have an actual mana cost.
Also when getting into mtg for the first time the combat mechanics were such a huge upgrade over yugioh... yugioh's mechanics are simple but that means the combat pretty much boils down to "who has the biggest creature". Mtg's combat mechanics (and even hearthstone's) are much more interesting and skill testing, which is also why (french-)vanilla creatures are way more common in both of those games, while yugioh needs cards with huge walls of text in order for the game to actually be interesting and skill testing.
I dont want to say yugioh is a terrible game, its a fun game, but still, its a watered down version of mtg in more than a few ways.
Grayson Rivera
Im the same as you except im not a retard and i actually tried learning MTG irl and went to a few FNM's and got my ass beat every time. I started when Ixalan came out (2 months ago) and last friday i made it to 3rd place.
Grow a pair.
Aaron King
>That is if you don't draw the EXACT amount of resources you need or cards of the EXACT cost you can afford because when something like no terrains happens in magic you can only give up and that fucking blows when you can only lose, you never and I say NEVER had this problem in Yu-Gi-Oh Mana is an element of the game that you plan for, and exploiting the fact that it applies just as often to your opponent is part of the strategy. It's just a different mindset from Yugioh. If you hate having to gather the resources needed to play big splashy game winning cards then build a deck of inexpensive and fast cards that can win the game before the opponent can get settled. Or you can try to build a deck that survives long enough to start playing back breaking cards that cannot be competed with.
tl;dr: Mana isn't just a random thing that fucks you over sometime. Build your deck to manage and control it.
Nathan Wood
Cardfight!! Vanguard
Charles Cruz
Force of Will for Magic without the resource problem Caster Chronicles is a decent Duel Masters clone Android Netrunner is a legitimately good game that has some in depth interactions while not being too complex
Nathaniel Brooks
Castor chronicles is to ygo what fow is to mtg. As in you should try. It
Thomas Gonzalez
Force of Will
Andrew Reyes
Magic.... I know what u said about the land base BUT if your deck is designed well you won't have that problem 90% of the time.
Tyler Parker
Well said user, remember.... Evolving Wilds and dual lands are your friends...
Jayden Flores
Netrunner is fucking baller
Knowledge-wise it takes a bit more when first entering but my buddy and I are loving it without even touching the deck building rules
Brayden Brooks
>Who the fuck ever played Duel Masters?
hey man i did, not that i had anyone to play against
Dominic Bennett
not mtg, stay away
Logan Moore
Not gonna lie op, you sound like a whiny pussy that tried to play MTG once and lost...
Mason Brown
Heck yes, Netrunner. Get a core box, OP. You'll love it.